19,228 research outputs found

    Dispersive spherical optical model of neutron scattering from Al27 up to 250 MeV

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    A spherical optical model potential (OMP) containing a dispersive term is used to fit the available experimental database of angular distribution and total cross section data for n + Al27 covering the energy range 0.1- 250 MeV using relativistic kinematics and a relativistic extension of the Schroedinger equation. A dispersive OMP with parameters that show a smooth energy dependence and energy independent geometry are determined from fits to the entire data set. A very good overall agreement between experimental data and predictions is achieved up to 150 MeV. Inclusion of nonlocality effects in the absorptive volume potential allows to achieve an excellent agreement up to 250 MeV.Comment: 13 figures (11 eps and 2 jpg), 3 table

    Controlled localization of interacting bosons in a disordered optical lattice

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    We show that tunneling and localization properties of interacting ultracold atoms in an optical lattice can be controlled by adiabatically turning on a fast oscillatory force even in the presence of disorder. Our calculations are based on the exact solution of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation, using the Floquet formalism. Implications of our findings for larger systems and the possibility of controlling the phase diagram of disordered-interacting bosonic systems are discussed.Comment: 7 pages 7 fig

    Two-color discrete localized modes and resonant scattering in arrays of nonlinear quadratic optical waveguides

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    We analyze the properties and stability of two-color discrete localized modes in arrays of channel waveguides where tunable quadratic nonlinearity is introduced as a nonlinear defect by periodic poling of a single waveguide in the array. We show that, depending on the value of the phase mismatch and the input power, such two-color defect modes can be realized in three different localized states. We also study resonant light scattering in the arrays with the defect waveguide.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, published in PR

    First clear evidence of quantum chaos in the bound states of an atomic nucleus

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    We study the spectral fluctuations of the 208^{208}Pb nucleus using the complete experimental spectrum of 151 states up to excitation energies of 6.206.20 MeV recently identified at the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratorium at Garching, Germany. For natural parity states the results are very close to the predictions of Random Matrix Theory (RMT) for the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution. A quantitative estimate of the agreement is given by the Brody parameter ω\omega, which takes the value ω=0\omega=0 for regular systems and ω≃1\omega \simeq 1 for chaotic systems. We obtain ω=0.85±0.02\omega=0.85 \pm 0.02 which is, to our knowledge, the closest value to chaos ever observed in experimental bound states of nuclei. By contrast, the results for unnatural parity states are far from RMT behavior. We interpret these results as a consequence of the strength of the residual interaction in 208^{208}Pb, which, according to experimental data, is much stronger for natural than for unnatural parity states. In addition our results show that chaotic and non-chaotic nuclear states coexist in the same energy region of the spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Bakhtiari, Leskinen and Torma Reply

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    This is a Reply to: Comment on "Spectral Signatures of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Order Parameter in One-Dimensional Optical Lattices" R. A. Molina J. Dukelksy, and P. Schmitteckert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 168901 (2009)Comment: 1 page, published versio

    Embedding method for the scattering phase in strongly correlated quantum dots

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    The embedding method for the calculation of the conductance through interacting systems connected to single channel leads is generalized to obtain the full complex transmission amplitude that completely characterizes the effective scattering matrix of the system at the Fermi energy. We calculate the transmission amplitude as a function of the gate potential for simple diamond-shaped lattice models of quantum dots with nearest neighbor interactions. In our simple models we do not generally observe an interaction dependent change in the number of zeroes or phase lapses that depend only on the symmetry properties of the underlying lattice. Strong correlations separate and reduce the widths of the resonant peaks while preserving the qualitative properites of the scattering phase.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Many-Body and Statistical Methods in Mesoscopic Systems, Constanta, Romania, June 27th - July 2nd 2011. To appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Fano resonance in quadratic waveguide arrays

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    We study resonant light scattering in arrays of channel optical waveguides where tunable quadratic nonlinearity is introduced as nonlinear defects by periodic poling of single (or several) waveguides in the array. We describe novel features of wave scattering that can be observed in this structure and show that it is a good candidate for the first observation of Fano resonance in nonlinear optics.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Optics Letters, slightly revise

    Optimization of soliton ratchets in inhomogeneous sine-Gordon systems

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    Unidirectional motion of solitons can take place, although the applied force has zero average in time, when the spatial symmetry is broken by introducing a potential V(x)V(x), which consists of periodically repeated cells with each cell containing an asymmetric array of strongly localized inhomogeneities at positions xix_{i}. A collective coordinate approach shows that the positions, heights and widths of the inhomogeneities (in that order) are the crucial parameters so as to obtain an optimal effective potential UoptU_{opt} that yields a maximal average soliton velocity. UoptU_{opt} essentially exhibits two features: double peaks consisting of a positive and a negative peak, and long flat regions between the double peaks. Such a potential can be obtained by choosing inhomogeneities with opposite signs (e.g., microresistors and microshorts in the case of long Josephson junctions) that are positioned close to each other, while the distance between each peak pair is rather large. These results of the collective variables theory are confirmed by full simulations for the inhomogeneous sine-Gordon system

    Decoherence induced by an interacting spin environment in the transition from integrability to chaos

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    We investigate the decoherence properties of a central system composed of two spins 1/2 in contact with a spin bath. The dynamical regime of the bath ranges from a fully integrable integrable limit to complete chaoticity. We show that the dynamical regime of the bath determines the efficiency of the decoherence process. For perturbative regimes, the integrable limit provides stronger decoherence, while in the strong coupling regime the chaotic limit becomes more efficient. We also show that the decoherence time behaves in a similar way. On the contrary, the rate of decay of magnitudes like linear entropy or fidelity does not depend on the dynamical regime of the bath. We interpret the latter results as due to a comparable complexity of the Hamiltonian for both the integrable and the fully chaotic limits.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.
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