469 research outputs found

    Assessment of broiler chicken welfare in Southern Brazil

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    Scientific literature on broiler chicken welfare in Brazilian industrial systems is scarce. This study aimed at assessing broiler chicken welfare on industrial farms in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, using the Welfare Quality (R) assessment protocol for poultry, to provide directly applicable scientific information. Results are presented as criteria scores ranging from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better welfare; and percentages of prevalence. The scores classified as excellent (above 80) were absence of prolonged thirst, absence of prolonged hunger, litter quality, breast blister and touch test. Enhanced scores (between 55 and 80) were comfort around resting, plumage cleanliness and dust sheet test. Acceptable scores (between 20 and 55) were thermal comfort, stocking density, absence of injuries, footpad dermatitis and hock burn; and unacceptable scores (below 20) were lameness and qualitative behavioral assessment. The median percentage of mortality and culled birds were 5.2% and 0.6%, respectively. This study provides useful information to select priorities of action on assessed farms and may contribute for setting up legal standards and guiding decisions related to animal welfare issues in Brazil

    Protocolo de perícia em bem-estar animal para diagnóstico de maus-tratos contra animais de companhia

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    Animal welfare expert reports may support court decisions when animal abuse or maltreatment is suspected. The objective of this work is to adapt animal welfare assessment protocols to identify companion animal abuse. The proposed protocol includes four indicator categories: nutritional, comfort, health and behavioral. To reach the overall conclusion regarding the situation evaluated, the final decisions for each group of indicators, classified as inadequate, regular and adequate, must be integrated into a single result, which will be the final welfare degree. This protocol employs a simple integration method, based on thresholds for inclusion in each of the five animal welfare degrees reported as overall conclusion for the assessment: very low, low, regular, high or very high welfare. Low and very low degrees are considered non-acceptable and are reported as abuse or maltreatment. Regular welfare is considered acceptable if corrective measures are assured. High and very high degrees are considered desirable for animal welfare. The protocol allows differentiation of animal welfare status to better decide whether an animal is under abuse, maltreatment or negligence. We hope that the refinement of the recognition of crimes against animals, especially considering cases where no physical lesion is present, coupled with a standardized protocol will improve perception of animal suffering, facilitate the field work of those involved in this type of investigation, and offer a contribution to the improvement of animal welfare in our society through proper action and crime reduction. As decisões judiciais sobre casos de maus-tratos contra animais podem ser subsidiadas por laudos de peritos em bem-estar animal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi adaptar protocolos de diagnóstico de bem-estar animal para a identificação de maus-tratos contra animais de companhia. O protocolo é composto por quatro conjuntos de indicadores: nutricionais, de conforto, sanitários e comportamentais, os quais devem ser classificados em inadequados, regulares e adequados. As decisões finais para cada conjunto de indicadores devem ser integradas em um único resultado, o qual será o grau final de bem-estar. O protocolo utiliza uma forma de integração simplificada, baseada em limites para a inclusão em cada um dos cinco graus de bem-estar, descritos como: muito baixo, baixo, regular, alto e muito alto. Graus de bem-estar baixo e muito baixo são considerados inaceitáveis e devem ser descritos como maus-tratos. Grau de bem-estar regular é considerado aceitável se medidas corretivas forem asseguradas. Graus de bem-estar alto e muito alto são considerados desejáveis para o bem-estar animal. O protocolo permite a diferenciação do grau de bem-estar em escala compatível para a decisão em relação à ocorrência de maus-tratos. Nós esperamos que o refinamento das formas de identificação de crimes contra animais, especialmente nos casos nos quais não existem lesões físicas, juntamente com um protocolo padronizado, possam aprimorar a percepção do sofrimento animal, além de facilitar o trabalho de campo das pessoas envolvidas nestas investigações, oferecendo assim uma contribuição para incrementar o bem-estar animal, por meio de ações adequadas e de redução da criminalidade.

    Health evaluation of donkeys: parasite control methods and a model for challenge infections

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    Jumentos, mulas e burros são animais domésticos de distribuição mundial, encontrados em todas as regiões do Brasil. Muito embora exista uma grande necessidade de produzir mais dados sobre estas espécies, atualmente alguns setores estão buscando alternativas de exploração para estes animais, como a produção de leite e o uso deles em atividades sociais e onoterapia. Jumentos (Equus asinus) participam de várias atividades sociais, porém os animais necessitam de melhores condições de manejo e bem-estar. Embora as endoparasitoses (ex. ciatostomíneos, Strongylus spp., Parascaris sp.) possam causar grave condição clínica para estes animais, dados clínicos e laboratoriais são escassos, incluindo a falta de produtos específicos para seu controle. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi revisar a literatura existente sobre infecções parasitárias em jumentos, incluindo as implicações clínicas e os testes de eficácia de drogas, visando auxiliar os profissionais e os seus programas de manejo sanitário. Para auxiliar nesta demanda, desenvolvemos um questionário para identificar os fatores de risco na criação de jumentos. Este documento está apresentado na versão em inglês e em português. Finalizando, o presente artigo também inclui uma simulação original de prevalência de parasitos usando o modelo susceptível-infectado-recuperado (SIR), com cenários de infecção leve, moderada e severa, para avaliar sobre o risco de infecção parasitária. O modelo SIR usou dados da doença que ocorre em jumentos no Brasil, com níveis transitórios de interação de 0,0015 a 0,0025, infectividade de 0,10 a 0,40 e de recuperação (R) de 0,01 a 0,08. Como a atividade de produção de leite de jumentos é nova e em expansão no mundo, os primeiros estudos da condição sanitária em jumentos devem levar em consideração diferenças de idade, raça e escore de condição corporal, clima, qualidade do pasto, dia da coleta e período de lactação durante a curva de lactação. Estes dados são consideravelmente importantes e serão correlacionados com a contagem de ovos ou oocistos (OPG e OoPG) de parasitos nas fezes, usando protocolos coproparasitológicos (McMaster e Mini-FLOTAC), e até de técnicas de DNA, para estabelecer um banco de dados inédito para jumentos. O tratamento seletivo já foi proposto como rotina em equinos e pode ser implementado em jumentos. Esta técnica visa reduzir o número de tratamentos anti-helmínticos e consequentemente diminuir a seleção de resistência parasitária. A variação dos dados obtidos com o modelo SIR são discutidos no texto e devem ser considerados no momento da tomada de decisão sobre as melhores práticas de manejo e programas de controle parasitário. Julgamos que mais estudos são necessários para avaliar o comportamento fisiológico dos animais em clima tropical, para melhor compreender a sua adaptação térmica e seu desempenho, assumindo que os animais sejam mantidos em condições nutricionais, clínica e de alojamento aceitáveis, para expressar seu comportamento resiliente. Casos de negligencia e maus-tratos também devem ser estudados em animais infectados, assim como seus efeitos negativos. Todas estas estratégias reforçam o conceito de uma pecuária holística, com a possibilidade de desenvolver um maior conhecimento específico, melhorando o grau de bem-estar de jumentos.Donkeys, mules, and asses are domestic animals of worldwide distribution, found in all regions of Brazil. Although more health data is needed from these species, some sectors of today’s society are exploring alternatives to use these animals for milk production and the use of donkeys in social events and onotherapy. Donkeys (Equus asinus) are used in many everyday activities, but the animals need better welfare conditions. Although it is well known that endoparasite infections (i.e. cyathostomins, Strongylus spp., Parascaris sp.) can harm the clinical condition of the animals, there are limited clinical and laboratory supporting data, including registered therapeutic drugs for their control. The objective of the present work was to review the existing literature about parasite infections of donkeys, including their clinical implications, and the drug efficacy test to help practitioners improve their health management programs. To assist with that, we have developed a questionnaire to identify the risk factors of donkey farming, which is presented here in English and in Portuguese. Lastly, the present article also includes an original simulation using the susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model with low, moderate, and severe scenarios to help visualize the risk of parasite infections. The SIR model was based on the disease condition of donkeys in Brazil, using transient interaction levels from 0.0015 to 0.0025, infectivity levels from 0.10 to 0.40, and distinct recovery rates (R) from 0.01 to 0.08. As milk production is an expanding new activity worldwide, we want to emphasize that the first comprehensive studies must take into account differences in animal age, breed, and body condition score, local climate, pasture quality, day of sampling, and the period of lactation within the lactation curve to measure the health condition of donkeys. These data are considered important and will then be correlated to the parasite egg/oocyst (EPG or OoPG) counts in the feces using coproparasitological protocols (McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC), and even DNA-based techniques, to establish a novel data bank for donkeys. Target selective treatment has been proposed to be used as a routine in horses and will also be implemented in donkeys. This technique aims to reduce the number of anthelmintic treatments and, consequently, lessen parasite selection for resistance. The dynamic variations found by the SIR model are discussed in the text and should be taken into account when deciding the best health management implementation and parasite control programs. We think that more studies are needed to evaluate the basic physiological performance of donkeys in tropical areas to better understand their thermal adaptation, assuming that the animals are kept under acceptable clinical, nutritional, and housing conditions to express their resilient behavior. Cases of neglect and ill-treatment of animals must also be studied in infected conditions as well as their negative impacts. These strategies reinforce the concept of holistic farming with the possibility to improve specific informations, thereby improving the welfare of the donkeys


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    O conflito entre recursos financeiros escassos e a necessidade de investimento para assegurar a qualidade de vida dos animais afeta diretamente as atitudes em relação ao bem-estar de animais de produção no Brasil. Em alguns países, esse conflito encontra-se em ampla discussão. Os principais conceitos necessários ao entendimento dessa questão são apresentados brevemente abaixo, incluindo os aspectos econômicos descritos no relatório sobre Bem-Estar Animal, Economia e Regulamentação, recentemente publicado pelo governo do Reino Unido, o qual constitui um dos artigos mais completos sobre o assunto. As informações são apresentadas contextualizadas para o atual cenário mundial e para a situação brasileira em relação ao bem-estar de animais de produção. Animal welfare and production: economic aspects Review Abstract The conflict between scarce financial resources and the need to invest on animal life quality directly affects the attitudes towards farm animal welfare in Brazil. In some countries, this is an ongoing discussion. The main concepts related to the understanding of this issue are briefly presented below, including economic aspects described on the Report on Animal Welfare, Economics and Policy, recently published by the government of the United Kingdom, which constitutes one of the most comprehensive papers on the subject. The information is commented in light both on the current world scenario and on the Brazilian situation regarding farm animal welfare


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    Food-borne parasite infections affect communities worldwide by transmitting microorganisms, imposing a serious risk to human and animal health. The aim of this study was to analyze the parasitological contamination in cress (Nasturtium officinale, Barbarea verna e Lepidium sativum) from various establishments in the metropolitan area of Curitiba, State of Parana. We analyzed 50 cress samples using the wash and centrifugation technique and the sedimentation method. Among the samples, 6 presented trophozoites of Balantidium coli, cyst of Entamoeba coli and parasites of Stronylidae and Trichuridae Family and 14 samples were contaminated with maggots, slugs and snails. Factors related to this parasitological contamination may be the failure in the quality of water used for irrigation, and the planting, storage and the distribution of the plants. As these vegetables are mainly eaten in natura, we recommend the inclusion of safety procedures along the entire process to protect the health of consumers, since vegetables  can be a zoonosis transmitter vehicle. Food-borne parasite infections affect communities worldwide by transmitting microorganisms, imposing a serious risk to human and animal health. The aim of this study was to analyze the parasitological contamination in cress (Nasturtium officinale, Barbarea verna e Lepidium sativum) from various establishments in the metropolitan area of Curitiba, State of Parana. We analyzed 50 cress samples using the wash and centrifugation technique and the sedimentation method. Among the samples, 6 presented trophozoites of Balantidium coli, cyst of Entamoeba coli and parasites of Stronylidae and Trichuridae Family and 14 samples were contaminated with maggots, slugs and snails. Factors related to this parasitological contamination may be the failure in the quality of water used for irrigation, and the planting, storage and the distribution of the plants. As these vegetables are mainly eaten in natura, we recommend the inclusion of safety procedures along the entire process to protect the health of consumers, since vegetables can be a zoonosis transmitter vehicle

    Perception of animal sentience by Brazilian and French citizens: the case of sheep welfare and sentience

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    The study compared the perception of ordinary citizens from Curitiba, Brazil (OB) and Clermont-Ferrand, France (OF), as well as OB, Brazilian veterinarians (VB), biologists (BB) and animal scientists (AB), concerning animal welfare and sentience. An online survey containing 18 open-ended, multiple choices and Likert scale questions was conducted from November 2014 to May 2016. The survey covered questions on demographics, perception of animal welfare, sheep welfare, sentience and animals’ emotional capacities. In total, 1103 respondents participated in the survey (388 OB, 350 OF, 248 VB, 92 BB and 25 AB); data were compared using non-parametric tests. Brazilian citizens (46.9%) believed more than OF (3.7%) that welfare is not considered for farm animals and OB attributed higher scores of suffering to sheep during management procedures (median 4, severe suffering) than OF (3, moderate suffering). Additionally, OB gave higher scores of emotions to animals (5) than OF (4). In general, OB and BB had similar perceptions; OB and BB differed from VB and AB who were similar to each other. Citizens (46.9%) and BB (29.3%) believed more than VB (18.5%) and AB (12.0%) that welfare is not considered for farm animals; OB and BB also attributed higher scores of suffering to sheep during management procedures than VB and AB. Women and older respondents showed higher perception of animal welfare issues. There was no clear correlation between perception of animal welfare or sentience and education. Overall, ordinary citizens differed on their perceptions of welfare and sentience in livestock and specifically in sheep, and sheep suffering during management procedures. Ordinary citizens from Curitiba showed higher perception of animal welfare issues as compared to respondents from Clermont-Ferrand and to veterinarians and animal scientists. Ensuring a better consideration of welfare at farm level and in educational programs seems warranted according to the results of this study

    Determinação da eficácia anti-helmintíca em rebanhos ovinos: metodologia de colheita de amostras e de informações de manejo zoossanitário.

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    Aplicação de questionário; Pré-experimento para colheita de fezes, contagem de OPG e coprocultura; Seleção de animais para aplicação do teste; Realização de teste de redução de contagem de ovos nas fezes (TRCOP); Avaliação dos resultadosbitstream/CPPSE-2010/18894/1/PROCIDOC91SCMN2009.00152.pd