2,524 research outputs found

    Prime riflessioni sulla nuova disciplina del lavoro occasionale = First reflections on the new discipline of casual work. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 346/2017

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    After reconstructing the complex evolution of ancillary work's regulation, the article deals with the new discipline of occasional work, tackling first of all the issue of its legal nature. The Author believes that occasional work is a subordinate employment relationship and examines the reasonableness of a legal framework that simplifies the discipline of it compared to that of standard work

    “A spectacular incident …had somehow eluded my attention”: The Impact of Cyril Levitt and William Shaffir’s book, The Riot at Christie Pits (1987)

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    The year 2017 marks three decades since the 1987 publication of The Riot at Christie Pits. The book chronicles the events of August 16, 1933, when Toronto experienced one of the most violent riots in Canadian history: young Jewish men retaliated after Nazi sympathizers unfurled a swastika flag at a neighbourhood baseball game. Despite the brutality of the riot, however, it would be 54 years until scholars Cyril Levitt and William Shaffir would document the event. Why did scholars ignore it for so long? Neither Canada, Toronto, nor Jews were invested in rehashing such a dreadful incident. Since the appearance of The Riot at Christie Pits, however, attention to the riot has increased, and its legacy has been viewed in a more positive light.L’année 2017 marque le trentième anniversaire de la parution de The Riot at Christie Pits, ouvrage qui fait la chronique des évènements du 16 août 1933, jour où la ville de Toronto fut le théâtre de l’une des plus violentes émeutes de l’histoire canadienne. De jeunes Juifs avaient agi en représailles contre des sympathisants nazis qui avaient déployé un drapeau portant la swastika lors d’une partie de base-ball dans ce quartier. Bien que cette émeute eût été particulièrement brutale, il fallut néanmoins attendre 54 ans pour que les chercheurs Cyril Levitt et William Shaffir documentent cet évènement. Pourquoi celui-ci a-t-il été si longtemps délaissé par les historiens ? Ni le Canada, ni la ville de Toronto, ni les Juifs ne cherchèrent à se pencher de nouveau sur un si terrible incident. Cependant, depuis la parution de The Riot at Christie Pits, cette émeute a davantage attiré l’attention, et ses retombées sont dorénavant vues sous un jour plus positif

    Challenges Facing the Police and Private Security in the Provision of Security Services in Nairobi City County, Kenya

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    Over the course of the last 20 years, there has been an increase in the number of private security officers deployed to guard key installations and perform quasi-police functions in Kenya cities, more so in Nairobi.  This has raised the curiosity of criminologists and criminal justice experts, who now want to learn more about the ways in which law enforcement and private security agencies work together to reduce crime. This study investigated the challenges that face the police and private security in the provision of security in Nairobi City County, Kenya.  The study was underpinned in the systems theory and the differential association theory. The study used mixed methods approach in data collection and to this end, both quantitative and qualitative techniques were combined in data collection. The survey collected data from 241 respondents being 117 law enforcement personnel and 124 private security personnel in Nairobi County. The study collected both primary and secondary data and interview schedules and questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents. The city of Nairobi was chosen as the study area because of the substantial distribution of both public and private security service providers there. Quantitative data for the study was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28.0 for windows. Study findings revealed that the challenges faced by police and private security in the provision of security services in Nairobi County included lack of manpower; a lack of resources; tribalism; lack of centralization of command; and a lack of adequate training with a combined coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.71). findings of this study stretched the fronters of knowledge and significantly contributed to existing body of knowledge on the police-private security partnership in the provision of security services not only in Nairobi County but in Kenya and beyond. Keywords: Challenges, Police, Private Security, Security Provision DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/127-05 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Forgatókönyvek készítése a hazai, lakossági hasznosítású IKT lehetséges jövőire

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    A lakossági fogyasztású IKT trendekről adok egy áttekintést, kitérve a globális és a hazai trendekre. Az eszközoldal bemutatása után a hazai fiatalok információs és kommunikációs technológiai eszközökkel kapcsolatos preferenciái alapján a humán tényező szerepére helyezem a hangsúlyt. A második fejezetben a forgatókönyvek készítésének fontosságát fejtem ki, és folyamatábráját szemléltetem. Végezetül a korábban felvezetett humán és a technológiai oldal beépítését emelem ki az infokommunikációs forgatókönyvek készítése szempontjából és további kutatási irányokat jelölök ki

    Choreographic Architectures: When Dancing Designs the Urban Environment

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    This paper aims to draw attention to the relationship between dance and architecture. After a historical and conceptual contextualisation, it sheds light on how the term choreography evolved its meaning along the twentieth century, indicating a dispositif for building a new ecology of the participative performance experience. In these terms, choreographic architectures can be recognised when in real and metaphysic spaces, movement strategies are planned to activate processes through which human dancing engages with the surrounding environment. This phenomenon is studied by comparing William Forsythe’s theory of the “choreographic object” with some installations performed in urban environments. Finally, to provide an enlarged vision of how a choreographic strategy can cooperate in building a performative ecology to regenerate the inhabiting contexts with the acting presences of socially empowered citizens, my analysis ends with the description of Asingeline and Garden State, two emblematic works by MaMaZa, a Frankfurt-based group of artists.This paper aims to draw attention to the relationship between dance and architecture. After a historical and conceptual contextualisation, it sheds light on how the term choreography evolved its meaning along the twentieth century, indicating a dispositif for building a new ecology of the participative performance experience. In these terms, choreographic architectures can be recognised when in real and metaphysic spaces, movement strategies are planned to activate processes through which human dancing engages with the surrounding environment. This phenomenon is studied by comparing William Forsythe’s theory of the “choreographic object” with some installations performed in urban environments. Finally, to provide an enlarged vision of how a choreographic strategy can cooperate in building a performative ecology to regenerate the inhabiting contexts with the acting presences of socially empowered citizens, my analysis ends with the description of Asingeline and Garden State, two emblematic works by MaMaZa, a Frankfurt-based group of artists

    Anarchiving a Screendance Archive. Reenacting Choreographic Traces within Museo Madre

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    Questo saggio solleva l’attenzione sull’archivio di videodanza del Festival Internazionale Il Coreografo Elettronico custodito presso il Museo Madre di Napoli e curato in collaborazione con un team di ricercatori della Sapienza Università di Roma. Partendo dall’esplorazione del modello concettuale inscritto nel termine oggetto coreografico (Forsythe 2008­2018), l’articolo espone come l’archivio di Il Coreografo Elettronico possa costituire un caso di studio trasversale attraverso il quale analizzare da tre diverse prospettive la crescente presenza di esposizioni coreografiche all’interno degli spazi museali. Nel corso del saggio il concetto di anarchive (Massumi­ - Manning 2016) è applicato come principio centrale della ricerca. Viene utilizzato come approccio per legare insieme le tre prospettive e spiegare come le esposizioni di oggetti coreografici all’interno di un museo siano in grado di riconfigurare nell’ambiente contemporaneo l’empowerment sociale.This essay draws attention to the screendance archive of Il Coreografo Elettronico Festival stored within Museo Madre of Naples and curated in collaboration with a team of scholars from the Sapienza University of Rome. By exploring the conceptual model of the term choreographic object (Forsythe 2008­2018), the article explains how Il Coreografo Elettronico Archive can provide a transversal case study through which analyse the increasing presence of dance/choreographic exhibitions within museum spaces from three different perspectives. Along the paper, the concept of anarchive (Massumi­Manning 2016) is applied as a central principle of the research. It is used as an approach to link the three perspectives together and to explain how the exhibition of choreographic objects within museums can reconfigure the social empowerment in the contemporary environment

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Matematika Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD dan Tipe NHT Siswa Kelas VII

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbandingan hasil belajar matematika antara kelas yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) pada siswa kelas VII SMP Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2019 sampai April 2019. Penelelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah pretest dan posttest. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas VII sebanyak 192. Sampel penelitian ini adalah dua kelas yaitu kelas VII.1 sebanyak 30 sebagai eksperimen STAD, dan kelas VII.4 sebanyak 32 sebagai kelas eksperimen NHT. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Data tes hasil belajar dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji- . Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut maka diketahui bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif NHT lebih tinggi daripada STAD. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan  model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) dan diajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT (Numbered Heads Together)

    At-Risk Student-Athletes and Academic Achievement: Experiences of Successful and Unsuccessful First Year Collegiate Football Players

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    The academic development of collegiate football players has become a concern in higher education during recent years (Knight Commission, 2010; LaForge & Hodge, 2011; NCAA, 2009). The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain insight into the first semester experiences of academically successful and unsuccessful first year collegiate football players. In particular, this study attempted to identify the variables that academically successful and unsuccessful football players perceived to have impacted their academic performance during their first semester. An intensity sample of Division I freshman football players who performed well academically during the Fall 2010 semester ( n=6) and a sample of Division I freshman football players who did not perform well academically during the Fall 2010 semester (n=6) were interviewed for this study. Emergent themes that arose from the data analysis for the successful student-athlete group included: academic motivation, facilitators of academic success, time management, academic preparation, limited involvement, and academic skills. For the academically unsuccessful student-athlete group the relevant themes included: academic motivation, barriers to academic success, time management, academic preparation, limited involvement, and lack of autonomy. The findings from this study provide insight into potential factors that may be useful in identifying student-athletes at risk for academic problems and for designing interventions to address academic performance

    Comunicación y lenguaje: programas de intervención en autistas

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una revisión de los estudios e investigaciones sobre los programas de intervención en el ámbito de la comunicación y lenguaje en el colectivo de personas con trastornos del espectro autista. Método: Se trata de un estudio agregativo que es el que mejor se adapta al objetivo del trabajo. Para recopilar la información se han utilizado bases de datos de Psicología así como del bases de datos del área multidisciplinar . La búsqueda de artículos se ha centrado principalmente en español aunque se han utilizado algunos artículos escritos en ingles. No se ha delimitado el periodo de tiempo en la búsqueda. Con la información disponible se ha realizado una selección de trabajos en base a nuestro objetivo. Resultados: Mediante la búsqueda en bases de datos se identificaron un total de 421 artículos para el tema que nos concierne. Se realizó una selección del material con el objetivo de contar con la información mas precisa en el área de comunicación y lenguaje en autistas, dando como resultado un total de 9 artículos con los que se lleva a cabo nuestro trabajo. Finalmente se resumen las principales intervenciones realizadas en el ámbito de la comunicación y lenguaje Conclusiones: Los déficits en el empleo del lenguaje y de la comunicación constituyen una de las características centrales del síndrome autista, estos déficits se consideran como criterio imprescindible para el diagnóstico del autismo. Los pronósticos son confusos y las pautas de intervención se han manifestado aún más inefectivas, sin poder destacar ninguna intervención en concreto por su eficacia.Objective: The aim of this Project is to make a detailed check of the studies and investigations about the intervention programs in the field of communication and language skills for a group of people with autism spectrum disorders. Method: We are talking about an aggregative study which is the best one adapted to the objective. To compile the information, it has been used a database in Psychology as well as a database in the multidisciplinary area. The research of the articles has mainly been extracted in Spanish, although some of them have been written in English. The period of the research has not been narrowed down. With the available information, a selection of papers has been carried out according to our objective. Results: Through the research process in database, it has been identified a total of 421 articles about the subject which concerns us. The selection of the material was carried out with the objective to compile the most important information about the communication area and in the autistic language, as a result it has been selected a total of 9 articles to our project. Finally, it has been summarized the main intervention which have taken place in the language and communication field. Conclusions: The shortfall in the use of the language and communication skills represents one of the main features to the autism diagnostic. The predictions are confusing and the model of intervention has appeared to be much more inefficient. The fact, it has been impossible to remark a specific efficient intervention

    Impact of ICT Based Education on the Information Society

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    In the last ten years the continuous growth of internet penetration and the wider palette for spreading ICT tools have changed the availability and quantity of information, communications methods and the learning processes. ICT tools are already extensively used in education and we have reached the turning point when, after the era of PCs and laptops, e-learning based on internet connected tablet PCs is here. This educational model, developed on a radically new basis, poses a number of questions and is going to affect social processes at macroeconomic levels. We analysed the possible future impacts of widespread ICT tools in education by applying the Futures Wheel method. This method gives a base for scenario building. Of the possible impacts of ICT tools, we highlighted two: the aspect of physical, mental and social existence and that of knowledge-searching and sharing. On these grounds, we drew up four scenarios: 1. Healthy, knowledge based net-society, 2. Antisocial impersonal knowledge-society, 3. Lonely ill rebels, 4. Limited information-society