44 research outputs found

    Use of Text Data in Identifying and Prioritizing Potential Drug Repositioning Candidates

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    New drug development costs between 500 million and 2 billion dollars and takes 10-15 years, with a success rate of less than 10%. Drug repurposing (defined as discovering new indications for existing drugs) could play a significant role in drug development, especially considering the declining success rates of developing novel drugs. In the period 2007-2009, drug repurposing led to the launching of 30-40% of new drugs. Typically, new indications for existing medications are identified by accident. However, new technologies and a large number of available resources enable the development of systematic approaches to identify and validate drug-repurposing candidates with significantly lower cost. A variety of resources have been utilized to identify novel drug repurposing candidates such as biomedical literature, clinical notes, and genetic data. In this dissertation, we focused on using text data in identifying and prioritizing drug repositioning candidates and conducted five studies. In the first study, we aimed to assess the feasibility of using patient reviews from social media to identify potential candidates for drug repurposing. We retrieved patient reviews of 180 medications from an online forum, WebMD. Using dictionary-based and machine learning approaches, we identified disease names in the reviews. Several publicly available resources were used to exclude comments containing known indications and adverse drug effects. After manually reviewing some of the remaining comments, we implemented a rule-based system to identify beneficial effects. The dictionary-based system and machine learning system identified 2178 and 6171 disease names respectively in 64,616 patient comments. We provided a list of 10 common patterns that patients used to report any beneficial effects or uses of medication. After manually reviewing the comments tagged by our rule-based system, we identified five potential drug repurposing candidates. To our knowledge, this was the first study to consider using social media data to identify drug-repurposing candidates. We found that even a rule-based system, with a limited number of rules, could identify beneficial effect mentions in the comments of patients. Our preliminary study shows that social media has the potential to be used in drug repurposing. In the second study, we investigated the significance of extracting information from multiple sentences specifically in the context of drug-disease relation discovery. We used multiple resources such as Semantic Medline, a literature-based resource, and Medline search (for filtering spurious results) and inferred 8,772 potential drug-disease pairs. Our analysis revealed that 6,450 (73.5%) of the 8,772 potential drug-disease relations did not occur in a single sentence. Moreover, only 537 of the drug-disease pairs matched the curated gold standard in the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD), a trusted resource for drug-disease relations. Among the 537, nearly 75% (407) of the drug-disease pairs occur in multiple sentences. Our analysis revealed that the drug-disease pairs inferred from Semantic Medline or retrieved from CTD could be extracted from multiple sentences in the literature. This highlights the significance of the need for discourse-level analysis in extracting the relations from biomedical literature. In the third and fourth study, we focused on prioritizing drug repositioning candidates extracted from biomedical literature which we refer to as Literature-Based Discovery (LBD). In the third study, we used drug-gene and gene-disease semantic predications extracted from Medline abstracts to generate a list of potential drug-disease pairs. We further ranked the generated pairs, by assigning scores based on the predicates that qualify drug-gene and gene-disease relationships. On comparing the top-ranked drug-disease pairs against the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, we found that a significant percentage of top-ranked pairs appeared in CTD. Co-occurrence of these high-ranked pairs in Medline abstracts is then used to improve the rankings of the inferred drug-disease relations. Finally, manual evaluation of the top-ten pairs ranked by our approach revealed that nine of them have good potential for biological significance based on expert judgment. In the fourth study, we proposed a method, utilizing information surrounding causal findings, to prioritize discoveries generated by LBD systems. We focused on discovering drug-disease relations, which have the potential to identify drug repositioning candidates or adverse drug reactions. Our LBD system used drug-gene and gene-disease semantic predication in SemMedDB as causal findings and Swanson’s ABC model to generate potential drug-disease relations. Using sentences, as a source of causal findings, our ranking method trained a binary classifier to classify generated drug-disease relations into desired classes. We trained and tested our classifier for three different purposes: a) drug repositioning b) adverse drug-event detection and c) drug-disease relation detection. The classifier obtained 0.78, 0.86, and 0.83 F-measures respectively for these tasks. The number of causal findings of each hypothesis, which were classified as positive by the classifier, is the main metric for ranking hypotheses in the proposed method. To evaluate the ranking method, we counted and compared the number of true relations in the top 100 pairs, ranked by our method and one of the previous methods. Out of 181 true relations in the test dataset, the proposed method ranked 20 of them in the top 100 relations while this number was 13 for the other method. In the last study, we used biomedical literature and clinical trials in ranking potential drug repositioning candidates identified by Phenome-Wide Association Studies (PheWAS). Unlike previous approaches, in this study, we did not limit our method to LBD. First, we generated a list of potential drug repositioning candidates using PheWAS. We retrieved 212,851 gene-disease associations from PheWAS catalog and 14,169 gene-drug relationships from DrugBank. Following Swanson’s model, we generated 52,966 potential drug repositioning candidates. Then, we developed an information retrieval system to retrieve any evidence of those candidates co-occurring in the biomedical literature and clinical trials. We identified nearly 14,800 drug-disease pairs with some evidence of support. In addition, we identified more than 38,000 novel candidates for re-purposing, encompassing hundreds of different disease states and over 1,000 individual medications. We anticipate that these results will be highly useful for hypothesis generation in the field of drug repurposing

    Extraction and Classification of Drug-Drug Interaction from Biomedical Text Using a Two-Stage Classifier

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    One of the critical causes of medical errors is Drug-Drug interaction (DDI), which occurs when one drug increases or decreases the effect of another drug. We propose a machine learning system to extract and classify drug-drug interactions from the biomedical literature, using the annotated corpus from the DDIExtraction-2013 shared task challenge. Our approach applies a two-stage classifier to handle the highly unbalanced class distribution in the corpus. The first stage is designed for binary classification of drug pairs as interacting or non-interacting, and the second stage for further classification of interacting pairs into one of four interacting types: advise, effect, mechanism, and int. To find the set of best features for classification, we explored many features, including stemmed words, bigrams, part of speech tags, verb lists, parse tree information, mutual information, and similarity measures, among others. As the system faced two different classification tasks, binary and multi-class, we also explored various classifiers in each stage. Our results show that the best performing classifier in both stages was Support Vector Machines, and the best performing features were 1000 top informative words and part of speech tags between two main drugs. We obtained an F-Measure of 0.64, showing a 12% improvement over our submitted system to the DDIExtraction 2013 competition

    Dynamic enhancement of drug product labels to support drug safety, efficacy, and effectiveness

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    Out-of-date or incomplete drug product labeling information may increase the risk of otherwise preventable adverse drug events. In recognition of these concerns, the United States Federal Drug Administration (FDA) requires drug product labels to include specific information. Unfortunately, several studies have found that drug product labeling fails to keep current with the scientific literature. We present a novel approach to addressing this issue. The primary goal of this novel approach is to better meet the information needs of persons who consult the drug product label for information on a drug’s efficacy, effectiveness, and safety. Using FDA product label regulations as a guide, the approach links drug claims present in drug information sources available on the Semantic Web with specific product label sections. Here we report on pilot work that establishes the baseline performance characteristics of a proof-of-concept system implementing the novel approach. Claims from three drug information sources were linked to the Clinical Studies, Drug Interactions, and Clinical Pharmacology sections of the labels for drug products that contain one of 29 psychotropic drugs. The resulting Linked Data set maps 409 efficacy/effectiveness study results, 784 drug-drug interactions, and 112 metabolic pathway assertions derived from three clinically-oriented drug information sources (ClinicalTrials.gov, the National Drug File – Reference Terminology, and the Drug Interaction Knowledge Base) to the sections of 1,102 product labels. Proof-of-concept web pages were created for all 1,102 drug product labels that demonstrate one possible approach to presenting information that dynamically enhances drug product labeling. We found that approximately one in five efficacy/effectiveness claims were relevant to the Clinical Studies section of a psychotropic drug product, with most relevant claims providing new information. We also identified several cases where all of the drug-drug interaction claims linked to the Drug Interactions section for a drug were potentially novel. The baseline performance characteristics of the proof-of-concept will enable further technical and user-centered research on robust methods for scaling the approach to the many thousands of product labels currently on the market

    Increased Glutathione Reductase Expression and Activity in Colorectal Cancer Tissue Samples: An Investigational Study in Mashhad, Iran

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    Background: Glutathione reductase is an important enzyme in oxidative metabolism that provides reduced glutathione from its oxidized form in the cells. The role of oxidative stress in tumor tissues has led us to investigate the gene expression and activity of this enzyme in tumor and adjacent resected margins of colorectal cancer tissues, one of the most common malignancies in humans. Methods: We conducted this study on 15 Iranian colorectal cancer patients. RNA was extracted from fresh colon tissues that included tumor and anatomically normal margin tissue. Expression of the glutathione reductase gene was determined using realtime PCR by the ΔΔCt relative quantification method. The gene expression results were standardized with glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase as the endogenous reference gene. In addition, we measured enzyme activity of glutathione reductase with a commercial kit based on a colorimetric assay. Results: The tumor tissue had higher expression of glutathione reductase compared to the margin tissue (P=0.005). There was significantly greater glutathione reductase enzyme activity in the tumor tissue (116.9±34.31 nmol/min/ml) compared to the noncancerous adjacent tissues (76.7±36.85 nmol/min/ml; P=0.003). Conclusion: These data showed increased glutathione reductase expression and enzyme activity in colorectal tumor tissue. Given the key role of glutathione in synthesis of dNTPs for DNA repair with the glutaredoxin system, the increased glutathione reductase expression and activity might be a reflection of hyperactivity of this enzyme in DNA synthesis and the repair process in colorectal cancer cells

    Global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Funding: F Carvalho and E Fernandes acknowledge support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy i4HB; FCT/MCTES through the project UIDB/50006/2020. J Conde acknowledges the European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC-StG-2019-848325). V M Costa acknowledges the grant SFRH/BHD/110001/2015, received by Portuguese national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), IP, under the Norma Transitória DL57/2016/CP1334/CT0006.proofepub_ahead_of_prin

    BELTracker: evidence sentence retrieval for BEL statements

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