222 research outputs found

    Resource Nexus: Water, Energy, Food: Water Forum and Technology Roadmap

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    The Texas A&M University System and Area 41 co-hosted with Texas A&M University-San Antonio the Resource Nexus: Water Forum. Centering on the WEF Nexus Initiative of Texas A&M University, the two-day event held November 17-18, 2015, in San Antonio, Texas, focused on expanding the scope of the Water, Energy, Food (WEF) Nexus dialogue. Topics included identifying and responding to local, state, national and global challenges and opportunities relative to water resources in research, education, outreach and policy implementation. Other topics included holistic solutions to water security in Texas, and engaging stakeholders at home and worldwide in dialogues that will lead to resolution and prevention of conflict over WEF Nexus-related resources. The National Science Foundation-supported Texas Research Coordination Network, RCN-CE3SAR served as an independent facilitator. There was consensus among participants on consequences of failure to educate decision makers and the public about nexus, changes needed in education systems, barriers to action, and benefits if action is taken.https://digitalcommons.tamusa.edu/water_books/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Modelling water-harvesting systems in the arid south of Tunisia using SWAT

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    In many arid countries, runoff water-harvesting systems support the livelihood of the rural population. Little is known, however, about the effect of these systems on the water balance components of arid watersheds. The objective of this study was to adapt and evaluate the GIS-based watershed model SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool) for simulating the main hydrologic processes in arid environments. The model was applied to the 270-km(2) watershed of wadi Koutine in southeast Tunisia, which receives about 200 mm annual rain. The main adjustment for adapting the model to this dry Mediterranean environment was the inclusion of water-harvesting systems, which capture and use surface runoff for crop production in upstream subbasins, and a modification of the crop growth processes. The adjusted version of the model was named SWAT-WH. Model evaluation was performed based on 38 runoff events recorded at the Koutine station between 1973 and 1985. The model predicted that the average annual watershed rainfall of the 12-year evaluation period (209 mm) was split into ET (72%), groundwater recharge (22%) and outflow (6%). The evaluation coefficients for calibration and validation were, respectively, R-2 (coefficient of determination) 0.77 and 0.44; E (Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient) 0.73 and 0.43; and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) 2.6 mm and 3.0 mm, indicating that the model could reproduce the observed events reasonably well. However, the runoff record was dominated by two extreme events, which had a strong effect on the evaluation criteria. Discrepancies remained mainly due to uncertainties in the observed daily rainfall and runoff data. Recommendations for future research include the installation of additional rainfall and runoff gauges with continuous data logging and the collection of more field data to represent the soils and land use. In addition, crop growth and yield monitoring is needed for a proper evaluation of crop production, to allow an economic assessment of the different water uses in the watershed

    Water-Energy-Food Nexus Stakeholder Information Sharing and Engagement Workshop

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    On January 10, 2018, the Texas A&M University System Water-Energy-Food Initiative held the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Stakeholder Information Sharing and Engagement Workshop on the campus of Texas A&M University-San Antonio. The workshop involved over 70 stakeholders drawn from the water, energy, and food sectors in San Antonio and surrounding region. Stakeholders attending the workshop heard presentations on the status of San Antonio Case Study pilot projects and other WEF nexus work. Facilitated small-group sessions were held at the workshop to obtain stakeholder input on research questions to be asked, and on limitations and opportunities for stakeholder engagement on WEF nexus-related work in the San Antonio and the South Texas Region. Workshop participants also took before and after surveys to gauge knowledge about the WEF nexus. This report provides information on the outcomes of surveys, the workshop presentations and discussions, and the facilitated stakeholder sessions.https://digitalcommons.tamusa.edu/water_books/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Thickness-dependent thermal properties of amorphous insulating thin films measured by photoreflectance microscopy

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    In this work, we report on the measurement of the thermal conductivity of thin insulating films of SiO2 obtained by thermal oxidation, and Al2O3 grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD), both on Si wafers. We used photoreflectance microscopy to determine the thermal properties of the films as a function of thickness in the 2 nm to 1000 nm range. The effective thermal conductivity of the Al2O3 layer is shown to decrease with thickness down to 70% for the thinnest layers. The data were analyzed upon considering that the change in the effective thermal conductivity corresponds to an intrinsic thermal conductivity associated to an additional interfacial thermal resistance. The intrinsic conductivity and interfacial thermal resistance of SiO2 were found to be equal to 0.95 W/m·K and 5.1 × 10− 9 m2K/W respectively; those of Al2O3 were found to be 1.56 W/m·K and 4.3 × 10− 9 m2K/W

    Threshold criteria for incipient sediment motion on an inclined bedform in the presence of oscillating-grid turbulence

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    Here, we report laboratory experiments to investigate the threshold criteria for incipient sediment motion in the presence of oscillating-grid turbulence, with the bed slope inclined at angles between the horizontal and the repose limit for the sediment. A set of nine mono-disperse sediment types was used with size ranges normally associated with either the hydraulically-smooth or transitional regimes. Measurements of the (turbulent) fluid velocity field, in the region between the grid and bedform's surface, were obtained using two-dimensional particle imaging velocimetry. Statistical analysis of the velocity data showed that the turbulence had a anisotropic structure, due to the net transfer of energy from the normal to the tangential velocity components in the near-bed region, and that the fluctuations were dominant compared to the secondary mean flow. The sediment threshold criteria for horizontal bedforms were compared with, and found to be in good qualitative agreement with the standard Shields curve. For non-horizontal bedforms, the bed mobility was found to increase with increasing bed slope, and the threshold criteria were compared with previously-reported theoretical models, based on simple force-balance arguments

    Total Quality Management Practices and Technology Transfer in Malaysian Public University

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    It is widely accepted that the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) as a management philosophy has significantly contributed to good management practice in business organization particularly in the manufacturing and service sectors. The applications of that concepts, techniques and tools have been successfully tailored to non-profit service or government-based organization. In the context of higher education institution, it has been seriously debated by the TQM scholars and academicians on the issue of to what extent TQM can be applied and how relevant its practices are to higher education\u27s core business i.e. teaching and research. Despite having sufficient knowledge and research on TQM implementation in the scope of manufacturing practices and administration-related services, it is hard to find a research on TQM, which focuses on the scope of R&D at a university. This gap has to be filled because the management of research is a critical topic for universities worldwide. For developing countries such as Malaysia the need to have good management practice in R&D is even greater. Without effective research management, the task of becoming significant players in the global knowledge market will become harder. Thus, the first part of this paper will discuss the applicability of TQM and propose a theoretical framework or model of TQM to suit the need of R&D context. The constructs for the TQM framework are based on previous empirical studies and the evaluation criteria of world standard criteria such as MBNQA, EFQM, and QMS ISO 9000. The TQM constructs that will be proposed are leadership, strategic planning, student/stakeholder & industry focus, data & information management, staff management, process & system approach, partnership & resource and continuous improvement. The second part of the paper will discuss the performance indicators of R&D activities particularly in the context of public university. The review of International literatures stressed that the performance of R&D activities have to be measured. The current issue related to research performance at university is the level the research output that can be transferred to the stakeholders. Therefore, this study will use technology transfer framework to measure research performance such as publication, patents, royalty and Spin-off Company. Finally, this paper will conceptually develop a model that would show the relationship between the TQM practices in the area of research and the level of technology transfer

    Hubungan Amalan Pergudangan Dengan Prestasi Organisasi Pergudangan : Pengenalan Kepada Kerangka Konsep

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    Pengurus pergudangan meletakkan harapan besar ke atas amalan-amalan yang diamalkan supaya ia dapat menghasilkan prestasi organisasi yang membanggakan. Kajian mengenai amalan pergudangan dan hubungannya dengan prestasi organisasi kurang diberikan tumpuan padahal permintaan ke atas sektor pergudangan adalah kedua tertinggi selepas pengangkutan dalam industri 3PLs. Oleh itu, kerangka konsep yang diperkenalkan ini sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu memperbanyakkan kajian dalam sektor pergudangan.Dengan menjadikan teori RBV sebagai asas untuk kepada pembangunan kerangka konsep mengenai hubungan amalan pergudangan dengan prestasi organisasi pergudangan amat bertepatan sekali kerana teori tersebut menyokong konsep hubungan sumber-sumber organisasi dengan prestasi. Sumber-sumber organisasi seperti sumber manusia, teknologi maklumat, material pengendalian dan jaringan telah dicadangkan dalam kerangka konsep untuk diuji bagi melihat hubungannya dengan prestasi organisasi. Kerangka konsep ini amat sesuai untuk diuji ke atas syarikat yang menjadikan perkhidmatan pergudangan sebagai teras perniagaan mereka.disebabkan survival perniagaan syarikat ini amat bergantung kepada amalan dan prestasi

    Medium Optimization for the Production of Lipidless Biomass By Cunninghamella sp. 2A1 Using Response Surface Methodology

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    A statistical design approach has been used to optimize the production of biomass by Cunninghamella sp. 2A1, evaluated based on lipidless biomass. A 2^3 full factorial central composite design (CCD) was chosen to study the combined effects of three factors; ammonium tartrate, peptone and glucose concentrations. The p-value for each factor was <0.05 suggesting that these factors have significant effects on the production of lipidless biomass. The production is represented by a linear model with p-value <0.0001. The optimized medium consisting of 3.86g/L ammonium tartrate, 55.84g/L glucose and 7.73g/L peptone predicted a lipidless biomass of 16.83g/L. Results from four replications based on the optimized medium produced an average of 18.48g/L lipidless biomass, which is in close agreement with the predicted value. The coefficient for glucose was the highest indicating it to be the most significant factor affecting lipidless biomass production

    Novel handheld magnetometer probe based on magnetic tunnelling junction sensors for intraoperative sentinel lymph node identification

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    Using magnetic tunnelling junction sensors, a novel magnetometer probe for the identification of the sentinel lymph node using magnetic tracers was developed. Probe performance was characterised in vitro and validated in a preclinical swine model. Compared to conventional gamma probes, the magnetometer probe showed excellent spatial resolution of 4.0 mm, and the potential to detect as few as 5 μg of magnetic tracer. Due to the high sensitivity of the magnetometer, all first-tier nodes were identified in the preclinical experiments, and there were no instances of false positive or false negative detection. Furthermore, these preliminary data encourage the application of the magnetometer probe for use in more complex lymphatic environments, such as in gastrointestinal cancers, where the sentinel node is often in close proximity to other non-sentinel nodes, and high spatial resolution detection is required.A Cousins, G.L. Balalis, S.K. Thompson, D. Forero Morales, A. Mohtar, A.B. Wedding, B. Thierr