43 research outputs found

    Ferrocene bioconjugates with amino acids and carbohydrates

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    U prvom dijelu rada opisana je sinteza i konformacijska svojstva biokonjugata 21-32 [izvedenih kondenzacijom ferocen-1,1-diamina (Fcda) i prirodnih peptida Ala-Pro i Pro-Ala] i njihovih prekursora 1-14. Pripravljeni spojevi podvrgnuti su spektroskopskoj analizi (IR-, NMR- i CD-spektroskopija) i DFT-modeliranju da bi se ispitao utjecaj slijeda i kiralnosti prirodnih aminokiselina te N-terminalnih zaštitnih skupina na njihov konformacijski prostor. Pokazalo se da (i) peptidi 21-32 [Y-(AA) n-NH-Fn-NH-(AA)m-Y, Fn = ferocenilen, AA = D(L)-Pro, D(L)-Ala, Y = Ac (acetil), Boc (tert-butoksikarbonil), m,n = 1, 2] uspostavljaju interlančane intramolekulske vodikove veze (IHB) kojima se induciraju ß- i -okreti te (ii) da se promjena kiralnosti i slijeda prirodnih aminokiselina kao i zaštitnih skupina odražava na IHB-obrasce. U drugom dijelu disertacije, posvećenom konjugatima ferocenâ s ugljikohidratima, opisana je sinteza ferocenskih muropeptida N-Ac-(izo)Mur-NH-Fn-R, (44-48, Mur = muraminska kiselina, R = H, COOMe, NHAc) te konjugata N-Ac-Mur-L(D)-Ala-Fca-OMe (49-52), analoga muramildipeptida (MDP, N-Ac-Mur-Ala-izoGln). Spektroskopskom analizom potkrijepljenom DFT-računima utvrđen je utjecaj organometalnog fragmenta na konformacijska svojstva rezultirajućih konjugata. Nadalje, opisana je sinteza esterskih (61-66) i amidnih konjugata ferocenâ i manoze (67-72) koji su se pokazali inhibitorima hemaglutinacije Escherichie coli.In the first part of this dissertation the synthesis and conformational analysis of bioconjugates 21-32 [derived by condensation of ferrocene-1,1-diamine (Fcda) with natural peptides Ala-Pro and Pro-Ala] and their precursors 1-14 are described. In order to explore the impact of chirality and sequence of amino acids, as well as effect of N-protecting groups on conformational space of prepared compounds, the detailed conformational analysis (IR, NMR and CD spectroscopy, DFT calculations) was performed. It was demonstrated that (i) peptides 21-32 [Y-(AA) n -NH-Fn-NH-(AA)-Y, Fn = ferrocenylene, AA = D(L)-Pro, D(L)-Ala, Y = Ac(acetyl), Boc (tert-butoxycarbonyl), m,n = 1, 2] form ß- and -turns through intermolecular m hydrogen bonding (IHB) and (ii) chirality and sequence of amino acids as well as protecting groups affect the IHB motifs. In the second part of this dissertation, dealing with bioconjugates of ferrocenes and carbohydrates, the synthesis of ferrocene muropeptides N-Ac-(iso)Mur-NH-Fn-R, (44-48, Mur = muramic acid, R = H, COOMe, NHAc) and conjugates N-Ac-Mur-L(D)-Ala-Fca-OMe (49-52), an analogues of muramyl dipeptide (MDP, N-Ac-Mur-Ala-isoGln), was desribed. The influence of an organometallic moiety on the conformational properties of the synthesized compounds was examined by spectroscopic analysis corroborated with DFT modeling. Furthermore, the synthesis and inhibitory potency of ester and amide conjugates of ferrocene and mannose (67-72) toward Escherichia coli were presented

    Petrological, petrophysical and geochemical features of the Miocene deposits of Požega Valley : master’s thesis

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    Požeška kotlina izrazito je pogodne lokacije za uočavanje i analizu geoloških i geomorfoloških specifičnosti prostora. U ovom radu određene su petrofizikalne analize površinskih uzoraka Požeške kotline i okolnih gorja. Analizama je podvrgnuto oko 50 uzoraka raznih tipova klastičnih sedimenata uzorkovanih prilikom terenskog istraživanja. Napravljene su mikroskopske analize na preparatima prikupljenih uzoraka, analize mokrog sijanja, analize mjerenja poroznosti i propusnosti te geokemijske analize koje su obavljene u laboratoriju INA d.d. Analizama mokrog sijanja ustanovljeno je kako većina fosilnog sadržaja pripada marinskom tipu okoliša. Analize poroznosti i propusnosti dale su dobre rezultate gledajući sa stajališta kolektorskih stijena, dok je geokemijskim analizama utvrđeno kako dva uzorka pripadaju matičnim stijenama skromnog potencijala za davanje ugljikovodika, dok jedan uzorak predstavlja odličnu matičnu stijenu.Požega Valley is a particularly suitable location for observing and analysing geological and geomorphological specificity of area. In this thesis petrophysical analyses of surface samples of Požega Valley and surrounding mountains have been determined. About 50 various types samples of clastic sediments sampled during field research were subjected to analysis. Microscopic analysis were carried out on preparations collected samples, also wet sieving analysis, permeability and porosity measurement analysis, and geochemical analysis which were carried out in INA d.d. laboratories. Wet sieving analysis have determined that most of fossil content belongs to marine type of environment. Permeability and porosity analysis gave good results from collector rocks point of view, while geochemical analysis have confirmed that two samples belong to source rock of modest potential for giving hydrocarbons, and one sample that represent excellent source rock

    Priča o klorokinu u prvoj godini pandemije COVIDA-19

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    The emergence of COVID-19 has caused worldwide concern due to its high infectivity and mortality. Research groups around the world have prioritised drug development against COVID-19. Repurposing of already approved drugs, including the antimalarial drug chloroquine, has attracted considerable attention. The aim of this article is to (i) provide an overview of the recent chemical methods used to synthesise chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, and (ii) provide insight into the data collected in 2020 on their efficacy against COVID-19. Unfortunately, the promising early results have not been confirmed and a clear and unambiguous conclusion on their clinical efficacy has not yet been drawn.Pojava COVIDA-19 uzrokovala je globalnu zabrinutost zbog visoke zaraznosti i mortaliteta. Stoga je razvoj lijekova protiv COVIDA-19 postao prioritet istraživačkim skupinama diljem svijeta. Pri tom je posebnu pozornost privukla moguća prenamjena prethodno odobrenih lijekova, uključujući i antimalarijski lijek klorokin. Cilj ovog rada je (i) prikazati pregled recentnih kemijskih metoda primijenjenih za sintezu klorokina i hidroksiklorokina te (ii) dati uvid u podatke o njihovoj učinkovitosti protiv COVIDA-19 prikupljene tijekom 2020. Nažalost, početni obećavajući rezultati nisu potvrđeni, a jasni i nedvosmisleni zaključci o kliničkoj učinkovitosti klorokina i hidroksiklorokina još nisu postignuti


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    Field trials were set during a two year period under field conditions in Osijek. The aim was to confirm an influence of irrigation rate, nitrogen (N) fertilization and soybean varieties on seed yield and some yield components. The irrigation treatments were: control (A1); soil moisture content from 60% to 100% retention water capacity (RWC, A2) and soil moisture content from 80% to 100% RWC (A3). Rate of N was sub sub-factor: 0 (B1); 100 (B2) and 200 kg N ha-1 (B3), were applied. Una (C1) and Anica (C2) soybean varieties were a sub-sub factor (C). Mean soybean seed yields were 3082 kg ha-1 and 3538 kg ha-1 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Irrigation resulted high statistically influence in soybean seed yield in both investigated years. Variety Una yielded (3179 kg ha-1) statistically very higher than Anica in 2006. Irrigation had significant effect in pod number plant-1 only in year 2007. Interactions AB and AC were significant in pod number plant-1, in one year, while BC interaction was in both years. Thousand seed weight (g) resulted in significant effect in irrigation treatment in both years, N fertilization effect in year 2007, while variety Una had highly significant higher value than variety Anica, in both years. Irrigation, N fertilization and variety had statistical very significant influence on seed weight plant-1 in one year, only. Seed weight plant-1 interaction effects AB, BC and ABC were very significant in one year, while BC interaction was in both years. Irrigation and variety had significant influence on seed number plant-1 in both years, while interactions AB, AC, BC and ABC showed significant effect in both years or very significant once.Na području Osijeka tijekom dvije godine postavljeni su poljski pokusi. Cilj je rada bio utvrditi utjecaj navodnjavanja, gnojidbe dušikom (N) i kultivara soje na urod i neke komponente uroda. Varijante navodnjavanja bile su kontrola (A1); održavanje sadržaja vode u tlu od 60% do 100% retencijskoga kapaciteta za vodu (RKV, A2) i održavanje sadržaja vode u tlu od 80% do 100% RKV (A3). Količina N bio je podfaktor: 0 kg N ha-1 (B1); 100 (B2) i 200 kg N ha-1 (B3). Sorte Una (C1) i Anica (C2) bile su pod-podfaktor (C). Prosječan urod zrna soje bio je 3082 i 3538 kg ha-1 2006., odnosno 2007. godine. Navodnjavanje je rezultiralo statistički vrlo značajnom razlikom u urodu zrna soje u obje godine. Sorta Una imala je (3179 kg ha-1) statistički značajno veći urod od Anice u 2006. godini. Navodnjavanje je rezultiralo statistički značajnom razlikom u broju mahuna po biljci samo u 2007. godini. Interakcija AB i AC na broj mahuna po biljci bila je statistički značajna u jednoj godini, a interakcija BC u obje godine. Masa tisuću zrna (g) rezultirala je značajnim učinkom navodnjavanja u obje godine, učinak gnojidbe N u 2007. godini, dok je sorta Una bila vrlo značajno veća od Anice u obje godine. Navodnjavanje, gnojidba N i sorta soje rezultiralo je sa statistički značajnom masom zrna po biljci samo u jednoj godini. Interakcije AB, BC i ABC bile su vrlo značajne u masi zrna po biljci u jednoj godini, dok je interakcija BC bila značajna u obje godine. Navodnjavanje i sorta soje rezultirali su vrlo značajnim utjecajem na broj zrna po biljci u obje godine istraživanja, dok su interakcije AB, AC, BC i ABC bile značajne u obje godine ili vrlo značajne u jednoj godini

    Application of artificial neural networks for lithofacies determination based on limited well data

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    Lithofacies definition in the subsurface is an important factor in modeling, regardless of the scale being at reservoir or basin level. In areas with low exploration level, modeling of lithofacies distribution presents a complicated task as very few inputs are available. For this purpose, a case study in the Požega Valley was selected with only one existing well and several seismic sections within an area covering roughly 850 km2. For the task of expanding the input data set for lithofacies modeling, neural network analysis was performed that incorporated interpreted lithofacies (sandstone, siltite, marl, and breccia-conglomerate) in a single well and attribute data gathered from a seismic section. Three types of different neural networks were used for the analysis: multilayer perceptron, radial-basis function, and probabilistic neural network. As a result, three lithofacies models were built alongside a seismic section based upon predictions acquired from the neural networks. Three lithofacies were successfully predicted on the section while the breccia-conglomerate was either missing or underpredicted and mostly positioned in a geologically invalid interval. Results obtained by single networks differed from one another, which indicated that a result from a single network should not be treated as representative; thus, the facies distribution for modeling should be acquired from either an ensemble of neural networks or several neural networks. Analysis showed the initial potential of the usability of neural networks and seismic attribute analysis on vintage seismic sections with possible drawbacks of the applications being pointed out

    Synthesis and Biological Activity of Mannose Conjugates with 1-Adamantamine and Ferrocene Amines

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    Pure α- and β-anomers of O-mannosyl conjugates with 1-adamantamine and ferrocene amines were prepared. The sugar moiety in these glycoconjugates is connected to the amine by a chiral linker (methyl (R)-3-hydroxy-2-methyl propanoate and/or methyl (S)-3-hydroxy-2-methyl propanoate). The α-D-mannopyranosides with adamantane and ferrocene aglycon parts were tested using the hemagglutination assay (inhibition of the agglutination of guinea pig erythrocytes by type 1 fimbriated E. coli HB101 (pPKl4)). All glycoconjugates showed inhibitory potencies in the mM range

    Deposition of Photocatalytically Active ZnO Films on Substrates of Varying Geometries

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    Ispitivan je način priprave fotokatalitički aktivnog ZnO sloja taloženjem iz otopine. Slojevi bazičnog cinkova acetata (LBZA) uspješno su naneseni na podloge različitih morfologija, a prethodna hidroliza podloge pogoduje dobivanju debljih i čvršće vezanih slojeva. No postupak priprave znatno je osjetljiv na varijacije u uvjetima što čini prevlačenje većih površina zahtjevnijim. Reproducibilnost fotokatalitičke aktivnosti ZnO slojeva dobivenih žarenjem LBZA slaba je i varira do 50 %, bez jasne pravilnosti. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Preparation of photocatalytically active ZnO layer by chemical bath deposition was investigated. Layers of layered basic zinc acetate (LBZA) were successfully deposited on substrates of varying morphologies, and the substrate hydrolysis led to formation of thicker and better adhering layers. However, the process was quite sensitive to variations in conditions, which makes coating of larger surfaces more challenging. Photocatalytic activity of ZnO layers obtained from LBZA by calcining had poor reproducibility, varying up to 50 % without obvious regularity. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Učinak flavonoida na simbiozu hidre i alge i primjena navedenog eksperimenta u školama

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    Hydra (Cnidaria) is a cosmopolite freshwater invertebrate that establishes symbiosis with unicellular algae. Its simple body is comprised of three layers: epidermis, mesoglea and gastrodermis. The goal of this research was to determine the effect of flavonoids quercetin and naringenin upon hydra – alga symbiosis, to determine how motivated teachers are to perform such a mode of teaching and whether this motivation depends on their age, years of working experience, the school they work in, available time, space and material. An anonymous survey on a sample of 100 biology teachers was used in the research. Hydras and algae were treated with quercetin and naringenin in concentrations of 0.2, 0.25 and 0.3 gL−1 and compared to the control, and Chlorella bioassay was used. Morphological changes included migration, reaction to mechanical stimuli, asexual reproduction, secretion of mucus and mortality. Cyto-histological analysis revealed changes of all three layers and growth inhibition. Naringenin exerted altogether higher impact than quercetin. Survey results indicated that teachers are willing to use this experiment in school, and that most schools have the minimum required equipment. Because of the possibility of adapting this experiment in different temporal and spatial conditions, its performance in school is suggested.Hydra (Cnidaria) je kozmopolitski slatkovodni beskralježnjak koji uspostavlja simbiozu s jednostaničnim algama. Njezino jednostavno tijelo sastoji se od tri sloja: epiderma, mezogleje i gastroderma. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj flavonoida kvercetina i naringenina na simbiozu hidre i alge, odrediti koliko su nastavnici motivirani za primjenu takvog načina poučavanja te ovisi li navedena motivacija o njihovoj dobi, godinama radnog iskustva, školi u kojoj rade, raspoloživom vremenu, prostoru i materijalima. U istraživanju je upotrijebljena anonimna anketa na uzorku od 100 nastavnika biologije. Hidre i alge tretirane su kvercetinom i naringeninom pri koncentracijama od 0,2, 0,25 i 0,3 gL-1 i uspoređene su s kontrolnim uzorkom, a koristio se biološki test Chlorella test. Morfološke promjene uključivale su migraciju, reakciju na mehaničke podražaje, nespolno razmnožavanje, izlučivanje sluzi i smrtnost. Citološko-histološkom analizom utvrđene su promjene svih triju slojeva, kao i inhibicije rasta. Naringenin je imao ukupno veći učinak od kvercetina. Rezultati dobiveni anketom pokazali su da su nastavnici spremni izvoditi navedeni eksperiment u školi te da većina škola ima minimalnu potrebnu opremu. Zbog mogućnosti prilagodbe opisanog eksperimenta različitim vremenskim i prostornim uvjetima, predlaže se njegova primjena u školi


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    Uvod: Nacionalni program ranog otkrivanja raka dojke (NPRD) u Republici Hrvatskoj usvojen je 2006.g. Ciljana dobna skupina su mu žene 50-69 godine života koje se poziva na mamografiju. Do sada NPRD nije na nacionalnoj razini postigao odaziv žena na pregled od najmanje 70% kako bi se postigao cilj smanjenja smrtnosti od raka dojke. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je pokazati koliko su dodatni i ponovljeni pozivi utjecali na odaziv žena na mamografski pregled i otkrivanje raka dojke u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji (PSŽ) u sklopu petog ci-klusa provedbe NPRD, prikazati utjecaj na odaziv ponovljenih poziva upućenih poštom te intervencije u obliku upućivanja dodatnih poziva telefonom kao i utvrđivanje doprinosa prvih, ponovljenih ili do-datnih poziva na mamografiju na otkrivanje raka dojke. Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanice su sve žene uključene u NPRD tijekom petog ciklusa pozivanja (2017.-2019.g.). Kao izvori podataka korišteni su bolnički informacijski sustav i pozivna baza NPRD. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su ponovljeni pozivi poštom povećali odaziv žena u sklopu NPRD za 14,5% u PSŽ. Dodatni pozivi upućeni neodazvanim ženama koje su bile dostupne intervenciji pov-ećali su odaziv žena za 36,7%. Među ženama kojima je tijekom petog ciklusa provedbe programa no-vodijagnosticiran rak dojke najviše je onih koje su se odazvale na prvi poziv (70,3%), a zatim žena koje se nisu odazvale pozivu (16,2%) koje su ujedno i najstarije. Manji je postotak žena na pregled uputio izabrani liječnik (8,1%), a dio žena je pregled obavilo nakon ponovljenog poziva poštom (5,4%). Zaključak: Velika je važnost provedbe NPRD jer se tri od četiri dijagnoze raka dojke u ciljanoj skupini žena postavi upravo u sklopu NP-a i to na prve, a zatim ponovljene pozive poštom.Introduction: The National Breast Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) in the Croatia was adopted in 2006. The target group are women 50-69 years of age who are invited to mammography. To reduce breast cancer mortality response rate of at least 70% is needed. This response rate is still not achieved nationally. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of additional and repeated calls on the response rate of women to mammograms and breast cancer screening in Požega-Slavonia County (PSC) as part of the fifth cycle of NBCSP. Also to show the impact on the response rate of repeated mailed invitation and additional phone calls and to determine the contribution of first, repeated, or additional mammography invitations to breast cancer detection. Materials and Methods: Subjects of present study were all women involved in fifth round of NBCSP invitations (2017-2019). The hospital information system and the NBCSP database were used as data sources. Results of the study showed that repeated calls by mail increased women\u27s response rate by 14.5% in PSC. Additional calls to non-respondent women, available for intervention, increased women\u27s response rate by 36.7%. Among women who were newly diagnosed with breast cancer during the fifth round, most women responded to the first invitation in NBCSP (70.3%), followed by the women who did not respond (16.2%) who were also the oldest. A smaller percentage of women were referred to screening by their physician (8.1%), and 5.4% of women performed mammography after repeated invitation. Conclusion: The implementation of NBCSP is of great importance because three out of four newly diagnosed women with breast cancer were diagnosed within the NBCSP at the first or repeated invitation