803 research outputs found

    Assessing the landscape value of public works: validation of the method in the lowlands of the middle section of the Tajo river (Spain)

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    This paper proposes a method of landscape characterisation and assessment of public works associated with fluvial landscapes, which is validated in the middle section of the Tajo River. In this method, a set of criteria is identified that unifies various characteristics of the landscape associated to the infrastructures. A specific weight is then assigned to each criterion in such a way as to produce a semi-quantitative value ranging from a minimum value of 0 to a maximum value of 10. Taken together, these criteria enable us to describe and assess the value of the public works selected for study, in this case helping us to evaluate the sections of the River Tajo analysed in our study area. Accordingly, the value of all the infrastructures associated to a stretch of the river covering several hundred kilometres was determined and after dividing this stretch into sections, they were compared under equivalent conditions to provide a hierarchal ranking

    Proyecto DOMOBOT : Diseño y construcción de un robot móvil con identificación por RFID de espacios del entorno

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    El presente proyecto consiste en el diseño, fabricación y control de un robot móvil autónomo imprimible llamado Domobot cuyas principales funciones son la monitorización e identificación de las habitaciones o entornos de una vivienda. Ha sido realizado como Trabajo de Fin de Grado de la titulación de Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Este proyecto permite a los usuarios realizar una completa monitorización de una vivienda, con su correspondiente identificación de habitaciones, mediante un sistema RFID que trabaja a 13.56 MHz (HF). El usuario controla todo el sistema mediante una aplicación móvil, también desarrollada en el presente proyecto, que le permite seleccionar tanto el modo de navegación como la visualización de los datos recogidos por el robot en la habitación deseada. La navegación del robot se puede realizar de forma manual o de forma autónoma. Los modos de navegación autónomos implementados en el robot se basan en una navegación reactiva, es decir, el robot es capaz de guiarse por la vivienda siguiendo una línea con ayuda de sensores de infrarrojos o siguiendo una pared gracias a sensores de ultrasonidos. Los sensores utilizados para la monitorización de la vivienda han sido de temperatura, de humedad, de luz, de gases y de llama. La visualización de los datos recogidos por los sensores se puede realizar cuando el robot está en modo de control autónomo, y en la aplicación se pueden ver los valores actuales, máximos y mínimos de cada uno de ellos por habitación. Además se ha implementado un sistema de alarma, tanto sonoro como visual mediante un zumbador y un LED, para avisar al usuario en caso de incendio, humo o gases. El robot Domobot se ha diseñado mediante un programa CAD y se ha fabricado gracias a una impresora 3D. También se ha implementado el sistema electrónico y se ha programado todo el sistema software, tanto de la placa controladora del robot como de la aplicación. La comunicación entre el robot y la aplicación se realiza mediante un módulo Bluetooth que permite una comunicación inalámbrica. Se puede decir que Domobot es un robot eficiente ya que con pocos recursos se ha conseguido un proyecto con multitud de aplicaciones que abarcan desde monitorización de diversos entornos hasta proyectos educativos. También es un robot asequible ya que cualquiera con una impresora 3D podría fabricarlo y montarlo fácilmente. Además es un proyecto abierto a una gran cantidad de posibilidades de evolución ya que tanto la robótica como la tecnología RFID son áreas de investigación que están en constante desarrollo y crecimiento.The present project addresses the design, construction and control of a printable autonomous mobile robot called Domobot whose main functions are the monitoring and identification of the different rooms in a house. It has been developed as an end of studies project for the Bachelor in Automation and Industrial Electronics Engineering of the Carlos III University’s Polytechnic School in Madrid This project allows users to perform a full monitoring of a home by the identification of its rooms through a RFID system that works at 13.56 MHz (HF). The user can control the entire system by means of a mobile application, also developed in this project, through which both the navigation mode and the visualization of the data collected by the robot in the desired room can be selected. The robot can either navigate manually or automatically. The automatic steering systems implemented are based on reactive behavior. In other words, the robot is able to navigate by following a line or a wall by means of infrared or ultrasound sensors, respectively. The sensors used for monitoring the dwelling are temperature, humidity, light, gas and flame sensitive. When on automatic steering mode, the mobile phone application shows current, maximum and minimum values of these parameters for each room. Moreover, an alarm system has been implemented in order to warn the user by means of a LED light and a buzzer in case of a fire, smoke or the presence of a certain gas. Domobot has been designed with the use of a CAD program and has been built thanks to a 3D printer. In addition, an electronic system has been implemented and the software, such as the controller board of the robot and mobile application, has been programmed. Communication between Domobot and the application is achieved by a Bluetooth module that allows wireless transmission of information. In short, Domobot is an efficient robot since with limited resources a project with multiple applications has been accomplished. Furthermore, this robot is attainable since anyone with a 3D printer can easily design and build one. Finally, Domobot is part of a project open to a wide range of possible future applications since both robotics and RFID technology are in constant development and evolution.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic


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    Pharmacological modulation of the endocannabinoid system in a viral model of multiple sclerosis

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    Theiler’s virus infection of the central nervous system (CNS) induces an immune-mediated demyelinating disease in susceptible mouse strains and serves as a relevant infection model for human multiple sclerosis (MS). Cannabinoids have been shown to exert beneficial effects on animal models of MS and evidence suggests that the endocannabinoid system plays a role in the tonic control of spasticity. In this study we show that OMDM1 [(R)-N-oleoyl-(1¢-hydroxybenzyl)-2¢-ethanolamine] and OMDM2 [(S)-N-oleoyl-(1¢-hydroxybenzyl)-2¢- ethanolamine], two selective inhibitors of the putative endocannabinoid transporter and hence of endocannabinoid inactivation, provide an effective therapy for Theiler murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced demyelinating disease (TMEV-IDD). Treatment of TMEV-infected mice with OMDM1 and OMDM2 enhanced anandamide levels in the spinal cord and ameliorated motor symptoms. This was associated with a down-regulation of inflammatory responses in the spinal cord. In addition we show that OMDM1 and OMDM2 down-regulate macrophage function by (i) decreasing the surface expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules, (ii) inhibiting nitric oxide synthase-2 (NOS-2) expression and (iii) reducing the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1beta (IL-1b) and interleukin-12 (IL-12p40). Taken together, these results point to the manipulation of the endocannabinoid system as a possible strategy to develop futureMS therapeutic drugs

    The analysis of urban fluvial landscapes in the centre of Spain, their characterization, values and interventions

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    River areas are undoubtedly among the most valuable territorial areas in Europe, not only in terms of their eco-landscape and use but also, culturally. However, there is currently a sharp reduction in the extension and increase of deterioration of riverbanks around the world. A substantial part of losses and deterioration are associated with the artificialization of the territories, derived mainly from a less than respectful urbanization around these landscapes. Urban and periurban riverbanks are landscapes in expansion due to the continuous growth of built-up spaces. Therefore, they should be areas of preferential consideration, especially in territories with a marked tendency to dryness, like the centre of the Iberian Peninsula. This article aims to contribute to our understanding of these spaces through the study of four distinct cases in the centre of the peninsula, in particular: the river Manzanares running through the city of Madrid, the river Tagus in Toledo and running through Talavera de la Reina, and the river Henares in Guadalajara. Three of the four urban water courses analyzed are zones of special interest for waterfowl: they sustain a winter population that varies between 745 and 1529 birds and they provide a home to some globally threatened species. The density of the riparian birds is also very high during winter, these values oscillating between a mean of 141.16 and 240.12 birds/10 ha. It should be noted that the diversity of this group of birds in the four regions studies is also high (H > 2.4 nats). The article also examines the interventions and the urban planning criteria applied to these urban and peri-urban river spaces, inferring the need to reassess urban planning in river areas to ensure it is compatible with their operation, values and possible uses

    Dinámica fluvial, propiedad de la tierra y conservación del paisaje de ribera en el entorno de Aranjuez (Madrid, Toledo)

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    The landscape of the alluvial plain of the Tagus river in Aranjuez is the result of the effects of civil disentailment of the territory which until the second half of the nineteenth century made up the Real Sitio (Royal Site). It is also the result of the alteration of the fluvial system produced by regulation of the river after 1950. In an initial phase until 1880, the sale of property had its main effecton land downstream from the Jarama-Tagus confluence, and caused the loss of many forest areas hitherto mostly used for hunting purposes. Later, the large remaining areas of natural floodplain in the area, part of large private estates which emerged after the disentailment of royal properties, continued to exist until the late 1960s due to their frequent flooding. From that date, regulation of the basin allowed for expansion of the agricultural zone into the previously unstable areas hitherto occupied by large alluvial forests and meadows.El paisaje de la vega del Tajo en Aranjuez es el resultado del efecto de la desamortización civil sobre el territorio que integraba hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XIX el Real Sitio. También es fruto de la alteración del sistema fluvial producida por la regulación de la cuenca posterior a 1950. Hasta 1880, la venta de bienes afectó mayoritariamente a las tierras situadas aguas abajo de la confluencia Tajo-Jarama y provocó la pérdida de muchos espacios forestales de uso eminentemente cinegético. Posteriormente, las aún extensas zonas naturales de la llanura de inundación en esta área, integradas en grandes fincas privadas surgidas tras la desamortización, se mantuvieron hasta finales de la década de 1960 debido a su frecuente inundación. A partir de esa fecha, la regulación de la cuenca permitió la ampliación de la frontera agrícola sobre las zonas más inestables, ocupadas hasta entonces por grandes sotos y praderas. [fr] Le paysage de la vallée du Tage en Aranjuez est le résultat des effets de la désamortissement civile du territoire qui a fait la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, le Site Royal. Il est également le résultat du système fluvial altéré produite par la régulation du bassin à partir de 1950. Jusqu’en 1880, la vente de biens à affecter en aval de la confluence des terres et de Jarama du Tage, a causé la perte de nombreuses zones forestières jusque- là éminemment guide de chasse. Plus tard, les zones encore de grandes plaines inondables naturelles dans ce domaine, une partie de grandes exploitations privées ont émergé après la désamortissement, est resté jusqu’à la fin de 1960 en raison de sa inondations fréquentes. Depuis cette date, la régulation du bassin a permis l’expansion de la frontière agricole sur les zones instables, jusque-là occupés par des grands forêts alluviales et de prairies

    Aves acuáticas y paisaje fluvial en las riveras de los ríos Ebro, Tajo y Jarama. Características generales

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    Los grandes ríos ibéricos son ámbitos de interés para las aves acuáticas. Su importancia es especialmente destacada en ciclos climáticos secos, cuando la mayor parte de las zonas húmedas naturales o seminaturales permanecen secas o registran bajos niveles de agua. La importancia de estos medios varía, no obstante, en relación con las características del paisaje fluvial, especialmente las referidas a la calidad del agua, funcionamiento hidráulico, naturalidad del régimen hidrológico o morfología del canal. En este artículo se analizan las características básicas de las comunidades de aves acuáticas de los ríos Ebro, Tajo y Jarama, tres cursos fluviales situados en los sectores centrales de dos grandes cuencas sedimentarias terciarias, equiparables por su potencialidad natural aunque afectados en diverso grado por distintas intervenciones antrópicas. Este análisis se basa en los resultados de censos de aves acuáticas realizados durante un ciclo anual sobre más de 64 km de cauces

    Arbolado urbano, renta y precio de la vivienda en Madrid en el perímetro interior de la M-30

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    In this paper we analyse the actual relationship between the monetary value of urban trees, per cápita rent and the price of established dwellings. The study area includes all neighbourhoods in the eight districts located within the urban orbital motorway M-30 (now street 30) in Madrid. We compare the three variables in sample streets of specific width and morphology, very common in Madrid except in five neighbourhoods in the core districts which were dismissed for this reason. We obtained low or moderate positive correlations between the socioeconomic variables and the mean price of the trees and greenery in the streets. Notwithstanding, the correlation becomes much stronger when we discard those areas in which the natural items obey to past economic situations completely different from the present ones.En este artículo se analizan las relaciones existentes entre el valor económico del arbolado urbano, la renta per cápita y el precio de la vivienda usada en Madrid. El ámbito de estudio abarca todos los barrios situados en el interior del perímetro de la autopista M-30. El análisis se ha centrado en la comparación de las variables citadas, tomando en todos los casos como calle muestra un tipo de vía de sección y morfología específica y en gran medida homogénea, con amplia difusión en Madrid. La ausencia de calles de estas características en cinco barrios ha provocado su no inclusión en el análisis. Los resultados muestran correlaciones positivas débiles o moderados entre las variables socioeconómicas y el precio medio del arbolado. Sin embargo, la correlación aumenta si en el análisis se prescinde de aquellas zonas en las que la actual configuración de las estructuras verdes responde a situaciones económicas diferentes a las actuales

    Hedgerows and enclosures in rural areas: Traditional vs. modern land use in mediterranean mountains

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    The present paper highlights the importance of hedgerows and enclosures in the mountains of Central Spain. Now, these landscapes have suffered profound variations in terms of agroforestry practices, especially in the Mediterranean mountains where the characteristic multifunctional has largely been lost. The article analyzes land uses changes, dynamics, and their morphological features between the first half of the 20th Century (1956) and the second decade of the present time (2019). The paper was divided into three sections. First, the identification of land uses using orthophotograph and aerial photograph; after that the info was checked with fieldwork. Eleven categories were identified according to the dominant use and land use changes and size of land parcels were taken into consideration. Second, the configuration and the information collected through the type and intensity of change in land uses made it possible to recognise and quantify their distribution and trend between these two dates. Also, the kernel density algorithm available in the Arcgis 10.5 software was used to obtain density and changes in land parcels. Finally, an overview is given of the main role that this agroforestry plays due to the social, ecological, and economic benefits that they provide for allowing sustainable development.This research was funded by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019- 105711RB-C61 /AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Project: “Multifunctional and territorialized agri-food systems in Spain. Conceptuation and governance. Case studies in Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha (SAMUTER MadClM)