489 research outputs found

    Complex Data Modelling Using Likelihood and H-Likelihood Methods

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    An important inference framework in statistical methods is based on the likelihood function. First we will review the likelihood theory for independent observations. Then we use correlated data likelihood modeling concepts to introduce the h-likelihood framework

    Quadexciton cascade and fine structure splitting of the triexciton in a single quantum dot

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    We report the properties of emission lines associated with the cascaded recombination of a quadexciton in single GaAlAs/AlAs quantum dots, studied by means of polarization-resolved photoluminescence and single-photon correlation experiments. It is found that photons which are emitted in a double-step 4X-3X process preserve their linear polarization, similarly to the case of conserved polarization of correlated photons in the 2X-X cascade. In contrast, an emission of either co-linear or cross-linear pairs of photons is observed for the 3X-2X cascade. Each emission line associated with the quadexciton cascade shows doublet structure in the polarization-resolved photoluminescence experiment. The maximum splitting is seen when the polarization axis is chosen along and perpendicular to the [110] crystallographic direction. This effect is ascribed to the fine structure splitting of the exciton and triexciton states in the presence of an anisotropic confining potential of ae dot. We also show that the splitting in the triexciton state surpasses that in the exciton state by a factor up to eight and their ratio scales with the energy distance between the 3X and X emission lines, thus, very likely, with a lateral size and/or a composition of the dot.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    A simple and controlled single electron transistor based on doping modulation in silicon nanowires

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    A simple and highly reproducible single electron transistor (SET) has been fabricated using gated silicon nanowires. The structure is a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor made on silicon-on-insulator thin films. The channel of the transistor is the Coulomb island at low temperature. Two silicon nitride spacers deposited on each side of the gate create a modulation of doping along the nanowire that creates tunnel barriers. Such barriers are fixed and controlled, like in metallic SETs. The period of the Coulomb oscillations is set by the gate capacitance of the transistor and therefore controlled by lithography. The source and drain capacitances have also been characterized. This design could be used to build more complex SET devices.Comment: to be published in Applied Physics Letter

    Pembelajaran Melaporkan Peristiwa dengan Perlakuan Model Evaluasi Diri dan Model Latihan Terbimbing Bagi Peserta Didik Kelas VIII yang Tingkat Kemandiriannya Berbeda

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    There are many obstacle faced in teaching learning of Bahasa Indonesia in Junior High School. Therefore, a repairement of teaching learning model which is acellerated with students' condition and needs is needed. One alternative learning model that can be used is aplying Self Evaluation and Coaching Training model for students who have different level of independent. Self Evaluation model wich aplyed on students with have high level of independent has the average 88.33, on Students' with low independent showed the average 67.92. Coaching Training model wich aplyed on students with have high level of independent has the average 69,17, on Students' with low independent showed the average 75,50. The data proves that self-evaluation model is suitable implemented for students who have high level of independent, and coaching-training model is suitable for students with low level of independent

    Pelanggaran Prinsip Kerjasama Dan Kesantunan Berbahasa Siswa Terhadap Guru Melalui Tindak Tutur Verbal Di SMP Ma\u27arif Tlogomulyo-temanggung (Kajian Sosiopragmatik)

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    Conversation is verbal interaction that takes place in an order and organized and involves two or more parties in order to achieve certain objectives as a form of communication events. When the conversation does not meet the rules of the communication, failure is diagnosed. Conversation failure was effected due to a violation of the principles of politeness and cooperation. This study was conducted in SMP Maarif Tlogomulyo by analyzing teachers and students conversations in learning process. The results of this research were 1) students did a violate of the maxim of quantity, quality, relevancy, and the thimble way, 2) students did a violate of the principle of politeness in the interaction in the classroom. This was influenced by many factors, particularly the influence of the environment and level of education. Using local utterances was highly recommended to preserve the local culture, but more harmonious when it was used in a good and polite conversation.Keywords : violation of the principle of cooperation, principle of politeness, and verbal speech act

    Las hijas de Eva : historia, tradición, simbología, Inés Calero Secall y Virginia Alfaro Bech (coords.)

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    Obra ressenyada: Inés CALERO SECALL y Virginia ALFARO BECH (coords.), Las hijas de Eva: historia, tradición y simbología. Málaga: Centro de Ediciones de la Diputación de Málaga (CEDMA), 2006

    La ceràmica de procedència sud-itàlica del Museu Episcopal de Vic

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    En aquest article s’estudien tretze vasos ceràmics procedents del sud d’Itàlia que formen part de la col·lecció de ceràmiques gregues, etrusques, falisques i sud-itàliques del Museu Episcopal de Vic (MEV). Es tracta d’un conjunt homogeni pel que fa a l’origen geogràfic, ja que tots els exemplars provenen de l’Apúlia preromana, avui regió de la Pulla. Els vasos abasten un ventall cronològic que va de mitjan s. v aC a les darreries del s. iv aC i es classifiquen en cinc tipus: 1. indígena geomètrica; 2. indígena d’imitació grega; 3. italiota de figures roges; 4. vernís negre; 5. de Gnàthia. This article studies thirteen ceramic vases that originate in the South of Italy and are part of a collection of Greek, Etruscan, Faliscan and South Italic pottery on display here at the Museu Episcopal de Vic. Since all the pieces come from pre-Roman Apulia (nowadays known as Puglia) the collection shares the same geographical origin. Chronologically, the vases range from the mid 5th century BC to the end of the 4th century BC and can thus be classified as follows: 1. local geometric, 2. local imitating Greek, 3. Italiot red-figured, 4. black-glazed, 5. Gnathian

    La ceràmica grega, falisco-capenate i etrusca del Museu Episcopal de Vic

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    En aquest article s’estudien els vasos grecs, falisco-capenate i etruscs que, juntament amb els sud-itàlics, formen la col·lecció de ceràmiques preromanes del Museu Episcopal de Vic (MEV) que pertanyen a cultures mediterrànies d’àmbit hel·lènic o que hi estan relacionades. Els trenta-set vasos abasten un ventall cronològic que va des de mitjan s. vii aC fins a la primera meitat del s. iv aC i es classifiquen en deu tipus: 1. coríntia; 2. àtica de figures negres; 3. àtica de figures roges; 4. àtica de vernís negre; 5. falisco-capenate; 6. etruscocoríntia; 7. etrusca de bucchero; 8. etrusca de figures negres; 9. etrusca de figures roges, i 10. de fabricació incerta. This article looks at Greek, Falisco-Capenate and Etruscan vases which, along with items from southern Italy, make up the Museu Episcopal de Vic’s collection of pre-Roman pottery belonging to the Mediterranean Hellenic culture or related to it. The 37 vases cover a period ranging from the mid 7th century to mid 4th century B.C., and are classified into ten different categories: 1. Corinthian; 2. Attic black-figures; 3. Attic red figures; 4. Attic black-glaze; 5. Falisco-Capenate; 6. Etrusco-Corinthian; 7. Etruscan bucchero-ware; 8. Etruscan black-figures; 9. Etruscan red-figures, and 10. those of uncertain manufacture

    XVIII Convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia (Taranto, 1978)

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