23 research outputs found

    An Exhortation to Improve Student’s Progression: A Framework

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    With the development in educational system of the country the awareness among the parents and the students have increased, whether the parents are from urban or rural area. The causes of poor academic performance among the student are multifactor in nature. In this paper “An Exhortation to Improve students progression: A framework”, the framework discovers the pattern to identify the real problem of failure of student to achieve academic goal. It gives the knowledge about the evaluation techniques to be applied on student’s performanceis discovered

    A Study of Components and Benefits of Organic Waste using Decision Tree: A Classifier in Data Mining

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    Population in India has been growing at a rapid rate. With this increase, there has also been an increase in the amount of wastes being produced especially in the urban cities. Increase in population has led to increase in waste material. Sources of waste are various, generated from industries, agriculture and domestic, but waste management’s schemes are few and improper. Domestic waste is the one generated in huge amount. There are waste management scheme being used by government and non – government organization to properly dispose and manage waste. Due to increase in habitat in various geographic areas and due to mismanagement of people living in a particular geographic area- people throw waste material anywhere they wish in and around they live. This effect the environment like surface water gets contaminated, soil gets contaminated, pollution increases, leachate occurs,etc. all these creates adverse effect on the human being and ecosystem. This paper gives a brief study of the components organic waste and its benefits on human begins and ecosystem by using decision tree classifier of datamining

    Data miningto reduce Drop Out rate of student: Use of Classification and Prediction method

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    Dropout rate of student is a big risk for both the educational institution as well as for the upcoming career of student. It is the need of today’s era to find out reason behind increasing drop out rate of students from the courses. This paper tries to identify the reasons behind increasing dropout rate of student. Taking into consideration the three reasons viz. average learners, family background and interest in subject, the dropout rate of student can be predicted and analyzed to retain students in the institution. Classification and prediction method of data mining is used to find the exact reason. Through mining available data of student, the factors that influence the academic development of student can be recognized

    Realization of Advanced Encryption Standard for Power and Area optimization

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    An AES algorithm can be implemented in software or hardware but hardware implementation is more suitable for high speed applications.AES is most secure security algorithm to maintain safety and reliability of date transmission for this key size is important. And here used AES-256 bit.The main goal of paper is AES hardware implementation to achieve less area and low power consumptions also to achieve high speed data processing and reduce time for key generation. This paper presents AES-256 bit algorithm design consist of 128 bit symmetric key. Xilinx ISE.14.7(64-bit) is used for simulation by using VHDL and hardware implementation on FPGA(Xilinx Spartan 6 or Altera Cyclone 2 FPGA device)

    Differential gene expression and co-regulated expression of genes in leukemia: an in-silico approach to identify potent biomarker

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    A biomarker can be measured, used to diagnose or classify disease, and measure progress as well as the therapeutic response of the disease. Early diagnosis and selection of appropriate treatment can be critical for the successful treatment of diseases. Identification and characterization of potent diagnostic biomarkers, and therapeutic targets rely heavily on traditional in vitro screens which require extensive resources and time. Integration of in silico screens prior to experimental validation can improve the efficiency and potency of biomarkers as well as reduce the cost and time of biomarker discovery. Considering the need, present work was undertaken to identify biomarkers for different classes of leukemia. Differential Gene Expression (DGE) analysis and co-regulated expression analysis were used for in silico identification and characterise a potent biomarker for leukemia. On the basis of in silico screening, the present study proposed seven protein-coding (CD38, TSC22D3, TNFRSF25, AGL, LARGE1, ARHGAP32, and PARM1) genes for the diagnosis of leukemia. The study also proposed a novel three-step lineage-specific model for the diagnosis of leukemia. In the three-step diagnosis model, the first group of biomarkers with an association of clinical and hematological parameters diagnose leukemia. The second group of biomarkers diagnoses acute and chronic form of leukemia. The third group of biomarkers identifies whether it belongs to myeloid lineage or lymphoid lineage

    Social engineering and the dangers of phishing

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    Social Engineering and phishing technique are subjects that have been evolving as the years pass, mainly through email, which is one of the most used communication tools in the world. Phishing emails are usually related to Social Engineering and may be proposed through links and / or attachments in this type of email, both of which are malicious propagation, and may be hacked into personal / confidential information or even complete control of the computer / email without the users noticing. Several studies have already been carried out showing that there have been more and more attacks of this type and increasingly impacting the population. The research described in this article aims to review prevention methods for this type of computer crime. The research included an exploratory study with a qualitative methodology, through interviews with professionals in the area of Computer Security and later a study with a quantitative methodology, through an online questionnaire.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Studies on the morphology of leukaemic blast cells in relation to haematological parameters

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    A combination of haematological parameters with morphological evaluation of peripheral blood and bone marrow blast cells is crucial for leukaemia diagnosis. FAB (French– American–British) classification is a simple and powerful diagnostic tool for leukaemia           in developing countries like India. Differentiation block in the early stages of haematopoiesis and morphological characteristics of leukemic blast cells are directly related to haematological parameters. The present study is an approach to increase understanding of the simple morphological FAB classification of leukaemia  in relation to haematological parameters. The present study revealed that Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia  (CML) was the most common type of leukaemia , followed by Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, Acute Lymphoid Leukaemia  (ALL), and Chronic Lymphoid Leukaemia  (CLL) in Nagpur. Most of the cases of Acute Leukaemia  had severe anaemia and thrombocytopenia. Highest variation was found in Total WBCs count of different types of leukaemia , particularly in different subtypes of AML. The present study also suggested that FAB classification is not outdated, but it does require continuous revalidation and other procedures for refinement.          &nbsp

    Vehicle Fuel Monitoring and Theft Detection System With SMS Indication using GSM

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    Today’s world want digital techniques for activity of any amount typical fuel meter area unit Analog so we have a tendency to attempting to create it digitized to indicate the fuel price digitally. In our project we have a tendency to show the quantity of fuel gift in fuel tank digitally i.e. 1lits, 1.5lits, 2lits etc. additionally fuel stealing is live drawback all told over world. In our project if fuel gets stealing then text message can send to owner of motorbike additionally buzzer makes noise so owner of motorbike get aware. In ancient vehicle system such quite system not enforced like show fuel convenience digitally & fuel stealing of motorbike are often avoided

    Autonomous Robot For Crack Detection Using Raspberry Pi With IOT & Ultrasonic

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    Detection of cracks on bridge decks is a vital task for maintaining the structural health and reliability of concrete bridges. Crack inspection is an important task in the maintenance of bridge and it is closely related to structural health of bridge. Currently it is done through a very manual procedure, an experienced human inspector monitors the whole bridge surface visually and try to detect cracks on the bridge and marks the location of crack. But this manual approach having some limitations such limited accuracy. Proposed research focuses on implementing a system having a robot, equipped with a raspberry pi with ultra sonic connectivity with the help of IOT to detect the crack. The robot is travel from start point to end point through an IR sensor. Cracks were identified with the help of ultrasonic waves. Sensor Systems were used for identifying the cracks/holes of a bridge. Raspberry Pi is used as a processor for this robot, which is also best alternative used than the existing one, processing and intimating the manager is done with the help of Raspberry Pi. The information exchange will be done through a simple SMS and geographical location should be done through the Wi-Fi connected to i