86 research outputs found

    Noções Básicas Sôbre as Provas de Função Respiratória na Prática Médica

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    O autor explica a importância e os princípios técnicos da realização das provas funcionais respiratórias, analizando cada uma delas e assinala seu significado clínico na prática médica

    Evolution of Neuro-Controllers for Trajectory Planning Applied to a Bipedal Walking Robot with a Tail

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    Bipeds are complex hybrid dunamical systems, in the sense that they miz both continuous and discrete-event phenomena (Hurmuzlu et al., 2004). The main characteristic of biped walkers is the abrupt kinematic change between the aerial phase and the support phase accompanied of dynamical impacts. The main problems of these robots is their high power and energy consumption, which limits mainly their autonomy. It could be attributed to, for example, the high number of actuacted joints (about 20), and also because the study of energy consumption is not often considered during the planning of movements

    Privatización, concentración y desnacionalización del sistema de medios : El rol del estado frente al escenario neoliberal

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    En nuestro país, en materia de Radiodifusión rige actualmente la ley 22.285, sancionada durante la última dictadura militar. Desde entonces el escenario social, político y económico ha variado abruptamente y la estructura del sistema de medios se fue modificando conforme a las necesidades del mercado. Pero estos cambios no tuvieron el acompañamiento de una nueva Ley de Radiodifusión sancionada en democracia, sino que la intervención estatal se limitó a modificar importantes artículos a través de decretos y leyes modificatorias de la Ley 22.285. Así la tendencia que comenzó a darse hacia fines de la década del 80, con el auge de las políticas neoliberales y con la llegada de la ola privatizadora de las empresas estatales prestadoras de servicios públicos fue marcando una serie de cambios sustanciales en la estructura de medios: la consecuencia inmediata: privatización, concentración y desnacionalización del sistema de medios masivos de comunicación.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Sideslip and Roll Angles Using an Integral-Based Event-Triggered Hinfinity Observer Considering Intravehicle Communications

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    In recent years, several technological advances have been incorporated into vehicles to ensure their safety and ride comfort. Most of these driver-assistance technologies aim to prevent skidding, whereas less attention has been paid to the avoidance of other dangerous situations such as a rollover. Since knowledge of slip and roll angles is critical to the control and safety of vehicle handling, their estimation remains of great interest when addressing emerging constraints in modern technologies involving networked communications and distributed computing. This paper presents an integral-based event-triggered H ¿ observer to simultaneously estimate the sideslip and roll angles, considering intravehicle communications with a networked-induced delay. As the longitudinal velocity and tire cornering stiffness of a vehicle can vary significantly during driving and have a strong influence on vehicle lateral stability, these time-varying parameter uncertainties are considered in the design of the observer. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed observer.This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain through the project RTI2018-095143-B-C2


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    En nuestro país, en materia de Radiodifusión rige actualmente la ley 22.285, sancionada durante la última dictadura militar. Desdeentonces el escenario social, político y económico ha variado abruptamente y la estructura del sistema de medios se fuemodificando conforme a las necesidades del mercado. Pero estos cambios no tuvieron el acompañamiento de una nueva Ley deRadiodifusión sancionada en democracia, sino que la intervención estatal se limitó a modificar importantes artículos a través dedecretos y leyes modificatorias de la Ley 22.285. Así la tendencia que comenzó a darse hacia fines de la década del 80, con elauge de las políticas neoliberales y con la llegada de la ola privatizadora de las empresas estatales prestadoras de serviciospúblicos fue marcando una serie de cambios sustanciales en la estructura de medios: la consecuencia inmediata: privatización,concentración y desnacionalización del sistema de medios masivos de comunicación

    An Approach to Flocking of Robots Using Minimal Local Sensing and Common Orientation

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    A new algorithm for the control of robot flocking is presented. Flocks of mobile robots are created by the use of local control rules in a fully distributed way, using just local information from simple infra-red sensors and global heading information on each robot. Experiments were done to test the algorithm, yielding results in which robots behaved as expected, moving at a reasonable velocity and in a cohesive way. Up to seven robots were used in real experiments and up to fifty in simulation

    Metal Mobility in Embryonic-to-Proto-Ni-Laterite Profiles from Non-Tropical Climates

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    We evaluated the mobility of a wide suite of economic metals (Ni, Co, REE, Sc, PGE) in Ni-laterites with different maturities, developed in the unconventional humid/hyper-humid Mediterranean climate. An embryonic Ni-laterite was identified at Los Reales in southern Spain, where a saprolite profile of ~1.5mthick was formed at the expense of peridotites of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. In contrast, a more mature laterite was reported from Camán in south-central Chile, where the thicker (~7 m) weathering profile contains well-developed lower and upper oxide horizons. This comparative study reveals that both embryonic and mature laterites can form outside the typical (sub)-tropical climate conditions expected for lateritic soils, while demonstrating a similar chemical evolution in terms of major (MgO, Fe2O3, and Al2O3), minor (Ni, Mn, Co, Ti, Cr), and trace (REE, Y, Sc, PGE, Au) element concentrations. We show that, even in the earliest stages of laterization, the metal remobilization from primary minerals can already result in uneconomic concentration values.MECRAS Project A-RNM-356-UGR20 “Proyectos de I+D+i en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020” of the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresa

    Autonomous path following and emergency braking control for intelligent vehicles using low cost devices

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    Proceeding of: 15th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC '22), September 12-15, 2022, Kanagawa, JapanThe novelty of this paper is an Event-Triggered LPV Output-Feedback H∞ controller that generates a steering control signal to follow the road, an acoustic sensor based AEB-P system which avoids vehicle collision with pedestrians and a speed controller based on the curvature of the path. The validation of the proposed system is done through simulation tests with CarSim®This work was supported by the FEDER/Ministry of Science and Innovation - Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of the Government of Spain through the project [RTI2018-095143-B-C21]