94 research outputs found

    Effective parental communication enhances parental perception of school

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate whether mediums that become primary communications between the school district and the families within the middle school that focus on major events, educational practices, mission, goals, individual teacher communication and policies and procedures will affect a parent\u27s perception of the school. The study focused on the impact of a monthly parental newsletter sent home to Brigantine North Middle School parents and if, in fact, it was beneficial as suggested by the New Jersey Indicators. The newsletter was distributed to students to bring home in addition to placement on the district website for all to view. The other mode of communication was Connect-Ed, a school-to-parent communication system enabled the school administrators to send personalized voice messages to the BNMS parents in minutes. Parents were surveyed by the district at the end of the year once again to see if views had changed since the newsletter publication and Connect-Ed inception. While the results, with positive responses Strongly Agree and Agree having over an 85 percent approval rating, show an overall satisfaction with the programs, the results show that the area most in need of improvement is the individual teachers\u27 communication with the parents. The parents, as a whole believe, as seen within the percentages, that the school communicates regular events on a daily basis

    Low-coordinate first-row transition metal complexes in catalysis and small molecule activation

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    Enforcing unusually low coordination numbers on transition metals with sterically demanding ligands has long been an area of interest for chemists. Historically, the synthesis of these challenging molecules has helped to elucidate fundamental principles of bonding and reactivity. More recently, there has been a move towards exploiting these highly reactive complexes to achieve a range of transformations using cheap, earth-abundant metals. In this Perspective, we will highlight selected examples of transition metal complexes with low coordination numbers that have been used in catalysis and the activation of small molecules featuring strong bonds (N2, CO2, and CO)

    Estudio de viabilidad y proyecto básico de un complejo residencial de 77 viviendas unifamiliares en el sector R-1 de "El Cahiz del cura" en Aguadulce, Sevilla

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    El trabajo que hemos desarrollado como Proyecto Final de Carrera es un estudio de viabilidad y proyecto básico de un complejo residencial de 77 viviendas unifamiliares en Aguadulce, Sevilla. Además del precio y el volumen de la edificación, al promotor le interesa un anteproyecto para ver que tipo y cantidad de producto conseguirá. Una vez trazadas las líneas básicas se efectuará un pre-estudio económico que ligado a la tipología y programa funcional que sacamos del proyecto básico le servirá para evaluar la operación a estudiar. Ahí encuadramos la necesidad del estudio de viabilidad de una promoción inmobiliaria. En nuestro estudio nos hemos encontrado con un suelo urbanizable no consolidado. Se han tenido que trazar nuevos viales intentando que fueran lo mas funcionales posibles, prever toda la urbanización de la zona y ajustar todo el proyecto al P.G.O.U. de Aguadulce. Se ha tenido muy en cuenta que nos encontramos en un marco nacional e internacional de crisis y desinformación general, como técnicos no podemos estar al margen de todos los datos económicos que nos inundan estos días en periódicos y televisiones, estos datos se han de contrastar y saber hacer una correcta lectura para poder aplicarlos a los estudios de viabilidad. Se ha intentado fusionar todos los conocimientos adquiridos, tanto técnicos en obra como de gestión inmobiliaria y gestión de recursos financieros, para obtener una visión objetiva del negocio propuesto