538 research outputs found

    La teoría de la justicia social en Rawls

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    En este artículo se presenta un abordaje general de la teoría de la justicia social de John Rawls. Revisamos algunas críticas desde diversos frentes teóricos. Consideramos que la justicia social permite enjuiciar las consecuencias regresivas para la humanidad del capitalismo en su fase neoliberal y comenzar a imaginar otros mundos posibles.  On this essay is presented a general approach to the theory of social justice in John Rawls. We review some critic views coming from several theoretical approaches. We believe that social justice allows us to judge the regressive consequences for humanity of capitalism in its neoliberal phase and to imagine other possible worlds

    Desarrollo y gestión de un sistema de información en la Fundación José María Soler

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    Planificación y diseño de un Servicio de Información (S.I.) en la Fundación "José María Soler" de Villena con el fin de presentar toda la información y documentación que posee al servicio de los usuarios. Propuesta para modificar, reestructurar y mejorar la organización actual. Realización un análisis de la situación actual y revisión de los objetivos y metas de la Organización, con el fin de aprovechar los medios informáticos y tecnológicos para la difusión de la información. Nos centraremos, sobre todo, en la reordenación, estructuración y clasificación de manera eficiente de los diferentes fondos para ponerlos a disposición de los usuarios.Molina Pardo, FM. (2013). Desarrollo y gestión de un sistema de información en la Fundación José María Soler. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/32777.Archivo delegad

    Análisis de genes relacionados con la respuesta inmunitaria de los parásitos (trematodos) para el diseño de vacunas de ADN.

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    This research project is based on a documentary methodology, where a database of all parasites (Trematodes) of each animal species was developed, which is structured by: animal species, parasite, genomic sequence, location, gene, tissue, immunity and reference, where the information obtained may be used by biotechnologists for the development of new DNA vaccines, which will help to control parasitism in animals, thus creating an animal-specific immune response, thus controlling certain diseases, caused by these parasites. To obtain beneficial results, we searched for all kinds of information on the genetic sequence of each of the parasites in the different species: bovine, sheep, goat, equine, swine, South American camelids, lagomorphs, guinea pigs, canines, cats and birds (chicken, duck, goose and turkey). This information was obtained through the NCBI National Center for Biotechnological or National Information, a system that provided us with all the genetic information of each parasite including its sequence, letting us know the importance of the DNA segment that each of the parasites has, once all the necessary information was obtained it was possible to identify that the main genes related to immunity in the different species are: Bovine Th2, Shepp Th2, Goat Th2, IFN-γ; Porcine Th1, Th2; Equine TGF-ß, IFN-γ: Canine Th2, IFN-γ: Feline Th2: Guinea pig, Th2, IL-5; Lagomorph Th2, IFN-γ: South American camelids Th0 and Th2 IFN-γ: Birds (hen, duck, goose and turkey) Th2, IL4, IL10, IL13, T CD4 + and CD8, where the humoral type 2 immune response is considered to be the most common in trematodes, also considering that these genes are the main candidates for the development of DNA vaccines, this vaccine being in charge of generating immunity.El presente proyecto de investigación está basado en una metodología documental, donde se elaboró una base de datos de todos los parásitos (Trematodos) de cada una de las especies animales, la que está estructurada por: especie animal, parásito, secuencia genómica, ubicación, gen, tejido, inmunidad y referencia, en donde la información obtenida podrá ser utilizada por biotecnólogos para la elaboración de nuevas vacunas de ADN, las mismas que ayudarán a controlar el parasitismo en los animales, creando así una respuesta inmunitaria propia del animal, alcanzando así controlar ciertas enfermedades, provocadas por estos parásitos. Para lograr obtener resultados beneficiosos, se buscó todo tipo de información sobre la secuencia genética de cada uno de los parásitos en las diferentes especies como: bovino, ovino, caprino, equino, porcino, camélidos sudamericanos, lagomorfos, cobayos, caninos, felinos y aves (gallina, pato, ganso y pavo). Esta información se obtuvo a través del sistema NCBI Centro Nacional para la Información Biotecnológica o Nacional, sistema que nos facilitó toda la información genética de cada parásito incluida su secuencia, dándonos a conocer la importancia del segmento ADN que tiene cada uno de los parásitos, una vez que se obtuvo toda la información necesaria se logró identificar que los principales genes relacionados con la inmunidad en las diferentes especies son: Bovino Th2, Ovino Th2, Caprino Th2, IFN-γ; Porcino Th1,Th2; Equino TGF-ß, IFN-γ: Canino Th2, IFN-γ: Felino Th2: Cobayo, Th2, IL-5; Lagomorfo Th2, IFN-γ: Camélidos Sudamericanos Th0 y Th2 IFN-γ: Aves (gallina, pato, ganso y pavo) Th2, IL4, IL10, IL13, T CD4 + y CD8, donde se considera que la respuesta inmunitaria tipo 2 humoral es la más habitual en los Trematodo, considerando también que estos genes son los principales candidatos para la elaboración de vacunas de ADN siendo esta vacuna la encargada de generar inmunidad

    A Preliminary Study on the Safety of Elastography during Pregnancy: Hypoacusia, Anthropometry, and Apgar Score in Newborns

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    Transient or acoustic radiation force elastography (ARFE) is becoming the most extended technology to assess cervical effacement, additionally to the Bishop test and conventional ultrasound. However, a debate on the fetal safety has been opened due to the high intensity focused beam emitted to produce shear waves. This work is aimed at providing preliminary data to assess clinical effects of fetal exposure. A follow-up study in newborns of 42 women exposed to ARFE during pregnancy was carried out to explore neonatal hypoacusia, Apgar test, and anthropometry. No hypoacusia cases attributable to ARFE were observed. The Apgar test at five minutes scored normally in all the newborns. Comparisons between anthropometric measurements showed no significant statistically differences. The results preclude to state the harmfulness nor the safety of ARFE. However, given the concern on the high level of energy and the potential risk of harmful bioeffects, larger studies are recommended.Ministry of Education DPI2017-85359-R UNGR15-CE-3664 PI16/00339Carlos III Feder fundJunta de Andalucía PIN-0030-2017 PI-0107-2017Spanish Government TEC2014-57394-PMNat Scientific Unit of Excellence UCE.PP2017.0

    Carbon embodied optimization for buttressed earth-retaining walls: Implications for low-carbon conceptual designs

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    [EN] This paper shows the differences between the design of a reinforced concrete structure considering two objectives to minimize; economic cost and CO2 emissions. Both objectives depend on the amount of two high carbon intensive materials: cement in the concrete and steel; therefore, these objectives are related. As the balance between steel and cement per m3 of concrete depends on several factors such as the type of structure, this study focuses on buttressed earth-retaining walls. Another factor that determines the balance between steel and concrete is the height of the wall. Thus, the methodology considers a parametric study for optimal designs of buttressed earth-retaining walls, where one of the parameters is the wall height. One of the objectives is to show the variation in cost when CO2 is minimized, respectful of minimizing the economic cost. The findings show that wall elements under bending-compressive strains (i.e. the stem of the buttressed retaining wall) perform differently depending on the target function. On one hand, the study reveals an upward trend of steel per unit volume of concrete in emission-optimized earth-retaining buttressed walls, compared to the cost-optimized. On the other hand, it is checked that unlike the cost-optimized walls, emission-optimized walls opt for a higher concrete class than the minimum class available. These findings indicate that emission-optimized walls penalize not only concrete volume, but also the cement content, to the extent that a higher concrete class outperforms in reduced emissions. Additionally, the paper outlines how and to what extent the design of this typology varies for the two analyzed objectives in terms of geometry and amount of materials. Some relevant differences influencing the geometry of design strategies are found.This research was funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology under grant agreement no 20140262 Low Carbon Strategy in the Construction Industry (PGA_A-PED0094_2014-2.1-278_P066-10) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness along with FEDER funding (Project BIA2014-56574-R). The authors are grateful for the through revision of the manuscript by Tatiana Garcia-Segura.Molina Moreno, F.; Martí Albiñana, JV.; Yepes Piqueras, V. (2017). Carbon embodied optimization for buttressed earth-retaining walls: Implications for low-carbon conceptual designs. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 164:872-884. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.06.246S87288416

    Bioclimatic habitat limitations for argan trees (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels) in Northern Africa and Spain

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    Argania spinosa L. Skeels is an Algerian-Moroccan endemic tree. This species is part of various plant communities consisting of Mediterranean, Macaronesian and Saharan floristic elements. It has been introduced and perhaps sometimes naturalized in various regions of the Mediterranean basin. Due to its role in combating desertification, high socio-economic value, and traditional use as fodder and food, the southwestern Moroccan argan grove (Arganeraie) was declared Biosphere Reserve. It had already been subject to conservation and reforestation programs a century earlier. Its cultivation for oil production could be, besides an economic objective, an effective method to conserve its genetic diversity. Therefore, this study aims to estimate its potential distribution and establish efficient breeding programs by determining its ecological requirements, identifying its different habitats, and predicting habitat suitability models for Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Spain. Using 53 occurrence points, wind speed and direction data, and 29 bioclimatic variables, multivariate methods were applied to describe the ecological profiles and characterize the heterogeneity of its habitat to subsequently, train a Maxent model that establishes, besides Morocco and Algeria, suitable cultivation areas in Tunisia and Spain. The North African potential area is limited to the western Mediterranean coast of Algeria and flat and coastal areas of eastern Tunisia. The increased likelihood of suitability remains in the southeast Iberian Peninsula. A high probability of argan cultivation is also evident in the Canary Islands. These results provide possibilities for future expansion of argan crop and a window of opportunity to improve its genetic diversity and conservation

    La Guía de Trabajo Autónomo como herramienta imprescindible en el modelo de EA “Vaula”

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    [EN] One of the main resources used by university students to learning is YouTube channels. Taking advantage of this use in the university people, we have designed an EA model that mixes traditional elements such as master classes, with innovative elements like educational videos, which we have integrated into YouTube. The contents of this channel have been selected by the teachers of the subject according to the educational way that the student must follow. Also, has been included all those contents that have been proposed by the students. In this paper, we present the design and use of the Student Work Guide, as the main tool in the implementation of this EA model, which we have called “Vaula”. This guide contains the educational path that the student must follow on the YouTube channel and some activities that they must work out to improve their key competencies. The conclusion we reached in this study is that the self Work Guide is necessary for the student to complete the educational journey of the entire subject.[ES] Uno de los principales recursos que utiliza la población universitaria en su aprendizaje, son los videos de YouTube. Aprovechando este hábito en el estudiantado, hemos diseñado un modelo de EA que integra elementos tradicionales como son las clases magistrales, con elementos innovadores como son los videos educativos, que hemos integrado en un canal de YouTube. Los contenidos de este canal los han seleccionado los profesores de la asignatura conforme al recorrido educativo que debe seguir el alumnado. Además, también se incluyen todos aquellos contenidos que son propuestos por el estudiantado. En este articulo presentamos el diseño y uso de la Guía de trabajo autónomo del estudiante, como herramienta fundamental en la implantación de este modelo de EA, al que hemos denominado “Vaula”. Esta guía contiene el recorrido educativo que debe seguir el alumnado en el canal de YouTube y diversas actividades que debe ir realizando para mejorar sus competencias clave. La conclusión a la que llegamos en este estudio es que la Guía de trabajo autónomo es necesaria para que el alumnado complete el recorrido educativo de toda la asignatura.Huertas, A.; Molina, F.; Rosales, C. (2021). La Guía de Trabajo Autónomo como herramienta imprescindible en el modelo de EA “Vaula”. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 13-20. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13436OCS132

    Aceptación del Modelo de EA “Vaula” por parte del alumnado

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    [EN] The teaching model based on the master class and one-way communication, with the student, has going changing since the incorporation of Higher Education into the European Higher Education Area. In this process change, various elements have been introduced into the teaching methodology. Many studies have been carried out on the incorporation of ICT into the educational model. This study is realized to know the appreciation that students have about the incorporation of multimedia elements into the current teaching-learning model. We want to make easy learning and unload the stress of teaching the specific program of the subject in the assigned credits. These videos have been integrated into a YouTube channel because this net social is familiar for university students. The results show that university students consider the videos are essential to learning.[ES] El modelo de enseñanza basado en la clase magistral con comunicación unidireccional ha ido cambiando desde la incorporación de la Educación Superior al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. En este proceso de cambio se han ido introduciendo diversos elementos en la metodología docente. Son múltiples los estudios que se han realizado sobre la incorporación de las TIC al modelo educativo. Este estudio se realiza para conocer la valoración que tienen los alumnos sobre la incorporación de videotutoriales en el modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje actual, con el objetivo de reforzar el aprendizaje y descargar el estrés de impartir el programa concreto de la asignatura en los créditos asignados. Estos videos tutoriales se han integrado en un canal de YouTube, aprovechando la familiaridad que los estudiantes universitarios tienen con este medio. Los resultados muestran que, una gran parte del estudiantado, considera fundamentales los videos en su aprendizaje.Rosales, C.; Molina, F.; Huertas, A. (2021). Aceptación del Modelo de EA “Vaula” por parte del alumnado. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 82-93. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13460OCS829