45 research outputs found
Early alveolar macrophage response and IL-1R-dependent T cell priming determine transmissibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains
Funding Information: The work was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health grants U19AI111276 and U01AI065663 to R.R.R., R.D., J.J.E. and P.S., and NIAID training grant T32AI125185 to A.L. The study sponsors were not involved in the study design, in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Mechanisms underlying variability in transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains remain undefined. By characterizing high and low transmission strains of M.tuberculosis in mice, we show here that high transmission M.tuberculosis strain induce rapid IL-1R-dependent alveolar macrophage migration from the alveolar space into the interstitium and that this action is key to subsequent temporal events of early dissemination of bacteria to the lymph nodes, Th1 priming, granulomatous response and bacterial control. In contrast, IL-1R-dependent alveolar macrophage migration and early dissemination of bacteria to lymph nodes is significantly impeded in infection with low transmission M.tuberculosis strain; these events promote the development of Th17 immunity, fostering neutrophilic inflammation and increased bacterial replication. Our results suggest that by inducing granulomas with the potential to develop into cavitary lesions that aids bacterial escape into the airways, high transmission M.tuberculosis strain is poised for greater transmissibility. These findings implicate bacterial heterogeneity as an important modifier of TB disease manifestations and transmission.publishersversionpublishe
Membros familiares e profissionais de saúde na supervisão do tratamento da tuberculose
OBJETIVO: Comparar los resultados de cura por tuberculosis entre pacientes supervisados por ele miembro familiar y por el profesional de salud. MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte prospectivo de 171 pacientes de Vitória, sureste de Brasil, en el período de 2004 a 2007. Cada paciente fue acompañado por seis meses hasta la finalización del tratamiento. De los pacientes estudiados, 59 pacientes tratados eran supervisados por un miembro familiar y 112 por los profesionales de salud. Fueron evaluados datos sociodemográficos y clínicos de los pacientes. Diferencias entre los grupos de estudio fueron evaluadas utilizando la prueba Chi-cuadrado o prueba t de Student al nivel de significancia de 5%. RESULTADOS: La mayoría de los sujetos de estudio presentaron bacioscopia positiva y cultivo confirmado para tuberculosis. Dos pacientes tenían serología positiva para HIV. Un número mayor de pacientes en el grupo supervisado por profesionales de salud no eran alfabetizados, comparado con aquellos pacientes del grupo supervisado por miembros familiares (p=0,01). Todos los pacientes supervisados por un familiar fueron curados, frente a 90% de los pacientes supervisados por los profesionales de salud (p=0,024). CONCLUSIONES: El éxito del tratamiento de tuberculosis fue mayor cuando se supervisó por un familiar.OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados de cura por tuberculose entre pacientes supervisionados pelo membro familiar e pelo profissional de saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte prospectiva de 171 pacientes de Vitória, ES, no período de 2004 a 2007. Cada paciente foi acompanhado por seis meses até a finalização do tratamento. Dos pacientes estudados, 59 pacientes tratados eram supervisionados por um membro familiar e 112 pelos profissionais de saúde. Foram avaliados dados sociodemográficos e clínicos dos pacientes. Diferenças entre os grupos de estudo foram avaliadas utilizando o teste qui-quadrado ou teste t de Student ao nivel de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos sujeitos do estudo apresentaram bacioscopia positiva e cultura confirmada para tuberculose. Dois pacientes tinham sorologia positiva para HIV. Um número maior de pacientes no grupo supervisionado por profissionais de saúde não eram alfabetizados, comparado com aqueles pacientes do grupo supervisionado por membros familiares (p = 0,01). Todos os pacientes supervisionados por um familiar foram curados, frente a 90% dos pacientes supervisionados pelos profissionais de saúde (p=0,024). CONCLUSÕES: O sucesso do tratamento de tuberculose foi maior quando supervisionado por um familiar.OBJECTIVE: To compare tuberculosis cure rates among patients supervised by household members or health care workers. METHODS: Prospective cohort study of 171 patients treated by the program in Vitoria, Southeastern Brazil, from 2004 to 2007. Each patient was followed-up for six months until the end of the treatment. Of the patients studied, a household member supervised 59 patients and healthcare workers supervised 112 patients. Patients' sociodemographic and clinic data were analyzed. Differences between groups were assessed using chi-square test or Student's t-test. Significance level was set at 5%. RESULTS: Most patients had smear positive, culture confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis. Two patients were HIV-positive. There were more illiterate patients in the healthcare-supervised group, in comparison to those supervised by their families (p=0.01). All patients supervised by a household member were cured compared to 90% of the patients supervised by health care workers (p = 0.024). CONCLUSIONS: Successful tuberculosis treatment was more frequent when supervised by household members
Transmission phenotype of mycobacterium tuberculosis strains is mechanistically linked to induction of distinct pulmonary pathology
In a study of household contacts (HHC), households were categorized into High (HT) and Low (LT) transmission groups based on the proportion of HHC with a positive tuberculin skin test. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) strains from HT and LT index cases of the households were designated Mtb-HT and Mtb-LT, respectively. We found that C3HeB/FeJ mice infected with Mtb-LT strains exhibited significantly higher bacterial burden compared to Mtb-HT strains and also developed diffused inflammatory lung pathology. In stark contrast, a significant number of mice infected with Mtb-HT strains developed caseating granulomas, a lesion type with high potential to cavitate. None of the Mtb-HT infected animals developed diffused inflammatory lung pathology. A link was observed between increased in vitro replication of Mtb-LT strains and their ability to induce significantly high lipid droplet formation in macrophages. These results support that distinct early interactions of Mtb-HT and Mtb-LT strains with macrophages and subsequent differential trajectories in pathological disease may be the mechanism underlying their transmission potential.publishersversionpublishe
Host determinants of infectiousness in smear-positive patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
Background Epidemiologic data suggests that only a minority of tuberculosis (TB) patients are infectious. Cough aerosol sampling is a novel quantitative method to measure TB infectiousness. Methods We analyzed data from three studies conducted in Uganda and Brazil over a 13-year period. We included sputum acid fast bacilli (AFB) and culture positive pulmonary TB patients and used a cough aerosol sampling system (CASS) to measure the number of colony-forming units (CFU) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in cough-generated aerosols as a measure for infectiousness. Aerosol data was categorized as: aerosol negative (CFU = 0) and aerosol positive (CFU > 0). Logistic regression models were built to identify factors associated with aerosol positivity. Results M. tuberculosis was isolated by culture from cough aerosols in 100/233 (43%) TB patients. In an unadjusted analysis, aerosol positivity was associated with fewer days of antituberculous therapy before CASS sampling (p = .0001), higher sputum AFB smear grade (p = .01), shorter days to positivity in liquid culture media (p = .02), and larger sputum volume (p = .03). In an adjusted analysis, only fewer days of TB treatment (OR 1.47 per 1 day of therapy, 95% CI 1.16-1.89; p = .001) was associated with aerosol positivity. Conclusion Cough generated aerosols containing viable M. tuberculosis, the infectious moiety in TB, are detected in a minority of TB patients and rapidly become non-culturable after initiation of antituberculous treatment. Mechanistic studies are needed to further elucidate these findings.publishersversionpublishe
Multilocus Sequence Typing Scheme versus Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis for Typing Mycobacterium abscessus Isolates
Outbreaks of infections by rapidly growing mycobacteria following invasive procedures, such as ophthalmological, laparoscopic, arthroscopic, plastic, and cardiac surgeries, mesotherapy, and vaccination, have been detected in Brazil since 1998. Members of the Mycobacterium chelonae-Mycobacterium abscessus group have caused most of these outbreaks. As part of an epidemiological investigation, the isolates were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). in this project, we performed a large-scale comparison of PFGE profiles with the results of a recently developed multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for M. abscessus. Ninety-three isolates were analyzed, with 40 M. abscessus subsp. abscessus isolates, 47 M. abscessus subsp. bolletii isolates, and six isolates with no assigned subspecies. Forty-five isolates were obtained during five outbreaks, and 48 were sporadic isolates that were not associated with outbreaks. for MLST, seven housekeeping genes (argH, cya, glpK, gnd, murC, pta, and purH) were sequenced, and each isolate was assigned a sequence type (ST) from the combination of obtained alleles. the PFGE patterns of DraI-digested DNA were compared with the MLST results. All isolates were analyzable by both methods. Isolates from monoclonal outbreaks showed unique STs and indistinguishable or very similar PFGE patterns. Thirty-three STs and 49 unique PFGE patterns were identified among the 93 isolates. the Simpson's index of diversity values for MLST and PFGE were 0.69 and 0.93, respectively, for M. abscessus subsp. abscessus and 0.96 and 0.97, respectively, for M. abscessus subsp. bolletii. in conclusion, the MLST scheme showed 100% typeability and grouped monoclonal outbreak isolates in agreement with PFGE, but it was less discriminative than PFGE for M. abscessus.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, São Paulo, BrazilAdolfo Lutz Inst, Nucleo TB & Micobacterioses, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Microbiol Paulo de Goes, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Oftalmol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Espirito Santo, Nucleo Doencas Infecciosas, Vitoria, ES, BrazilInst Evandro Chagas, Belem, Para, BrazilFiocruz MS, Escola Nacl Saude Publ, Ctr Referencia Prof Helio Fraga, BR-21045900 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilHop Univ Paris Ile de France Ouest, Hop Ambroise Pare, AP HP, Microbiol Lab, Boulogne, FranceUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Oftalmol, São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2011/18326-4FAPESP: 2012/18038-1FAPESP: 2012/07335-5FAPESP: 2013/16018-6Web of Scienc
Correlations of mutations in katG, oxyR-ahpC and inhA genes and in vitro susceptibility in Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical strains segregated by spoligotype families from tuberculosis prevalent countries in South America
Background Mutations associated with resistance to rifampin or streptomycin have been reported for W/Beijing and Latin American Mediterranean (LAM) strain families of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A few studies with limited sample sizes have separately evaluated mutations in katG, ahpC and inhA genes that are associated with isoniazid (INH) resistance. Increasing prevalence of INH resistance, especially in high tuberculosis (TB) prevalent countries is worsening the burden of TB control programs, since similar transmission rates are noted for INH susceptible and resistant M. tuberculosis strains. Results We, therefore, conducted a comprehensive evaluation of INH resistant M. tuberculosis strains (n = 224) from three South American countries with high burden of drug resistant TB to characterize mutations in katG, ahpC and inhA gene loci and correlate with minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) levels and spoligotype strain family. Mutations in katG were observed in 181 (80.8%) of the isolates of which 178 (98.3%) was contributed by the katG S315T mutation. Additional mutations seen included oxyR-ahpC; inhA regulatory region and inhA structural gene. The S315T katG mutation was significantly more likely to be associated with MIC for INH ≥2 μg/mL. The S315T katG mutation was also more frequent in Haarlem family strains than LAM (n = 81) and T strain families. Conclusion Our data suggests that genetic screening for the S315T katG mutation may provide rapid information for anti-TB regimen selection, epidemiological monitoring of INH resistance and, possibly, to track transmission of INH resistant strains.Fil: Dalla Costa, Elis R. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Ribeiro, Marta O. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Silva, Márcia S. N. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Arnold, Liane S. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Rostirolla, Diana C. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Cafrune, Patricia I. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil.Fil: Espinoza, Roger C. Blufstein Clinic Laboratory; Perú.Fil: Palaci, Moises. Federal University of Espírito Santo; Brasil.Fil: Telles, Maria A. Adolfo Lutz Institute; Brasil.Fil: Ritacco, Viviana. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Servicio de Micobacterias; Argentina.Fil: Suffys, Philip N. Oswaldo Cruz Institute; Brasil.Fil: Lopes, Maria L. Evandro Chagas Institute; Brasil.Fil: Campelo, Creuza L. LACEN Ceará; BrasilFil: Miranda, Silvana S. Federal University of Minas Gerais; Brasil.Fil: Kremer, Kristin. National Institute for Public Healthand the Environment (RIVM). Mycobacteria Reference Unit (CIb-LIS); Países Bajos.Fil: Almeida da Silva, Pedro E. Federal Foundation of Rio Grande; Brasil.Fil: de Souza Fonseca, Leila. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Tuberculosis Academic Program; Brasil.Fil: Ho, John L. Cornell University; Estados Unidos.Fil: Kritski, Afrânio L. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Tuberculosis Academic Program; Brasil.Fil: Rossetti, María L. R. State Foundation for Production and Research in Health (FEPPS); Brasil
Genomic epidemiology of a national outbreak of post-surgical Mycobacterium abscessus wound infections in Brazil.
An epidemic of post-surgical wound infections, caused by a non-tuberculous mycobacterium, has been on-going in Brazil. It has been unclear whether one or multiple lineages are responsible and whether their wide geographical distribution across Brazil is due to spread from a single point source or is the result of human-mediated transmission. 188 isolates, collected from nine Brazilian states, were whole genome sequenced and analysed using phylogenetic and comparative genomic approaches. The isolates from Brazil formed a single clade, which was estimated to have emerged in 2003. We observed temporal and geographic structure within the lineage that enabled us to infer the movement of sub-lineages across Brazil. The genome size of the Brazilian lineage was reduced relative to most strains in the three subspecies of Mycobacterium abscessus and contained a novel plasmid, pMAB02, in addition to the previously described pMAB01 plasmid. One lineage, which emerged just prior to the initial outbreak, is responsible for the epidemic of post-surgical wound infections in Brazil. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that multiple transmission events led to its spread. The presence of a novel plasmid and the reduced genome size suggest that the lineage has undergone adaptation to the surgical niche