10 research outputs found


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    The addition of Covid-19 cases took place quite quickly and has spread between countries. The high incidence is important to improve health services, especially the pre-hospital phase services. In this phase, good emergency management will reduce the number of disability to death by up to 50% by starting from activating calls prior to the incident location, health workers who understand first aid and transportation using an ambulance and being observed until they arrive at the hospital. Knowing the Pre-Hospital Phase Emergency Management in Covid-19 Patient: Literature Review. The research method used is a literature review. In this method, online searches for articles, journals and books are carried out using accessible databases, namely Google Scholar, PubMed, and Biomed Central. It is known from 10 Literature Articles, journals and books in the emergency management of Covid-19 in the Pre-Hospital phase must be done as much as possible to minimize the number of deaths and transmission that occurs. Handling of emergency Covid-19 in the Pre-Hospital phase includes: Basic and Advanced Life Support (BLS), Oxygen Therapy, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and Patient Transport. It is important for medical personnel to pay attention to many things in providing emergency nursing care to Covid-19 patient. Pre-Hospital emergency measures for patient with Covid-19 can be carried out in various ways to improve the patient condition while at the Pre-Hospital, besides that, it can also prevent transmission to medical personnel and people around Covid-19 patient

    The Effectiveness of the Assessment of the Sedation Scale in Adult Critical Patiets with Ventilators: Literature Review

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    Critical patient is a condition that may have reversible dysfunction of one of the organs that threaten life and requires treatment in the Intensive Care Unit. WHO reports that deaths from critical illnesses increased by 1.1-7.4 million people and 9.8-24.6 critically ill patients admitted to the ICU. The patient will experience a decrease in physical and cognitive function so that the use of a ventilator is important to help the breathing apparatus, but if it is prolonged it will have a negative impact so that the use of sedation is also important to be given. Nurses need to determine the sedation scale in order to determine whether or not the use of sedation is effective in these patients. This study aims to know the effectiveness of the assessment of the sedation scale in adult critically ill patients who are on a ventilator. Literature review research design was employed. Journal criteria are filtered based on literature titles, abstracts and keywords or keywords that have been determined and sourced from PubMed, Biomed Central, DOAJ, Google and Google Scholar identified through the Population, Interventions, Comparison, Outcomes and Study Design (PICOS) system approach. The number of articles used is 10 journals. Based on the results of the literature that has been reviewed by researchers from 10 journals, it is stated that the effective sedation scale ranges are RASS 63.5%, RSS 3,6% and SAS 30.4%. Therefore, the use of RASS is more effective in assessing the patient's sedation status, because RASS has accuracy and clarity in distinguishing measuring sedation status from evaluating consciousness and assessing simple reactions

    The First Response of Family to Patient with Heart Attack in Banjarese Community South Kalimantan: A Phenomenological Study

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    Family first response in patients with heart attacks is very important in increasing patient safety. Friedman's familiy theory views that the family has a major role and function indecide the prompt and appropriate course of action. Orem's Wholly Compensatory System Theory looked at that familymust provide partial assistance when a family member is sick. Theory Cultural care Leininger looked at that family tend to maintain their culture when doing help. Indonesia, especially in Banjarmasin, has different social and cultural conditions so that the experience of making its first response will of course also be different.  This study aims to explore the family experience of the first response to patients with heart attacks. This study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological study approach to 8 participants from Banjar community in South Kalimantan with purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using in-depth interviews with a tape recorder and field notes. The method of analysis uses Creswell. There are 6 themes found namely (1) The initial understanding of a family about heart attack is in the form of menyamak or angin duduk, (2) The family's first action in a patient with an attackheart in the form of cabut angin, (3) family onset in doing his first response against attacks in the form of estimated time (4) Family delay factors in doing the first response in the form of a cause(5) The emotional response of the family in facing a heart attack such as neutral response, anxiety and shock. (6) Meaning as a helper for family members such as pride, relief and pleasure. Nurses need to rectify the culture that is in conflict with health by changing the family mindset of their understanding of diseases, especially heart attacks

    The Effectiveness of the Siriraj Stroke Score (SSS) and National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) Assessment Methods in Determining the Actual Nursing Diagnosis of Stroke Patients in the Emergency Room

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    Background: stroke is a disease of the brain in the form of focal nerve function disorders caused by disruption of blood circulation to the brain and causing symptoms in the form of neurological deficits. As the number of stroke patients increases, the assessment needs to focus on neurology and is an emergency.Purpose: analyzing the effectiveness of the assessment method NSSS and NIHSS in determining the number of diagnoses actual nursing and the speed of time to determine the diagnosis of stroke patients in the Emergency Room.Methods: this study used a pre-experimental approach. Theerty sample were used from a new patient with a medical diagnosis of stroke, while the sampling technique in this study was accidental sampling. Data collection on each sample was directly carried out using two assessment methods. The SSS assessment consists of 5 components and the NIHSS 11 components. Data analysis used sperm correlation and correlation coefficient interpretation test.Results: the results of the sperm correlation test in the SSS and NIHSS methods both show p=0.000. The level of closeness were analyzed using the correlation coefficientthere is a very strong relationship is NIHSS to the length of the duration of determination (r = 0.858).Conclusion: the SSS and NIHSS assessment methods are effective in establishing the diagnosisactual nursingin stroke patients in the Emergency Department, however, in terms of duration of assessment and determination of the number of diagnoses, SSS is more effective, while from the duration of determining nursing diagnoses, NIHSS is more effective

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Komunikasi Terapeutik Local Languange terhadap Kepatuhan Pasien dalam Mengkonsumsi Obat Antihipertensi

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    Hipertensi dikenal sebagai silent killer. Penyebab utama kematian di usia 30-79 tahun adalah hipertensi 99%, di Banjarmasin tahun 2021 hipertensi adalah penyakit terbanyak. Kepatuhan minum obat hipertensi dipuskesmas pekauman tahun 2022 sebesar 46,3%. Tidak patuh mengkonsumsi obat antihipertensi dan perbedaan bahasa dapat menjadi penghambat kepatuhan pasien. Pendekatan terapi dengan local language diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien untuk mengkonsumsi obat antihipertensi. Mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan komunikasi terapeutik local language terhadap kepatuhan pasien dalam mengkonsumsi obat antihipertensi Penelitian quasy experimental desain one group pretest – posttest ini dilakukan pada 15 penderita hipertensi berusia < 60 tahun di Puskesmas Pekauman dengan teknik purposive sampling dan dianalisa dengan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil pretest menunjukkan sebagian besar responden memiliki kepatuhan rendah (80%) dan memiliki kepatuhan tinggi saat posttest (73,3%). Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan p value  0,001 < α 0,05. Penggunaan komunikasi terapeutik local language efektif terhadap kepatuhan pasien dalam mengkonsumsi obat antihipertensi

    Efektivitas Mirror Therapy terhadap Kemampuan Bicara Pasien Pasca Stroke dengan Afasia Motorik

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    Kerusakan otak yang disebabkan stroke dapat menunjukkan geala secara permanen seperti kesulitan berbicara atau afasia motoric. Latihan gerakan lidah, bibir dan mengucapkan kata-kata didepan cermin adalah salah satu terapi yang dapat dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas mirror therapy terhadap kemampuan bicara pasien pasca stroke dengan afasia motorik di Poli Saraf RSUD. Dr.H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin. Desain penelitian quasi experiment dengan one group pretest posttest design yang dilakukan selama 2 minggu dengan 6 kali digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 15 responden yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Selain kaca, instrument Derby Functional Communication Scale (DFCS) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan nilai tingkat kemampuan bicaranya yang signifikan sebelum (nilai = 8,73) dan sesudah perlakukan (nilai= 18,67). Hasil uji paired t-test diperoleh nilai p-value 0,000 < α 0,05. Simpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu terdapat efektivitas penggunaan mirror therapy terhadap kemampuan bicara pasien pasca stroke dengan afasia motoric

    Peaceful End-of-Life-Care Program and Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders among nurses: A literature review

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    Background: One of the emergency cases that often occurs outside the hospital and is often found in the Emergency Room is heart disease which is the first leading cause of death in the world. When nurses apply Peacefulness and life care, that is, nurses are not maximal in providing services due to various factors including the work environment of the Emergency Room with urgent and crowded conditions.Purpose: To identify Peaceful End-of-Life-Care Program and Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders among nurses: A literature reviewMethod: This type of literature research or literature review is characterized by descriptive analysis, namely the regular breakdown of the data that has been obtained. The data used in this research is secondary data.Results: In the 10 articles found, there were 5 articles that stated that nurses carried out end-of-life actions peacefully to patients and families. From several reviews of end-of-life care articles, important factors in dying care are reducing pain, involving families in end-of-life care, providing empathy, respecting and respecting patient and family decisions, and respecting the rights of patients and families.Conclusion: Nurse's experience in the peaceful end of life for patients near death, resuscitation, and emergency services. Obtained good results and the peaceful end of life is carried out in patients well