208,493 research outputs found

    University Scholar Series: Monika Kress

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    Meteorites and the Origin of Habitable Worlds On November 30, 2011, Dr. Monika Kress spoke in the University Scholar Series hosted by Provost Gerry Selter at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library. Monika Kress is an Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at SJSU and also a member of the NASA Astrobiology Institute\u27s Virtual Planetary Laboratory. In this seminar, she presents the theory of solar system formation, focusing on meteorites. Dr. Kress also describes a first-hand account of how meteorites are recovered from the most fertile meteorite-hunting ground on Earth: Antarcticahttps://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/uss/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Review: Monika Surma-Gawłowska, Komedia Dell’arte, Universitas, Kraków 2015, pp. 405

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    Review: Monika Surma-Gawłowska, Komedia Dell’arte, Universitas, Kraków 2015, pp. 405Review: Monika Surma-Gawłowska, Komedia Dell’arte, Universitas, Kraków 2015, pp. 40

    Comments on Piazzesi and Schneider's "Bond positions, expectations, and the yield curve"

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    This working paper comments on Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider's "Bond Positions, Expectations, and the Yield Curve," delivered at the Fiscal Policy and Monetary/Fiscal Policy Interactions conference held at the Atlanta Fed on April 19–20, 2007.Bonds - Prices ; Consumer behavior

    Vliv ošetření na produkci sadby v ekologickém zemědělství

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    Výběr a kvalita sadby je velmi významným prvkem při pěstování brambor ekologickým způsobem. Zásadním požadavkem na sadbu je její vysoká biologická a semenářská hodnota. Pro zlepšení množitelských porostů je možné využít několik povolených přípravků. V našich pokusech přípravek PRP-SOL zvyšoval výnos sadbových hlíz. Z porovnávaných odrůd (Monika, Red Anna a Jelly) odrůda Monika dosáhla nejvyššího výnosu sadbových hlíz (21,46 t/ha) a nejvyšší průměrné hmotnosti hlíz. Proto je u odrůdy Monika potřeba dbát na včasný termín ukončení vegetace. Měřený obsah chlorofylu jsme využily pro zjištění fyziologické aktivity ošetřených porostů a trend vyššího obsahu chlorofylu byl zjištěn u neošetřené kontroly bez mulče a pod ochrannou sítí


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    Monika Salzbrunn: Vielfalt/Diversity/Diversit

    "Generation plus" – nicht ohne Wenn und Aber : Porträts: Der Umbetter der Kriegsopfer oder die Frau mit den tausend Trimmgeräten ; [Rezension]

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    Rezensionen zu: Christa Geissler, Monika Held : Generation plus. Von der Lüge, dass Altwerden Spaß macht ; Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf Verlag, 3.Auflage, Berlin 2004, 320 Seiten, ISBN 3-89602-433-7, 12,90 Euro. Christa Geissler, Monika Held : Die Generation plus lebt ihre Zukunft. Der Aufbruch der Alten – Interviews, Porträts und Reportagen ; Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf Verlag, Berlin 2007, 334 Seiten, ISBN 987-3-89602-755-9, 12,90 Euro

    Heritage With No Fixed Abode: Transforming Cultural Heritage for Migrant Communities in Inner-City Leeds

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    This paper reports on the second phase of the AHRC-funded Translation and Translanguaging (TLang) project, on the theme of Heritage. The Key Participant for the Heritage theme in Leeds is Monika, a young Slovak Roma woman living and working in inner-city Leeds. Monika and her brother Ivan each aspire to setting up cultural spaces for the Roma people in their area. The activities they hope to initiate will safeguard and transmit to others that which is important to them – their heritage – including music, food, dance. As yet, there is no such space for the Roma in Leeds, and in this respect they are attempting to make something happen where there is currently nothing. We follow Monika in particular, as she attempts to bring her ideas into being. With the support of others, Monika tries to transform her available cultural capital into something that will preserve and consolidate heritage but will also earn her a living. This she does by starting to set up a social enterprise. Among other activities this entails the completion of a business plan. We follow her as the plan moves through stages of transformation, and in the process see her dreams and aspirations become both tangible and at the same time constrained. In the later parts of the paper we examine familiar tokens of cultural heritage, food and music, that play a part in the daily lives of Monika and her family, but which (in the case of food) Ivan is attempting to transform from cultural to economic capital, to make something that provides a living

    Editorial : Problem-based learning : Kompetenzen fördern, Zukunft gestalten

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    13.05.2016 | Claude Müller, Monika Schäfer & Geri Thomann (Winterthur, Zürich

    “Mengapa Tuhan Aku Harus Mengalami ini?” Analisa Psikologis-Teologis Makna Kehidupan Dibalik Memori Trauma Auto-Biografi Masterpiece of Love

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    In the era of 4.0 entering the era of 5.0 human life in the context of the covid-19 pandemic requires auto-biography and biography writing that motivates, exemplifies, and inspires readers to work. This paper offers these needs; through an analysis of psychological aspects and analysis of theological aspects in Monika Petra's auto-biography entitled masterpiece of love. This auto-biographical book talks about the traumatic memory of Monika Petra's life experiences and testimonies from childhood to adulthood. In this case, Monika Petra is a person with a third-grade microtia, or in other words, Born as a person who is considered by the social model to be disabled or disabled. But surprisingly, Monika Petra can find the meaning of life behind the traumatic memory of past experiences, so that she can develop her potential as a writer of books, novels, short stories, and teachers, even specifically testifying to those who work in her life. From the psychological aspect, the author uses the theoretical approach of Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) about finding the meaning of life; and from the theological aspect, the author uses a theoretical approach used by Binsar J. Pakh pahan on the theology of memory of Flora A. Kashkegian. McClendon's suggestion for writing/writing auto-biography, biography, and life experience as a means of theology, is the entrance for writers to analyze (theological and psychological), and reflect on the work of Monika Petra in the era of 4.0 entering the era of 5.0, specifically for people with microtia in the context in Indonesia

    Kaci (tak) nie mówią – spór o styl wokół powieści "Łaskawe" Jonathana Littella we Francji i w Niemczech

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    "Styl, dyskurs, media", Barbara Bogołębska, Monika Worsowicz (red.); rozdzia