22 research outputs found

    Advancing Implementation of Nuclear Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Programmes

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    Significant progress has been achieved in recent years in terms of addressing the legacies from the early development of nuclear energy, including the decommissioning of redundant research and fuel cycle facilities, research reactors and power plants, and the remediation of sites affected by past uranium mining and processing operations. Some countries are moving forward with dealing with these legacies, and accordingly have built up appropriate technical resources and expertise, but many national programmes still face very significant challenges. However some factors constraining progress in addressing legacies from the past remain.There is for that reason a need to better understand the global situation and to analyse the barriers impeding the implementation of decommissioning and environmental remediation programmes, with the aim of outlining actions that may improve current situations where progress is impaired. The IAEA 'CIDER' project was launched in March 2013 in support of these objectives and with the support of other international organisations, particularly the European Commission and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The present document aims to support the development of adequate policies in IAEA Member States for decommissioning and environmental remediation, addressing in essence the following three fundamental questions: - What are the motivations for implementing decommissioning and environmental remediation? - What are the main constraints hindering progress of decommissioning and environmental remediation programmes? - What are the solutions for overcoming these constraints, taking account of experience from programmes under implementation? This document, prepared in close collaboration with the IAEA, makes concise yet comprehensive proposals in answer to those questions, drawn from the results of a global survey performed in advance of the CIDER project and on the more extensive analysis provided in the CIDER project report, which was elaborated by expert groups from IAEA Member States.JRC.A.4-Nuclear Safety and Securit

    A política pública de assistência farmacêutica diante das demandas judiciais de fornecimento de medicamento

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    Objetivo: Explicitar empiricamente a colisão de ordens relacionadas à Assistência Farmacêutica; de um lado, as ordens da política pública de Assistência Farmacêutica; de outro, as ordens judiciais de fornecimento de medicamentos.Resultados: O Município estudado tinha 157.384 habitantes. Com 16 Unidades Básicas de Saúde e 6 farmacêuticos que atendiam o SUS em 26 unidades de dispensação de medicamentos (que é a análise da prescrição com a identificação do sujeito que está sendo atendido, pois isto determina os caminhos tomados neste processo). Destas unidades, 6 são gerenciadas por empresa terceirizada. Neste cenário e considerando o período de outubro, novembro e dezembro de 2011 constatamos o registro de 177 itens provenientes de mandatos judiciais e 132 itens constante da lista padronizada. Do total de comprimidos, drágeas, cápsulas, ampolas ou unidades verificou-se 3.627.445, sendo que 1.420.110 unidades atreladas a listas padronizadas, 2.162.941 unidades ao sub-estoque da Prefeitura e 44.394 a mandatos judiciais. No entanto, quando transformados em valores monetários de aquisição, as 44.394 unidades representam R418.930,28eorestantede3.583.051unidades,R 418.930,28 e o restante de 3.583.051 unidades, R 460.051,19. Enquanto que cada unidade originada dos processos judiciais equivaleu a R9,44;aspadronizadasequivaleramaovalorunitaˊriodeR 9,44; as padronizadas equivaleram ao valor unitário de R 0,13. Praticamente todos os pedidos foram concedidos por liminar, o que implica na entrega do medicamento, sem defesa prévia do gestor. Outro resultado deste estudo é que os mandatos judiciais obrigam os Municípios a arcar com gastos que em grande parte deveriam ser arcados pelos Estados ou pelo Ministério da Saúde.Conclusões: Fica a proposta de uma reanálise quanto às dosagens de alguns medicamentos padronizados com possível inclusão de alguns itens solicitados judicialmente. Sugere o estudo que os médicos prescritores, advogados, promotores e juízes se aprofundem no estudo da legislação sobre a exigência e responsabilidades de cada instância do governo. O bom gerenciamento abrange ações de planejamento, de execução, de acompanhamento e de avaliação dos resultados

    Território e territorialidade no contexto hospitalar: uma abordagem interdisciplinar

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    Este artigo trata o hospital como território de organização complexa, atravessado por múltiplos interesses, que ocupa lugar crítico na prestação de serviços de saúde, lugar de construção de identidades profissionais, com grande reconhecimento social. O objetivo diz respeito a compreender o hospital na perspectiva interdisciplinar. Para tanto, buscou-se o referencial teórico referente às concepções de território e territorialidade, oriundas da geografia e de outros campos do conhecimento, como a ciência da saúde e a filosofia. A partir da interação entre estas disciplinas aborda-se o hospital como território de produção de atos de saúde formado por segmentos e superfícies, agenciamentos entre profissionais e usuários que se entrecortam em um emaranhado de linhas de segmentaridade; nós, redes e malhas que revelam a produção territorial; poder e disciplinamento e o saber-poder que revelam as relações sociais, efetivadas entre os sujeitos e o objeto, ou seja, as relações que se concretizam no território e significam territorialidade. Concluiu-se, então, que o território hospitalar, como os demais territórios, é a expressão concreta e abstrata do espaço apropriado, produzido, formado em sua multidimensionalidade, pelos atores sociais que o (re)definem constantemente em suas cotidianidades, num campo de forças relacionalmente emaranhado por poderes nas mais variadas intensidades

    Use Of Na-Ferrate (Vi) To Prevent Acid Drainage From Uranium Mill Tailings

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    Ferrate (VI) is a powerful oxidizing agent in aqueous media. Despite numerous beneficial properties in environmental applications, ferrate (VI) has remained commercially unavailable. Producing the dry, stabilized ferrate (VI) product required numerous process steps which led to excessive synthesis costs (over $20/lb) thereby preventing bulk industrial use. Recently a novel synthesis method for the production of a liquid ferrate (VI) based on hypochlorite oxidation of ferric ion in strongly alkaline solutions has been discovered (USPTO 6,790,428; September 14, 2004). This breakthrough means that for the first time ferrate (VI) can be an economical alternative to treating acid mining drainage generating materials. The objective of the present study was to investigate a methodology of preventing the generation of acid drainage by applying ferrate (VI) to acid generating materials prior to the disposal in impoundments or piles. Oxidizing the pyritic material in mining waste could diminish the potential for acid generation and its related environmental risks and long-term costs at disposal sites. Preliminary results presented in this paper show that the oxidation of pyrite by ferrate has half-life of about six horns. The stability of Fe(VI) in water solutions will not influence the reaction rate in a significant manner. New low-cost production methods for making liquid ferrate on-site makes this technology a very attractive option to mitigate one of the most pressing environmental problems in the mining industry

    Critical Analysis Of The Waste Management Performance Of Two Uranium Production Units In Brazil-Part I: Poços De Caldas Production Centre

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    Waste management strategies in mining projects will depend to a large extent on the characteristics of the operational process, the type of ore and prevailing socio-environmental conditions, amongst other issues. The expenditures required by the management scheme and the implementation of remediation programs will be determined by the extent that the above issues were considered in the planning phase of the project. Several works have been published in the literature concerning the analysis of waste management programs and environmental impacts associated with uranium projects around the world. However, the vast majority do not report a comprehensive assessment integrating the various relationships among operational process, environmental impact, remediation strategy and costs. This study, divided into two papers, presents a detailed critical analysis of the waste management strategies adopted in two uranium production centres in Brazil, i.e., the Poços de Caldas Project (Part I) and the Caetité Project (Part II). The operational processes are described and the environmental impacts of the generated wastes as well as the adopted management strategies and costs are examined. Also, in Part II, a comparison between both production centres is made emphasizing the impacts of environmental and social-economical issues on the overall assessment. © 2007

    Integrated Approach to Planning the Remediation of Sites Undergoing Decommissioning-7335

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    Decommissioning and remediation activities are subject to some common driving forces that influence the ability of decommissioning and remediation programs to achieve end-states that correspond to planned or anticipated (future) end-uses (i.e., facility or site re-use). In addition, decommissioning and remediation programs have common resources needs that, when identified and fully utilized in an integrated framework, can result in optimizing the use of available resources to achieve radiological risk-based results faster and at lower costs. To achieve this, it is necessary that the goals of individual decommissioning and remediation activities are aligned and not conflict with each other while costs are minimized and net health, safety, security and environmental benefits are maximized. Managing the decommissioning and remediation activities in an integrated program can result in enhanced environmental conditions, and/or reduced requirements for additional remediation work, both of which impact the effort to achieve the ultimate site remediation objectives. The most important step in this process is the establishment of the site remediation objectives, which principally involves selecting the best re-use option for the site. Different technological approaches and different sequences of decommissioning and remediation tasks can be taken to transform the site to achieve its intended end-state. This paper presents a framework in which decommissioning and remediation activities developed altogether (i.e., in an integrated manner) will enhance the outcomes of both tasks.JRC.F.4-Nuclear design safet