218 research outputs found

    Јужни коридор акватичне инванзивне мреже – дунавска парадигма

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    The aim of this work is to highlight the importance of biological invasions (BI) in the Danube River Basin (DRB), to discuss the significance of the European Southern Invasive Corridor (the trajectory that links the Black and Northern Seas via the Danube River, Rhine–Main Canal and the Rhine river) for the BI process, as well as to summarize European legislation, standardisation and guidance documents related to invasive alien species (IAS). Recently, aquatic invasions have become an important issue. Non-indigenous species were recorded among all groups of aquatic organisms – algae, vascular plants, macroinvertebrates, fish and fish parasites. Parts of European inland waterways that are highly populated by non-native aquatic species are probably irreversibly changed with respect to their native biodiversity. BI can also cause different socio-economic consequences. In the case of the DRB, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) acts as the coordinating body for multilateral and basin-wide actions related to water management, which involve resolving the issue of the IAS. Within the frame of the ICPDR activities, a risk assessment tool has been developed, as well as an approach to evaluate pressure caused by biological invasions for water bodies in the DRB. The list of alien aquatic taxa for the Danube River was prepared (three Cyanobacteria, seven algae species, 17 aquatic vascular plants, 51 aquatic macroinvertebrate and 32 fish species). Based on the Risk Assessment Procedure (the IAS–RAP–Danube) the “Black List” for the Danube River has been developed. The list includes 16 macroinvertebrate and ten fish and 13 aquatic macrophyte species. For the purpose of assessment of pressure caused by biological invasions, we are working on the development and testing of the Bioinvasion Assessment Index (BAI). The BAI is based on the assessment of a relative contribution of non-indigenous taxa to the analysed community. Based on the above, the DRB is specific and complex and it could be considered a scientific paradigm – a unique pattern, ideal model for study of BI phenomena.Сврха овог рада је да се истакне значај биолошких инвазија у сливу реке Дунав, размотри значај Европског јужног инвазивног коридора (путање која повезује Црно и Северно море преко Дунава, Канала Рајна – Мајна и реке Рајне) за процес биолошких инвазија. Поред тога, у раду се даје преглед европског за- конодавства, докумената за стандардизацију и смерница у вези са инвазивним страним врстама. Акватичке инвазије су недавно постале значајно питање. Алохтоне врсте забележене су међу свим групама акватичких организама - алги, васкуларних биљки, макроинвертебрата, риба и рибљих паразита. Делови европских унутрашњих водених путева који су густо насељени алохтоним акватичним врстама вероватно су неповратно измењени у погледу њиховог изворног биодиверзитета. Биолошка инвазија може такође изазвати различите социо-економске последице. Кад је реч о сливу Дунава, Међународна комисија за заштиту Дунава (ICPDR) наступа као координационо тело за мултилатералне активности и активности широм слива које се односе на водопривреду и тичу се решавања питања инвазивних страних врста. У оквиру активности Међународне комисије за заштиту Дунава, развијен је механизам процене ризика и приступ процене притиска који узрокују биолошке инвазије у водним телима у сливу Дунава. Израђен је списак страних акватичких таксона за Дунав (три цијанобактерије, седам врста алги, 17 акватичких васкуларних биљака, 51 ак- ватички макроинвертебрат и 32 врсте риба). Путем поступка процене ризика (IAS–RAP–Danube), израђена је „Црна листа“ за Дунав. Листа садржи 16 макроинвертебрата, десет врста риба и 13 акватичких врста макрофита. У сврхе процене притиска који је узрокован биолошким инвазијама, радимо на изради и тестирању индекса процене биоинвазије (Bioinvasion Assessment Index). Индекс је заснован на процени релативног доприноса алохтоних таксона анализираној заједници. На основу горенаведеног, слив Дунава је специфичан и комплексан и може се сматрати научном парадигмом – реч је о јединственом обрасцу и идеалном моделу за проучавање феномена биолошких инвазија.8. Конференција академија подунавске региј

    Expression of cyp1a protein in the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller)

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    We investigated the expression of CYP1A in the foot, gill and visceral mass of the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in relation to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure. Different PCBs congeners were found in the foot and visceral mass, while the expression of CYP1A was observed only in the visceral mass. However the level of CYP1A expression in the visceral mass was not related to the level of PCBs present in the tissue. Our results indicate a higher rate of biotransformation and lower threshold of CYP1A induction in the visceral mass compared with other tissues.Projekat ministarstva br. 17302

    Amphibians in transition: a case study from Southeastern Europe

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    In most of Palearctic countries ranked as rich in amphibian diversity the global threats to amphibian populations are prominent. The foremost factors are loss, degradation and fragmentation of habitat, followed by pollution, competition from invasive non-native species (Sommerwerk et al. 2009), increased predatory pressure from domestic animals, and emerging infectious diseases. In combination with economic and political transition, these effects could lead to local extirpation of important fragments of European amphibian diversity. Regarding amphibian species richness, Republic of Serbia is one of top 20 countries in Palearctic region. However, with t he country moving toward market economy, a new problem arose – responsibility for environment protection within the context of a process of privatization. Lack of wastewater management plan, uncontrolled long-term population of watercourses with allochtonous invasive fish species, roadkill and illegal collection for commercial purposes influenced negatively on local amphibian populations. Additional and perhaps specific threat for local amphibian assemblages is disappearance of small and moderate water bodies, primarily in the highlands, either through backfilling or turning into fish ponds. Most of efforts concerning aquatic habitat conservation in the country are focused on bird and fish species (ICPDR National Report 2005) and the protection of specific habitats important for the conservation of amphibians are not adequately addressed. Although the general protection of inland water habitats and wetlands contributes to the conservation of amphibians, the specific small-sized habitats of particular importance for amphibians should be identified and protected. Analysis of surveys related to identification, mapping and classification of amphibian important habitats showed apparent degree of their fragility and thus further work in this matter should be carried out in order to propose and implement adequate conservation measures. The monitoring of amphibians is not widespread in the area and must be intensified, together with proper and frequent education about the importance of amphibian conservation, not just through ordinary educational programmes but among citizens in general. Recent history and current problems with political transitions make biodiversity conservation even more difficult than before, and present economic pressures mean that, without direct economic incentive, the people of the area will not be motivated to preserve amphibians‘ breeding sites

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components

    Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)

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    The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components.Cilj rada je da se prikažu rezultati istraživanja vodenih makroinvertebrata u sektoru uzvodno od Đerdapa (1083-1071 km). Istraživano područje interesantno je za hidrobiološka istraživanja, pre svega, zbog promena u strukturi faune u odnosu na gornji deo toka, što je i očekivano ako se uzmu u obzir promene opštih karakteristika reke u sektoru. Zabeleženo je raznovrsno naselje makroinvertebrata (84 taksona). Raznovrsnost faune posledica je, pre svega, diverziteta staništa u okviru istraživanog područja. Grupe Oligochaeta i Mollusca bile su najznačajnije komponente proučavane zajednice makro invertebrata.Part of the material originated from the Joint Danube Survey, a national progra

    Aquatic invertebrates of the Ribnica and Lepenica Rivers: Composition of the community and water quality

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    Results of investigating the community of aquatic invertebrates in the Ribnica and Lepenica Rivers (Kolubara River drainage area) are given in the present work. Forty-three taxa are recorded. In relation to other studied streams in Serbia, the investigated rivers are characterized by high diversity of macroinvertebrates. Cluster analysis indicates that the locality on the Lepenica stands apart from those on the Ribnica, which is a consequence of the difference of habitats found at them. Results of saprobiological analysis of the macrozoobenthos in the given rivers indicate that their waters belong to quality classes I and II.U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja vodenih beskičmenjaka reka Ribnice i Lepenice (sliv reke Kolubare). Zabeleženo je ukupno 43 taksona. Istraživane reke odlikuju se visokim biodiverzitetom u poređenju sa drugim ispitivanim tekućicama Srbije. Prema rezultatima cluster analize, lokalitet na Lepenici izdvaja se u odnosu na lokalitete na Ribnici, što je posledica razlike u analiziranim staništima. Konstatovana zajednica makrozoobentosa ukazuje na dobar kvalitet vode koji je na granici I i II klase boniteta.nul


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    The study was conducted on the Danube River, within the project Joint Danube Survey 3 (JDS3). The main aim was to estimate the quantity of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems through passive biological monitoring. Three freshwater species were used for microplastic (MP) isolation from different taxonomic groups of organisms: Mollusca, Oligochaeta, and Chironomidae (Diptera), with the following species: Lithoglyphus naticoides (C. Pfeiffer, 1828), Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (Claparede, 1862), and Chironomus acutiventris (Wülker, Ryser & Scholl, 1983), respectively. The samples were collected from 6 sites along the Danube River where 540 specimens were examined. The samples were digested by alkaline method (incubation in 10% KOH solution at 60 ⁰C for 24 h) and filtered through a mill silk, 10 µm mesh size. Collected particles were categorized as: fibre, hard plastic, nylon, rubber, or miscellaneous. Categories were divided into subcategories based on the coloration of the particles. Particles ingested by organisms were represented mostly by fibres and fragmented hard plastics, within the size range were from 0.03 to 4.87 mm. A total of 678 MP particles were collected with an average of 4.64 ± 1.59; 1.64 ± 0.46 and 1.24 ± 0.34 items/organism isolated from L. hoffmeisteri, L. naticoides and C. acutiventris, respectively. According to results, L. hoffmeisteri, L. naticoides and C. acutiventris could be used as proper bioaccumulators of MP pollution in the Danube River

    Scardinius Knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin

    Trophic relations between macroinvertebrates in the Vlasina river (Serbia)

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    The aim of the study presented was to define trophic relationships within the benthic community according to functional feeding groups (FFG) in the Vlasina River (Southeast Serbia), with an attempt to use those results to describe the watercourse. In an investigation performed during 1996, a total of 125 macrozoobenthic taxa were identified, 95 of which were included in FFG analyses. Although the investigated part of the river, in its physical and chemical characteristics, as well as characteristics of the benthofauna, generally corresponds to what could be expected, certain variations of faunal composition were observed along the river. Two groups of sites were separated by FFG analysis - sites on the upper section of the river and on a tributary (the Gradska River) comprised one group, while the remaining sites made up the other.Cilj nam je da ovim radom prikažemo trofičke odnose u zajednici makroinvertebrata prema funkcionalnim grupama u ishrani (FGI) u reci Vlasini (jugo-istočna Srbija) i te rezultate upotrebimo za opisivanje vodotoka. U okviru istraživanja obavljenih tokom 1996. godine, od ukupno 125 identifikovanih taksona makrozoobentosa, 95 taksona korišćeno je u FGI analizi. Iako istraživani deo reke, sa njegovim fizičkim i hemijskim karaktristikama, kao i karakteristikama bentofaune uopšte, odgovara srednjem toku reka, istraživane su fine promene u distribuciji bentofaune duž toka. Izdvojile su se dve grupe lokaliteta prema FFG analizi - grupisali su se lokaliteti gornjeg sektora reke kao i pritoka Gradska reka, dok su ostali lokaliteti formirali drugu grupu.nul