401 research outputs found

    Precariato al femminile: una scelta di parte?

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    Potremmo iniziare il nostro percorso nelle rappresentazioni culturali della precarietà femminile con il ritratto di una donna sulla quarantina con occhio scrutante e sorriso un po’ esitante che occupa la metà del manifesto con cui la Sinistra l’Arcobaleno durante la campagna elettorale del 2008 invitava l’elettore a fare “una scelta di parte” nella questione “Lavoro sicuro o di sicuro precari?”. L’immagine in bianco e nero che rievoca le tonalità neorealistiche di un appello alla coscienza de..

    Il mondo salvato dai ragazzini: un’ottica infantile sulla guerra e sulla violenza in Come prima delle madri di Simona Vinci

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    Per divertire la noia della loro morte dovrà innocente recitare una commedia pervertita dove il segreto ultimo che confida sembri infine a lui stesso una favola di tradimento.Elsa Morante, Il mondo salvato dai ragazzini. Introduzione: infanzia, storia e violenza Narrare la guerra non è più narrare una storia di eroi ma piuttosto narrare una storia di eroismo inutile. Come osserva Alberto Casadei a proposito del Partigiano Johnny di Fenoglio: «Ogni eroismo è ormai inutile, e il destino di tutt..

    Da Per sempre ragazzo a Future: Le antologie della "speranza" dopo il trauma del G8

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    In questo contributo si vuole indagare da un’ottica transgenerazionale e transnazionale il nesso memoria-attivismo in due antologie -- Per sempre ragazzo (2011) e Future (2019) -- prodotte in momenti storici diversi, che rappresentano soggettività politiche diverse, e la cui futuribilità sembra essere condizionata da una genealogia storica diversa. Con l’aiuto della distinzione fatta da Ann Rigney 52018, 2020) tra trauma, speranza e indignazione da un lato, e tra “memory activism” e “memory in activism” dall’altro, si cerca di determinare fino a che punto questi prodotti culturali riescono a veicolare una memoria culturale sia traumatica che propositiva di ciò che in ambedue i casi viene individuato come un’ingiustizia sociale

    Characterisation of friction behaviour of intact soft solid foods and food boli

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    Methodologies to quantify friction forces between soft solid foods or food boli and (model) oral surfaces are desired to better understand how changes in food properties during oral processing affect sensory perception. In this short communication, friction forces (FF) occurring between polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surfaces and intact soft solid foods/boli were quantified. As models for intact foods, we used gelatine gels varying in composition and particle size, and sausages were used as an example for real foods. Friction forces measured during the relative motion of intact foods against a rough PDMS surface (“oral surface”), strongly depended on the composition of the food. Friction forces were significantly lower for PDMS against emulsion-filled gels, than for PDMS against unfilled gels, likely due to the lubricating effect of released oil from the gel. Moreover, sausages, displayed significantly higher friction forces than gelatine gels when moving against the PDMS probe, presumably linked to differences in the surface of the foods. The friction forces observed for the PDMS probe moving against food boli were dependent on particle size and saliva quantity; boli with larger particle sizes showed significantly lower friction forces, whereas the addition of saliva to food boli first increased friction forces, but with increasing amount decreased the friction forces significantly. We conclude that the presented methodology is able to quantify the friction behaviour of intact soft solid foods and boli directly, taking into account (i) the effect of composition and added fillers, (ii) serum or oil release and (iii) bolus particle size.</p

    «Å gi hverandre tilbakemelding, det gir motivasjon» En kvalitativ undersøkelse om tilbakemeldingens betydning i et leder- og medarbeiderperspektiv

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    Denne masteroppgaven belyser betydningen av tilbakemeldinger for medarbeidere og mellomlederes motivasjon og ytelse i politiet. Den undersøker forventninger medarbeidere og mellomledere har når det gjelder å motta tilbakemeldinger, hvordan man bør gi en tilbakemelding og relasjonens betydning i tilbakemeldingsprosessen. Det empiriske grunnlaget for oppgaven er kvalitative dybdeintervjuer av seks mellomledere og seks medarbeidere i Oslo politidistrikt. Resultatene viser at tilbakemeldinger har stor betydning for medarbeideres og mellomlederes motivasjon. Vi finner at det er liten forskjell med hensyn til hvordan ledere og medarbeidere vektlegger betydningen av tilbakemeldinger, uansett om tilbakemeldingene er positive eller negative. Tilbakemeldinger har en viktig rolle for den enkelte når det gjelder å bli sett og verdsatt av andre. Studien viser at en leder har stor påvirkningskraft når det gjelder å motivere medarbeidere, og våre funn understreker lederes viktige rolle med hensyn til å gi relevante og konstruktive tilbakemeldinger til sine underordnede. Mellomledere og medarbeidere i politiet har høye forventninger om å få tilbakemeldinger både av positiv og negativ karakter som kan fremme læring og utvikling på jobb. Det er de hverdagslige, uformelle tilbakemeldingene som blir verdsatt mest. Enkelte funn tilsier at politiet kan ha noen utfordringer når det gjelder å skape en kultur for læring. Det kan blant annet være vanskelig å gi en tilbakemelding til en kollega med lenger ansiennitet eller til en som har høyere rang. Sammenlagt ser vi at det er viktig at man har etablert en kultur som er åpen for og tilrettelegger for tilbakemeldinger. Dette bidrar til utvikling og læring på arbeidsplassen. Våre funn viser at det er vanskelig å lage en standard for hvordan en tilbakemelding skal gis. Det er imidlertid flere fellestrekk for hvordan en tilbakemelding bør være. Den bør være konkret, gjennomtenkt, med eksempler og forslag til løsning. Funn i studien viser at relasjonen mellom den som gir tilbakemeldingen og den som mottar tilbakemeldingen spiller en avgjørende rolle i tilbakemeldingsprosessen. Relasjonen må bygge på tillit, respekt, åpenhet og ærlighet. Flere av informantene trekker frem at tilliten mellom 3 personene har avgjørende betydning for hvordan en tilbakemelding blir møtt og hvilken effekt den har.Abstract This master thesis casts light on the importance of feedback for employees and middle managers' motivation and performance in the police. It examines the expectations of employees and middle managers when it comes to receiving feedback, how to give feedback and the importance of the relationship in the feedback process. The empirical basis for the thesis is qualitative in-depth interviews of six middle managers and six employees in the Oslo police district. The results indicate that feedback is of great importance for the motivation of employees and middle managers. We find that there is little difference in how managers and employees emphasize the importance of feedback, regardless of whether the feedback is positive or negative. Feedback plays an important role for the individual when it comes to being seen and appreciated by others. The study shows that a leader has great influence when it comes to motivating employees, and our findings emphasize the leaders' important role in providing relevant and constructive feedback to their subordinates. Middle managers and employees in the police have high expectations of receiving feedback of both positive and negative nature that can promote learning and development at work. It is the everyday, informal feedback that is most valued. Some findings suggest that the police may have some challenges when it comes to creating a culture of learning. Among other things, it can be difficult to give feedback to a colleague with longer seniority or to someone with a higher rank. Overall, we see that it is important to establish a culture that is open to and facilitates feedback. This contributes to development and learning in the workplace. Our findings show that it is difficult to create a standard for how feedback should be given. However, there are several common features for how feedback should be. It should be 4 concrete, well thought out, with examples and suggested solutions. Findings in the study show that the relationship between the sender and the recipient of the feedback plays a crucial role in the feedback process. The relationship must be based on trust, respect, openness and honesty. Several of the informants point out that the trust between the people is of crucial importance for how feedback is met and what effect it ha

    Broad-scale genetic assessment of Southern Ground-Hornbills (Bucorvus leadbeateri) to inform population management.

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    The Southern Ground-hornbill (SGH) (Bucorvus leadbeateri) is considered an umbrella species for biodiversity conservation in savannah biomes since they require large territories and significant protection measures that help to conserve a wide range of biodiversity with similar savanna and grassland requirements. Declines of the species are attributed to low reproductive rates coupled with multiple anthropogenic threats, including secondary poisoning, and persecution. Little is known about connectivity and population structure of SGH populations in Africa, south of the equator. Knowledge of population differentiation is needed to ensure that targeted conservation management plans can be implemented to slow population declines and ensure survival of the species. To inform a long-term conservation strategy, we investigated the broad-scale population structure of Southern Ground-hornbill across their sub-equatorial range. Our study based on 16 microsatellite loci identified moderate variation (average of 5.889 alleles per locus and a mean observed heterozygosity of 0.546) similar to other long-lived avian species. In contrast, mitochondrial DNA sequences analysis identified low diversity (Hd = 0.3313, π = 0.0015). A Bayesian assignment approach, principal component analysis, analysis of molecular variance and phylogenetic analysis identified weak to moderate population structuring across long distances and mitochondrial data showed a shallow phylogeny. Restriction to long-distance dispersal was detected that could not be attributed to isolation by distance, suggesting that other factors, such as their dispersal biology, are shaping the observed genetic differentiation. Although our study does not support the designation of populations as independent conservation units, we advocate that population management should continue to follow the Precautionary Principle (mixing founders from the same range state, rather than allowing mixing of founders from the extremes of the range) until there is scientific certainty. Following further research, if no independent conservation units are detected, then the global captive population can contribute to reintroductions across the range. In the wild, populations at the edge of the species range may need additional management strategies and gene flow should be promoted between neighbouring populations

    Invasive Pneumococcal Pneumonia and Respiratory Virus Co-infections

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    Each year, especially in the winter, many get sick and some die of invasive pneumococcal pneumonia. Does this type of pneumonia increase in the winter because people are in closer contact indoors?  Or are people more susceptible to this bacterial disease after having had a seasonal respiratory virus infection?  A season-by-season analysis found an association between pneumococcal pneumonia and two viruses (influenza and respiratory syncytial virus). The association varied by season and was strongest when the predominant influenza virus subtype was H3N2. Vaccination against influenza and RSV should also help protect against pneumococcal pneumonia

    A view from the clinic – Perspectives from Dutch patients and professionals on high myopia care

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    Purpose: To understand and compare perspectives of patients and professionals on current ophthalmologic care for high myopia, and to identify challenges and future opportunities. Methods: Self-reported data were collected through two online questionnaires. Patient perspective was obtained from highly myopic members of a patient organisation based in the Netherlands using a 17-item questionnaire consisting of open and multiple-choice questions regarding personal experience with myopia care. The ophthalmologist perspective was obtained from practising Dutch ophthalmologists with a 12-item questionnaire of multiple-choice questions on work-related demographics, myopia care in daily practice and need for improvement. The response rate for patients was 27% (n = 136/500) and for ophthalmologists, 24% (n = 169/716). Results: Patients were highly concerned about personal progressive loss of vision (69%) and feared their psychological well-being (82%) in case this would happen. The quality of performance of care provided by ophthalmologists was rated as excellent or satisfactory by 64% of the patients. These ratings for multidisciplinary care and insurance reimbursement were as low as 28% and 18% respectively. The mean concern among ophthalmologists about the rise in high myopia was 6.9 (SEM 0.1) on a 10-point scale. Sixty-nine per cent of the ophthalmologists reported that asymptomatic myopic patients should not be examined regularly at outpatient clinics. Ophthalmologists urged the development of clinical guidelines (74%), but did report (95%) that they informed patients about risk factors and complications. This contrasted with the view of patients, of whom 42% were discontent with information provided by ophthalmologists. Conclusions: These questionnaires demonstrated that the current clinical care delivered to highly myopic patients is in need of improvement. The expected higher demand for myopia care in the near future requires preferred practice patterns, professionals specifically trained to manage myopic pathology, accurate and comprehensive information exchange and collaboration of in- and out-of-hospital professionals across the full eye care chain.</p

    Isolation of a novel fusogenic orthoreovirus from Eucampsipoda africana bat flies in South Africa

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    We report on the isolation of a novel fusogenic orthoreovirus from bat flies (Eucampsipoda africana) associated with Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) collected in South Africa. Complete sequences of the ten dsRNA genome segments of the virus, tentatively named Mahlapitsi virus (MAHLV), were determined. Phylogenetic analysis places this virus into a distinct clade with Baboon orthoreovirus, Bush viper reovirus and the bat-associated Broome virus. All genome segments of MAHLV contain a 5' terminal sequence (5'-GGUCA) that is unique to all currently described viruses of the genus. The smallest genome segment is bicistronic encoding for a 14 kDa protein similar to p14 membrane fusion protein of Bush viper reovirus and an 18 kDa protein similar to p16 non-structural protein of Baboon orthoreovirus. This is the first report on isolation of an orthoreovirus from an arthropod host associated with bats, and phylogenetic and sequence data suggests that MAHLV constitutes a new species within the Orthoreovirus genus.The project is jointly funded by the following grants awarded to: Janusz T. Paweska (CDC Global Disease Detection program, GDD 5U19 GH000571-05/96667), Wanda Markotter (South African National Research Foundation, Grant UID 91496 and 92524; Poliomyelitis Research Foundation, PRF Grant number 12/14) and Petrus Jansen van Vuren (South African National Research Foundation, Incentive Funding for Rated Researchers, Grant UID 85544).http://www.mdpi.com/journal/virusesam2016Microbiology and Plant Patholog
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