8 research outputs found


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    Kebudayaan perkawinan adat melayu Pekanbaru merupakan suatu upacara adat yang sudah jarang dilakukan pada saat sekarang, karena kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai tata cara upacara adat perkawinan tersebut. Hal ini terjadi karena tidak adanya transfer knowledge dari para tokoh adat maupun peneliti. Namun demikian knowledge yang ada pada perpustakaan, museum, dinas pariwisata masih belum bisa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal.Knowledge management system(KMS) dapat digunakan sebagai pendukung untuk wadah/media share knowledge antara seluruh masyarakat dengan tokoh adat maupun peneliti.Dengan adanya KMS dapatmengelola seluruh elemen sistem berupa dokumen, basisdata, kebijakan, dan prosedur lengkap, beserta informasi tentang pengalaman, keahlian, dan kecakapan individu maupun kolektif.Hasil dari pengembangan sistem ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media edukasi dalam share knowledge kebudayaan melayu di Pekanbaru. Sehingga kebudayaan Melayu ini bisa terus lestari pada masa-masa yang akan datang. Kata Kunci : Kebudayaan, Knowledge Management System (KMS), Sharing Knowledg


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    Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) merupakan optimasi dalam menemukan lintasan terpendek untuk mencapai beberapa kota tujuan dalam sekali perjalanan tanpa melewati kota yang sama dan kembali lagi ke kota awal keberangkatan, proses ini diterapkan pada sistem pengiriman barang. Perbandingan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 metode optimasi yaitu algoritma genetika dan hill climbing. Hill Climbing bekerja dengan cara memilih secara langsung lintasan baru yang ditukarkan dengan neighbor untuk untuk mendapatkan jarak lintasan lebih kecil dari lintasan sebelumnya, tanpa melakukan pengujian. Algoritma genetika bergantung kepada parameter input yaitu jumlah populasi, probabilitas crossover, probabilitas mutasi dan jumlah generasi. Untuk mempermudah proses penentuan lintasan terpendek didukung dengan pembangunan perangkat lunak yang menggunakan google map API. Pengujian dilakukan sebanyak 20 kali dengan jumlah kota 8, 16, 24 dan 32 untuk melihat metode mana yang lebih optimal dari segi jarak dan waktu komputasinya. Berdasarkan percobaan yang dilakukan dengan jumlah kota 3, 4, 5 dan 6 menghasil nilai jarak yang sama dan optimal untuk algoritma genetika dan hill climbing, nilai jarak ini mulai berbeda dengan jumlah kota 7. Hasil keseluruhan pengujian tersebut hill climbing lebih optimal untuk jumlah kota yang kecil dan jumlah kota diatas 30 lebih optimal menggunakan algoritma genetika. Kata kunci : Algoritma genetika, Hill climbing, Optimasi, TSP Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is an optimization in finding the shortest path to reach multiple destinations in one trip without passing through the same city and back to the initial city of departure, this process is applied to the goods delivery system. This comparison is done by using 2 methods of optimization that is genetic algorithm and hill climbing. Hill climbing works by choosing directly the new paths exchanged with the neighbor to get the track distance smaller than the previous trajectory, without testing. Genetic algorithms depend on the input parameters of population, crossover probability, mutation probability and number of generations. To simplify the process of determining the shortest path is supported by the development of software using google map API. The test is conducted 10 times with the number of cities 8, 16, 24 and 32 to see which method is more optimal in terms of distance and computation time. From the test results hill climbing is more optimal for the number of small towns and the number of cities above 30 more optimal using genetic algorithm. Keyword : Genetic Algorithm, Hill climbing, Optimization, TS

    Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Using Learning Media During The Covid-19 Period With The Multi-Attribute Utility Theory

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    Learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic were carried out online with the aim of taking advantage of technological advances using online learning media. All high schools have implemented online learning, one of which is SMAN 1 Bukit Batu. This aims to ensure that the learning process is carried out remotely without having to meet in person. Online learning has advantages and disadvantages that can affect the achievement of learning objectives, especially in theoretical and practical PKOK subjects. So it is necessary to assess learning theory and practice of PJOK to determine the effectiveness of both. Research the use of 6 criteria and compare theoretical and practical PJOK learning models to determine the best model. The method used is Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) with a quantitative approach where data collection is carried out through surveys. There were 193 respondents, namely all 12th grade students of SMAN 1 Bukit Batu as the population in this study. The results of calculations using the MAUT method on the effectiveness of using online learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the choice of the Theory subject assessment (0) as the lowest assessment, while the Practice subject (0.32) was the highest assessment. This assessment states that online learning can be said to be effective for practical subjects, while theoretical subjects are more effective if done offlin

    Analisa Usability pada Sistem Perpustakaan Menggunakan Metode User Centered Design

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    Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau menawarkan sistem perpustakaan digital sebagai wadah repository dengan mencakup jurnal online, skripsi, disertasi, riview penelitian ilmiah, e-book hingga prosiding.  Dalam pelaksanaanya terdapat permasalahan yang terjadi diantaranya fitur unduh pada sistem seringkali hanya menampilkan pesan error serta tidak tersedia nya fitur layanan komentar dan share. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa dalam segi usability serta design yang ada pada sistem perpustakaan menggunakan metode User Centered Design dengan hasil berupa direkomendasikan sebuah prototype design interface baru sesuai dengan kebutuhan user. Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil berupa 2 variabel yang ditolak sehingga harus dilakukan peningkatan layanannya, diantaranya variabel Assistance agar user bisa berkomunikasi dengan pihak pengelola dan variabel Usability agar user dapat men­-share sebuah informasi dan mengkomentari informasi yang diberikan dengan usulan perbaikan ini di implementasikan ke dalam design tampilan yang baru berdasarkan aturan atau prinsip UCD yang perhitungannya dinyatakan tidak dapat diterima tanpa mengubah design lainnya. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam pengujian usability didapatkan sebesar 86,5% yang dikategorikan sangat baik untuk keseluruhan sistem perpustakaan. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Analisa, Usability, User Centered Design, Perpustakaa

    Mobile Apps Smart Inventory With Near Field Communication

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    Abstract— Inside the process of their work, logistics companies are constantly confronted with concerns about specific products, such as product identity verification, which is used in a variety of ways, including the use of barcodes, which are a simple way to convey specific information about a product. But, recent technological advancements in the field of product security have resulted in RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification, which may be used to monitor and detect product details far more easily than the current barcode system. With the advancement of new technology from the RFID system known as NFC, which stands for Near Field Communication and has a higher level of security, this project aims to develop NFC-based applications to ensure the authenticity of products and to make it easier to transfer items from warehouse to store. This system is made up of NFC modules that may be attached to any module and will be programmed using Microsoft Power Apps. NFC is an abbreviation for Near Field Communication. This is a short-range radio technology that allows communication amongst people who live in different parts of the country. This location will be used. Together with the card or tag in the shape of a sticker or a longer card, it has an antenna for communication with NFC, which allows information to be read from the card. Data will be stored on a smartphone in order to provide specific information about a product's identity. Now that the tag has been created with the identity of a certain item, it may be scanned with a smartphone to obtain the necessary information. Keywords— Barcode, Radio Frequency Identification, RFID, Near Field Communication, NFC

    Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Hill Climbing for Shortest Path Optimization Mapping

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    Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is an optimization to find the shortest path to reach several destinations in one trip without passing through the same city and back again to the early departure city, the process is applied to the delivery systems. This comparison is done using two methods, namely optimization genetic algorithm and hill climbing. Hill Climbing works by directly selecting a new path that is exchanged with the neighbour’s to get the track distance smaller than the previous track, without testing. Genetic algorithms depend on the input parameters, they are the number of population, the probability of crossover, mutation probability and the number of generations. To simplify the process of determining the shortest path supported by the development of software that uses the google map API. Tests carried out as much as 20 times with the number of city 8, 16, 24 and 32 to see which method is optimal in terms of distance and time computation. Based on experiments conducted with a number of cities 3, 4, 5 and 6 producing the same value and optimal distance for the genetic algorithm and hill climbing, the value of this distance begins to differ with the number of city 7. The overall results shows that these tests, hill climbing are more optimal to number of small cities and the number of cities over 30 optimized using genetic algorithms

    Analisis User Experience Website Digilib Menggunakan Metode Usability Testing Dan UEQ

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    Institut Az zuhra Pekanbaru merupakan lembaga yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan komputer. Saat ini yang banyak digunakan di perpustakaan adalah DIGILIB yaitu sistem informasi berbasis web khususnya di Institut Az zuhra Pekanbaru. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa masalah pertama mereka merasa tidak cukup puas dengan koleksi buku yang ada dan keakuratan informasi yang DIGILIB. Permasalahan kedua adalah data atau proses yang digunakan terkadang salah atau tidak dapat diandalkan pada saat mahasiswa mengakses pada perkuliahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Usability Testing dan User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui User Experience pada website DIGILIB. Dengan menggunakan metode Usability Testing Website DIGILIB di peroleh bahwa indikator Learnability memiliki penilaian tertinggi dengan nilai 3,38, peringkat kedua yaitu indikator Efficiency dan Errors. Efficiency dengan penilaian sebesar 3,33, Sedangkan Errors dengan penilaian sebesar 3,33, keempat yaitu Memorability dengan nilai sebesar 3,31, terakhir adalah Satisfaction dengan nilai 3,30, dan menggunakan metode UEQ Website DIGILIB Pada skala Attractiveness, Perspiculty, Efficiency, Stimulation, Depentability dan Novelty menunjukkan positif dengan nilai rata-rata di atas 0,683. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa pengalaman pengguna di situs web DIGILIB terlepas dari layanan yang ada, memberikan nilai positif atau baik.  Kata Kunci – Institut Az zuhra, DIGILIB, Usability Testing, User Experience Questionnaire(UEQ

    Usability Evaluation of Pekanbaru dalam Genggaman Application using System Usability Scale (SUS)

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    One of the e-Government applications that has been implemented at the Pekanbaru City Statistics and Information Communication Service is the Pekanbaru Application in Your Hand. This application has been running for approximately 2 years since it was launched on September 2, 2021 and has not undergone any assessment using specific standard methodologies to gauge end-user satisfaction levels. The purpose of this research is to assess the user-friendliness of the Pekanbaru In Hands Application website through the utilization of the System Usability Scale (SUS) method. The SUS method, known for its validity and reliability, offers a straightforward application. It comprises ten questions formulated by John Brooke, and the outcomes are presented as scores ranging from 0 to 100.. The 65 respondents consisted of ASN and non-ASN employees from the Pekanbaru City Communications, Statistics and Informatics Service. The result obtained from the SUS calculation is 59, for the adjective assessment category including ok, with a scale value of F, and including marginally low for the acceptability range category where the application can be accepted but the level of acceptance is still low. This indicates that enhancements are required for the application to achieve a higher acceptance rate. This research produces 4 suggestions for enhancing solutions, serving as valuable references in forthcoming application development