504 research outputs found

    Transport properties of a modified Lorentz gas

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    We present a detailed study of the first simple mechanical system that shows fully realistic transport behavior while still being exactly solvable at the level of equilibrium statistical mechanics. The system under consideration is a Lorentz gas with fixed freely-rotating circular scatterers interacting with point particles via perfectly rough collisions. Upon imposing a temperature and/or a chemical potential gradient, a stationary state is attained for which local thermal equilibrium holds for low values of the imposed gradients. Transport in this system is normal, in the sense that the transport coefficients which characterize the flow of heat and matter are finite in the thermodynamic limit. Moreover, the two flows are non-trivially coupled, satisfying Onsager's reciprocity relations to within numerical accuracy as well as the Green-Kubo relations . We further show numerically that an applied electric field causes the same currents as the corresponding chemical potential gradient in first order of the applied field. Puzzling discrepancies in higher order effects (Joule heating) are also observed. Finally, the role of entropy production in this purely Hamiltonian system is shortly discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, submitted to J. Stat. Phy

    Nonequlibrium particle and energy currents in quantum chains connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs

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    We propose a model of nonequilibrium quantum transport of particles and energy in a system connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs (meso-reservoir). The meso-reservoirs are in turn thermalized to prescribed temperatures and chemical potentials by a simple dissipative mechanism described by the Lindblad equation. As an example, we study transport in monoatomic and diatomic chains of non-interacting spinless fermions. We show numerically the breakdown of the Onsager reciprocity relation due to the dissipative terms of the model.Comment: 5pages, 4 figure

    Fourier's Law in a Quantum Spin Chain and the Onset of Quantum Chaos

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    We study heat transport in a nonequilibrium steady state of a quantum interacting spin chain. We provide clear numerical evidence of the validity of Fourier law. The regime of normal conductivity is shown to set in at the transition to quantum chaos.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, RevTe

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a stochastic model of anomalous heat transport: numerical analysis

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    We study heat transport in a chain of harmonic oscillators with random elastic collisions between nearest-neighbours. The equations of motion of the covariance matrix are numerically solved for free and fixed boundary conditions. In the thermodynamic limit, the shape of the temperature profile and the value of the stationary heat flux depend on the choice of boundary conditions. For free boundary conditions, they also depend on the coupling strength with the heat baths. Moreover, we find a strong violation of local equilibrium at the chain edges that determine two boundary layers of size N\sqrt{N} (where NN is the chain length), that are characterized by a different scaling behaviour from the bulk. Finally, we investigate the relaxation towards the stationary state, finding two long time scales: the first corresponds to the relaxation of the hydrodynamic modes; the second is a manifestation of the finiteness of the system.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics A, Mathematical and Theoretica

    What is so special about wingsuit BASE jumpers? A comparative study of their psychological characteristics

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    For the general public, BASE jumping is considered the ultimate extreme activity. Among BASE jumpers, those using wingsuits are generally perceived as the most experienced but also as the most risk-taking. Starting from this observation, we wanted to know whether wingsuit users differed in their psychological characteristics from other BASE jumpers. More specifically, we hypothesized that wingsuit users would be characterized by higher levels of mental toughness and by lower levels of harm avoidance. We also expected them to use more mental training techniques than the other jumpers. To this end, we conducted a vast survey on a sample of 183 BASE jumpers. Contrary to our hypotheses, the results did not reveal any significant difference in psychological characteristics between wingsuit users and other BASE jumpers. This absence of significant differences is discussed and recommendations for the use of mixed or multi-methods in the study of extreme sports are proposed

    Particle and Energy Transport in quantum disordered and quasi-periodic chains connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs

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    We study a model of nonequilibrium quantum transport of particles and energy in a many-body system connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs (the so-called meso-reservoirs). We discuss the conservation laws of particles and energy within our setup as well as the transport properties of quasi-periodic and disordered chains.Comment: 11pages, 4 figure

    Current in coherent quantum systems connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs

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    We study particle current in a recently proposed model for coherent quantum transport. In this model, a system connected to mesoscopic Fermi reservoirs (meso-reservoir) is driven out of equilibrium by the action of super-reservoirs thermalized to prescribed temperatures and chemical potentials by a simple dissipative mechanism described by the Lindblad equation. We compare exact (numerical) results with theoretical expectations based on the Landauer formula

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a stochastic model of anomalous heat transport

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    We study the dynamics of covariances in a chain of harmonic oscillators with conservative noise in contact with two stochastic Langevin heat baths. The noise amounts to random collisions between nearest-neighbour oscillators that exchange their momenta. In a recent paper, [S Lepri et al. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009) 025001], we have studied the stationary state of this system with fixed boundary conditions, finding analytical exact expressions for the temperature profile and the heat current in the thermodynamic (continuum) limit. In this paper we extend the analysis to the evolution of the covariance matrix and to generic boundary conditions. Our main purpose is to construct a hydrodynamic description of the relaxation to the stationary state, starting from the exact equations governing the evolution of the correlation matrix. We identify and adiabatically eliminate the fast variables, arriving at a continuity equation for the temperature profile T(y,t), complemented by an ordinary equation that accounts for the evolution in the bulk. Altogether, we find that the evolution of T(y,t) is the result of fractional diffusion.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics A, Mathematical and Theoretica