342 research outputs found

    Generasi Muda di Persimpangan Jalan (Analisis Semiotik terhadap Tokoh Lintang dalam Film Laskar Pelangi Representasi Kegigihan Pelajar SD di Pelosok Indonesia)

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    Movie, as one of communication media, is very effective because of its power and ability to reach many social segments. Laskar Pelangi the Movie is Indonesian movie which uses educational as its theme. The movie, which is based on the true story, likely the real condition of amount of this country residents.The aim of this study is to comprehend the representation of Lintang's determination to reach proper education in remote area in Laskar Pelangi the Movie. The method which is used in this study is qualitative descriptive semiotic analysis. The data analysis is done by semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes to discuss about the greater definition range in order to difference the denotative and connotative meaning from the signs of this movie.The first result of Roland Barthes semiotic analysis is end to the myth reading, and the myth that can be arrested in this movie is to reach education we also need enough material. Nevertheless, that myth can be broken by the other scene in this movie, that is the economic inability cannot stop someone to get what he or she dreamed especially education. Second, as a medium which can educates and critize, Laskar Pelangi the movie includes social critic to the goverment, parents, education practitioner, and also students

    DNA expression microarrays may be the wrong tool to identify biological pathways

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    DNA microarray expression signatures are expected to provide new insights into patho- physiological pathways. Numerous variant statistical methods have been described for each step of the signal analysis. We employed five similar statistical tests on the same data set at the level of gene selection. Inter-test agreement for the identification of biological pathways in BioCarta, KEGG and Reactome was calculated using Cohen’s k- score. The identification of specific biological pathways showed only moderate agreement (0.30 < k < 0.79) between the analysis methods used. Pathways identified by microarrays must be treated cautiously as they vary according to the statistical method used

    Analisis Framing Robert Entman pada Pemberitaan Konflik Kpk Vs Polri di Vivanews.co.id dan Detiknews.com

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    Media online saat ini menjadi lebih digemari dibandingkan dengan media konvesional karena kecepatan, kemudahan dalam mengaksesnya dan informasi yang diberikan selalu baru. Dalam pemberitaannya, setiap selalu dipengaruhi oleh ideologi, kekuasaan dan kepentingan pemilik media. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana suatu media membingkai dan mengkonstruksikan realitas berita mengenai konflik KPK dan Polri di vivanews.co.id dan detik.com. framing yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah framing milik Robert Entman yang berfokus pada bagaimana medefinisikan suatu masalah, apa/siapa penyebab masalah, keputusan moral apa yang terdapat dalam berita tersebut dan apa penyelesaian yang ditwarkan oleh wartawan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam mengkonstruksi dan membingkai konflik KPK dan Polri baik vivanews.co.id dan detik.com memiliki kesan yang berbeda. Dimana vivanews.co.id cenderung memojokkan Jokowi bahwa keputusannya dalam mengajukan Budi Gunawan sebagai calon Kapolri adalah awal dari konflik tersebut, namun berbeda detiknews.com yang mana meminta presiden Jokowi mengakhiri konflik tersebut dengan mempertimbangkan masukkan dari tim independennya. Kata Kunci : Media Online, Analisis Framing Robert Entman, KPK – Polr

    DNA expression microarrays may be the wrong tool to identify biological pathways

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    DNA microarray expression signatures are expected to provide new insights into patho- physiological pathways. Numerous variant statistical methods have been described for each step of the signal analysis. We employed five similar statistical tests on the same data set at the level of gene selection. Inter-test agreement for the identification of biological pathways in BioCarta, KEGG and Reactome was calculated using Cohen's k- score. The identification of specific biological pathways showed only moderate agreement (0.30 < k < 0.79) between the analysis methods used. Pathways identified by microarrays must be treated cautiously as they vary according to the statistical method used

    An Appeal for a Creaturely Attitude to Animals in Vasily Rozanov’s Writing

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    The work of Vasily Rozanov offers a relevant case study of our changing relation to natural-cultural contact zones with animals. Rozanov used a comparative approach to human-animal connections to change the societal attitude to the physical body and erase boundaries between human and animal corporeality. I focus on his narratives that promote a creaturely attitude to animals in the context of societal problems. The issues he addresses have special relevance to the current pandemic realia. I argue that Rozanov used both ethico-religious and secular arguments, as well as logic and emotion as part of his strategy to appeal to wider audiences. The hybrid genre of his narratives was a new form of literature that employed multiple rhetorical devices in creating creaturely poetics

    Persepsi Mahasiswi pada Perempuan sebagai Ikon Iklan

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    : Developments media delivery of information on the present experiencing very rapid development. Various kinds of impressions also increasingly adorn the view audiences in times watching a show television. One of the impressions which does not regardless of the view audiences is advertisement. Ad constitute one of the impressions televise who always present in every moment, one of one symbol which is frequently used in advertising televise are women, because women has the abilities such as gorgeous, polite, graceful and so forth. This study aims for reveal perception of coed on women as an icons ilan, and perception coed on ad Pond's Flawless White version of Bunga Citra Lestari and Ashraf, on coed University of Medrdeka and Universitas Widyagama. In this research using research methods citizens and governments with step-steps data collection is done through observation, documentation and interviews-depth with of field information who obtained through techniques purposif, for measure the validity validity of data, and performed a technique examination who are based top of the nature and criteria who used, namely measure the degrees of trust, certainty, keteralihan, and dependence above the object of research. Of the move was done analysis the data with using model of analysis interactive data.From research who implemented have been obtained a conclusion as follows: (1) Female as an icon advertisement do not menimbilkan impacts of who negative and significant, in advertisements televise because women has the many abilities such as gorgeous, polite, graceful and another so forth. (2) Perception coed on which clan Pond's Flawles White version of Bunga Citra Lestari and Ashraf can be known that the Bunga and Ashraf has the ability in terms of berekting, and has a sides y romantically so as capable attract the attention audiences (the audience). Keywords: Perseption Of Female University Student On The Woman As An Icon Advertisin

    A keeping Place For Souls : Photo, Body, And Narrative Impulse In Cormac McCarthy\u27s Suttree

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    This paper examines how the treatment of photographs in Cormac McCarthy\u27s novel Suttree sheds light on its main character\u27s narrative project, his motivation for writing and his approach to his subjects. It extends the work of critics who have identified the character of Suttree as a burgeoning writer in order to examine what this narrative subplot might indicate about the purpose of narrative in McCarthy\u27s world. It also responds to previous readings of the novel\u27s photo album scene, which have focused on photographs as reminders of death. I argue that Suttree\u27s adverse reaction to photographs is more complicated than fear of death, but has more to do with his fear of the vulnerability of his body and identity after death. In order to show this, I focus on ways in which the photographs in the album are shown to be a poor keeping place, and on Suttree\u27s initial expectations of narrative by contrast. I demonstrate that the initial motivation behind his autobiographical project is to preserve his identity and the vanishing reality of McAnally Flats for posterity, but that the novel represents his approach to narrative as a dangerous effort to control his subjects in order to preserve his version of reality. By highlighting the adverse effects of Suttree\u27s narrative manipulations on his subjects, the novel emphasizes storytelling as an ethical encounter between individuals. Also, by showing Suttree\u27s effort to memorialize himself to be a false conception of the purpose of narrative, the novel advocates an understanding of narrative as something that changes and decays like any other artifact, and underscores its value as process rather than product

    Catheter Ablation of the Accessory Pathway in the Asymptomatic Patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White

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    Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) is a condition in which an accessory conduction pathway exists within the heart. This accessory pathway may or may not cause symptoms, in fact, the first manifestation of the condition may be sudden cardiac death. The management of this condition in asymptomatic individuals is controversial. The purpose of this research and literature review is to analyze the safety and efficacy associated with invasive catheter ablation of the accessory pathway, in comparison to risk of sudden cardiac death and malignant arrythmias in non-ablated, asymptomatic individuals with WPW. In this review, five databases were searched including CINAHL, Clinical Key, PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Dynamed Plus. Both keyword and mesh terms were used to define a set of the literature discussing Wolff-Parkinson-White, ventricular preexcitation, radiofrequency catheter ablation, and sudden cardiac death. Works chosen for review were published from 2009 to 2019, and included surveys, case control studies, and cohort studies. Sources that were excluded included those published prior to 2009, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis, in order to exclusively include original research. Much of the research suggests that electrophysiologists do not currently have an adequate evidence-based recommendation for the management of the asymptomatic patient with WPW. The methodology and safety of the ablation procedures may have evolved over time, making it difficult with the current data available to conclude the safety and efficacy of modern radiofrequency catheter ablation. Research also appears to be lacking longitudinal studies analyzing the outcomes of the non-ablated individuals. Future research is necessary to develop a guideline to direct decision to ablate the asymptomatic patient according to predetermined criteria and patient factors