Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083-1071)


The present work cites results of investigating aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Danube River on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (KM 1083-1071). The investigated part is interesting from the hydrobiological standpoint above all due to differences of faunal composition in relation to higher sections that could be expected in view of differences in overall characteristics of the river. A rich macroinvertebrate community (84 taxa) was observed. The diversity of taxa is primarily a result of habitat diversity within the given stretch. Oligochaeta and Mollusca were the principal components.Cilj rada je da se prikažu rezultati istraživanja vodenih makroinvertebrata u sektoru uzvodno od Đerdapa (1083-1071 km). Istraživano područje interesantno je za hidrobiološka istraživanja, pre svega, zbog promena u strukturi faune u odnosu na gornji deo toka, što je i očekivano ako se uzmu u obzir promene opštih karakteristika reke u sektoru. Zabeleženo je raznovrsno naselje makroinvertebrata (84 taksona). Raznovrsnost faune posledica je, pre svega, diverziteta staništa u okviru istraživanog područja. Grupe Oligochaeta i Mollusca bile su najznačajnije komponente proučavane zajednice makro invertebrata.Part of the material originated from the Joint Danube Survey, a national progra

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