30 research outputs found

    Early nonhaematological toxicity after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in elderly lymphoma patients

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    Chemioterapia w wysokich dawkach (HDT) z autologicznym przeszczepieniem szpiku (AutoHCT) jest leczeniem z wyboru w przypadkach nowotworów hematologicznych, w których standardowa terapia nie pozwala na uzyskanie dobrych wyników leczenia. Pacjenci powyżej 60. roku życia ze współistniejącymi chorobami są wyłączani z HDT ze względu na toksyczność wielonarządową i śmiertelność okołoprzeszczepową. Celem badania była analiza częstości i stopnia nasilenia powikłań narządowych we wczesnym okresie, do 30 dni po autotransplantacji, u chorych na chłoniaki w wieku 60 lat i więcej. W latach 2005–2011 zakwalifikowano do leczenia mieloablacyjnego 44 chorych. Mediana wieku wynosiła 62 lata (zakres: 60–67). Chemioterapię BEAM (karmustyna, etopozyd, cytarabina, melfalan) podano 16 chorym, melfalan 200 otrzymało 22 chorych, 6 chorym podano inne kondycjonowanie (cytarabina, melfalan lub cyklofosfamid). W 32% przypadków stwierdzono choroby współistniejące, w tym w 71% choroby sercowo-naczyniowe. Wczesną wielonarządową toksyczność stwierdzono w 84% przypadków. Najczęstszym powikłaniem były zaburzenia żołądkowo-jelitowe (77% chorych). Biegunka III-IV stopnia wystąpiła u 24 chorych (55%), przedłużone powyżej 7 dni wymioty u 17 chorych (40%). Zmiany śluzówkowe jamy ustnej III-IV stopnia obserwowano u 15 chorych (34%). Gorączka neutropeniczna (59%), z sepsą wystąpiła u 1 chorego (2%). Powikłania kardiologiczne stwierdzono u 4 chorych (9%). Mediana czasu hospitalizacji wynosiła 21 dni (16–44). Jeden chory zmarł z powodu toksyczności związanej z autotransplantacją (2%). We wczesnym okresie potransplantacyjnym, u chorych powyżej 60. roku HDT towarzyszy znaczna toksyczność narządowa. Do najczęstszych niehematologicznych objawów ubocznych leczenia mieloablacyjnego należą powikłania z przewodu pokarmowego, gorączka neutropeniczna, powikłania kardiologiczne. Przy niskiej śmiertelności okołoprzeszczepowej (2%) HDT jest procedurą bezpieczną dla osób starszych.Early non-haematological toxicity of high dose therapy (HDT) and autologous haematopoietic cell transplantation (autoHCT) can be more hazardous in older patients (pts) with comorbidities. The aim of the study was to analyze incidence and grade of the organ-related early complications up to 30 days post-transplant period in elderly lymphoma patients. Between January 2005 and November 2011, 44 consecutive lymphoma pts underwent HDT followed by autoHCT. Median age of pts was 62 years (range 60–67). Conditioning regimens were: BEAM(carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine, melphalan) in 16, melphalan 200 in 22, cytarabine, melphalan or cyclophosphamide – in 6 pts. 32% pts had comorbidities: in 71% cardiovascular. Early non-haematologic complications within 30 days after autoHCT were reported in 84% of pts. The most common events were gastrointestinal (77%): 55% pts had prolonged (more than 7 days) diarrhoea grade III—IV, nausea and vomiting occurred in 40% of pts, 50% of pts demonstrated mucositis (grade III—IV in 34% of pts). Neutropenic fever was reported in 59% of pts with sepsis in 1.9% of pts. Cardiac events occurred in 9% of pts. Median hospitalization was 21 days (range 16—45). One patient died from transplanted related toxicity. HDT resulted in high incidence of non-hematologic toxicity in elderly patients during early post-transplant period. The toxicity of this procedure is acceptable, with mortality rate of only 2% in the elderly transplanted patients. The most common toxicities were: neutropenic fever, gastrointestinal toxicity and cardiac complication

    The Composition of the Cuticular and Internal Free Fatty Acids and Alcohols from Lucilia sericata Males and Females

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    GC, GC–MS, and HPLC–LLSD analyses were used to identify and quantify cuticular and internal lipids in males and females of the blow-fly (Lucilia sericata). Sixteen free fatty acids, seven alcohols and cholesterol were identified and quantitatively determined in the cuticular lipids of L. sericata. Cuticular fatty acids ranged from C6 to C20 and included unsaturated entities such as 16:1n-9, 18:1n-9, 20:4n-3 and 20:5n-3. Cuticular alcohols (only saturated and even-numbered) ranged from C12 to C20 in males and C10 to C22 in females. Only one sterol was found in the cuticular lipids of both males and females. 23 free fatty acids, five alcohols and cholesterol were identified in the internal lipids. Internal fatty acids were present in large amounts—7.4 mg/g (female) and 10.1 mg/g (male). Only traces of internal alcohols (from C14 to C26 in males, from C14 to C22 in females) were found in L. sericata. Large amounts of internal cholesterol were identified in L. sericata males and females (0.49 and 0.97 mg/g of the insect body, respectively)

    We Do Not Like It: A Likert-Type Scale Survey on the Attitudes of a Young Population towards the Transhumanistic Theory of Education

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    Transhumanists assume that future education may be purely based on technological stimulation. The question is: Do potential clients of education “like” such vision? In order to check this, we asked over one thousand two hundred young Poles to evaluate their identification with the transhumanistic theory of education. The results are quite surprising: its show that they disagree with the assumptions of this theory, while they rather agree with the postulates of more traditional (and no technology-based) concepts of education

    Impact of Tetrazolium Ionic Liquid Thermal Decomposition in Solvothermal Reaction on the Remarkable Photocatalytic Properties of TiO<sub>2</sub> Particles

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) could serve as a structuring agent, a solvent, or a source of dopant during solvothermal synthesis of semiconductors particles. To understand the role of IL during formation of TiO2 particles, it is necessary to study the stability of this IL in solvothermal synthesis conditions, as well as studying the surface properties of formed TiO2 particles. In view of this, the effect of the 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride IL ([TPTZ][Cl]) thermal decomposition during the solvothermal reaction and IL content in the reaction system on photoactivity of TiO2 microparticles has been systematically investigated. The samples obtained by using [TPTZ][Cl] exhibited remarkable photocatalytic properties in phenol degradation reaction under visible light. HPLC analysis of the solvothermal reaction medium and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of TiO2 particles revealed that [TPTZ][Cl] was decomposed completely and was incorporated into the TiO2 lattice. Generally, increasing the reaction time (1, 4, 12, and 24 h) promoted the TiO2 microspheres formation, as well as raising the visible light-induced photocatalytic activity of the photocatalysts. Longer reaction time was also accompanied by an increase in the efficiency of 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride decomposition. The properties of the photocatalysts were investigated by means of UV-VIS diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), BET surface area measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis, and XPS

    Selenium, copper, and zinc concentrations in the raw and processed meat of edible land snails harvested in Poland

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    Introduction: The objective of the present research was to carry out a comparative assessment of copper, zinc, and selenium concentrations in the meat of edible land snails collected in Poland (Helix pomatia, Cornu aspersum maxima, and Cornu aspersum aspersum), as well as to determine the effect of preliminary processing of Roman snails (Helix pomatia) on the content of the aforementioned elements. Material and Methods: In the first stage, determinations were made on unprocessed snail meat. In the second stage, the study focused on Roman snails and consisted in an additional evaluation of frozen meat after full processing. Zinc and copper contents were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry and the selenium content was established by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: The selenium content differed significantly among all three species. The copper content in Roman snails differed significantly from that in farmed snails. No significant difference in the zinc level was noted among the three snail species. The selenium content in raw and processed meat of Roman snails did not show any significant difference while the copper and zinc level was significantly higher in processed meat samples. Conclusion: The present research on the meat of edible snails showed different levels of selenium, copper, and zinc, depending on the species, collection site, and subjection to processing

    Fatty acid profile in fat obtained from edible part of land snails harvested in Poland

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    Introduction: The objective was to determine the content of fatty acids in edible snail fat by snail species, collection site, and processing stage

    1-Methyl-3-octylimidazolium Chloride—Sorption and Primary Biodegradation Analysis in Activated Sewage Sludge

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) are known to be non-volatile and thus to have low potential for atmospheric contamination or intoxication of humans by inhalation. However ILs have the potential to contaminate soil and water as they might be water soluble and can be sorbed onto solids. The investigation of possible natural ways of reducing the concentration of ILs in the environment is of high importane, especially because the requirement for biodegradable chemicals increases, together with pressure for reduction of incineration and landfill waste. It was found that the upper concentration threshold for primary biodegradation of 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium chloride is 0.2 mM. At higher concentrations the dehydrogenase activity of the cells dropped markedly, indicating that the IL inhibits cell activity. This concentration is in good agreement with the minimal inhibitory concentration of the same compound found for a series of bacteria and fungi by this research group. The sorption of 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium chloride was found to be significant, and the sorption coefficient was determined to be 98.2 L kg-1

    Trichothecenes Production by Entomopathogenic Fungus Conidiobolus Coronatus

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    Entomo pathogenic fungi are of particular interest now as the likely source of a new class of insecticides. This interest stems from the fact that these organisms naturally present in the environment, in most cases selectively affect specific organisms, and metabolites produced by them do not pass into the food chain. Using naturally or artificially introduced organisms to reduce populations of arthropod pests, provide you more than ever the security of the consumers as well as crops and the environment. This is particularly important from the point of view of organic farming, in which there is a need to extend the scope of alternatives against harmful insects. Careful study of the selection of organisms used, as well as the methods of their application are necessary for the efficient and safe prevent losses caused by the pests. Much attention is paid to these issues, with a view to both human health and reducing exposure to unintended infections other living organisms, non-target conservation measures. The aim of this study was to identify toxic metabolites from trichothecene group produced by the parasitic fungus Conidiobolus coronatus. The results of our study allow conclude that the T-2 toxin is present in C. coronatus extract. It was also shown that C. coronatus produced higher amount of trichothecenes when is grown on LB medium. The optimal temperature for production of both T-2 and HT-2 by C. coronatus was 20°C. However, the pH value is the same for grown of C. coronatus mycelium and trichothecenes production. In any of the tested extracts DON and NIV was not detected. Toxicity of C. coronatus homogenates and post-incubation filtrates to G. mellonela larvae and Sf9 cells was also determined.</p