11 research outputs found

    Analysis of Teachers Accreditation in Master and Doctorate Programs of Tourism in Brazil with Spanish Model Application

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Curso de Ciências ContábeisO objetivo do estudo é analisar o credenciamento de docentes em programas de pós-graduação em turismo do Brasil, com a aplicação do modelo espanhol de credenciamento (sexenio). Para atingir este objetivo, foram identificados os programas de pós-graduação em turismo do Brasil e seus respectivos docentes, com a análise dos seus currículos lattes, buscando publicações em revistas com fator de impacto (Journal Citation Reports-JCR), entre os anos de 2009 e 2014. Foram identificados dez programas de pós-graduação recomendados pela CAPES na área, inseridos em 8 instituições de ensino, com a análise de 104 currículos lattes de docentes credenciados. Os resultados mostram que 17 (16,5%) possuem publicações com fator de impacto. Embora nenhum docente tenha atingido a pontuação mínima exigida pelo modelo espanhol, ou seja, trinta pontos em seis anos. Caso o Brasil adotasse o modelo espanhol de credenciamento de docentes, teria dificuldade em manter seus programas de pós-graduação em Turismo.The objective of the study is to analyze the accreditation of teachers in master or doctorate programs of tourism in Brazil, with the application of the Spanish model of accreditation (sexenio). To achieve this goal the master or doctorate programs of tourism in Brazil and their teachers have been identified, with the analysis of their lattes curriculum, looking for publications in journals with impact factor (Journal Citation Reports-JCR), between 2009 and 2014. Ten graduate programs were identified recommended by CAPES in the area, inserted in 8 educational institutions, with the analysis of 104 lattes curriculum accredited teachers. The results show that 17 (16.5%) publications have the impact factor. However, no teacher has reached the minimum score required by the Spanish model, ie, thirty points in six years. If Brazil adopted the Spanish model of accreditation of teachers, there would be difficulties maintaining their master and doctorate programs of tourism

    Desenvolvimento da tecnica dos dois microfones para medição de caracteristicas acusticas de amostras feitas de cinzas de carvão mineral

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnologicoFabricaram-se ladrilhos acústicos, feitos de cinzas de diversas granulometrias e aglomerados com cola de resina epoxídica. Testaram-se diversas amostras pela técnica de dois microfones, demostrando o material ter boas propriedades acústicas. Denvolvou-so uma revisão da teoria usada em medições no tubo de impedância clássico e desenvolveu-se fórmulas para medição de absorção e impedância acústica pela técnica dos dois microfones a partir da equação da onda acústica plana, chegando-se as mesmas equações desenvolvidas por outros autores que partiram de outras formulações teóricas. Foi descrita a tecnologia de medições empregada, bom como a aparelhagem e processos usados, efetuando-se uma série de ensaios para verificação da exatidão da técnica dos dois microfones. discutindo-se diversos aspectos dos resultados, bem como sua comparação com os obtidos no tubo de impedância clássico, obtendo-se boa concordância entre ambos métodos. Finalizando-se foram sugeridos estudos posteriores para aprofundamento dos conhecimentos na área da medição acústica pela técnica dos dois microfones

    Sustainable Polymers: New 4-H STEM Curricula

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    There are many environmental issues surrounding the global production and use of plastics. Three science curricula (Grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8) were developed to introduce youth to the past, present, and future of plastics. Designed using research-based methods and grounded in effective science pedagogy, the curricula provide young people opportunities to explore viable alternatives to plastics and develop knowledge and skills necessary to help mitigate environmental impacts associated with the production, use and disposal of plastics. Evaluation results demonstrated that youth improved their understanding of polymers and intention to help reduce impacts of plastics on the environment

    The History of Physical Education and Sport in Vimperk

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    Thesis topic is the history of physical education and sport in Vimperk starting from foundation of Sokol until the present days. The thesis is divided into four chapters.The first chapter is dedicated to historical context of Vimperk. The second part describes functioning of Vimperk and subsequent sport groups from their foundation up to 1945. The third section is devoted to origins and development of individual sports and organizations in Vimperk between 1945 and 1989. The last chapter follows in footsteps of previous a maps period of time from 1989 up to the present day

    Der Zahnmediziner Franz Schönbauer (1900-1963)

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    Franz Schönbauer wurde am 25. April 1900 in Lilienfeld in Niederösterreich geboren. Er legte im Dezember 1918 die Reifeprüfung ab. Von März bis November des Jahres 1918 leistete Franz Schönbauer Militärdienst, wo er Fritz Driak kennen lernte. Im Jahr 1919 begann Schönbauer mit dem Medizinstudium in Wien. Er promovierte am 26. Juli 1924. Eineinhalb Jahre war Franz Schönbauer an der Universitäts-Kinderklinik Wien. Danach trat er in die I. Chirurgische Klinik ein. Im November 1927 begann er mit der zahnärztlichen Ausbildung am Zahnärztlichen Institut, wo er bis Ende Dezember 1931 blieb. Ab Jänner 1932 war Franz Schönbauer an der Kieferstation der I. Chirurgischen Klinik tätig. Im November 1934 ging er zurück an das Zahnärztliche Institut. Dort arbeitete er sich im Laufe der Jahre bis zum Oberassistenten hoch. Er war von 1929 bis 1938 Assistent an der histologischen Abteilung bei Bernhard Gottlieb, deren Leitung ihm 1938 übertragen wurde. 1930 wurde er Mitglied der IADR. 1943 bis 1945 wurde ihm auch die Leitung der konservierenden Abteilung übertragen. Nebenbei machte Franz Schönbauer 1936 eine Ordination auf. Am 22. Mai 1940 erfolgte seine Habilitierung und am 31. August desselben Jahres wurde ihm die Dozentur verliehen. Im Mai 1943 wurde er vom Zahnärztlichen Institut abgezogen und als Unterarzt zum Heer einberufen. Auf Ansuchen des Vorstandes des Zahnärztlichen Instituts, wurde ihm im März 1944 erneut die Unabkömmlichkeitsstellung gewährt. Im April 1945 wurde Franz Schönbauer nochmals einberufen. Drei Monate später geriet er in amerikanische Gefangenschaft, aus welcher er im September 1945 entlassen wurde. Nach Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs wurde Franz Schönbauer aufgrund seiner NSDAP-Mitgliedschaft seit 1934 entlassen. Nach § 17 des Verbotsgesetzes 1947 wurde er allerdings als minderbelastet eingestuft. Nach dem Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges war Franz Schönbauer als Konsiliararzt für Kieferchirurgie an der Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse tätig. Am 1. Februar 1951 wurde ihm die Dozentur, die ihm während der NS-Zeit verliehen wurde, relativ spät wieder zuerkannt. Am 16. Mai 1958 wurde Franz Schönbauer der Titel des a.o. Professors verliehen. Er war von 1938 bis 1945 und von 1954 bis 1963 Schriftleiter der (Österreichische) Zeitschrift für Stomatologie. Franz Schönbauer starb am 6. September 1963 recht plötzlich an den Folgen eines Pankreaskarzinoms in Wien. Seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sind nicht besonders zahlreich, 37 an der Zahl. Nur einige von ihnen brachten neue Erkenntnisse. Dies sind vor allem seine histologischen Studien, die zwischen 1929 und 1938 veröffentlicht wurden. Sie entstanden während der Zeit als Schönbauer unter dem Einfluss Bernhard Gottliebs stand. 1948 beschäftigte sich Schönbauer mit dem Thema der Wurzelbehandlung. Ab 1949 wurden in seinen Arbeiten größtenteils die Themen der zahnärztlichen Chirurgie behandelt. Franz Schönbauer war als guter Redner und Vortragender sehr geschätzt.ABSTRACT Franz Schönbauer was born April 25, 1900 in Lilienfeld in Lower Austria. He graduated from high-school in December 1918. From March to November of the same year he served with the military, where he met Fritz Driak (later a close colleague in dentistry). He took up medical studies in 1919 in Vienna and graduated from the Vienna University Medical School in 1924. Franz Schönbauer worked at the Vienna University Pediatrics Clinic for one and a half years, and then at the 1st Surgery Clinic. He started his education in dentistry in November 1927 at the Institute of Dentistry, where he stayed until the end of December 1931. From January 1932 Franz Schönbauer worked at the maxillo-facial surgery ward of the 1st Surgery Clinic, and returned to the Institute of Dentistry in November 1934. Over the next few years he managed to rise up to chief assistant. From 1929 to 1938 he was assistant to Bernhard Gottlieb in the Dental Histology Laboratory, a position he took over after Gottliebs dismissal in 1938. He became a member of the IADR Vienna Section in 1930. In 1943-45 he became head of the Division of Conservative Dentistry. Concurrently Franz Schönbauer opened up his own dental practice in 1936. May 22, 1940, he qualified as a university teacher, and August 31 of the same year he received the position of University-"Dozent". In May 1943 he was called up for military service as medical noncommissioned officer. In March 1944 he returned after the director of the Institute of Dentistry had solicited for his indispensability. However, in April 1945 Franz Schönbauer was called up again. Three months later he was taken into captivity by the US Army, and then released in September 1945. After the end of the WW II Franz Schönbauer was dismissed from his university position due to membership in the Nazi Party that he had joined in 1934. However, under § 17 of the Verbotsgesetz 1947 (law forbidding the Nazi Party) he was declared "minderbelastet" (marginally incriminated). After WW II Franz Schönbauer worked as consulting physican for maxillo-facial surgery with the Vienna regional health insurance board (Gebietskrankenkasse). Somewhat belatedly, on February 1, 1951, he was re-instated as university teacher of dentistry. May 16, 1958, Franz Schönbauer received the title of extraordinary professor. He served as editor of "Zeitschrift für Stomatologie" from 1938 to 1944 and then again of "Österreichische Zeitschrift für Stomatologie" from 1954 to 1963. Franz Schönbauer died on 6th September 1963 from cancer of the pancreas, in Vienna. The number of his scientific papers is not great, 37 alltogether. Only a few of them can really be called innovative. Most of these resulted from his histological investigations, that were published between 1929 and 1938. They originated during the period when Schönbauer was under the influence of Bernhard Gottlieb. In 1948 he focused on the topic of root canal therapy. From 1949 onwards most of his papers concentrated on dental surgery. Franz Schönbauer was respected as a good speaker and lecturer.eingereicht von Martina MondlAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZusammenfassung in engl. SpracheWien, Med. Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2009(VLID)171479

    Giblin v. Berlin Tanning and Manufacturing Co.

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