272 research outputs found

    Gli orti scolasici pisani: un processo ludico di educazione ambientale

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    Il progetto: “ Gli orti scolastici nelle scuole di Pisa” si è svolto durante l’ anno scolastico 2007-08 e ha visto la partecipazione di 35 scuole. Circa 3000 bambini si sono cimentati nella coltivazione di ortaggi e insalate, hanno seminato i wild-flowers e iniziato a preparare il compost, sono stati molto partecipi e hanno visto, e anche gustato, i prodotti del loro lavoro. Il successo di questo progetto va ricercato nella semplicità della proposta, nella sua fattibilità e nei tanti significati che essa racchiude. Insegnare ai bambini il ciclo delle stagioni e dei frutti che la terra mette a disposizione nei diversi periodi, abituarli anche all’insuccesso, ma comunque stimolarli nell’attesa e coinvolgerli in prima persona responsabilizzandoli, ha contribuito a sviluppare il rispetto per l’ambiente e il lavoro di gruppo. Rispondere ai quesiti delle insegnanti e cercare di trovare le soluzioni più opportune ha consentito inoltre di gestire il progetto in maniera ottimale, e superare le difficoltà presentatesi

    A Search for Stars of Very Low Metal Abundance. V. Photoelectric UBV Photometry of Metal-Weak Candidates from the Northern HK Survey

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    We report photoelectric UBV data for 268 metal-poor candidates chosen from the northern HK objective-prism/interference-filter survey of Beers and colleagues. Over 40 % of the stars have been observed on more than one night, and most have at least several sets of photometric measurements. Reddening estimates, preliminary spectroscopic measurements of abundance, and type classifications are reported.Comment: To Appear in the Astronomical Journal, October 200

    UVES radial velocity accuracy from asteroid observations. Implications for the fine structure constant variability

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    High resolution observations of the asteroids Iris and Juno have been performed by means of the UVES spectrograph at the ESO VLT to obtain the effective accurac y of the spectrograph's radial velocity. The knowledge of this quantity has impo rtant bearings on studies searching for a variability of the fine structure cons tant carried on with this instrument. Asteroids provide a precise radial velocit y reference at the level of 1 m/s which allows instrumental calibration and the recognition of small instrumental drifts and calibration systematics. In particu lar, radial velocity drifts due to non uniform slit illumination and slit optica l misalignment in the two UVES spectrograph arms can be investigated. The positi on of the solar spectrum reflected by the asteroids are compared with the solar wavelength positions or with that of asteroid observations at other epochs or wi th the twilight to asses UVES instrumental accuracy . Radial velocities offsets in the range 10--50 m/s are generally observed likely due to a non uniform slit illumination. However, no radial velocity patterns with wavelength are detected and the two UVES arms provide consistent radial velocities. These results suggest that the detected alpha variability by Levshakov et al. (2007) deduced from a drift of -180 (+/- 85) m/s at z =1.84, between two sets of FeII lines falling in the two UVES arms may be real or induced by other kinds of systematics than those investigated here. The proposed technique allows real time quality check of the spectrograph and should be followed for very accurate measurements.Comment: Accepted A&

    Multi-sensor analysis of extreme events in North-Eastern Italy

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    International audienceThe North-eastern part of Italy is known to be one of the most rainy regions in Europe. In this paper three extreme events are analysed, using a multi-sensor observing system including a weather radar and a dense telemetric network of surface stations, recording precipitation, wind, temperature and relative humidity. The cases examined comprise two long lasting rainfall events impacting two distinct areas, and a vigorous hail-producing thunderstorm event over the plains. In all cases, inter-comparison between remotely sensed and surface observations, including estimates and measures of precipitation and wind, helps to better understand the behaviour of the atmosphere, thus supporting operational fore- and now-casting. In the case of widespread precipitation, a relation is suggested between the wind speed and direction at medium/low levels with the location of the maximum precipitation relative to the mountains. This reflects the dynamical interaction between the mountain barrier and the atmospheric flux impinging upon it. This flux can be estimated by the automatic weather station of Mt. Cesen, a focal point for a now-casting of the rain in the Veneto Region. Analysis of strong thunderstorm activity makes extensive use of radar data. In the examined case the interaction of a sea breeze-like circulation with a mesoscale trough gave rise to a distinct convergence line that triggered a severe and long-lived hail-producing multi-cell thunderstorm. The hail was successfully detected by the radar's hail detection algorithm

    Strategies for Virtual Sales Leaders to Increase Productivity of Remote Employees

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    An employee\u27s contributions toward the success of organizational results and objectives are essential to how virtual sales leaders implement strategies to improve productivity. In 2014, 21% of virtual leaders received formal training to manage remote employees, and 17% of remote employees received formal training on how to work productively. The purpose of this single qualitative case study was to explore strategies virtual sales leaders used to improve remote sales employees\u27 productivity. The population included 6 virtual sales leaders in 1 staffing organization located in Michigan. The conceptual framework for this study included the job demands-resources model. Data were collected through semistructured interviews, direct observation, organizational document review, and reflective journaling using thematic analysis. Three themes emerged from the data analyzed in this research study: high level of communication, including virtual meetings for improved relationship development; adapting to change and work environment, including introduction of change before implementing; and measurement of employee performance, which could include monitoring activity reports and metric tracking tools. Findings included developing consistent team and individual meetings to communicate metrics and goals, implementing varied communication tools to encourage self-management, involving employees in decision making before changes were executed, and developing attainable employee goals to promote a productive work environment. Contributions to social change include the opportunity to develop an employable and specialized workforce who contribute to the local economy as well as expand community development and higher income for families

    Ipotesi di un calco paradigmatico slavo-romanzo: (l'imperativo-congiuntivo, uno studio fondato sul Glossario del dialetto del Torre di Jan Baudouin de Courtenay)

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    Muovendo dal presupposto, teorizzato da Baudouin de Courtenay, secondo il quale il mutamento linguistico è costitutivo del linguaggio umano e pertanto la nozione di monolinguismo andrebbe superata, i dialetti sloveni di area friulana, esposti alla millenaria azione del romanzo, rappresentano un terreno ideale per gli studi sull'interferenza, in quanto rendono perspicui fenomeni da contatto altrimenti difficili da individuare. Il primo ad aver colto una tale opportunità fu lo stesso Baudouin, che visitò ripetutamente le vallate snodantisi lungo (l'attuale) confine italo-sloveno, raccogliendovi materiali dialettologici solo in parte pubblicati. Uno dei complessi più notevoli rimasti inediti per oltre un secolo è costituito dal Glossario del dialetto del Torre, le cui schede risalgono agli anni 1873 e 1901. Esso registra un gran numero di prestiti e calchi romanzi, alcuni dei quali risultano del massimo interesse, perché documentano da un lato la forza incisiva di un sistema sull'altro in presenza di condizioni di natura strutturale e storico-culturale particolarmente favorevoli; dall'altro, la capacità di elaborazione originale del modello forestiero ad opera del sistema ricevente. Il contributo si concentra su un fenomeno di calco assai complesso compiuto sul friulano, che investe il sistema dell'imperativo, estraendone in maniera originale un paradigma di congiuntivo, ignoto alla grammatica slovena. Il mutamento viene seguito nelle sue varie fasi, a iniziare dalle motivazioni di ordine generale che ne stanno a monte, per passare a quelle specifiche di natura morfosintattica, connesse con l'interlingua sloveno-friulana

    Complementarity of Jan de Courtenay Budouin’s Materials II and the Torre dialect Glossary

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    In the course of his research among the so-called ‘southern Slavs’, carried out between 1872 and 1913, Baudouin de Courtenay (BdC) collected a large amount of dialectological texts he only managed to publish partly. According to his view of linguistics, these texts had to be generalizations both on the dialectological-ethnological aspect and on the purely linguistic one. The first two volumes of materials, dedicated to the Resian (BdC 1895) and to the Torre dialect/tersko (BdC 1904), fulfill the above first aspect, while the lexicographic repertoires, ie the Resian Dictionary and the Torre dialect Glossary, should have answered the second. Unable to achieve the latter part of the project, Baudouin left the task to others, in fact, for generations to come. Today, after more than a century, the Glossary has seen its light (Spinozzi Monai 2009), offering the possibility, among other things, of its comparison with the Materials II. This paper intends to detect significant differences that emerge from this comparison and at the same time the substantial complementarity of the two works.In the course of his research among the so-called ‘southern Slavs’, carried out between 1872 and 1913, Baudouin de Courtenay (BdC) collected a large amount of dialectological texts he only managed to publish partly. According to his view of linguistics, these texts had to be generalizations both on the dialectological-ethnological aspect and on the purely linguistic one. The first two volumes of materials, dedicated to the Resian (BdC 1895) and to the Torre dialect/tersko (BdC 1904), fulfill the above first aspect, while the lexicographic repertoires, ie the Resian Dictionary and the Torre dialect Glossary, should have answered the second. Unable to achieve the latter part of the project, Baudouin left the task to others, in fact, for generations to come. Today, after more than a century, the Glossary has seen its light (Spinozzi Monai 2009), offering the possibility, among other things, of its comparison with the Materials II. This paper intends to detect significant differences that emerge from this comparison and at the same time the substantial complementarity of the two works

    Komplementarnost materialov II in glosarja terskega narečja Jana Baudouina de Courtenayja

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    A comparison between Jan Baudouin de Courtenay’s Sprachproben in den Mundarten der Slaven von Torre in Nordost-Italien (Language Samples from the Dialect of the Torre Valley Slavs of Northeast Italy, 1904, a.k.a. Materialen II ‘Materials 2’) and his manuscript glossary of the Torre dialect (published as Il Glossario del dialetto del Torre by Liliana Spinozzi Monai in 2009) reveals that, in line with Baudouin de Courtenay’s principles of linguistic theory, the two texts differ in their methodological approach, but at the same time they inter-disciplinarily complement each other in terms of content.Primerjava med Besedilnimi vzorci govora terskih Slovanov (1904, Materiali II) in rokopisnim Glosarjem terskega narečja (izdala ga je Liliana Spinozzi Monai leta 2009) razkriva, da se v skladu z Baudouinovimi jezikovnoteoretičnimi načeli obe besedili razlikujeta po metodološkem pristopu, obenem pa se vsebinsko meddisciplinarno dopolnjujeta

    The management of atrophies classified as V class according to Cawood & Howell by piezo-electric surgery

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    Introducción: Los casos analizados presentaban atrofias severas (V clase según Cawood y Howell) (1), que se caracterizan por presentar una densidad de la cresta transversal inferior a 4 mm y vertical inferior a 6 mm; ello hace pensar en la posibilidad de una rehabilitación implanto-soportada. Objetivo: Evaluación de la rehabilitación de pacientes afectados por severa atrofia del maxilar superior clase V según Cawood y Howell) (1) rehabilitados con elevación del seno maxilar e injerto de hueso autólogo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio longitudinal a partir de una muestra de 32 pacientes, con atrofia maxilar severa y edentulismo parcial o total. En todos los pacientes se ha colocado un injerto con técnica de reconstrucción onlay mono o bicortical y se ha adoptado la cirugía piezoeléctrica para realizar el elevación del seno, el cual podía ser mono o bilateral, de hueso autólogo procedente de la cresta ilíaca anterior. Seguimiento realizado durante 2 años. Resultados: A los dos años del control final, el 94,05% de todos los implantes colocados tras la intervención de elevación se presentan osteointegrados y cargados protésicamente. La cresta ilíaca anterior resulta ser la zona idónea para la extracción medular, necesaria para la elevación del seno. Las posibilidades de supervivencia del implante son realmente elevadas si se espera el tiempo clínico necesario para la recuperación y la integración del injerto. El éxito de todas las intervenciones de elevación del seno maxilar se debe a la adopción de la cirugía piezoeléctrica, que permite efectuar la incisión de entrada y realizar el desprendimiento de los tejidos con un traumatismo mínimo para la membrana de Schneider. La integridad de la membrana y la utilización de bone-chips de origen autólogo no ha hecho necesario recurrir a la utilización de membranas reabsorbibles, simplificando así el procedimiento quirúrgico. La utilización de la cresta ilíaca anterior como zona donante, permite disponer de abundante tejido óseo cortical, necesario para colocar los onlay y para reconstruir el defecto óseo. Introduction: Valutation of rehabilitated patients by sinus lift in upper jaw and by autologous bone graft from iliac crest. Materials and methods: Rehabilitation of 32 patients with severe atrophies of upper jaw and partial or total edentulism by positioning of mono- or bicortical onlay with piezosurgery to obtain a sinus lift mono- or bilateral by autologous bone grafts from anterior iliac crest. Results: 94.05% of successes after a two years follow-up. Conclusions: Respecting of timing surgery, a correct use of the piezosurgery technique and of the autologous bone graft from anterior iliac crest let a successful implantological rehabilitation. Moreover the iliac crest is a very good donor site of bone tissue for the management of severe atrophies in the upper jaw. An accidental laceration of Schneider's membrane was observed in filling phase in the 5.26% of cases