135 research outputs found

    Strategic investment in protection in networked systems

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    We study the incentives that agents have to invest in costly protection against cascading failures in networked systems. Applications include vaccination, computer security and airport security. Agents are connected through a network and can fail either intrinsically or as a result of the failure of a subset of their neighbors. We characterize the equilibrium based on an agent's failure probability and derive conditions under which equilibrium strategies are monotone in degree (i.e. in how connected an agent is on the network). We show that different kinds of applications (e.g. vaccination, airport security) lead to very different equilibrium patterns of investments in protection, with important welfare and risk implications. Our equilibrium concept is flexible enough to allow for comparative statics in terms of network properties and we show that it is also robust to the introduction of global externalities (e.g. price feedback, congestion)


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    A research was conducted to evaluate the effects of concentrate utilization in Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) ration on dry matter and organic matter digestibilities. Twelve male local goats were used in this experiment and located in individual pens. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and three replicates was used. The treatments were R1 = 100 % guinea grass, R2 = 75 % guinea grass + 25 % concentrate, , R3 = 50 % guinea grass + 50 % concentrate, and R2 = 25 % guinea grass + 75 % concentrate. The results showed that effects on dry matter and organic matter digestibilities were high significantly different among treatments (P < 0.01). Ration without concentrate was significantly lower compared to ration with concentrate;. It can be concluded that the best dry matter and organic matter digestibilities were on 75 % concentrate in the ration Key words : Guinea grass, concentrate, digestibility, dry matter, organic matter, and local goat

    Digital Privacy

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    We study the incentives of a digital business to collect and protect users’ data. The users' data the business collects improve the service it provides to consumers, but they may also be accessed, at a cost, by strategic third parties in a way that harms users, imposing endogenous users' privacy costs. We characterize how the revenue model of the business shapes its optimal data strategy: collection and protection of users' data. A business with a more 'data-driven' revenue model will collect more users' data and provide more data protection than a similar business that is more 'usage-driven'. Consequently, if users have small direct benefit from data collection, then more usage-driven businesses generate larger consumer surplus than their more data-driven counterparts (the reverse holds if users have large direct benefit from data collection). Relative to the socially desired data strategy, the business may over- or under-collect users' data and may over- or under-protect it. Restoring efficiency requires a two-pronged regulatory policy, covering both data collection and data protection; one such policy combines a minimal data protection requirement with a tax proportional to the amount of collected data. We finally show that existing regulation in the US, which focuses only on data protection, may even harm consumer surplus and overall welfare

    Автоматизированная система тепловой дефектометрии многослойных материалов на основе глубокого обучения

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    Currently, along with growth in industrial production, the requirements for product quality testing are also increasing. In the tasks of defectoscopy and defectometry of multilayer materials, the use of thermal nondestructive testing method is promising. At the same time, interpretation of thermal testing data is complicated by a number of factors, which makes the use of traditional methods of data processing ineffective. Therefore, an urgent task is to search for new methods of thermal testing that will automate the diagnostic process and increase information content of obtained results. The purpose of article is to use the advances in deep learning for processing results of active thermal testing of products made of multilayer materials and development of an automated system for thermal defectoscopy and defectometry of such products. The proposed system consists of a heating source, an infrared camera for recording sequences of thermograms and a digital information processing unit. Three neural network modules are used for automated data processing, each of which performs one of the tasks: defects detection and classification, determination of the defect depth and thickness. The software algorithms and user interface for interacting with system are programmed in the NI LabVIEW development environment.Experimental studies on samples made of multilayer fiberglass have shown a significant advantage of the developed system over using traditional methods for analyzing thermal testing data. The defect classification (determining the type) error on the test dataset was 15.7 %. Developed system ensured determination of defect depth with a relative error of 3.2 %, as well as the defect thickness with a relative error of 3.5 %.На сегодняшний день, вместе с ростом темпов промышленного производства повышаются также и требования к контролю качества продукции. В задачах дефектоскопии и дефектометрии многослойных материалов перспективным является использование теплового метода неразрушающего контроля. В то же время, интерпретация данных теплового контроля усложнена рядом факторов, что делает использование традиционных методов анализа данных неэффективным. Поэтому актуальным заданием является поиск новых методов теплового контроля, которые позволят автоматизировать процесс диагностики и повысить информативность полученных результатов. Целью статьи являлось использование достижений в области глубокого обучения для обработки результатов активного теплового контроля изделий из многослойных материалов и разработка автоматизированной системы тепловой дефектоскопии и дефектометрии таких изделий.Предлагаемая система состоит из источника нагрева, тепловизора для регистрации последовательностей термограмм и блока цифровой обработки информации. Для автоматизированной обработки данных используются три нейросетевых модуля, каждый из которых выполняет одну из задач: обнаружение и классификация дефектов, определение глубины залегания дефекта и его раскрытия (толщины). Программные алгоритмы и интерфейс взаимодействия с системой выполнены в среде разработки NI LabVIEW.Экспериментальные исследования на образцах из многослойного стеклотекстолита показали значительное преимущество разработанной системы над методами, использующими традиционные алгоритмы анализа данных теплового контроля. Ошибка определения типа (классификации) дефекта на тестовом образце составила 15,7 %. Разработанная система обеспечила определение глубины дефекта с относительной погрешностью 3,2 %, а также толщины дефекта с относительной погрешностью 3,5 %

    Radiological Problems of Tritium

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    In light of the session documents (UNSCEAR, 2015, 2016), presented are the results of health risk assessment in drinking water containing tritium as well as results of field observations and bioassay with algae (Lemna minor and Polyrhiza) from water bodies near radiation-dangerous industrial and scientific objects. The prospects for future studies in these areas should be associated with the assessed human radiation dose from organically bound tritium in organs and tissues of people, animals and plants; the search for plants and animals selectively accumulating tritium and its subsequent bioassay in water. It is necessary to develop the approaches to harmonization of tritium standards in water objects and potable water, in particular. Sanitary and hygiene standards are suggested to develop on the basis of health risk assessment in drinking water with tritium. The upcoming trend for assessing the contribution of organically bound tritium to the total human radiation dose is the local irradiation by tritium incorporated into DNA of cells and tissues and radiosensitive organs. The well-known and new methods of microdosimetry of DNA incorporated radionuclides are necessary to solve this problem

    The activity of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in relation to thermal and hydraulic dynamics of an alluvial stream, UK

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    Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) are an invasive species of global significance because of their detrimental impacts on freshwater environments and native organisms. The movement of signal crayfish was continuously monitored for 150-days through a 20-m reach of an alluvial stream in the UK. Passive integrated transponder-tags were attached to crayfish, allowing their location to be monitored relative to 16 antennae which were buried beneath the river bed. The activity of crayfish was related to water depth and temperature, which were continuously monitored within the instrumented reach. Crayfish were highly nocturnal, with less than 6% of movements recorded during daylight hours. Activity declined from September and was minimal in November when water temperature was low and flow depth was high. However, relations between environmental parameters and crayfish activity had poor explanatory power which may partly reflect biological processes not accounted for in this study. Water depth and temperature had a limiting relationship with crayfish activity, quantified using quantile regression. The results extend existing data on signal crayfish nocturnalism and demonstrate that, although signal crayfish can tolerate a range of flows, activity becomes limited as water temperature declines seasonally and when water depth remains high in autumn and winter months

    Effect of blood plasma cryoprecipitate on microflora growth taking into consideration possibilities for its use

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    The necessity of use of cryoprecipitate (CP) in clinic as a basis of biocomposite for creation of interstitial barrier to prevent the spread of retroperitoneal abscesses in necrotizing pancreatitis. The research of the influence of CP on the growth of microorganisms with three types of cultures (E. coli, Acinetobacter, E. faeccalis) was realized. Incubation of bacteriological environment (51 series) was carried out under standard conditions in the presence of CP, antibiotics and retroperitoneal adipose tissue with a visual assessment in vitro and by the change of the densitometric density of environments on the MicroScan Turbidity Meter (Siemens) unit. As it was stated, the presence of CP in pure form in bacteriological environment as well together with an antibiotic or adipose tissue does not affect the growth of investigated microflora and in combination with the antibiotic inhibits it suppresses growth. Taking into consideration the indifference of CP to microflora, its use as a drug interstitial barrier to the migration of retroperitoneal phlegmon in necrotizing pancreatitis the activation of abdominal infection is safe

    Proceedings of the third French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for HEP

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    The reports collected in these proceedings have been presented in the third French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for high-energy physics held at LAL, Orsay on October 15-16. The workshop was conducted in the scope of the IDEATE International Associated Laboratory (LIA). Joint developments between French and Ukrainian laboratories and universities as well as new proposals have been discussed. The main topics of the papers presented in the Proceedings are developments for accelerator and beam monitoring, detector developments, joint developments for large-scale high-energy and astroparticle physics projects, medical applications.Comment: 3rd French-Ukrainian workshop on the instrumentation developments for High Energy Physics, October 15-16, 2015, LAL, Orsay, France, 94 page