92 research outputs found

    Qualidade de vida em adultos de zona rural no Sul do Brasil: estudo de base populacional

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a qualidade de vida e seus determinantes em uma população residente na zona rural. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com indivíduos de 18 anos ou mais, da zona rural de Pelotas, Sul do Brasil. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelo WHOQOL-BREF, composto por quatro domínios ( físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente), e duas perguntas: qualidade de vida global e satisfação com a saúde. Variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas e de saúde foram consideradas entre as variáveis independentes. As associações foram avaliadas por regressão linear nos quatro domínios e por regressão logística ordinal nas duas perguntas gerais de qualidade de vida e satisfação com a saúde. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 1.479 indivíduos. As prevalências de percepção de qualidade de vida global muito ruim e insatisfação com a saúde foram, respectivamente, 22,5% e 26,3%. Indivíduos mais velhos (p < 0,001), com cor da pele não branca (p = 0,004), com menor escolaridade (p < 0,001), mais pobres (p = 0,001) e que residiram a vida toda na zona rural (p = 0,049) apresentaram menor chance de ter melhor percepção de qualidade de vida global. Quanto à satisfação com a saúde, as mulheres (p = 0,001), os mais velhos (p = 0,001), os desempregados (p = 0,023) e aqueles portadores de doenças tiveram menor chance de relatarem maior satisfação com a saúde. Para os quatro domínios avaliados, os resultados foram consistentes com os observados para as perguntas gerais. CONCLUSÕES: O fato de ser mulher, mais velho, não ser branco, ter baixa renda, ter menor escolaridade, residir a vida toda na zona rural, estar desempregado e portar alguma doença foram os aspectos mais relevantes para definir negativamente a qualidade de vida da população. Tendo em vista que são fatores significativamente importantes como determinantes da saúde, estes resultados sugerem que a qualidade de vida é um tema que deve ser colocado entre as necessidades de saúde, principalmente com relação aos grupos mais vulneráveis das áreas rurais.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the quality of life and its determinants in a population living in a rural area. METHODS: This is a population-based, cross-sectional study with individuals aged 18 years or over from the rural area of Pelotas, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We evaluated quality of life using the WHOQOL-BREF, which has four domains (physical, psychological, social relations, and environment) and two questions: overall quality of life and satisfaction with health. We considered as independent variables the demographic, socioeconomic, and health variables. We evaluated the associations using linear regression in the four domains and ordinal logistic regression in the two general questions on quality of life and satisfaction with health. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 1,479 individuals. The prevalence of the perception of overall very poor quality of life and dissatisfaction with health were 22.5% and 26.3%, respectively. Individuals who were older (p < 0.001), non-white (p = 0.004), with lower education level (p < 0.001), poorer (p = 0.001), and who had always lived in the rural area (p = 0.049) were less likely to have a better perception of overall quality of life. As for satisfaction with health, women (p = 0.001), older individuals (p = 0.001), those unemployed (p = 0.023), and those with diseases were less likely to report higher satisfaction with health. For the four domains evaluated, the results were consistent with those observed for the general questions. CONCLUSIONS: The most relevant aspects that negatively defined the quality of life of the population were being a woman, older, non-white, having a low income, having a lower education level, having always lived in the rural area, being unemployed, and having a disease. Given that they are significant factors as determinants of health, these results suggest that quality of life is an issue that should be placed among health needs, especially regarding the most vulnerable groups in rural areas

    Alcohol-related disorders and associated factors in a rural area in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of alcohol-related disorders and associated factors in an exclusively rural population. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional, population-based study of a rural research consortium, conducted in a medium-sized city in Southern Brazil, with adults living in a rural area, using the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test). The analysis included the prevalence of alcohol-related disorders and associated factors, such as the sociodemographic, family, and health factors; it was carried out by Poisson regression, in a hierarchical analysis model, with a 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: The final sample amounted to 1,519 subjects. The prevalence of alcohol-related disorders (AUDIT ≥ 8) was 8.4% (95%CI 7.0–9.8). Risk factors for alcohol-related disorders were being male (PR = 8.2, 95%CI 4.82–14.16), age group between 18 and 29 years (PR = 3.29, 95%CI 1.80–6.0), and smoking (PR = 1.88, 95%CI 1.03–3.43). The practice of religion (PR = 0.38, 95%CI 0.25–0.58) and education level between nine and 11 years (PR = 0.33, 95%CI 0.16–0.69) were protective factors with statistical significance. Marital status and social status were not associated with the outcome studied. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of alcohol-related disorders in the rural population is high, but, on average, it is lower than that found in urban populations. Risk and protective factors were similar to those found in previous studies. Men, younger persons, and smokers are at higher risk for alcohol-related disorders. On the other hand, practicing a religion and having a higher education level were protective factors.OBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência de transtornos relacionados ao uso de álcool e fatores associados em uma população exclusivamente rural. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional, integrante de um consórcio de pesquisa rural, realizado em cidade de médio porte do Sul do Brasil, com adultos residentes na zona rural, utilizando o AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test). A análise incluiu a prevalência dos transtornos relacionados ao uso de álcool e fatores associados, como sociodemográficos, familiares e de saúde; foi realizada por regressão de Poisson, em modelo hierarquizado de análise, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: A amostra final foi de 1.519 indivíduos. A prevalência de transtornos relacionados ao uso de álcool (AUDIT ≥ 8) foi de 8,4% (IC95% 7,0–9,8). Os fatores de risco para transtornos relacionados ao uso de álcool foram sexo masculino (RP = 8,26; IC95% 4,82–14,16), faixa etária entre 18 e 29 anos (RP = 3,29; IC95% 1,80–6,0) e tabagismo (RP = 1,88; IC95% 1,03–3,43). Como fatores de proteção com significância estatística encontramos a prática de religião (RP = 0,38; IC95% 0,25–0,58) e escolaridade entre nove e 11 anos de estudo, (RP = 0,33; IC95% 0,16–0,69). Estado civil e classe social não estiveram associados com o desfecho estudado. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de transtornos relacionados ao uso de álcool na população rural é alta, porém, em média, mais baixa do que as encontradas em populações urbanas. Os fatores de risco e proteção foram similares aos encontrados em estudos prévios. Os homens, as pessoas mais jovens e os tabagistas têm maior risco para apresentar transtornos relacionados ao uso de álcool. Por outro lado, praticar uma religião e ter maior escolaridade foram fatores de proteção

    Breastfeeding effects on DNA methylation in the offspring::A systematic literature review

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    BACKGROUND:Breastfeeding benefits both infants and mothers. Recent research shows long-term health and human capital benefits among individuals who were breastfed. Epigenetic mechanisms have been suggested as potential mediators of the effects of early-life exposures on later health outcomes. We reviewed the literature on the potential effects of breastfeeding on DNA methylation. METHODS:Studies reporting original results and evaluating DNA methylation differences according to breastfeeding/breast milk groups (e.g., ever vs. never comparisons, different categories of breastfeeding duration, etc) were eligible. Six databases were searched simultaneously using Ovid, and the resulting studies were evaluated independently by two reviewers. RESULTS:Seven eligible studies were identified. Five were conducted in humans. Studies were heterogeneous regarding sample selection, age, target methylation regions, methylation measurement and breastfeeding categorisation. Collectively, the studies suggest that breastfeeding might be negatively associated with promoter methylation of LEP (which encodes an anorexigenic hormone), CDKN2A (involved in tumour suppression) and Slc2a4 genes (which encodes an insulin-related glucose transporter) and positively with promoter methylation of the Nyp (which encodes an orexigenic neuropeptide) gene, as well as influence global methylation patterns and modulate epigenetic effects of some genetic variants. CONCLUSIONS:The findings from our systematic review are far from conclusive due to the small number of studies and their inherent limitations. Further studies are required to understand the actual potential role of epigenetics in the associations of breastfeeding with later health outcomes. Suggestions for future investigations, focusing on epigenome-wide association studies, are provided

    Association of lactase persistence genotype with milk consumption, obesity and blood pressure:a Mendelian randomization study in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort with a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Background: Milk intake has been associated with lower blood pressure (BP) in observational studies, and randomized controlled trials suggested that milk-derived tripeptides have BP-lowering effects. Milk intake has also been associated with body mass index (BMI). Nevertheless, it is unclear whether increasing milk consumption would reduce BP in the general population. Methods: We investigated the association of milk intake with obesity and BP using genetically-defined lactase persistence (LP) based on the rs4988235 polymorphism in a Mendelian randomization design in the 1982 Pelotas (Southern Brazil) Birth Cohort. These results were combined with published reports identified through a systematic review using meta-analysis. Results: In the 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort, milk intake was 42 [95% confidence interval (CI): 18; 67) ml/day higher in LP individuals. In conventional observational analysis, each 1-dl/day increase in milk intake was associated with −0.26 (95% CI: −0.33; −0.19) kg/m(2) in BMI and −0.31 (95% CI: −0.46; −0.16) and -0.35 (95% CI: −0.46; −0.23) mmHg in systolic and diastolic BP, respectively. These results were not corroborated when analysing LP status, but confidence intervals were large. In random effects meta-analysis, LP individuals presented higher BMI [0.17 (95% CI: 0.07; 0.27) kg/m(2)] and higher odds of overweight-obesity [1.09 (95% CI: 1.02; 1.17)]. There were no reliable associations for BP. Conclusions: Our study supports that LP is positively associated with obesity, suggesting that the negative association of milk intake with obesity is likely due to limitations of conventional observational studies. Our findings also do not support that increased milk intake leads to lower BP

    Body mass index and psychiatric disorders:a Mendelian randomization study

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    Obesity is a highly prevalent risk factor for cardiometabolic diseases. Observational studies suggest that obesity is associated with psychiatric traits, but causal inference from such studies has several limitations. We used two-sample Mendelian randomization methods (inverse variance weighting, weighted median and MR-Egger regression) to evaluate the association of body mass index (BMI) with three psychiatric traits using data from the Genetic Investigation of Anthropometric Traits and Psychiatric Genomics consortia. Causal odds ratio estimates per 1-standard deviation increment in BMI ranged from 0.88 (95% CI: 0.62; 1.25) to 1.23 (95% CI: 0.65; 2.31) for bipolar disorder; 0.93 (0.78; 1.11) to 1.41 (0.87; 2.27) for schizophrenia; and 1.15 (95% CI: 0.92; 1.44) to 1.40 (95% CI: 1.03; 1.90) for major depressive disorder. Analyses removing potentially influential SNPs suggested that the effect estimates for depression might be underestimated. Our findings do not support the notion that higher BMI increases risk of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Although the point estimates for depression were consistent in all sensitivity analyses, the overall statistical evidence was weak. However, the fact that SNP-depression associations were estimated in relatively small samples reduced power to detect causal effects. This should be re-addressed when SNP-depression associations from larger studies become available

    Systematic review: Symptoms of parental depression and anxiety and offspring overweight

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a literatura existente acerca da associação entre depressão e ansiedade dos pais e sua influência no excesso de peso dos filhos durante a infância, identificando possíveis mecanismos envolvidos nessa associação. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma busca na literatura, de forma sistemática, nas bases de dados PubMed, PsycINFO e SciELO, usando os descritores: (maternal OR mother* OR parent* OR paternal OR father) AND (“common mental disorder” OR “mental health” OR “mental disorder” OR “ depressive disorder” OR depress* OR anxiety OR “anxiety disorder”) AND (child* OR pediatric OR offspring) AND (overweight OR obes* OR “body mass index” OR BMI). Foram encontrados 1.187 artigos após seleção por pares. RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 16 artigos que atingiram os critérios para inclusão na revisão. A maioria investigou sintomas depressivos e somente três, sintomas ansiosos maternos. Os estudos avaliados mostraram resultados sugestivos de associação positiva entre sintomas de depressão materna e maior risco de excesso de peso nos filhos. Os resultados divergiram de acordo com a cronicidade dos sintomas depressivos (depressão episódica ou recorrente) e renda do país investigado (alta ou média renda). Foram identificados mecanismos que passam pela qualidade da parentalidade, afetando comportamentos relacionados à atividade física e alimentação da criança, como mediadores da associação. CONCLUSÕES: Concluímos que há evidências de uma relação positiva entre a ocorrência de sintomas maternos de depressão e ansiedade e o excesso de peso dos filhos. Ressalta-se a necessidade de uma melhor compreensão do impacto do momento de ocorrência dos sintomas depressivos e dos fatores contextuais envolvidos nessa relação para que possam ser implementadas estratégias de intervenção eficazes.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the existing literature on the association between parents’ depression and anxiety and their influence on their children’s weight during childhood, identifying possible mechanisms involved in this association. METHODS: A systematic search of the literature was conducted in the PubMed, PsycINFO and SciELO databases, using the following descriptors: (maternal OR mother* OR parent* OR paternal OR father) AND (“common mental disorder” OR “mental health” OR “mental disorder” OR “depressive disorder” OR depress* OR anxiety OR “anxiety disorder”) AND (child* OR pediatric OR offspring) AND (overweight OR obes* OR “body mass index” OR BMI). A total of 1,187 articles were found after peer selection. RESULTS: In total, 16 articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected for the review. Most of them investigated depressive symptoms and only three, symptoms of maternal anxiety. The evaluated studies suggested a positive association between symptoms of maternal depression and higher risk of childhood obesity. The results diverged according to the chronicity of depressive symptoms (episodic or recurrent depression) and income of the investigated country (high or middle income). Mechanisms were identified passing by quality of parenthood, affecting behaviors related to physical activity and child-feeding, as mediators of the association. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude there is evidence of a positive relationship between the occurrence of maternal symptoms of depression and anxiety and childhood obesity. It is emphasized the need for a better understanding on the effect of depressive symptoms and the contextual factors involved in this relationship so that effective intervention strategies can be implemented

    Association between television viewing and obesity in Peruvian women

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between frequency of television viewing, overweight and obesity in a nationally representative sample of Peruvian women. METHODS: Secondary analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey 2008 including women aged from 15 to 49 years old. The outcome variables were obesity (body mass index >30 kg/m²) and overweight (body mass index >25 butOBJETIVO: Evaluar la asociación entre frecuencia de ver televisión, sobrepeso y obesidad en una muestra representativa de mujeres peruanas a nivel nacional. MÉTODOS: Análisis secundario de la Encuesta Nacional Demográfica y de Salud Familiar incluyendo mujeres de 15 a 49 años. Las variables resultados fueron obesidad (índice de masa corporal >30 kg/m²) y sobrepeso (>25 pesoOBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre frequência de assistir televisão com sobrepeso e obesidade em uma amostra representativa de mulheres peruanas em nível nacional. MÉTODOS: Análise secundária da Pesquisa Nacional Demográfica e de Saúde Familiar incluindo 27.712 mulheres de 15 a 49 anos em 2008. As variáveis-desfecho foram obesidade (índice de massa corporal >; 30 kg/m2) e sobrepeso (entre 25 e 30 kg/m2); a variável de exposição foi a frequência de assistir televisão (nunca, ocasionalmente, quase todos os dias). Foi utilizada regressão logística para amostras complexas, ajustada por potenciais confundidores. Os resultados foram apresentados como odds ratios ajustados (ORa) com seus respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sobrepeso foi de 34,7% (IC95% 33,8;35,7) e de obesidade, 14,3% (IC95% 13,6;5,1). Mulheres que assistiam televisão ocasionalmente e quase todos os dias tiveram maior probabilidade de ter obesidade em comparação às que não assistiam: ORa = 1,7 (IC95% 1,3;2,3) e ORa 2,6 (IC95% 2,0;3,5), respectivamente. A magnitude da associação foi menor para o sobrepeso: ORa 1,2 (IC95% 1,3;2,3) e ORa 1,6 (IC95% 1,1;1,4), respectivamente. A associação foi mais forte na área urbana. CONCLUSÕES: A frequência de assistir televisão esteve associada à apresentar obesidade e sobrepeso entre mulheres peruanas, e a força da associação variou de acordo com a área de residência. Estes achados podem auxiliar estratégias de prevenção da obesidade no contexto peruano

    General and abdominal obesity in adults living in a rural area in Southern Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de obesidade geral, abdominal e concomitância de ambos os desfechos e seus determinantes em adultos residentes na zona rural. MÉTODOS: Este estudo transversal de base populacional foi conduzido em município de médio porte da região Sul do Brasil. Três desfechos foram avaliados: obesidade geral (índice de massa corporal ≥ 30 kg/m²), abdominal (circunferência da cintura ≥ 102 cm e ≥ 88 cm em homens e mulheres, respectivamente) e concomitância de ambas, classificada em: sem risco; apenas um fator de risco; e fatores agregados. Foram realizadas análises brutas e ajustadas por regressão de Poisson para cada desfecho de obesidade e regressão logística multinomial para o risco metabólico. Características demográficas e socioeconômicas foram consideradas como variáveis independentes. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 1.433 indivíduos. Desses, 29,5% apresentaram obesidade geral e 37,8%, abdominal. A presença de um fator de risco foi observada em 15,8% da amostra, enquanto 25,8% apresentaram fatores agregados. O risco de obesidade geral, abdominal e a concomitância dos desfechos aumentaram significativamente com a idade, em ambos os sexos. Homens mais ricos apresentaram risco aumentado para obesidade geral (RP = 1,7; IC95% 1,0–2,9), abdominal (RP = 1,8; IC95% 1,1–2,9) e fatores agregados (RO = 1,9; IC95% 1,4–5,8). Ter 12 anos ou mais de estudo se mostrou fator de proteção para mulheres em relação à obesidade abdominal (RP=0,4; IC95% 0,2–0,8) e fatores agregados (RO = 0,2; IC95% 0,05–0,7). Realizar atividade rural reduziu o risco de obesidade geral (RP = 0,6; IC95% 0,5–0,8) e fatores agregados (RO = 0,5; IC95% 0,3–0,8) em mulheres, e de obesidade abdominal (RP = 0,6; IC95% 0,5–0,8) e presença de um fator de risco (RO = 0,5; IC95% 0,3–0,7), em homens. Cor da pele e tempo de vida residido na zona rural não foram estatisticamente associados aos desfechos estudados. CONCLUSÕES: Altas prevalências de obesidade geral e abdominal foram observadas nessa população, condizentes com os valores encontrados em populações urbanas. Entretanto, a realização de atividades rurais mostrou-se um fator de proteção para os desfechos de obesidade.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of general and abdominal obesity and the concomitant presence of both outcomes and their determinants among adults living in a rural area. METHODS: This cross-sectional, population-based study was carried out in a medium-sized city in the southern region of Brazil. We evaluated three outcomes: general obesity (body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m²), abdominal obesity (waist circumference ≥ 102 cm and ≥ 88 cm in men and women, respectively), and concomitant obesities, classified as: no risk, only one risk factor, and aggregate factors. We performed crude and adjusted Poisson regression analyses for each obesity outcome and multinomial logistic regression for metabolic risk. We considered demographic and socioeconomic characteristics as independent variables. RESULTS: A total of 1,433 individuals were included in the study. Of them, 29.5% presented general obesity and 37.8% presented abdominal obesity. We observed the presence of a risk factor in 15.8% of the sample, while 25.8% presented aggregate factors. The risk of general and abdominal obesity and concomitant outcomes increased significantly with age in both sexes. Richer men were at increased risk for general obesity (PR = 1.7; 95%CI 1.0–2.9), abdominal obesity (PR = 1.8; 95%CI 1.1–2.9), and aggregate factors (OR = 1.9; 95%CI 1.4–5.8). An education level of twelve years or more was a protective factor for women in relation to abdominal obesity (PR = 0.4; 95%CI 0.2–0.8) and aggregate factors (OR = 0.2; 95%CI 0.05–0.7). Rural activity reduced the risk of general obesity (PR = 0.6; 95%CI 0.5–0.8) and aggregate factors (OR = 0.5; 95%CI 0.3–0.8) in women, and the risk of abdominal obesity (PR = 0.6; 95%CI 0.5–0.8) and presence of a risk factor (OR = 0.5; 95%CI 0.3–0.7) in men. Skin color and time lived in rural areas were not statistically associated with the outcomes studied. CONCLUSIONS: We observed high prevalences of general and abdominal obesity in this population, which is consistent with the values found in urban populations. However, rural activities were a protective factor for obesity outcome

    Uso de desfibrilador automático externo en ambiente prehospitalario peruano: mejorando la respuesta a emergencias en Latinoamérica

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    Este relato de caso reporta o atendimento pré-hospitalar de um paciente com fatores de risco atendido pelo serviço pré-hospitalar ao ser acometido por uma parada cardíaca e apresentar fibrilação ventricular. O paciente foi atendido seguindo os padrões de suporte básico de vida e suporte cardiovascular avançado. Um desfibrilador automático externo (DAE) foi aplicado com resultados favoráveis e o paciente se recuperou do quadro de perigo de vida com sucesso. Este é o primeiro relato documentado com resultados favoráveis no Peru, na área de atendimento pré-hospitalar e enfatiza a necessidade de serem adotadas políticas de acesso público à desfibrilação precoce.Revisión por pare

    Association between breastfeeding and intelligence, educational attainment, and income at 30 years of age: a prospective birth cohort study from Brazil

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    Background Breastfeeding has clear short-term benefi ts, but its long-term consequences on human capital are yet to be established. We aimed to assess whether breastfeeding duration was associated with intelligence quotient (IQ), years of schooling, and income at the age of 30 years, in a setting where no strong social patterning of breastfeeding exists. Methods A prospective, population-based birth cohort study of neonates was launched in 1982 in Pelotas, Brazil. Information about breastfeeding was recorded in early childhood. At 30 years of age, we studied the IQ (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 3rd version), educational attainment, and income of the participants. For the analyses, we used multiple linear regression with adjustment for ten confounding variables and the G-formula. Findings From June 4, 2012, to Feb 28, 2013, of the 5914 neonates enrolled, information about IQ and breastfeeding duration was available for 3493 participants. In the crude and adjusted analyses, the durations of total breastfeeding and predominant breastfeeding (breastfeeding as the main form of nutrition with some other foods) were positively associated with IQ, educational attainment, and income. We identifi ed dose-response associations with breastfeeding duration for IQ and educational attainment. In the confounder-adjusted analysis, participants who were breastfed for 12 months or more had higher IQ scores (diff erence of 3·76 points, 95% CI 2·20–5·33), more years of education (0·91 years, 0·42–1·40), and higher monthly incomes (341·0 Brazilian reals, 93·8–588·3) than did those who were breastfed for less than 1 month. The results of our mediation analysis suggested that IQ was responsible for 72% of the eff ect on income. Interpretation Breastfeeding is associated with improved performance in intelligence tests 30 years later, and might have an important eff ect in real life, by increasing educational attainment and income in adulthood