322 research outputs found
Point-of-Care microfluidic device for blood typing
There has been increasing efforts to translate laboratory blood tests analysis into portable, reliable, and cheap miniaturized devices. Electrokinetic-based microfluidic devices provide a new approach to blood tests with a simple infrastructure for the manipulation of cells. Previous studies show red blood cells’ (RBC) dielectrophoretic response changes based on the different ABO-Rh antigens present in the cells membrane. In this research, an alternate-current electric signal with a frequency sweep (0.1 – 1 MHz) is applied through an array of electrodes to generate non-uniform electric fields and induce dielectrophoretic forces on RBC from all eight blood types. The RBC’s response to the signal is recorded to perform an intensity analysis and generate a real-time profile describing each blood-type characteristic dielectrophoretic behavior over the frequency sweep. These results demonstrate that RBC with different membrane antigens have distinctive dielectrophoretic profiles, which could be used to rapidly differentiate blood types for point-of-care testing in emergency field applications.https://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/techtalks/1009/thumbnail.jp
The 2009 EU Industrial R&D Investment SCOREBOARD
The 2009 "EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard" (the Scoreboard) presents information on the top 1000 EU companies and the top 1000 non-EU companies ranked by their investments in research and development (R&D).
The Scoreboard data are drawn from the latest available companies' accounts, i.e. the fiscal year 2008 . In the last part of this reporting period, the world economy entered into a strong financial and economic crisis that affected companies throughout the world. Some of the effects of the crisis are already reflected in these company results, namely on indicators such as sales, operating profits and market capitalisation. However, the full effects of the crisis, especially on R&D, tend to lag and are not yet captured in this Scoreboard.JRC.J.3-Knowledge for Growt
The 2007 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard
This report presents the results of the 2007 edition of the "EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard" (Scoreboard). It provides information on the 1000 EU companies and 1000 non-EU companies investing the largest sums in R&D. The Scoreboard includes R&D figures along with other economic and financial data from the last four financial years. The report includes a discussion on the key figures of the world¿s top R&D investors. It examines overall levels of R&D, the performance of the EU companies, and the main changes that took place last year. The performance of individual companies among the top R&D investors, in particular those undergoing significant R&D growth is outlined. Moreover, an overview of the company data aggregated by industrial sectors and world regions, with comparisons between the EU companies and their main competitors is included.JRC.J.3-Knowledge for Growt
Effects of a Virtual Physical Activity Program within the Context of Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
To determine the effects of a virtual physical activity (PA) program in college students during social distancing due to COVID-19. 44 college students, male and female. Methods: Participants completed self-reported measures of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, weekly PA, and a short-survey of the educational experience during social distancing. Participants completed the instruments at baseline and after 10-weeks of an on-line virtual PA program. Increased overall PA (p = 0.040) and transportation PA (p = 0.004), leisure-time PA (p = 0.031) domains increased following the program. The sitting time increased following the intervention (p = 0.0001). Students who failed to comply with at least 150 min/week of PA reduced the frequency of positive emotions compared to those who complied (p = 0.017). Social distancing and daily college tasks seem to lessen the effect of PA on sedentary behavior in college students regardless of an increase in PA
El ex officio de convencionalidad y la responsabilidad de los servidores públicos para un hecho ilÃcito internacional
el presente artÃculo analizará, diferentes conceptos y pronunciamientos respecto del origen y quienes son los responsables de dar aplicabilidad efectiva al control de convencionalidad ex officio, de donde proviene dicha definición y qué importancia tiene en los estados, en el mismo sentido se definirán nociones del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos y los órganos que la integran y su relevancia frente al orden interno de los paÃses inmersos en dicha convención, asà mismo se analizara los diferentes pronunciamiento realizados por la convención y el efecto vinculante que tienen los preceptos derivados de la corte interamericana de derechos humanos en aplicación de las normas internas y su adecuada inmersión en el ordenamiento jurÃdico colombiano, finalmente se pondrá de presente las posibles consecuencias jurÃdicas del hecho ilÃcito internacional su definición y el origen de la mentada sanción a la cual los estados se ven inmersos por el desconocimiento y la no aplicabilidad efectiva del control de convencionalidad ex officio en el ejercicio de la función pública y las diferentes decisiones que se derivan de la administración, en el entendido que los servidores públicos se alejan de la realidad normativa internacional y omiten realizar una verificación en aras de salvaguardar los derechos humanos.universidad libre - facultad de ciencias humanas - especializacion en derecho procesalthis article will analyze different concepts and pronouncements regarding the origin and who are responsible for giving effective applicability to ex officio conventionality control, where this definition comes from and what importance it has in the states, in the same sense notions of the system will be defined. inter-american human rights and the bodies that comprise it and its relevance to the internal order of the countries immersed in said convention, likewise the different pronouncements made by the convention and the binding effect of the precepts derived from the inter-american court of human rights will be analyzed. human rights in the application of internal regulations and their proper immersion in the colombian legal system, finally the possible legal consequences of the international wrongful act, its definition and the origin of the mentioned sanction to which the states are immersed by the ignorance and non-applicability and effectiveness of ex officio control of conventionality in the exercise of public function and the different decisions that derive from the administration, in the understanding that public servants move away from the international normative reality and omit to carry out a verification in order to safeguard the rights humans
Sampling associated with resolvent-type kernels and lagrange-type interpolation series
In this paper a new class of Kramer kernels is introduced, motivated by the resolvent of a symmetric operator with compact resolvent. The article gives a necessary and sufficient condition to ensure that the associ- ated sampling formula can be expressed as a Lagrange-type interpolation series. Finally, an illustrative example, taken from the Hamburger moment problem theory, is included
Monitoring Industrial Research: Industrial R&D Economic and Policy Analysis Report 2006
This paper addresses a series of key policy questions in industrial R&D. It questions whether EU growth suffers from underinvestment in R&D, or whether the lack of R&D is a reflection of more general imperfections of the single market. It also elaborates on the finding that EU companies in sectors with traditionally high levels of R&D spend as much on R&D as their competitors. This is combined with evidence from surveys showing that lack of funding for R&D is not the most binding constraint for investing companies. It also builds on the notion that the internationalisation and outsourcing of R&D appears to carry on regardless of differences in government financial support. One conclusion, therefore, is that market-oriented reforms and complementary policies to improve the structure of the European economy may be more effective in raising R&D expenditures – and in generating growth through innovation – than direct incentives.JRC.J.3-Knowledge for Growt
Analysis of the 2007 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard
This report offers an analysis of the European Commission¿s 2007 Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard (the Scoreboard). It contains information on the 1000 EU companies and 1000 non-EU companies which made the biggest investments in Research and Development (R&D) in the period. Together, these 2000 companies invested ¿372 billion in R&D in the year of reporting (i.e. 2006/7). This corresponds to approximately 80% of global business expenditure on R&D .
The analysis describes the main trends in recent years and investigates the differences between EU companies and their competitors in terms of R&D intensity and R&D growth. It also includes results of further research on three related topics: i) To what extent is the EU-US gap in R&D intensity due to differences in the sectoral composition of sales?; ii) Does low corporate R&D go together with low fixed capital investment?, and iii) What is the role of R&D in company performance?JRC.J.3-Knowledge for Growt
Seminario Desarrollo de Emprendedores. 2016. Carrera Marketing; Ing. Industrial; Comunicación y RRPP. . Docente Lic. Schaffer, Adela.Edugreen es una empresa que surge ante la necesidad de encontrar una solución a dos problemáticas que enfrenta el paÃs: la tala de árboles y la calidad de educación. Es una empresa de Industria dedicada a la fabricación de mobiliario escolar elaborado a base de materiales eco amigables, ofreciendo la mejor calidad y accesibilidad económica contribuyendo asÃ?, al desarrollo de la educación y disminuyendo el impacto ambiental causado por la deforestación
Fruits of the pitahaya Hylocereus undatus and H. ocamponis: nutritional components and antioxidants
The pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) is a cactus native to America. Despite the great diversity of species located in Mexico, there are few studies on the nutritional and nutraceutical value of its exotic fruits, ancestrally consumed in the Mayan culture. An evaluation was made regarding the physical-chemical characteristics, the nutritional components and the antioxidants of the fruits of H. ocamponis (mesocarp or red pulp) and H. undatus (white pulp), species of great commercial importance. The pulp of the fruits presented nutritional and nutraceutical differences between both species. The red pulp of H. ocamponis presented the highest content of betalains (15.94 mg 100 g-1), ascorbic acid (10.13 AAE mg 100 g-1) and antioxidant activity (2009.58 μM TE 100 g-1) compared to that of H. undatus. The seeds of both species had a higher content of linoleic acid (ω-6) compared to other fatty acids. The underused skin (epicarp) of the white pulp pitahaya presented a higher content of betalains (19.83 mg 100 g-1) than that found in the pulp and the red skin of the other species (13.21 mg 100 g-1). The red pitahaya that is for regional consumption presented a better functional quality. The skin of both species could be a source of pigments in the food industry
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