147 research outputs found

    Coaching Behaviors and their Impact on Burnout of High School Athletes

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    Through sport activity, coaches can impact, effect, and influence their athletes in many ways. The purpose of this synthesis was to review the literature on coaching behaviors and their impact on burnout of high school athletes. There is an association between controlling coaching behaviors and athletes’ negative experiences in their respective sports. Negative experiences, such as emotional abuse, is a key issue that was brought up in youth sport that can have long term effects on athletes. Coaches may not know the impact that they have on athletes. Coaches may think that they are motivating the athletes, but in fact they may be discouraging the athletes by a lack of communication on their performance. Research has indicated that athletes themselves serves as the dependent variable in terms of the effect controlling coaches have on athlete burnout. The key categories found in this synthesis are coaching behaviors, controlling coaching behaviors, and athlete mental toughness and burnout

    Zero Tolerance, Zero Justice: Teacher Perceptions of Using Restorative Justice

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    While many schools are spending millions on instructional programming, new technology, and colorful chart paper for data walls, an area that often takes a back seat to improving achievement is the social and emotional learning of students (SEL). Until the education community starts focusing on the well-being of our students, closing the achievement gap will continue to be a nice catch phrase and not a reality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of K-8 teachers to determine how they felt about the use of Restorative Justice, with a focus on Peace Circles. This study explored this alternative approach to discipline and how social and emotional learning can be used to improve school culture and school safety while addressing the clear racial disparities in punitive consequences given to Black males. The participants in this study included nine classroom teachers, one ENCORE teacher, and a support staff member. This study aimed to answer two questions: To what extent do professional development workshops influence teachers’ knowledge and perceptions of restorative justice for discipline? What are teachers’ early experiences using Peace Circles in their classrooms? Ultimately, the need to care for the whole child needs to be at the forefront of decision making when disciplinary choices are made in schools. By putting the human back in humanity when dealing with students, especially our Black males, the education community can truly help all students succeed

    Goals for future plant breeding of apple from the perspective of plant breeders and growers

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    Äpplen utgör den mest odlade frukten i Sverige och det finns en lĂ„ng tradition av att producera Ă€pple i hela Norden. För att kunna sĂ€kerstĂ€lla en fortsatt produktion Ă€ven i framtiden krĂ€vs en inhemsk förĂ€dling för att framstĂ€lla nya sorter som kan möta framtidens utmaningar med ett förĂ€ndrat klimat, effektivare lagring och förĂ€ndrade preferenser frĂ„n slutkonsumenten. I framtidens inhemska förĂ€dlingsprocess Ă€r det viktigt att rangordna önskade egenskaper sĂ„ att de dels möter odlarnas förvĂ€ntningar, dels passar in i förĂ€dlarnas planer pĂ„ hur framtida svensk Ă€ppelproduktion ska komma att se ut. Arbetets syfte Ă€r att undersöka vilka mĂ„l som Ă€r prioriterade för framtida vĂ€xtförĂ€dling av Ă€pple, bĂ„de ur odlarnas och vĂ€xtförĂ€dlarnas perspektiv. Detta görs genom att via mail eller telefonintervju be odlare i Sverige och vĂ€xtförĂ€dlare i Sverige samt utvalda lĂ€nder i Norden och Baltikum att rangordna och beskriva vilka egenskaper de anser viktiga. Goda lagringsegenskaper och sjukdomstolerans lyfts som viktiga egenskaper frĂ„n bĂ„de odlare och förĂ€dlare. Odlare framhĂ€ver frosthĂ€rdighet hos blomman i högre utstrĂ€ckning Ă€n förĂ€dlarna. FörĂ€dlarna i sin tur prioriterar dock hög avkastning i högre utstrĂ€ckning Ă€n odlarna. Sammanfattningsvis finns det likheter och olikheter gĂ€llande prioriteringar de bĂ„da intressenterna emellan men det finns en svĂ„righet i att rangordna de olika egenskaperna dĂ„ en kombination av dem ofta Ă€r avgörande för om en sort ska kunna utgöra en god produktionsgröda.Apple is the most produced fruit within Sweden and apples have been grown in the Nordic countries for many centuries. To ensure future production within the region is it important with domestic plant breeding programs to generate new varieties that can withstand the upcoming challenges such as climate change, the need for improved storability and the changing preferences of consumers. For the future of apple breeding, it is important to find out what the most prioritized traits are from apple breeders’ perspective as well as growers’. The aim of this thesis is to make an overview of the priorities for future apple breeding from Swedish growers view and some Nordic and Baltic apple breeder’s perspective. This is done by interviewing, via email or phone, Swedish growers and apple breeders from Sweden and some of the Nordic and Baltic countries to rank and describe what traits they find most important for future breeding of apple. Traits like good storability and tolerance or resistance to diseases are of great importance to both apple breeders and growers. Growers made it clear that frost-tolerance of the apple flower is highly wanted while breeders on their hand pointed out that a large harvest is of greater significance. To conclude there are several similarities between the answers from apple breeders and growers although some differences can be seen. However, there is an inherent problem with the system of ranking the different traits since it is a combination of them that determines whether a variety will be superior and successful

    Videojoc retro

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    El treball consisteix en l’estudi, el disseny, i la creaciĂł d’un prototipat d’una consola de videojocs de 8 bits i la programaciĂł dels videojocs integrats en la consola, en concret tres de diferents. Els jocs que incorpora la consola sĂłn retro, Ă©s a dir, entre els anys setanta i vuitanta ja existien com Ă©s el cas de l’Snake, un dels tres jocs programats. En el present document es recull en tots els coneixements necessaris per ajudar a arribar al lector a una millor comprensiĂł del treball realitzat. S’explica el funcionament del microcontrolador i la seva connexiĂł amb els elements externs necessaris per a una consola;com la pantalla, l’altaveu i els diversos polsadors. De la mateixa manera que s’explica el hardware de la consola, tambĂ© es comenta la seva programaciĂł, en aquest cas, mitjançant el llenguatge C amb l’entorn de desenvolupament adequat pel microcontrolador. D’aquesta manera es donen tots els conceptes bĂ sics per poder comprendre tot el funcionament de la consola, des de l’apartat de hardware fins al software

    Emotion dysregulation, self-image, and eating disorders

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    Background: Eating disorders (EDs) are complex psychiatric disorders that entail great suffering, high prevalence of comorbid psychiatric and somatic conditions, and increased mortality. The understanding of how EDs develop and are maintained is unclear, although emotion- and self-related themes are highlighted in several theoretical models of EDs. This thesis focuses on two psychological traits in relation to EDs: emotion dysregulation (difficulties in understanding and managing one’s emotions) and self-image (habitual self-directed evaluations and behaviors). Higher emotion dysregulation and more negative self-image may differentiate those suffering from EDs from controls, and independently, both concepts are associated with ED symptom severity and outcome. However, previous studies have generally been conducted in smaller samples and/or with only some ED diagnoses represented, and the impact of specific aspects of emotion dysregulation on symptoms remains unclear. Also, no prior research has concurrently examined both emotion dysregulation and self-image in relation to ED psychopathology and outcome in order to clarify potential pathways whereby these traits affect each other in relation to symptoms. Doing so could present an opportunity to integrate models, disentangle association pathways, and increase specificity. Aims: This thesis aimed to examine aspects of emotion dysregulation in relation to diagnostic presentation, specific ED symptoms, and ED outcome. It also aimed to examine direct and indirect associations between emotion dysregulation, self-image, and ED psychopathology, in ways that may inform both risk and potentially pathology-specific maintenance models. Lastly, it aimed to clarify if, and in that case how, these concepts may impact on ED outcome. Methods: Participants were patients with a range of EDs presenting to specialized ED treatment units (Studies I and III: N=999; Study IV: N=307) and comparison participants (female university students; Studies I and II: N=252). Emotion dysregulation was measured by the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), self-image by the Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB), and ED symptoms by the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q). Study I examined differences in DERS between patients and the comparison group, and between patients with different EDs. It also examined unique associations between DERS subscales and ED psychopathology and behavioral symptoms. Study II examined direct and indirect associations between emotion dysregulation, self-image, and ED symptoms in the comparison group using mediation analysis. Study III aimed to replicate the main Study II findings, and additional analyses extended previous work by exploring direct and indirect associations using particular emotion dysregulation dimensions and distinct self-image aspects. Study IV examined if initial DERS, or one-year change in DERS, could predict ED outcome in a subset of patients with complete follow-up data using multiple regression. It also examined pathways whereby change in emotion dysregulation and self-image might influence change in ED psychopathology over one year using mediation analysis. Results: Patients generally reported higher emotion dysregulation than the comparison group, but emotion dysregulation generally did not differ between diagnoses. Higher perceived lack of emotion regulation strategies was uniquely associated with ED psychopathology in both patients and comparison participants. In patients, higher difficulties in impulse control and emotional non-acceptance showed unique associations with binge-eating, while lower difficulties in goal-directed behavior was associated with compulsive exercise. Emotion dysregulation was strongly associated with negative self-image in both comparison participants and patients. When examined concurrently in relation to ED psychopathology, emotion dysregulation was only indirectly associated with symptoms through self-image. More finegrained analyses in patients with and without binge-eating characterized by loss of control, respectively, showed differentiating indirect effects through specific self-image aspects. Initial emotion dysregulation only weakly predicted ED outcome, while less improvement (or worsening) in emotion dysregulation was strongly associated with both higher follow-up ED psychopathology and an increased risk of still having an ED, even when initial severity was taken into consideration. Lastly, less emotion dysregulation improvement only was indirectly associated with less ED psychopathology improvement, through less self-image improvement. Conclusions: Emotion dysregulation seems to differentiate individuals suffering from EDs from comparison groups but generally not diagnoses from each other, indicating emotion dysregulation as a potential transdiagnostic risk factor. Although both emotion dysregulation and self-image independently may function as maintenance factors for ED psychopathology and mechanisms of change in relation to better ED outcomes, results from mediation analyses particularly suggest self-image as the influential factor whereby emotion dysregulation influences ED psychopathology. Thus, although results confirm considerable associations between emotion dysregulation and symptoms that would benefit from clinical attention, they particularly highlight the importance of addressing self-image when doing so. That is, helping patients to respond to themselves with acceptance and protection rather than harsh blame and neglect, even in the presence of unwanted, undifferentiated, and ‘unmanageable’ emotions, may provide patients with necessary tools for reducing ED symptoms

    Evolution design requirements and design strategy

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    Evolution of Space Station Freedom is justified for reasons which vary from more effectively utilizing the manned base to providing a means for incorporating new technologies as they become available. Increasing or, more importantly, balancing the resources that are provided to the users is very critical to effectively utilizing the station. At permanently manned phases of the program, there will be four crew members that will be supporting and monitoring three laboratories. Accepted user mission databases have shown a demand for more crew, power, and volume than is provided by the baseline. As the work done in space by NASA continues to expand, the station will take a more active role in the missions. New functionalities for its operation and support of other missions will be required. One important driver for growth, particularly in the area of structures, is the inability of the baseline configuration to store all the Orbital Replacement Units (ORU) spares that will be required on orbit. New technologies drive growth by providing a means of streamlining operations and possibly reducing the demand on ExtraVehicular Activity (EVA). They will also ensure that the station does not become plagued with obsolete equipment

    Implantable Gastric Stimulation for the Treatment of Obesity in Adults: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The problem of obesity in the adult population requires the exploration and development of new, safe effective therapies to combat increasing girth. Implantable gastric electrical stimulation (GES) offers a novel, minimally invasive surgical approach to promote weight loss. This report utilizes the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) tool to review and evaluate current literature exploring GES as a safe and effective therapy for reducing obesity in adults. Method: An exhaustive search of available medical literature was conducted in the PubMed, Medline, Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews Multifile, Web of Science, and CINHAL databases. Results: Three studies were reviewed for the primary endpoint of percentage of excess weight loss (EWL) and secondary endpoint of device safety. GRADE results revealed moderate levels of evidence for both of these endpoints. A small subset of adult patients experienced weight loss ranging between 5-17% EWL while other patients experienced weight gain. Conclusion: Use of a gastric electrical stimulation device fails to produce any significant weight loss in obese individuals when compared to traditional lifestyle changes of diet and exercise. Implantable GES for weight loss in obese adults is not recommended

    National Security: Defense Policy for a New International Order

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    Improving the Success of Transfer Students: Responding to Risk Factors

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    How can learning communities be designed to reduce transfer student stress and enhance their learning? This study was designed to investigate the impact of the Criminal Justice Transfer Learning Community experience on its participants’ level of identified stressors over time and their means of coping with those stressors. The Criminal Justice Transfer Learning Community extended for two terms, and was designed to facilitate students’ integration into the university and the criminal justice community. Students in the learning community were asked on multiple occasions to identify stressors and rate their intensity. According to the students, the largest impact on stress reduction was the feeling of belonging to their learning community cohort and the university community
