The History of Pedagogical Work in the Fire Fighting Organisation


Magistrsko delo je teoretična naloga, ki z zgodovinskega vidika obravnava pedagoško delo v gasilski organizaciji. Za boljše razumevanje teme je na začetku podan krajši pregled vključevanja mladih v gasilstvo v obdobju 1869–1949. Obsežneje je predstavljen razvoj pedagoškega dela med letoma 1949 in 2019. Spodnja meja predstavlja letnico ustanovitve Gasilske zveze Slovenije, zgornja pa 150. obletnico gasilstva v slovenskem prostoru. V drugem sklopu magistrske naloge sledita pregled in razvoj gasilskih in gasilsko-športnih tekmovalnih disciplin od leta 1949 naprej. V preteklosti so namreč obstajale različne tekmovalne discipline, ki se danes več ne izvajajo. Posamezna disciplina je najprej obravnavana v času, v katerem se je pojavila, nato pa sledijo vse njene spremembe. Temu poglavju je dodan še pregled razvoja tekmovanja v kvizu gasilske mladine. Besedilo temelji na smernicah, ki jih je postavil Kongres Gasilske zveze Slovenije, njen najvišji organ. Obravnavani so vsi napotki za gasilsko mladino, ki jih je dal posamezni Kongres v določenem obdobju, in nato še odziv nanje. Glede na smernice se je namreč razvijalo tudi pedagoško delo v gasilski organizaciji. Magistrsko delo predstavlja celovit vpogled v zgodovino delovanja mladih v gasilski organizaciji. Razvoj pedagoške dejavnosti je predstavljen kronološko, za boljše razumevanje pa je dodano tudi slikovno gradivo.This Master\u27s thesis is a theoretical work discussing pedagogical activity in the firefighting organization from a historical perspective. For a better understanding of the topic, a short overview of the inclusion of young people in firefighting between 1869 and 1949 is presented at the beginning, while the development of pedagogical work between 1949 and 2019 is presented in more detail. 1949 was chosen as it represents the year the Firefighting Association of Slovenia (Gasilska zveza Slovenije) was established, while the year 2019 presents the 150th anniversary of firefighting in Slovenian space. The second part of the thesis consists of an overview and development of firefighting and firefighting sports competitions from 1949 onwards. In the past, various sports competitions existed, which are not practiced anymore. Each sport is first discussed in the context of the time it was invented, then all of the changes these sports underwent are presented. This is followed by an overview of the development of competition in the firefighting youth quiz. The text is based on the guidelines set by the Congress of the Firefighting Association of Slovenia (Kongres Gasilske zveze Slovenije), the highest body of voluntary firefighters. It discusses all the directions for the firefighting youth, which were issued by individual congresses in particular periods, as well as the response to these directions. The pedagogical work in the firefighting organization developed based on these guidelines. The Master\u27s thesis presents a comprehensive insight into the history of the activity of young people within the firefighting organization. The development of the pedagogical work is presented chronologically, while visual material is added for a better understanding of the topic

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