349 research outputs found

    Evaluación de una prueba de detección de micobacterias directamente de muestras de esputo y cultivos jóvenes

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología Médica) UANL.UANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    (−)-Oleocanthal induces death preferentially in tumor hematopoietic cells through caspase dependent and independent mechanisms

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    Olive oil is a key component of the highly cardiovascular protective Mediterranean diet. (−)-Oleocanthal (OLC) is one of the most interesting phenolics present in virgin olive oil, and is formed from secoiridoid ligustroside during the processing of olives to yield the oil. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties were identified shortly after OLC isolation, followed by the discovery of anti-tumor activities in a few nonhematopoietic cell lineages. Because of the scarcity of tissues potentially targeted by OLC analyzed so far and the unresolved mechanism(s) for OLC anti-tumor properties, we used a panel of 17 cell lines belonging to 11 tissue lineages to carry out a detailed examination of targets and pathways leading to cell growth inhibition and death. We found that OLC inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptotic death as revealed by sub-G1 cell cycle analyses and Annexin-V staining in all lineages analyzed except lung carcinoma cell lines. Hematopoietic tumor cell lines, untested until now, were the most sensitive to OLC treatment, whereas non-transformed cells were significantly resistant to cell death. The specificity of OLC-mediated caspase activation was confirmed by blocking experiments and the use of transfectants overexpressing anti apoptotic genes. OLC triggers typical mediators of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway such as production of reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial membrane depolarization (Δψm). Complete blockade of caspases, however, did not result in parallel abrogation of Annexin-V staining, thus suggesting that complex mechanisms are involved in triggering OLC-mediated cell death. Our results demonstrate that OLC preferentially targets hematopoietic tumor cell lines and support that cell death is mediated by caspase-dependent and independent mechanisms.Universidad de Granada-Junta de Andalucia A-CTS-480-UGR18 B.CTS.690.UGR20Action for AT, United Kingdom charity AAT-8GRA0

    Characteristics of Nursing Interventions That Improve the Quality of Life of People With Chronic Diseases. A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis

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    Purpose The objective of this systematic review was to determine the characteristics of the interventions conducted by nurses that attempt to improve the health related quality of life (HRQoL) of people over 18 years of age with chronic diseases. Methods This systematic review with meta-analysis summarizes 24 studies, conducted in 10 countries, that evaluated HRQoL through the Short-Form Health Survey (SF). Five databases were accessed to find the available studies from December 31st, 2000 to May 22sd, 2017. Selected studies were coded according to the characteristics of the sample and the intervention. A model of random effects was adopted for the overall estimation and to explain the heterogeneity. Results Twenty-four studies were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis providing a sample of 4324 chronic patients aged 63.4 years. Among the 8 subscales and two summary measures that comprise the SF-36, only an overall significant effect size (ES) index was found in the Mental Health Component summary score (ES = 0.14; 95% CI:0.03 ? 0.26; I2 = 44.6, p = 0.042) and the Mental Health subscale. This improvement on HRQoL was associated to interventions on ?Case Management? and ?Treatments and Procedures?, which were based on a theory, were of shorter duration, and had a follow-up period. Conclusions Interventions targeting people with chronic diseases resulted in a slight increase in the HRQoL that was not always significant, which suggests that there is a need for their continuous improvement.Funding: This project was funded by the University of Cantabria (Spain). Budget implementation 28.VU08.64662

    The escape room as evaluation method: A qualitative study of nursing students’ experiences

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    Purpose: Gamification or learning using game elements is a process that seeks to capture students’ interest. One of the most popular games in recent years is the Escape Room, but the study of its use in education and with health professionals is still limited. The aim of this study was to find out the perceptions and experiences of final year nursing students in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) by means of an Escape Room. Methods: In January 2019, 9 focus groups (FG) were held, with a total of 95 final year nursing students. We applied a qualitative content analysis approach and ATLAS.ti version 8 was used for data analysis. Results: The data revealed 3 main themes and 8 sub-themes. The three main themes, which were mapped to the conceptual framework, were student learning outcomes, emotional impact on students and conclusions on the serious games experience. Both the main themes and the sub-themes were illustrated using representative quotes from the participants. Conclusions: These results can help to apply these methodologies, such as the Escape Room, alongside other pre-existing ones, complementing the way in which students are assessed and the development of important nursing skills, such as teamwork and communication

    Escape Rooms as a Clinical Evaluation Method for Nursing Students

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    Background: There are currently no studies available about the possible use of gamification in the evaluation of nursing students’ clinical skills. The purpose of this study was to understand the gameful experience and satisfaction of nursing students in the evaluation of their clinical skills using an escape room. Methods: A quasiexperimental study was carried out. The participants were divided into an experimental group (escape room) and a control group. Results: The experimental group had higher than average scores in all dimensions of the gameful experience scale, except in the dimension of negative effects. Conclusions: Escape rooms are a useful tool for the evaluation of nursing students compared with using the objective structured clinical evaluation

    Análisis de virulencia de una cepa de Coccidioides Immitis sometida a subcultivo

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    Coccidioides immitis es un hongo dimorfo causante de la coccidioidomicosis. Esta es una infección que se presenta principalmente al sur de Estados Unidos y al norte de México. Existen distintos factores que determinan la virulencia de C. immitis, entre los cuales se encuentra la relación entre los macrófagos tisulares y las artroconidias de C. immitis. Esta infección fúngica puede causar un amplio espectro de manifestaciones clínicas, desde tomar un curso asintomático hasta padecer manifestaciones pulmonares graves o infección diseminada. Las manifestaciones cutáneas también pueden ocurrir tanto por diseminación hematógena como por inoculación directa, siendo la primera de estas la más frecuente. Existen factores de virulencia que presenta Coccidioides spp. como la envoltura hidrofóbica de la parte exterior de la pared del conidio que sirve como protección contra la destrucción de las enzimas y productos oxidativos liberados por las células de defensa del hospedero, la gran cantidad de endosporas que son liberadas por cada esférula y que cada una de ellas es una esférula potencial, y la sustancia mucilaginosa que envuelve a las endosporas cuando estas emergen de la esférula, la cual actúa como protección contra los fagocitos del hospedero. Los subcultivos se han usado extensamente para atenuar a los patógenos humanos, uno de estos es el ya conocido bacilo de Calmette y Guérin. Se han realizado estudios en nuestro servicio con Norcardia brasiliensis y Mycobacterium tuberculosis en donde se observa que pierden su virulencia al subcultivarse. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el efecto del subcultivo de C. immitis sobre la virulencia del patógeno

    Sleep disturbances and gestational diabetes prevalence on last trimester of pregnancy

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    Introducción: estudios recientes sugieren que las mujeres con diagnóstico de diabetes gestacional tienen más probabilidad de padecer trastornos del sueño en comparación con el resto de las mujeres embarazadas. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron analizar los factores de riesgo asociados a diabetes gestacional y verificar una asociación entre padecer o no diabetes gestacional y la calidad del sueño y/o somnolencia. Material y métodos: estudio observacional de casos y controles a partir de una muestra de 130 gestantes, 46 con diabetes gestacional y 84 controles. Se realizó una valoración antropométrica, evaluando peso, estatura, índice de masa corporal (IMC) y perímetro abdominal. Se realizó una valoración sociodemográfica, evaluando edad y situación familiar y laboral, así como un estudio ginecológico, evaluando número de partos simples y múltiples, número de abortos y patología ginecológica durante los últimos tres años. Para el diagnóstico de diabetes gestacional se realizó el test de O‘Sullivan. Se midió la calidad del sueño y la somnolencia diurna. Resultados: del total de gestantes estudiadas, 46 fueron diagnosticadas de diabetes gestacional. Existen diferencias significativas (p < 0,001) en las puntuaciones del IMC entre gestantes diabéticas y no diabéticas, siendo sus valores más elevados entre las diabéticas. Existe una asociación significativa (p = 0,002) entre la existencia de antecedentes familiares de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y padecer o no diabetes gestacional. Las gestantes diabéticas presentan un significativo empeoramiento (p < 0,001) de la calidad del sueño. Respecto a la somnolencia diurna, las gestantes diabéticas poseen una somnolencia diurna superior a la media poblacional. Conclusiones: en la población estudiada, puntuaciones elevadas en el IMC, así como antecedentes familiares de confordiabetes mellitus tipo 2 parecen ser factores asociados al riesgo de padecer diabetes gestacional. Las embarazadas con diabetes gestacional poseen una peor calidad del sueño y un grado de somnolencia diurna superior al de la media poblacional, reduciéndose con ello el bienestar de la madre y del feto.Introduction: recent studies suggest that women with gestational diabetes are more likely to suffer sleep disorders compared to pregnant women without diabetes. The objectives of this study were to analyze the risk factors associated with gestational diabetes and to verify if exist an association between the presence or abscense of gestational diabetes and the quality of the sleep and/or daytime sleepiness. Material and methods: case-controls study with a sample of 130 pregnant women, 46 of them with gestational diabetes and 84 controls. Anthropometric parameters such as weight, stature, body mass index (BMI) and abdominal perimeter were evaluated. Socio-demographic variables, including age and family situation were assessed, and a gynecological study was performed, evaluating the number of simple or multiple births, number of miscarriages and gynecological pathology during the past 3 years. The O’Sullivan test was conducted for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes. The quality of sleep and daytime sleepiness were also measured. Results: 46 women were diagnosed of gestational diabetes. There are significant differences (p < 0.001) in BMI scores among women with gestational diabetes and controls, being the highest values in the diabetic group. There is a significant association (p = 0.002) between the existence of family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and the presence or abscense of gestational diabetes. Women with gestational diabetes present a significant worse quality of sleep (p < 0.001), and values of daytime sleepiness higher than the general population. Conclusions: high values of BMI or family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus seems to be factors associated to the risk of suffer gestational diabetes. Women with gestational diabetes have a poorer quality of sleep and a higher degree of daytime sleepiness than the general population, reducing the well-being of the mother and the fetus
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