75 research outputs found

    The two-component giant radio halo in the galaxy cluster Abell 2142

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    We report on a spectral study at radio frequencies of the giant radio halo in A2142 (z=0.0909), which we performed to explore its nature and origin. A2142 is not a major merger and the presence of a giant radio halo is somewhat surprising. We performed deep radio observations with the GMRT at 608 MHz, 322 MHz, and 234 MHz and with the VLA in the 1-2 GHz band. We obtained high-quality images at all frequencies in a wide range of resolutions. The radio halo is well detected at all frequencies and extends out to the most distant cold front in A2142. We studied the spectral index in two regions: the central part of the halo and a second region in the direction of the most distant south-eastern cold front, selected to follow the bright part of the halo and X-ray emission. We complemented our observations with a preliminary LOFAR image at 118 MHz and with the re-analysis of archival VLA data at 1.4 GHz. The two components of the radio halo show different observational properties. The central brightest part has higher surface brightess and a spectrum whose steepness is similar to those of the known radio halos, i.e. α118 MHz1.78 GHz=1.33±0.08\alpha^{\rm 1.78~GHz}_{\rm 118~MHz}=1.33\pm 0.08. The ridge, which fades into the larger scale emission, is broader in size and has considerably lower surface brightess and a moderately steeper spectrum, i.e. α118 MHz1.78 GHz∌1.5\alpha^{\rm 1.78~GHz}_{\rm 118~MHz}\sim 1.5. We propose that the brightest part of the radio halo is powered by the central sloshing in A2142, similar to what has been suggested for mini-halos, or by secondary electrons generated by hadronic collisions in the ICM. On the other hand, the steeper ridge may probe particle re-acceleration by turbulence generated either by stirring the gas and magnetic fields on a larger scale or by less energetic mechanisms, such as continuous infall of galaxy groups or an off-axis merger.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables - A&A, accepte

    Polytropic state of the intracluster medium in the X-COP cluster sample

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    Aims: In this work, we have investigated the relation between the radially resolved thermodynamic quantities of the intracluster medium in the X-COP cluster sample, aiming to assess the stratification properties of the ICM. Methods: We modeled the relations between radius, gas temperature, density, and pressure using a combination of power-laws, also evaluating the intrinsic scatter in these relations. Results: We show that the gas pressure is remarkably well correlated to the density, with very small scatter. Also the temperature correlates with gas density with similar scatter. The slopes of these relations have values that show a clear transition from the inner cluster regions to the outskirts. This transition occurs at the radius rt = 0.19(±0.04) R500 and electron density nt = (1.91 ± 0.21) × 10-3 cm-3 E2(z). We find that above 0.2 R500 the radial thermodynamic profiles are accurately reproduced by a well defined and physically motivated framework, where the dark matter follows the NFW potential and the gas is represented by a polytropic equation of state. By modeling the gas temperature dependence upon both the gas density and radius, we propose a new method to reconstruct the hydrostatic mass profile based only on the relatively inexpensive measurement of the gas density profile

    The XMM Cluster Outskirts Project (X-COP): thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium out to R 200 in Abell 2319

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    Aims. We present the joint analysis of the X-ray and Sunyaev Zel’dovich(SZ) signals in Abell 2319, the galaxy cluster with the highest signal-to-noise ratio in SZ Planck maps and that has been surveyed within our XMM-Newton Cluster Outskirts Project (X-COP), a very large program which aims to grasp the physical condition in 12 local (z < 0.1) and massive (M200 > 3 × 1014 M⊙) galaxy clusters out to R200 and beyond. Methods. We recover the profiles of the thermodynamic properties by the geometrical deprojection of the X-ray surface brightness, of the SZ Comptonization parameter, and accurate and robust spectroscopic measurements of the gas temperature out to 3.2 Mpc (1.6 R200 ), 4 Mpc (2 R200 ), and 1.6 Mpc (0.8 R200 ), respectively. We resolve the clumpiness of the gas density to be below 20% over the entire observed volume. We also demonstrate that most of this clumpiness originates from the ongoing merger and can be associated with large-scale inhomogeneities (the “residual” clumpiness). We estimate the total mass through the hydrostatic equilibrium equation. This analysis is done both in azimuthally averaged radial bins and in eight independent angular sectors, enabling us to study in detail the azimuthal variance of the recovered properties. Results. Given the exquisite quality of the X-ray and SZ datasets, their radial extension, and their complementarity, we constrain at R200 the total hydrostatic mass, modelled with a Navarro–Frenk–White profile at very high precision (M200 = 10.7 ± 0.5stat. ± 0.9syst. × 1014 M⊙). We identify the ongoing merger and how it is affecting differently the gas properties in the resolved azimuthal sectors. We have several indications that the merger has injected a high level of non-thermal pressure in this system: the clumping free density profile is above the average profile obtained by stacking Rosat/PSPC observations; the gas mass fraction recovered using our hydrostatic mass profile exceeds the expected cosmic gas fraction beyond R500; the pressure profile is flatter than the fit obtained by the Planck Collaboration; the entropy profile is flatter than the mean profile predicted from non-radiative simulations; the analysis in azimuthal sectors has revealed that these deviations occur in a preferred region of the cluster. All these tensions are resolved by requiring a relative support of about 40% from non-thermal to the total pressure at R200

    Iron in x-cop: Tracing enrichment in cluster outskirts with high accuracy abundance profiles

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    We present the first metal abundance profiles for a representative sample of massive clusters. Our measurements extend to R500 and are corrected for a systematic error plaguing previous outskirt estimates. Our profiles flatten out at large radii, admittedly not a new result, however the radial range and representative nature of our sample extends its import well beyond previous findings. We find no evidence of segregation between cool-core and non-cool-core systems beyond 3c0.3\ue2 R500, implying that, as was found for thermodynamic properties, the physical state of the core does not affect global cluster properties. Our mean abundance within R500 shows a very modest scatter, < 15%, suggesting the enrichment process must be quite similar in all these massive systems. This is a new finding and has significant implications for feedback processes. Together with results from the thermodynamic properties presented in a previous X-COP paper, it affords a coherent picture in which feedback effects do not vary significantly from one system to another. By combining intra-cluster medium with stellar measurements we have found the amount of Fe diffused in the intra-cluster medium to be about ten times higher than that locked in stars. Although our estimates suggest, with some strength, that the measured iron mass in clusters is well in excess of the predicted one, systematic errors prevent us from making a definitive statement. Further advancements will only be possible when systematic uncertainties, principally those associated with stellar masses, both within and beyond R500, can be reduced

    Non-thermal pressure support in X-COP galaxy clusters

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    Galaxy clusters are the endpoints of structure formation and are continuously growing through the merging and accretion of smaller structures. Numerical simulations predict that a fraction of their energy content is not yet thermalized, mainly in the form of kinetic motions (turbulence, bulk motions). Measuring the level of non-thermal pressure support is necessary to understand the processes leading to the virialization of the gas within the potential well of the main halo and to calibrate the biases in hydrostatic mass estimates. We present high-quality measurements of hydrostatic masses and intracluster gas fraction out to the virial radius for a sample of 13 nearby clusters with available XMM-Newton and Planck data. We compare our hydrostatic gas fractions with the expected universal gas fraction to constrain the level of non-thermal pressure support. We find that hydrostatic masses require little correction and infer a median non-thermal pressure fraction of ∌6% and ∌10% at R500 and R200, respectively. Our values are lower than the expectations of hydrodynamical simulations, possibly implying a faster thermalization of the gas. If instead we use the mass calibration adopted by the Planck team, we find that the gas fraction of massive local systems implies a mass bias 1 − b = 0.85 ± 0.05 for Sunyaev– Zeldovich-derived masses, with some evidence for a mass-dependent bias. Conversely, the high bias required to match Planck cosmic microwave background and cluster count cosmology is excluded by the data at high significance, unless the most massive halos are missing a substantial fraction of their baryons

    Galaxy Clusters in the Swift/BAT era II: 10 more Clusters detected above 15 keV

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    We report on the discovery of 10 additional galaxy clusters detected in the ongoing Swift/BAT all-sky survey. Among the newly BAT-discovered clusters there are: Bullet, Abell 85, Norma, and PKS 0745-19. Norma is the only cluster, among those presented here, which is resolved by BAT. For all the clusters we perform a detailed spectral analysis using XMM-Newton and Swift/BAT data to investigate the presence of a hard (non-thermal) X-ray excess. We find that in most cases the clusters' emission in the 0.3-200keV band can be explained by a multi-temperature thermal model confirming our previous results. For two clusters (Bullet and Abell 3667) we find evidence for the presence of a hard X-ray excess. In the case of the Bullet cluster, our analysis confirms the presence of a non-thermal, power-law like, component with a 20-100 keV flux of 3.4 \times 10-12 erg cm-2 s-1 as detected in previous studies. For Abell 3667 the excess emission can be successfully modeled as a hot component (kT=~13keV). We thus conclude that the hard X-ray emission from galaxy clusters (except the Bullet) has most likely thermal origin.Comment: Accepted for publication by Ap

    CHEX-MATE: Morphological analysis of the sample

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    A classification of the galaxy clustera's dynamical state is crucial when dealing with large samples. The identification of the most relaxed and most disturbed objects is necessary for both cosmological analysis, focused on spherical and virialised systems, and astrophysical studies, centred around all those micro-physical processes that take place in disturbed clusters (such as particle acceleration or turbulence). Among the most powerful tools for the identification of the dynamical state of clusters is the analysis of their intracluster medium (ICM) distribution. In this work, we performed an analysis of the X-ray morphology of the 118 (Cluster HEritage project with XMM-Newton -Mass Assembly and Thermodynamics at the Endpoint of structure formation) CHEX-MATE clusters, with the aim of providing a classification of their dynamical state. To investigate the link between the X-ray appearance and the dynamical state, we considered four morphological parameters: the surface brightness concentration, the centroid shift, and the second- and third-order power ratios. These indicators result to be strongly correlated with each other, powerful in identifying the disturbed and relaxed population, characterised by a unimodal distribution, and not strongly influenced by systematic uncertainties. In order to obtain a continuous classification of the CHEX-MATE objects, we combined these four parameters in a single quantity, M, which represents the grade of relaxation of a system. On the basis of the M value, we identified the most extreme systems of the sample, finding 15 very relaxed and 27 very disturbed galaxy clusters. From a comparison with previous analysis on X-ray selected samples, we confirmed that the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) clusters tend to be more disturbed. Finally, by applying our analysis to a simulated sample, we found a general agreement between the observed and simulated results, with the only exception being the concentration. This latter behaviour is partially related to the presence of particles with a high smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics density in the central regions of the simulated clusters due to the action of the idealised isotropic thermal active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback

    The XMM-Newton wide-field survey in the COSMOS field: I. Survey description

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    We present the first set of XMM-Newton EPIC observations in the 2 square degree COSMOS field. The strength of the COSMOS project is the unprecedented combination of a large solid angle and sensitivity over the whole multiwavelength spectrum. The XMM-Newton observations are very efficient in localizing and identifying active galactic nuclei (AGN) and clusters as well as groups of galaxies. One of the primary goals of the XMM-Newton Cosmos survey is to study the co-evolution of active galactic nuclei as a function of their environment in the Cosmic web. Here we present the log of observations, images and a summary of first research highlights for the first pass of 25 XMM-Newton pointings across the field. In the existing dataset we have detected 1416 new X-ray sources in the 0.5-2, 2-4.5 and 4.5-10 keV bands to an equivalent 0.5-2 keV flux limit of 7x10-16 erg cm-2 s-1. The number of sources is expected to grow to almost 2000 in the final coverage of the survey. From an X-ray color color analysis we identify a population of heavily obscured, partially leaky or reflecting absorbers, most of which are likely to be nearby, Compton-thick AGN.Comment: 9 pages, ApJS COSMOS Special Issue, 2007 in press. the full-resolution version is available at http://www.mpe.mpg.de/XMMCosmos/PAPERS/grh_cosmos.ps.g

    On the soft X-ray spectra of gamma-loud blazars

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    ROSAT observations of a large sample of bright gamma-ray (E > 100 MeV) blazars are presented. Results of a detailed spectral analysis in the soft ∌\sim 0.1-2.0 keV energy range are discussed in relation to the overall energy distribution with particular emphasis on the relation between X-ray and gamma-ray properties. A significant anti-correlation between X-ray and gamma-ray spectral shapes of flat radio spectrum quasars (FSRQ) and BL Lacs has been discovered. A different shape in the overall energy distributions from radio to gamma-ray energies between FSRQ and BL Lacs is also implied by the correlation of their broad-band spectral indices αro\alpha_{ro} and αxÎł\alpha_{x \gamma}. Both the above correlations can be explained if both the IR to UV emission and the hard X-ray to gamma-ray emission originate from the same electron population, via, respectively, the synchrotron process and the inverse Compton mechanism. We suggest that a key parameter for understanding the overall energy distributions of both classes of objects is the energy at which the synchrotron emission peaks in a Μ−ΜF(Îœ)\nu-\nu F(\nu) representation.Comment: 19 pages, AAS LaTeX v4.0, style files included, plus 6 tables and 4 postscript figures, accepted for publication in: Astrophysical Journal Postscript files of figures, tables and text also available at http://www.bo.astro.it/bap/BAPhome.html/bap96-42-*.ps or via anonymous ftp at boas3.bo.astro.it/bap/files/bap96-42-*.p
