506 research outputs found

    Resolución de problemas para el desarrollo de la competencia matemática en educación infantil

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    Proponemos un taller de resolución de problemas aritméticos verbales para el desarrollo de la competencia matemática en la educación infantil. Nuestro planteamiento sobre la competencia matemática está basado en PISA, los estándares de procesos del NCTM, y es coherente con el currículo español de matemáticas. La competencia matemática implica resolver problemas, pensar, razonar y argumentar, comunicarse utilizando el lenguaje matemático, utilizar las representaciones y símbolos propios de las matemáticas, elaborar e interpretar modelos, y aplicar los conocimientos y procesos matemáticos a situaciones prácticas. Tras narrar dos sesiones del taller de problemas, en que los niños de 5 y 6 años resuelven problemas de estructura multiplicativa, argumentamos por qué este taller es un tipo de tarea que promueve el desarrollo de la competencia matemática

    Extracellular calcium promotes bone formation from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells by amplifying the effects of BMP-2 on SMAD signalling

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    Understanding the molecular events that regulate osteoblast differentiation is essential for the development of effective approaches to bone regeneration. In this study, we analysed the osteoinductive properties of extracellular calcium in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell (BM-MSC) differentiation. We cultured BM-MSCs in 3D gelatin scaffolds with Ca2+ and BMP-2 as osteoinductive agents. Early and late osteogenic gene expression and bone regeneration in a calvarial critical-size defect model demonstrate that extracellular Ca2+ enhances the effects of BMP-2 on Osteocalcin, Runx2 and Osterix expression and promotes bone regeneration in vivo. Moreover, we analysed the molecular mechanisms involved and observed an antagonistic effect between Ca2+ and BMP-2 on SMAD1/5, ERK and S6K signalling after 24 hours. More importantly, a cooperative effect between Ca2+ and BMP-2 on the phosphorylation of SMAD1/5, S6, GSK3 and total levels of β-CATENIN was observed at a later differentiation time (10 days). Furthermore, Ca2+ alone favoured the phosphorylation of SMAD1, which correlates with the induction of Bmp2 and Bmp4 gene expression. These data suggest that Ca2+ and BMP-2 cooperate and promote an autocrine/paracrine osteogenic feed-forward loop. On the whole, these results demonstrate the usefulness of calcium-based bone grafts or the addition of exogenous Ca2+ in bone tissue engineering


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    Treball Final de Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: Curs: 2013/2014Emoterapia es un cortometraje de ficción que se ha realizado para sensibilizar a la sociedad de las consecuencias negativas de las nuevas tecnologías (TIC) en las relaciones interpersonales. Su finalidad es múltiple: criticar la necesidad del uso constante de las TIC, concienciar a la sociedad de sus efectos nocivos y denunciar el doble rasero existente respecto a dicho tema. Mediante una idea y su posterior desarrollo en guión, el proyecto fue creciendo hasta convertirse en una obra audiovisual en la que se criticaba abiertamente la adicción a las TICs en general y al WhatsApp en particular por parte de un gran estrato de la sociedad. Esta pequeña investigación, a la que apunta -como demanda- el cortometraje en tono de comedia, es vital para poder mejorar como sociedad y continuar avanzando hacia el futuro, en una época en la que las TICs dominan el panorama comunicativo.Emoterapia is a fiction short film, which has been created to heighten the awareness in society about the negative consequences of the new technologies (ITCs) in the interpersonal relationships. Its finality is multiple: critic the need of constant use of ITCs, concienciate the society about its bad effects and denounce the double standard existing about this topic. Thanks to an idea and its later development into a screenplay, the project was rounded out until it became an audiovisual project where the ITCs addition in general and to WhatsApp in particular by a wide part of the society are openly critiqued. This small research, pointed to –as it is required- the short film in a humorous tone, is vital to be able to improve as a society and to continue moving forwards towards the future, in period in ITCs dominate the communicative world

    Complicaciones más frecuentes en pacientes embarazadas con ruptura prematura de membranas pretérmino (RPMP) relacionadas al periodo de latencia al parto y relacionadas a la elección de vía de terminación del embarazo en HSJDSA en el periodo de enero a diciembre del año 2018

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    Con el presente trabajo se estudió un punto de vista básico la patología ruptura prematura de membranas pretérmino, describiendo su historia, epidemiología, diagnóstico, tratamiento y las complicaciones más frecuentes que se presentan en la paciente embarazada, y los factores que influyen en la decisión de la vía de evacuació

    Effect of manipulating the vergence/accommodation and image size mismatches of the ±2D flipper test on the frequency and precision of accommodative facility

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    Purpose: The ±2.00 D accommodative facility test presents several limitations, in- cluding the lack of objective information and inherent characteristics such as ver- gence/accommodative conflict, change in apparent size of the image, subjective criteria for judging blur and motor reaction time. By using free-space viewing con- ditions and an open-field autorefractor to monitor the refractive state, we exam- ined the impact of manipulating these factors on the qualitative and quantitative assessment of accommodative facility. Methods: Twenty-five healthy young adults (24.5 ± 4.5 years) took part in this study. Participants performed three accommodative facility tests (adapted flipper, 4D free-space viewing and 2.5D free-space viewing) under both monocular and binocular conditions in random order. A binocular open-field autorefractor was used to assess the accommodative response continuously, and these data were used to characterise accommodative facility quantitatively and qualitatively. Results: There were statistically significant differences between the three testing methods both quantitatively (p < 0.001) and qualitatively (p = 0.02). For the same accommodative demand, a lower number of cycles was obtained for the adapted flipper condition in comparison with the 4D free-space viewing test (corrected p-value < 0.001, Cohen's d = 0.78). However, this comparison did not reach statisti- cal significance for qualitative measures of accommodative facility (corrected p- value = 0.82, Cohen's d 0.05). Conclusions: These data provide evidence that the qualitative assessment of ac- commodative facility is not influenced by the inherent limitations of the ±2.00 D flipper test. The use of qualitative outcomes by incorporating an open-field au- torefractor allows examiners to increase the validity of the accommodative facility test in both clinical and research settings

    Short-term effects of text-background color combinations on the dynamics of the accommodative response

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    The purpose of the present study was to assess the accommodative response and pupillary dynamics while reading passages with different text-background color combinations on an LCD screen. Twenty healthy young adults read fourteen 2-min passages designed with fourteen different color combinations between text and background, while the accommodative and pupil responses were continuously measured with a binocular open-field autorefractometer. Our results revealed that the text-background color combination modulates the accommodative and pupillary dynamics during a 2-minutes reading task. The blue-red combination induced a heightened accommodative response, whereas positive polarities were associated with more variability of the accommodative response and smaller pupil sizes. Participants reported lower perceived ratings of legibility for text-background color combination with lower luminance contrast (white-yellow). The manipulation of text-background color did not have a significant effect on reading speed. These results may have important applications in the design of digital visual interfaces.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, with support from European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), RTI2018-094738-B-I00 project

    The Use of Mucoadhesive Polymers to Enhance the Hypotensive Effect of a Melatonin Analogue, 5-MCA-NAT, in Rabbit Eyes

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    Purpose.: 5-Methoxy-carbonylamino-N-acetyltryptamine (5-MCA-NAT, a melatonin receptor agonist) produces a clear intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction in New Zealand White rabbits and glaucomatous monkeys. The goal of this study was to evaluate whether the hypotensive effect of 5-MCA-NAT was enhanced by the presence of cellulose derivatives, some of them with bioadhesive properties, as well as to determine whether these formulations were well tolerated by the ocular surface. Methods.: Formulations were prepared with propylene glycol (0.275%), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC, 0.5% and 1.0%) of low and medium viscosity and hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (0.3%). Quantification of 5-MCA-NAT (100 μM) was assessed by HPLC. In vitro tolerance was evaluated by the MTT method in human corneal-limbal epithelial cells and normal human conjunctival cells. In vivo tolerance was analyzed by biomicroscopy and specular microscopy in rabbit eyes. The ocular hypotensive effect was evaluated measuring IOP for 8 hours in rabbit eyes. Results.: All the formulations demonstrated good in vitro and in vivo tolerance. 5-MCA-NAT in CMC medium viscosity 0.5% was the most effective at reducing IOP (maximum IOP reduction, 30.27%), and its effect lasted approximately 7 hours. Conclusions.: The hypotensive effect of 5-MCA-NAT was increased by using bioadhesive polymers in formulations that are suitable for the ocular surface and also protective of the eye in long-term therapies. The use of 5-MCA-NAT combined with bioadhesive polymers is a good strategy in the treatment of ocular hypertension and glaucoma