1,614 research outputs found

    Advanced Students’ Oral Fluency: The Neglected Component in the CLT Classroom?

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Capturing Memory

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    In my work, I present the moments of true emotional clarity and impactful memories from my life. I strive to provide insight into my experiences and my understanding of others’ motivations. The creative process helps safely guide me through memories of the past and understanding of others. In my abstracted mixed media paintings and crafts, I use bold jewel tones to express strong feelings and passionate emotions. I also incorporate found objects and paints to communicate the layers and varied depth of memories. With the use of these varied materials, I have developed a personal symbolic language that allows me to relay aspects of my life and perceptions. My goal is to explore my past and invite the viewer into my experiences

    Dictionary skills in advanced learners’ coursebooks — Materials survey

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    Nowadays, almost 65 years after the publication of the first advanced learner’s dictionary, this particular consultation source is considered “a useful addition to any [language] course” (Sharma & Barret, 2007: 52). However, as it was remarked by Leany (2007: 1), the ability to successfully utilize advanced learner’s dictionaries requires a considerable amount of practice on the part of students. Thus, dictionary skills appear to constitute one of the key aspects of EFL education. Therefore, the aim of this article is to identify key dictionary skills and describe how they are promoted in advanced learner’s coursebooks. Following the set of guidelines described in Leany (2007) and Welker (2010), the authors developed criteria that were used to assess the dictionary-oriented contents of selected teaching materials. It is hoped that this article highlights the advantages and exposes the shortcomings of dictionary-oriented materials and activities included in EFL coursebooks

    The Impact of Industrial Waste Dumps on Lacustrine Water Quality

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    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wpływ składowisk odpadów przemysłowych na jakość wód limnicznych. Do badań wytypowano dwa antropogeniczne zbiorniki wodne położone na terenie Wyżyny Śląskiej. W strefie brzegowej tych akwenów zlokalizowane są składowiska odpadów przemysłowych. Są to składowiska związane zarówno z eksploatacją złóż węgla kamiennego oraz wydobycia i przetwórstwa rud metali nieżelaznych. Składowiska odpadów są źródłem wód odciekowych. Odcieki cechuje kwaśny odczyn i wysoka mineralizacja. Dopływ wód odciekowych do zbiorników powoduje degradację wód limnicznych. W przypadku jednego z akwenów doprowadził również do całkowitego zaniku ryb i roślinności wodnej. У роботі розглянуто вплив промислових полігонів побутових відходів на якість озерних вод. Для дослідження обрано дві штучні водойми в Сілезькій височині (Південна Польща), які розміщені поблизу промислових звалищ. Відходи, пов’язані з видобутком кам’яного вугілля і залізних руд, є джерелом стічних вод, мають підвищену кислотність і мінералізацію. Надходження стічних вод погіршує якість озерних вод. У одній із водойм відбулося зникнення риби і водної рослинності. In the present paper studies focused on the impact of post-industrial landfills on quality of limnic waters. For research two anthropogenic water bodies in the Silesian Upland (South Poland) were selected. Within coastal zone of these reservoirs waste landfills were situated. These are mainly colliery waste tips or landfills of non-iron metal ores. The landfills are source of leachate waters. They are characterized by acid pH and high mineralization. Inflow of leachate to reservoirs cause degradation of limnic waters. In case of one of the reservoirs it led to the decline of an ichthyofauna and aquatic vegetation.Praca wykonana w Zakładie Hydrologii i Gospodarki Wodnej Obszarów Zurbanizowanyc

    Conditions for development of anthropogenic meromictic reservoirs in the workings of crystalline rocks (based on the examples of the quarries of the Zulovska pahorkatina, NE Czech Republic)

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    There are numerous anthropogenic water reservoirs in the vicinity of the Z ˇ ulovska´ pahorkatina (northern Czech Republic). The vast majority of them have developed as a result of the flooding of the abandoned quarries of crystalline rocks (granites or granodiorites). The surface area of these water bodies is small and is \6000 m2. These are, however, very deep reservoirs of up to 25 m. Permanent water stratification has been recorded in some of them; these are meromictic reservoirs. The development of the phenomenon of meromixis in the reservoirs that were studied was conditioned by the supply of organic matter from the catchment. The biochemical process of organic matter decomposition led to the release of ions, mainly NH4 ?. The accumulation of dissolved substances in the benthic zone initiated the meromixis phenomenon. Therefore, the water bodies that were tested can be classified as reservoirs of the biogenic type of meromixis. This article presents the stages of the evolution of a holomictic reservoir into a meromictic one. Three water bodies in which meromixis was recorded were selected for the study. The control object was an abandoned quarry reservoir with no meromixis