5 research outputs found

    Experimental Study of the Levels of Street Lighting Using Aerial Imagery and Energy Efficiency Calculation

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    This article describes an innovative method for measuring lighting levels and other lighting parameters through the use of aerial imagery of towns and cities. Combined with electricity consumption data from smart electricity meters, it was possible to measure the energy efficiency of public lighting installations. The results of this study also confirmed that lighting measurements, installation material, luminaire position, and electricity consumption data can be easily integrated into geographic information systems (GIS). The main advantage of this new methodology is that it provides information about lighting installations in large areas in less time than more conventional procedures. It is thus a more effective way of obtaining the data required to calculate the energy efficiency of lighting levels and electricity consumption. There is even the possibility of generating street lighting maps that provide local administrations with up-to-date information regarding the status of public lighting installations in their city. In this way, modifications or improvements can be made to achieve greater energy savings and, if necessary, to correct the distribution or configuration of public lighting systems to make them more efficient and sustainable. This research studied levels of street lighting and calculated the energy efficiency in various streets of Deifontes (Granada), through the use of aerial imagery

    Sistemas energéticos. Guiones de prácticas del curso 2022-2023

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    Este libro recoge los guiones de prácticas de laboratorio empleados durante el curso 2022-2023 en la asignatura sistemas energéticos, impartida en el grado en ingeniería civil, en la Universidad de Granada. Son en total cuatro prácticas, que tratan sobre la energía solar térmica, la energía fotovoltaica, la energía eólica y finalmente la auditoría energética.This book compiles the scripts used during the lab sessions of the power systems subject, at the University of Granada, civil engineering degree, during the academic year 2022-2023. Four lab sessions are considered here, including solar thermal energy, photovoltaic energy, wind energy and energy audits

    El trabajo autónomo y las sesiones prácticas en el grado de ingenieria civil: un caso de estudio

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    Los métodos de enseñanza centrados en el profesor tienden a desaparecer tras las reformas que ha impuesto el desarrollo de la Declaración de Bolonia y la adopción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Así, las asignaturas de los nuevos planes de estudio deben respetar una metodología docente centrada en el alumno. En particular, en este trabajo se discute la inclusión de dos actividades docentes en las que el alumno tiene el papel principal: las prácticas de laboratorio y los trabajos autónomos

    Influence of daytime running lamps on visual reaction time of pedestrians when detecting turn indicators

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    Introduction: This article describes one experiment that studied the influence of Daytime Running Lamps (DRL) on pedestrian detection of turn indicators. Method: An experimental device including one DRL and one turn indicator was used in order to determine Visual Reaction Times (VRT) of 148 observers in different situations involving turn indicator activation. Such situations were combinations of three main variables: color of DRL, separation between DRL and Turn Indicator, and observation angle. Results: Significant changes in VRT were found depending on the configurations above, especially the observation angle and the color of DRL. This second result demonstrates that amber DRLs inhibit the detection of Turn Indicators. Impact on industry: One of the main targets of this paper is to recommend that carmakers introduce only white DRLs on new vehicles. We also intend to advise regulatory bodies working on automotive regulation about the consequences of allowing amber DRLs and also about the danger of introducing constrains on the distance between DRL and Turn Indicator without further experimental evidences.Department of Civil Engineering, University of Granada, Spai

    Influence of daytime running lamps on visual reaction time of pedestrians when detecting turn indicators

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    Introduction: This article describes one experiment that studied the influence of Daytime Running Lamps (DRL) on pedestrian detection of turn indicators. Method: An experimental device including one DRL and one turn indicator was used in order to determine Visual Reaction Times (VRT) of 148 observers in different situations involving turn indicator activation. Such situations were combinations of three main variables: color of DRL, separation between DRL and Turn Indicator, and observation angle. Results: Significant changes in VRT were found depending on the configurations above, especially the observation angle and the color of DRL. This second result demonstrates that amber DRLs inhibit the detection of Turn Indicators. Impact on industry: One of the main targets of this paper is to recommend that carmakers introduce only white DRLs on new vehicles. We also intend to advise regulatory bodies working on automotive regulation about the consequences of allowing amber DRLs and also about the danger of introducing constrains on the distance between DRL and Turn Indicator without further experimental evidences.Department of Civil Engineering, University of Granada, Spai