1,234 research outputs found

    The Double-Lined Spectrum of LBV 1806-20

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    Despite much theoretical and observational progress, there is no known firm upper limit to the masses of stars. Our understanding of the interplay between the immense radiation pressure produced by massive stars in formation and the opacity of infalling material is subject to theoretical uncertainties, and many observational claims of ``the most massive star'' have failed the singularity test. LBV 1806-20 is a particularly luminous object, L~10^6 Lsun, for which some have claimed very high mass estimates (M_initial>200 Msun), based, in part, on its similarity to the Pistol Star. We present high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of LBV 1806-20, showing that it is possibly a binary system with components separated in velocity by ~70 kms. If correct, then this system is not the most massive star known, yet it is a massive binary system. We argue that a binary, or merged, system is more consistent with the ages of nearby stars in the LBV 1806-20 cluster. In addition, we find that the velocity of V_LSR=36 kms is consistent with a distance of 11.8 kpc, a luminosity of 10^6.3 Lsun, and a system mass of ~130 Msun.Comment: ApJL, accepte

    Metallicity in the Galactic Center: The Arches cluster

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    We present a quantitative spectral analysis of five very massive stars in the Arches cluster, located near the Galactic center, to determine stellar parameters, stellar wind properties and, most importantly, metallicity content. The analysis uses a new technique, presented here for the first time, and uses line-blanketed NLTE wind/atmosphere models fit to high-resolution near-infrared spectra of late-type nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet stars and OfI+ stars in the cluster. It relies on the fact that massive stars reach a maximum nitrogen abundance that is related to initial metallicity when they are in the WNL phase. We determine the present-day nitrogen abundance of the WNL stars in the Arches cluster to be 1.6% (mass fraction) and constrain the stellar metallicity in the cluster to be solar. This result is invariant to assumptions about the mass-luminosity relationship, the mass-loss rates, and rotation speeds. In addition, from this analysis, we find the age of the Arches cluster to be 2-2.5Myr, assuming coeval formation

    Evolution of Hard X-Ray Spectra Along the Branches in Cir X-1

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    Using the data from the PCA and HEXTE on board the RXTE satellite, we investigate the evolution of the 3-200 keV spectra of the peculiar low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) Cir X-1 along the branches on its hardness-intensity diagram (HID) from the vertical horizontal branch (VHB), through the horizontal horizontal branch (HHB) and normal branch (NB), to the flaring branch (FB). We detect a power-law hard component in the spectra. It is found that the derived photon indices (Γ\Gamma) of the power-law hard component are correlated with the position on the HID. The power-law component dominates the X-ray emission of Cir X-1 in the energy band higher than ∌20\sim 20 keV. The fluxes of the power-law component are compared with those of the bremsstrahlung component in the spectra. A possible origin of the power-law hard component is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, ApJ Letter accepte

    High Resolution Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Pistol Nebula: Evidence for Ejection

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    We present new NICMOS/HST infrared images and CGS4/UKIRT Br-alpha (4.05 um) spectroscopy of the Pistol Star and its associated nebula, finding strong evidence to support the hypothesis that the Pistol Nebula was ejected from the Pistol Star. The Pa-alpha NICMOS image shows that the nebula completely surrounds the Pistol Star, although the line intensity is much stronger on its northern and western edges. The Br-alpha spectra show the classical ring-like signature of quasi-spherical expansion, with weak blueshifted emission (V_max approx -60 km/s) and strong redshifted emission (V_max approx +10 km/s), where the velocities are with respect to the velocity of the Pistol Star; further, the redshifted emission appears to be "flattened" in the position-velocity diagram. These data suggest that the nebula was ejected from the star several thousand years ago, with a velocity between the current terminal velocity of the stellar wind (95 km/s) and the present expansion velocity of gas in the outer shell of the nebula (60 km/s). The Pa-alpha image reveals several emission-line stars in the region, including two newly-identified emission-line stars north of the Pistol Star with spectral types earlier than WC8 (T_eff > 50,000 K). The presence of these stars, the morphology of the Pa-alpha emission, and the velocity field in the gas suggest that the side of the nebula furthest from us is approaching, and being ionized by, the hot stars of the Quintuplet, and that the highest velocity redshifted gas has been decelerated by winds from the Quintuplet stars. We also discuss the possibility that the nebular gas might be magnetically confined by the ambient magnetic field delineated by the nearby nonthermal filaments.Comment: Figure 1 is included as a JPG file. Figure 1 and 2 also available at ftp://quintup.astro.ucla.edu/pistol2

    Massive Stars in the Quintuplet Cluster

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    We present near-infrared photometry and K-band spectra of newly-identified massive stars in the Quintuplet Cluster, one of the three massive clusters projected within 50 pc of the Galactic Center. We find that the cluster contains a variety of massive stars, including more unambiguously identified Wolf-Rayet stars than any cluster in the Galaxy, and over a dozen stars in earlier stages of evolution, i.e., LBV, Ofpe/WN9, and OB supergiants. One newly identified star is the second ``Luminous Blue Variable'' in the cluster, after the ``Pistol Star.'' Given the evolutionary stages of the identified stars, the cluster appears to be about 4 \pm 1 Myr old, assuming coeval formation. The total mass in observed stars is \sim 10^3 \Msun, and the implied mass is \sim 10^4 \Msun, assuming a lower mass cutoff of 1 \Msun and a Salpeter initial mass function. The implied mass density in stars is at least a few thousand \Msun pc^{-3}. The newly-identified stars increase the estimated ionizing flux from this cluster by about an order of magnitude with respect to earlier estimates, to 10^{50.9} photons/s, or roughly what is required to ionize the nearby ``Sickle'' HII region (G0.18 - 0.04). The total luminosity from the massive cluster stars is ≈107.5\approx 10^{7.5} \Lsun, enough to account for the heating of the nearby molecular cloud, M0.20 - 0.033. We propose a picture which integrates most of the major features in this part of the sky, excepting the non-thermal filaments. We compare the cluster to other young massive clusters and globular clusters, finding that it is unique in stellar content and age, except, perhaps, for the young cluster in the central parsec of the Galaxy. In addition, we find that the cluster is comparable to small ``super star clusters.'

    Detection of hard X-rays from a Class I protostar in the HH24-26 region in the Orion Molecular Cloud

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    We observed the HH24-26 region in the L1630 Orion molecular cloud complex with the X-ray observatory ASCA in the 0.5−-10 keV band. X-ray emission was detected from the T Tauri star SSV61 and from the region where the Class I protostars SSV63E and SSV63W are located (hereafter SSV63E+W). The spectra of both SSV63E+W and SSV61 are well explained by an optically thin thermal plasma model. The spectrum of the T Tauri star SSV61 has a low temperature of kT=0.9kT=0.9 (0.7−-1.2) keV and a moderate absorption of NH=1.3N_{\rm{H}}=1.3 (0.9−-1.7) ×1022\times10^{22} cm−2^{-2}, while that of the protostar SSV63E+W has a high temperature of kT=5.0kT=5.0 (3.3−-7.9) keV and a heavy absorption of NH=1.5N_{\rm{H}}=1.5 (1.2−-1.8) ×1023\times10^{23} cm−2^{-2}. The X-ray light curve of SSV63E+W showed a flare during the observation. The peak flux reached about 9 times that of the quiescent flux. The temperature and the absorption column density do not change conspicuously during the flare. The 0.5−-10 keV luminosity of SSV63E+W was about 1×10321\times10^{32} erg s−1^{-1} in the quiescent state. The present detection of hard X-rays from SSV63E+W is remarkable, because this is the first X-ray detection of a protostar in Orion.Comment: 14 pages, 3 postscript figures, uses aasms4.st

    Charm production in nonresonant e(+)e(-) annihilations at √s =10.55 GeV

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    This is the publisher's version also available electronically from http://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.37.1719We report results on the differential and total cross sections for inclusive production of the charmed particles D*+, D*(0), D(0), D(+), D(s), and Λc in e(+)e(-) annihilations at √s=10.55 GeV. Widely used quark fragmentation models are discussed and compared with the measured charmed-particle momentum distributions. This comparison, as well as that with measurements at other center-of-mass energies, shows the need to take QCD corrections into account and their importance for a correct interpretation of the model parameters. The observed rate of D(0) and D(+) production is compared to the expected total charm production cross section. We measure the probability of a charmed meson being produced as a vector meson and the D*(+) decay branching fraction into D(0)π+

    Detection of the Sgr A* activity at 3.8 and 4.8 microns with NACO

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    L'-band (lambda=3.8 microns) and M'-band (lambda=4.8 microns) observations of the Galactic Center region, performed in 2003 at VLT (ESO) with the adaptive optics imager NACO, have lead to the detection of an infrared counterpart of the radio source Sgr A* at both wavelengths. The measured fluxes confirm that the Sgr A* infrared spectrum is dominated by the synchrotron emission of nonthermal electrons. The infrared counterpart exhibits no significant short term variability but demonstrates flux variations on daily and yearly scales. The observed emission arises away from the position of the dynamical center of the S2 orbit and would then not originate from the closest regions of the black hole.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Variability of the X-ray P Cygni Line Profiles from Circinus X-1 Near Zero Phase

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    The luminous X-ray binary Circinus X-1 has been observed twice near zero orbital phase using the High-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) onboard Chandra. The source was in a high-flux state during a flare for the first observation, and it was in a low-flux state during a dip for the second. Spectra from both flux states show clear P Cygni lines, predominantly from H-like and He-like ion species. These indicate the presence of a high-velocity outflow from the Cir X-1 system which we interpret as an equatorial accretion-disk wind, and from the blueshifted resonance absorption lines we determine outflow velocities of 200 - 1900 km/s with no clear velocity differences between the two flux states. The line strengths and profiles, however, are strongly variable both between the two observations as well as within the individual observations. We characterize this variability and suggest that it is due to both changes in the amount of absorbing material along the line of sight as well as changes in the ionization level of the wind. We also refine constraints on the accretion-disk wind model using improved plasma diagnostics such as the He-like Mg XI triplet, and we consider the possibility that the X-ray absorption features seen from superluminal jet sources can generally be explained via high-velocity outflows.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted by ApJ (Main

    Results from a Near Infrared Search for Emission-line Stars in the Inner Galaxy: Spectra of New Wolf-Rayet Stars

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    We present follow-up spectroscopy of emission line candidates detected on near-infrared narrow band images in the inner Galaxy (Homeier et al. 2003). The filters are optimized for the detection of Wolf-Rayet stars and other objects which exhibit emission--lines in the 2 Ό\mum region. Approximately three square degrees along the Galactic plane have been analyzed in seven narrow--filters (four emission--lines and three continuum). We have discovered 4 new Wolf-Rayet stars and present coordinates, finding charts, and K-band spectra.Comment: To appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic
