


Diplomsko delo iz umetnostno zgodovinskega vidika obravnava dvorec Turnišče in problematiko njegove rabe. Za boljše razumevanje teme je na začetku predstavljen razvoj baroka v Evropi in Sloveniji s poudarkom na baročni arhitekturi. Obsežneje je predstavljen razvoj baročne arhitekture v 17. in 18. stoletju v Sloveniji, ki ga je doslej obravnaval predvsem Nace Šumi. Sledi zgodovina dvorca, ki se prične z njegovim lastništvom in gradbeno zgodovino. Znotraj gradbene zgodovine so obravnavane tudi vse prezidave, ki so potekale skozi čas. Nadalje je predstavljen arhitekt Johan Joachim Carlone, ki je domnevno zgradil dvorec za grofe Thurne. Skozi nalogo so raziskani tudi vsi posegi Zavoda za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine Maribor znotraj dvorca, ki so potekali v zadnjih desetletjih. Naslednji sklop naloge je posvečen aktualni problematiki dvorca, ki se dotika lastništva in možnosti nadaljnje uporabe. Ob tem so obravnavani vsi možni predlogi izrabljanja gradu, ki so bili podani na Mestno občino Ptuj. Diplomsko delo temelji na obravnavi dvorca iz umetnostnozgodovinskega vidika, dotika pa se tudi vprašanja rabe, ki ni nujno umetnostnozgodovinska. Lastništvo dvorca in gradbeni posegi vanj so obravnavani kronološko, za boljšo vizualizacijo in razumevanje pa so dodani načrti, vedute in ostalo slikovno gradivo.The following graduation thesis centres on the Turnišče mansion and issues regarding its use from an art historical perspective. For a better understanding of this topic, we will firstly present the development of the Baroque era across Europe and in Slovenia, with the emphasis on Baroque architecture. The thesis includes a more comprehensive presentation of the development of Baroque architecture in the 17th and 18th century in Slovenia, which has hitherto been discussed mainly by Nace Šumi. Next is the history of the mansion, which starts with its ownership and construction history. All alterations, which have taken place over time, are also included in the construction history. Furthermore, we also present the architect Johan Joachim Carlone, who allegedly built the mansion for the counts Thurne. Throughout this paper we also investigated all interventions inside the mansion made by the Institute for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage Maribor (Zavod za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine Maribor), which took place in the last few decades. The next section is devoted to the current issues of the mansion, which touch on the ownership status and the possibility of its further use. At the same time, we address all possible proposals for the usage of the castle, which were submitted to the Municipality of Ptuj. The graduation thesis is based on a discussion about the mansion from the point of view of art history, and it also touches upon the questions of use, which is not necessarily connected with art history. The ownership of the mansion and the relevant construction activities are discussed in a chronological order, and for a better visualization and understanding, plans, blueprints, vedute and other graphic material are also included in the paper

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