2,590 research outputs found

    A general numerical solution of dispersion relations for the nuclear optical model

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    A general numerical solution of the dispersion integral relation between the real and the imaginary parts of the nuclear optical potential is presented. Fast convergence is achieved by means of the Gauss-Legendre integration method, which offers accuracy, easiness of implementation and generality for dispersive optical model calculations. The use of this numerical integration method in the optical-model parameter search codes allows for a fast and accurate dispersive analysis

    Ciudadanía y gobiernos abiertos

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    Las instituciones públicas tienen la obligación de defender a la ciudadanía y apoyar sus demandas. Para ello se precisa un cambio en las relaciones de poder actual, unas instituciones más flexibles, transparentes, abiertas, participativas, que muestren una vocación por la práctica de la accountability y, sobre todo, por la rendición de cuentas periódica. A su vez se precisa eliminar el clientelismo, abrir los debates a todos los niveles y desligar la función pública de la política fortaleciendo unas estructuras abiertas en donde la capacidad y el mérito presida dicha función pública. Solo de este modo se conseguirá un incremento de la confianza de la sociedad civil hacia nuestras institucione

    New efficient constructive heuristics for the hybrid flowshop to minimise makespan: A computational evaluation of heuristics

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    This paper addresses the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem to minimise makespan, a well-known scheduling problem for which many constructive heuristics have been proposed in the literature. Nevertheless, the state of the art is not clear due to partial or non homogeneous comparisons. In this paper, we review these heuristics and perform a comprehensive computational evaluation to determine which are the most efficient ones. A total of 20 heuristics are implemented and compared in this study. In addition, we propose four new heuristics for the problem. Firstly, two memory-based constructive heuristics are proposed, where a sequence is constructed by inserting jobs one by one in a partial sequence. The most promising insertions tested are kept in a list. However, in contrast to the Tabu search, these insertions are repeated in future iterations instead of forbidding them. Secondly, we propose two constructive heuristics based on Johnson’s algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. The computational results carried out on an extensive testbed show that the new proposals outperform the existing heuristics.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2016-80750-

    Analytical expressions for the dispersive contributions to the nucleon-nucleus optical potential

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    Analytical solutions of dispersion relations in the nucleon-nucleus optical model have been found for both volume and surface potentials. For the energy dependence a standard Brown-Rho function has been assumed for both the volume and surface imaginary contributions multiplied in this later case by a decreasing exponential function. The solutions are valid for any even value of the powers appearing in these functional forms.Junta de Andalucía y CICYT FPA2001-0144-C05-03 FPA2001-4960-EUnión Europea KIW-CT-2000-0010

    Collisions of Nucleons with Atoms: Calculated Cross Sections and Monte Carlo Simulation

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    After a summary description of the theory of elastic collisions of nucleons with atoms, we present the calculation of a generic database of differential and integrated cross sections for the simulation of multiple elastic collisions of protons and neutrons with kinetic energies larger than 100 keV. The relativistic plane-wave Born approximation, with binding and Coulomb-deflection corrections, has been used to calculate a database of proton-impact ionization of K-shell and L-, M-, and N-subshells of neutral atoms These databases cover the whole energy range of interest for all the elements in the periodic system, from hydrogen to einsteinium (Z = 1–99); they are provided as part of the penh distribution package. The Monte Carlo code system penh for the simulation of coupled electron-photon-proton transport is extended to account for the effect of the transport of neutrons (released in proton-induced nuclear reactions) in calculations of dose distributions from proton beams. A simplified description of neutron transport, in which neutron-induced nuclear reactions are described as a fractionally absorbing process, is shown to give simulated depth-dose distributions in good agreement with those generated by the Geant4 code. The proton-impact ionization database, combined with the description of atomic relaxation data and electron transport in penelope, allows the simulation of proton-induced x-ray emission spectra from targets with complex geometries.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-098117-B-C21, RTI2018-098117-BC2

    Robots autónomos : arquitecturas y control

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    A framework to develop adaptive multimodal dialog systems for Android-based mobile devices

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    Proceedings of: 9th International Conference (HAIS 2014), Salamanca, Spain, June 11-13, 2014Mobile devices programming has emerged as a new trend in software development. The main developers of operating systems for such devices have provided APIs for developers to implement their own applications, including different solutions for developing voice control. Android, the most popular alternative among developers, offers libraries to build interfaces including different resources for graphical layouts as well as speech recognition and text-to-speech synthesis. Despite the usefulness of such classes, there are no strategies defined for multimodal interface development for Android systems, and developers create ad-hoc solutions that make apps costly to implement and difficult to compare and maintain. In this paper we propose a framework to facilitate the software engineering life cycle for multimodal interfaces in Android. Our proposal integrates the facilities of the Android API in a modular architecture that emphasizes interaction management and context-awareness to build sophisticated, robust and maintainable applications.This work was supported in part by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485)

    Building multi-domain conversational systems from single domain resources

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    Current Advances In The Development Of Mobile And Smart Devices Have Generated A Growing Demand For Natural Human-Machine Interaction And Favored The Intelligent Assistant Metaphor, In Which A Single Interface Gives Access To A Wide Range Of Functionalities And Services. Conversational Systems Constitute An Important Enabling Technology In This Paradigm. However, They Are Usually Defined To Interact In Semantic-Restricted Domains In Which Users Are Offered A Limited Number Of Options And Functionalities. The Design Of Multi-Domain Systems Implies That A Single Conversational System Is Able To Assist The User In A Variety Of Tasks. In This Paper We Propose An Architecture For The Development Of Multi-Domain Conversational Systems That Allows: (1) Integrating Available Multi And Single Domain Speech Recognition And Understanding Modules, (2) Combining Available System In The Different Domains Implied So That It Is Not Necessary To Generate New Expensive Resources For The Multi-Domain System, (3) Achieving Better Domain Recognition Rates To Select The Appropriate Interaction Management Strategies. We Have Evaluated Our Proposal Combining Three Systems In Different Domains To Show That The Proposed Architecture Can Satisfactory Deal With Multi-Domain Dialogs. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All Rights Reserved.Work partially supported by projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02