12 research outputs found

    Coverage Bias in European Telephone Surveys: Developments of Landline and Mobile Phone Coverage across Countries and over Time

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    With the decrease of landline phones in the last decade, telephone survey methodologists face a new challenge to overcome coverage bias. In this study we investigate coverage error for telephone surveys in Europe over time and compare two situations: classical surveys that rely on landline only with surveys that also include mobile phones. We analyzed Eurobarometer data, which are collected by means of face-to-face interviews and contain information on ownership of landline and mobile phones. We show that for the period 2000-2009, time has a significant effect on both mobile phone penetration and coverage bias. In addition, the countries’ development significantly affects the pace of these changes

    Coverage Bias in European Telephone Surveys: Developments of Landline and Mobile Phone Coverage across Countries and over Time

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    With the decrease of landline phones in the last decade, telephone survey methodologists face a new challenge to overcome coverage bias. In this study we investigate coverage error for telephone surveys in Europe over time and compare two situations: classical surveys that rely on landline only with surveys that also include mobile phones. We analyzed Eurobarometer data, which are collected by means of face-to-face interviews and contain information on ownership of landline and mobile phones. We show that for the period 2000-2009, time has a significant effect on both mobile phone penetration and coverage bias. In addition, the countries’ development significantly affects the pace of these changes

    Effect of a first-time interviewer on cognitive interview quality

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    Cognitive interviews are a useful tool for questionnaire pretesting. However, detailed information on the proper way of performing them is scarce-researchers use this method without agreement on applicable techniques or specific rules on their realization. Additionally, users of cognitive interviewing techniques only seldom explain the pretesting results in their research, leaving it to readers to trust their outcomes. Follow-up observations on the success of the interviews and the overall experience are rarely, if ever, presented. We were interested in the learnability of the techniques when performed by non-experienced, newly instructed interviewersmoreover, we wanted to understand the most common problems they had experienced. During a five-year period, 120 methodology students performed 612 cognitive interviews and analyzed 17 different survey questionnaires. The precise documentation of their assignment served as a detailed database of qualitative and quantitative information on their experiences. The results present the first-time interviewers\u27 ability to accurately perform and analyze a cognitive interview. We show the most common mistakes and issues in all stages of the interviewing process, the influence of different interviewers\u27 and respondents\u27 characteristics, and the effect of the technique on the interview\u27s success


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    Diplomsko delo iz umetnostno zgodovinskega vidika obravnava dvorec Turnišče in problematiko njegove rabe. Za boljše razumevanje teme je na začetku predstavljen razvoj baroka v Evropi in Sloveniji s poudarkom na baročni arhitekturi. Obsežneje je predstavljen razvoj baročne arhitekture v 17. in 18. stoletju v Sloveniji, ki ga je doslej obravnaval predvsem Nace Šumi. Sledi zgodovina dvorca, ki se prične z njegovim lastništvom in gradbeno zgodovino. Znotraj gradbene zgodovine so obravnavane tudi vse prezidave, ki so potekale skozi čas. Nadalje je predstavljen arhitekt Johan Joachim Carlone, ki je domnevno zgradil dvorec za grofe Thurne. Skozi nalogo so raziskani tudi vsi posegi Zavoda za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine Maribor znotraj dvorca, ki so potekali v zadnjih desetletjih. Naslednji sklop naloge je posvečen aktualni problematiki dvorca, ki se dotika lastništva in možnosti nadaljnje uporabe. Ob tem so obravnavani vsi možni predlogi izrabljanja gradu, ki so bili podani na Mestno občino Ptuj. Diplomsko delo temelji na obravnavi dvorca iz umetnostnozgodovinskega vidika, dotika pa se tudi vprašanja rabe, ki ni nujno umetnostnozgodovinska. Lastništvo dvorca in gradbeni posegi vanj so obravnavani kronološko, za boljšo vizualizacijo in razumevanje pa so dodani načrti, vedute in ostalo slikovno gradivo.The following graduation thesis centres on the Turnišče mansion and issues regarding its use from an art historical perspective. For a better understanding of this topic, we will firstly present the development of the Baroque era across Europe and in Slovenia, with the emphasis on Baroque architecture. The thesis includes a more comprehensive presentation of the development of Baroque architecture in the 17th and 18th century in Slovenia, which has hitherto been discussed mainly by Nace Šumi. Next is the history of the mansion, which starts with its ownership and construction history. All alterations, which have taken place over time, are also included in the construction history. Furthermore, we also present the architect Johan Joachim Carlone, who allegedly built the mansion for the counts Thurne. Throughout this paper we also investigated all interventions inside the mansion made by the Institute for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage Maribor (Zavod za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine Maribor), which took place in the last few decades. The next section is devoted to the current issues of the mansion, which touch on the ownership status and the possibility of its further use. At the same time, we address all possible proposals for the usage of the castle, which were submitted to the Municipality of Ptuj. The graduation thesis is based on a discussion about the mansion from the point of view of art history, and it also touches upon the questions of use, which is not necessarily connected with art history. The ownership of the mansion and the relevant construction activities are discussed in a chronological order, and for a better visualization and understanding, plans, blueprints, vedute and other graphic material are also included in the paper

    The History of Pedagogical Work in the Fire Fighting Organisation

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    Magistrsko delo je teoretična naloga, ki z zgodovinskega vidika obravnava pedagoško delo v gasilski organizaciji. Za boljše razumevanje teme je na začetku podan krajši pregled vključevanja mladih v gasilstvo v obdobju 1869–1949. Obsežneje je predstavljen razvoj pedagoškega dela med letoma 1949 in 2019. Spodnja meja predstavlja letnico ustanovitve Gasilske zveze Slovenije, zgornja pa 150. obletnico gasilstva v slovenskem prostoru. V drugem sklopu magistrske naloge sledita pregled in razvoj gasilskih in gasilsko-športnih tekmovalnih disciplin od leta 1949 naprej. V preteklosti so namreč obstajale različne tekmovalne discipline, ki se danes več ne izvajajo. Posamezna disciplina je najprej obravnavana v času, v katerem se je pojavila, nato pa sledijo vse njene spremembe. Temu poglavju je dodan še pregled razvoja tekmovanja v kvizu gasilske mladine. Besedilo temelji na smernicah, ki jih je postavil Kongres Gasilske zveze Slovenije, njen najvišji organ. Obravnavani so vsi napotki za gasilsko mladino, ki jih je dal posamezni Kongres v določenem obdobju, in nato še odziv nanje. Glede na smernice se je namreč razvijalo tudi pedagoško delo v gasilski organizaciji. Magistrsko delo predstavlja celovit vpogled v zgodovino delovanja mladih v gasilski organizaciji. Razvoj pedagoške dejavnosti je predstavljen kronološko, za boljše razumevanje pa je dodano tudi slikovno gradivo.This Master\u27s thesis is a theoretical work discussing pedagogical activity in the firefighting organization from a historical perspective. For a better understanding of the topic, a short overview of the inclusion of young people in firefighting between 1869 and 1949 is presented at the beginning, while the development of pedagogical work between 1949 and 2019 is presented in more detail. 1949 was chosen as it represents the year the Firefighting Association of Slovenia (Gasilska zveza Slovenije) was established, while the year 2019 presents the 150th anniversary of firefighting in Slovenian space. The second part of the thesis consists of an overview and development of firefighting and firefighting sports competitions from 1949 onwards. In the past, various sports competitions existed, which are not practiced anymore. Each sport is first discussed in the context of the time it was invented, then all of the changes these sports underwent are presented. This is followed by an overview of the development of competition in the firefighting youth quiz. The text is based on the guidelines set by the Congress of the Firefighting Association of Slovenia (Kongres Gasilske zveze Slovenije), the highest body of voluntary firefighters. It discusses all the directions for the firefighting youth, which were issued by individual congresses in particular periods, as well as the response to these directions. The pedagogical work in the firefighting organization developed based on these guidelines. The Master\u27s thesis presents a comprehensive insight into the history of the activity of young people within the firefighting organization. The development of the pedagogical work is presented chronologically, while visual material is added for a better understanding of the topic

    Medieval figural architectural sculpture with secular motifs in Slovenia

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    Magistrsko delo obravnava srednjeveško figuralno stavbno plastiko s profanimi motivi na Slovenskem. Za boljše razumevanje teme so na začetku predstavljene funkcija stavbne plastike in kamnoseške delavnice. Sledi obsežnejši sklop analize izbranih motivov. Ti so analizirani glede na njihovo pojavnost v času, geografskem prostoru in glede na njihovo ikonografijo. Obravnavana stavbna plastika spada časovno v obdobje med okoli 1200 in okoli 1500, geografsko pa je omejena na današnji slovenski prostor. Za boljšo preglednost so motivi obravnavani najprej po stoletjih, nato po pokrajinah (Štajerska s Prekmurjem, Gorenjska, Primorska in osrednja Slovenija z Notranjsko in Dolenjsko). Primeri zajemajo tako eno- kot večfiguralno stavbno plastiko, razdeljeni pa so glede na skupne ikonografske motive. V besedilu obravnavamo tako človeške kot živalske figure, zajeta pa je tudi njihova interpretacija. V zadnjem delu magistrskega dela so izbranim motivom poiskane skupne karakteristike in njihova izhodišča ter primerjave v srednjeevropski umetnosti. Magistrsko delo predstavlja vpogled v izbrano srednjeveško figuralno stavbno plastiko s profanimi motivi na Slovenskem in s tem omogoča boljši pregled ter boljše razumevanje posameznih ikonografskih motivov v sakralnih stavbah in njihovega sporočila.This Master’s thesis discusses medieval architectural sculpture with profane motifs in Slovenia. For a better understanding of the topic, the functions of architectural sculpture and stonemason’s workshops are presented at the beginning. This is followed by a more extensive analysis of the chosen motifs. The latter are analysed based on their manifestation in time, in a geographical area, and based on the iconography. The discussed architectural sculpture belongs to the period between ca. 1200 and ca. 1500 and is geographically limited to Slovenian space. For a better overview, the motifs are first interpreted according to centuries, followed by regions (Styria with Prekmurje, Upper Carniola, Slovene Littoral, and Central Slovenia with Inner and Lower Carniola). The examples encompass architectural sculpture with single or multiple figures, and are divided based on joint iconographical motifs. Consequently, the text addresses human and animal figures and also includes their interpretation. The last part of the thesis focuses on common features and their bases and comparisons in Central European art. The Master’s thesis presents an insight into the chosen medieval figurative architectural sculpture with profane motifs in Slovenia and thus enables a better overview and understanding of individual iconographic motifs in religious buildings and their message

    Razvoj kognitivnih intervjujev kot metode predtestiranja anketnih vprašalnikov

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    Raziskovalci izboljšujejo kakovost anketnih vprašanj s testiranjem pred njihovo uporabo v anketi. Med metodami predtestiranja, ki so v zadnjih tridesetih letih pridobile pomen, so metode kognitivnega laboratorija, med katerimi nas podrobneje zanimajo kognitivni intervjuji. Njihov osnovni namen je preučevanje miselnih procesov med procesom odgovarjanja na anketna vprašanja. V članku naredimo pregled razvoja metod kognitivnega laboratorija in tehnik kognitivnega intervjuja, pregledamo klasifikacije teh metod in jih kritično ovrednotimo. S sistematičnim ovrednotenjem ugotavljamo ključne pomanjkljivosti pri razvoju in uporabi metod kognitivnega laboratorija.Researchers improve the quality of survey questions by pretesting questionnaires before using the items on a chosen sample. One of the pretest methods that has emerged in the last 30 years is cognitive interviewing. Its purpose is to study respondent\u27s mental processes while answering survey questions. In the article, we provide an overview of the development of cognitive laboratory methods and of the techniques of cognitive interviewingin addition, we analyse and evaluate the classifications of these methods. Following a systematic review, we assess the key disadvantages of the development and use of cognitive laboratory methods