654 research outputs found

    La promotion de la santé mentale : implication d’un modèle écologique

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    La prévention est une approche dont on parle de plus en plus en santé mentale. La promotion, toutefois, est un aspect de la prévention en santé mentale qu'on aborde peu. Nous présentons, dans cet article, un inventaire des stratégies de promotion de la santé mentale, et nous décrivons les habiletés qui, chez les intervenantes, seraient utiles à une telle promotion. Nous proposons ensuite quelques exemples dans le domaine de la gérontologie pour illustrer de façon concrète ce que nous entendons par promotion de la santé mentale. Enfin, nous terminons par une réflexion critique sur la faisabilité des stratégies de promotion présentées, ainsi que sur l'importance de développer en ce sens des actions concrètes plutôt que de donner des prescriptions à court terme nous incitant uniquement à modifier nos comportements.Prevention is an approach more and more talked about in mental health. However, promotion is an aspect of mental health's prevention not often discussed. In this article, we present an inventory of strategies for promoting mental health and we describe the skills needed to achieve such a promotion. We then propose a few examples in the field of geriatrics to illustrate specifically what we mean by promoting mental health. Finally, we end this article with a critical reflection on the feasibilities of the strategies presented as well as on the importance of deve-lopping concrete actions for the purpose of promotion rather than giving short term prescriptions which will only modify our behavior

    Point de vue sur la prévention en santé mentale dans les départements de santé communautaire (D.S.C.)

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    Dans cet article nous exprimons un point de vue sur la prévention en santé mentale et cela par le biais de trois questions : 1. comment les concepts utilisés dans le domaine de la prévention en santé mentale peuvent-ils devenir suffisamment opérationnels pour donner lieu à des stratégies qui soient applicables? 2. pourquoi est-il nécessaire de faire référence à des modèles conceptuels de nature inter-causale dans la mise sur pied de stratégies de prévention en santé mentale? 3. où se situe l'utilité d'opérer une distinction entre une intervention de prévention en santé mentale et un programme de prévention en santé mentale? Nous verrons que les principaux obstacles liés à la prévention ne sont pas uniquement la société ou les individus qui la composent; ces obstacles viennent également des professionnels de la santé qui ont souvent une vision ambiguë de ce qu'est la prévention en santé mentale et comment celle-ci pourrait s'effectuer.The three questions raised in this article express a point of view about prevention in mental health. They are : 1. how can the concepts used in the field of prevention in mental health become sufficiently operational to give rise to applicable strategies? 2. why must one refer himself to intercausal conceptual models when devising strategies for prevention in mental health? 3. is it useful to distinguish between a preventive intervention in mental health and a program of mental health? The principle obstacles to prevention are not uniquely society and the individuals who make it up; the profes-sionnals involved in mental health are also a source of obstacles who often have an ambiguous idea of what prevention in mental health is and of how it should be realized

    DataCite as a novel bibliometric source: Coverage, strengths and limitations

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    This paper explores the characteristics of DataCite to determine its possibilities and potential as a new bibliometric data source to analyze the scholarly production of open data. Open science and the increasing data sharing requirements from governments, funding bodies, institutions and scientific journals has led to a pressing demand for the development of data metrics. As a very first step towards reliable data metrics, we need to better comprehend the limitations and caveats of the information provided by sources of open data. In this paper, we critically examine records downloaded from the DataCite's OAI API and elaborate a series of recommendations regarding the use of this source for bibliometric analyses of open data. We highlight issues related to metadata incompleteness, lack of standardization, and ambiguous definitions of several fields. Despite these limitations, we emphasize DataCite's value and potential to become one of the main sources for data metrics development.Comment: Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Informetric

    Paleohydrologic Reconstruction of Three Shallow Basins, Slave River Delta, NWT, Using Stable Isotope Methods

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    p\u3eThe long-term natural hydrological variability of the Slave River Delta (SRD), NWT, is not well documented and needs to be further developed to provide temporal context to understand and evaluate impacts of Slave River (SR) floodwater influence and climate variability and change on contemporary hydro-ecological doncidiotns of the SRD. The SRD has broad ecological and cultural significance, as it provides extensive habitate for wildlife and is important for local First Nations community who have an historical connection with the delta and its resources. Concners have been raised over recently reported drying trends in the SRD over the past few decades and have largely been attributed to the regulation of the Peace River (PR), which supplies the SR with ∼65% of its annual flow. Modern lake water balances (2003 to 2005) of three lakes from different hydrological settings within the SRD were assessed with oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H) stable isotope analyses. Contemporary lake water balance was used to constrain paleohydrological interpretations of cellulose-inferred δ18O from lake sediment cores. Past hydro-ecological conditions of each lake was also reconstructed using bulk organic carbon and nitrogen elemental and stable isotope analyses. Lead-210 (210Pb) and caesium-137 (137Cs) analyses were conducted to establish sediment core chronologies. Results from lake water δ18O and δ2H analyses of SD20, an evaporation-dominated basin, indicate seasonal precipitation, snowmelt runoff and evaporation predominantly control the water balance of this lake. An ∼215-year cellulose-inferred δ18Olw, δ13C and δ15N record of SD20 provides paleoclimatological evidence that recently reported dry conditions in the SRD are not outside of the range of natural variability for the delta. SD20 paleohydrological records follow a similar pattern as PAD5, a climate-driven basin in the Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD), and align with paleoclimate records reconstructed from tree-ring sequences from the Athabasca River headwaters. Results provide long-term documentation of how hydrological conditions have varied in an areas of the SRD that is largely beyond the reach of river flooding. Lake water δ18O and δ2H analyses of SD2, a flood-dominated basin, indciate that SR floodwaters control the water balance of SD2. An ∼100 year carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotope record for SD2 documents event-scale flooding on the SR and indicates that regulation of the PR has not decreased flood frequency at this site over the past ∼40 years. The late 1940s and 1950s likely represent the period of lowest river discharge over the past century. The SD2 C/N record is similar to the C/N record of PAD15, an oxbow lake in the PAD, indicating common upstream drivers control flood frequency in both deltas. Lake water δ18O and δ2H analyses of SD28, an exchange-dominated basin, suggest that SR flooding and evaporation predominantly control the water balance of SD28. Reconstructed cellulose-inferred δ18Olw suggest an increase in river flooding may have occurred over the past ∼40 years. However, reconstructing past hydro-ecological conditions is more difficult at this site due to its long channel connection to the SR, which suppresses the geochemical signals recorded in the lake sediment

    Sweet v. Hisgen, 138 Nev. Adv. Op. 68 (Oct. 20, 2022)

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    When determining the proper identity of an “authorized person,” the Court must look at the laws of the foreign state where the will was executed. So, if a notary is an “authorized person” in the country the will was executed, Nevada must accept the will as valid when signed by a notary. Further, NRS 133A.050(2) and NRS 133.080(1) allow a will that fails to comply with the UIWA, to be probated if it complies with NRS 133. Also, courts must construe wills to avoid intestacy and the term “universal heir” implies that the person is the heir to the entire estate. Therefore, when referring to someone as the “universal heir,” it is interpreted that the entire estate goes to them. Lastly, to be entitled to a will contest, one must comply with NRS 137.010(1)

    The Effects of a Dorsiflexor Strengthening and Plantarflexor Stretching Program on Balance in the Elderly: A Pilot Study

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    Today, falls have become the most common life-threatening hazard in seniors. Falls have been associated with a number of disabilities including the muscular weakness and decreased flexibility that accompany aging. These factors may be involved in the poor balance that has also been idetified as a risk factor for falling. It was the purpose of this research project to: (1) determine if the exercises prescribed to increase strength and flexibility of the ankle were effective in a control group of ten college students, and (2) to test the effects of a plantarflexor stretching and dorsiflexor strengthening program on balance in a group of five elderly subjects. It was hypothesized that all groups would show improved scores on all measurements at the end of a four week exercise regimen. A group of ten healthy students had their dorsiflexor strength tested with the Microfet™ hand-held dynamometer, and their plantarflexor flexibility measured with a goniometer. They were asked to perform a simple home exercise program for strengthening the ankle dorsiflexors and stretching the ankle plantarflexors. Strengthening was achieved by raising the forefoot against gravity by bending at the ankle. These were performed in a set of fifteen repetitions three times per day. Stretching was achieved through a stretch done in long-sitting and using a belt or towel to pull the forefoot towards the knee through bending at the ankle. This stretch was held for thirty seconds per session, three times per day. The elderly subjects, those over the age of sixty, were tested according to the Berg balance assessment tool, and using the strength and flexibility measurements as above. All groups performed the exercises for four weeks and were retested at that time. Although the small subject groups made it impossible to draw concrete conclusions from the results, it was found that the only significant improvements in scores was seen on right-side ankle flexibility in the student group. This research should help to lay the groundwork for future studies on balance and muscle strength and flexibility

    Are Noachian-age ridged plains (Nplr) actually early Hesperian in age

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    Whether or not the Nplr units in Memnonia and Argyre truly represent ridged plains volcanism of Noachian age or are simply areas of younger (Early Hesperian age) volcanism which failed to bury older craters and therefore have a greater total crater age than really applies to the ridged plains portion of those terrains is examined. The Nuekum and Hiller technique is used to determine the number of preserved crater retention surfaces in the Memnonia and Argyre regions where Scott and Tanaka show Nplr units to be common. The results for cratered terrain (Npl) in Memnonia is summarized along with those for ridged plains (Nplr) in both Memnonia and Argyre, and they are compared with similar results obtained for Tempe Terra and Lunae Plunum

    The journal coverage of Web of Science and Scopus : a comparative analysis

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    Bibliometric methods are used in multiple fields for a variety of purposes, namely for research evaluation. Most bibliometric analyses have in common their data sources: Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science (WoS) and Elsevier’s Scopus. The objective of this research is to describe the journal coverage of those two databases and to assess whether some field, publishing country and language are over or underrepresented. To do this we compared the coverage of active scholarly journals in WoS (13,605 journals) and Scopus (20,346 journals) with Ulrich’s extensive periodical directory (63,013 journals). Results indicate that the use of either WoS or Scopus for research evaluation may introduce biases that favor Natural Sciences and Engineering as well as Biomedical Research to the detriment of Social Sciences and Arts and Humanities. Similarly, English-language journals are overrepresented to the detriment of other languages. While both databases share these biases, their coverage differs substantially. As a consequence, the results of bibliometric analyses may vary depending on the database used. These results imply that in the context of comparative research evaluation, WoS and Scopus should be used with caution, especially when comparing different fields, institutions, countries or languages. The bibliometric community should continue its efforts to develop methods and indicators that include scientific output that are not covered in WoS or Scopus, such as field-specific and national citation indexes