414 research outputs found

    HIV/AIDS mitigation strategies and the State in sub-Saharan Africa – the missing link?

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    BACKGROUND: The HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa is widely recognised as a development disaster threatening poverty reduction, economic growth and not merely a health issue. Its mitigation includes the societal-wide adoption and implementation of specific health technologies, many of which depend on functional institutions and State. DISCUSSION: Donor and International Institutions' strategies to mitigate HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa are premised on a single optimal model of the State, one which focuses on the decentralised delivery of public goods alone (such as healthcare) – the service delivery state. The empirical evidence, though sparse, of "successful" and "unsuccessful" sub-Saharan Africa states' performance in mitigating HIV/AIDS does not support this model. Rather, the evidence suggests an alternative model that takes a country context specific approach – encompassing political power, institutional structures and the level of health technology needed. This model draws on the historical experience of East Asian countries' rapid development. SUMMARY: For international public health policies to be effective, they must consider a country tailored approach, one that advocates a coordinated strategy designed and led by the State with involvement of wider society specific to each country's particular history, culture, and level of development

    Genetic and clinical investigations in the familial cardiomyopathies

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    Waqf development in minority Muslim country: Singapore’s experience / Mas Nooraini Mohiddin

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    Waqf is one of the important mechanisme in Islamic economic structure in developing countries besides zakat. The institutional role of Waqf is to reduce government burden in developing and fulfil social needs especially for Muslim society. In the majority of Muslim countries nowadays, where they have strict Shariah laws, charities such as zakat are managed by government bodies. While in non-Muslim countries such practise are managed by voluntary agencies. The methodology for this study is secondary data approach by using data analysis from the related journals, articles, and papers. This paper will discuss the role of Waqf institution in minority Muslim states in order to meet socio-economic development particularly for Muslim society. In addition, to explore to what extent Waqf institution could achieve the objective which is to minimise the poverty and improve quality life based on experince that have been through by minority Muslim in Singapore. Moreover, to identify the obstacles or challenges that the minorty Muslim face in order to improve Waqf instituition among majority non-Muslim. This paper will end up with the suggestion that may contribute for Waqf development in such countries

    [Cash Waqf Status in Brunei Darussalam: Its Contirubtion towards The Development of The Ummah] Status Wakaf Tunai di Brunei Darussalam: Sumbangannya ke Arah Pembangunan Ummah

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    Waqf is known and popular in the form of assets or real estate. The majority of the Muslim community thinks that waqf can only be done for religious purposes, while the actual function and role of waqf covers all areas including agriculture, business, education, medicine and socio-economy. Although cash waqf is a form or instrument of waqf that has been introduced for a long time, it is a new waqf model that has spread in most Islamic countries. In Brunei Darussalam, all matters regarding waqf are handled and administered by the Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB) based on the laws enshrined in the laws of Brunei Darussalam, namely the Islamic Religious Council and Kadi Courts Act Chapter 77 in section 98 and 100. Observation and interview methodologies were used for the writing of this paper. Thus, this paper will look at how the status of cash waqf is practiced by the Muslim community in Brunei Darussalam. It is also to assess the extent to which waqf in this form can fulfill the vision of progress and development of Brunei Darussalam that can contribute towards the development of the ummah. This paper concludes by submitting some suggestions to improve the implementation of cash waqf in order to function better and increase motivation among the community to continue the contribution towards welfare in line with the role of cash waqf which is to help and ease the burden of the government in providing various facilities for the welfare of Muslims in particular. Wakaf lebih dikenali dan popular dalam bentuk aset atau hartanah. Majoriti masyarakat Islam beranggapan wakaf hanya boleh dilakukan bagi tujuan keagamaan, sedangkan fungsi dan peranan sebenar wakaf  meliputi semua bidang termasuk pertanian, perniagaan, pengajian, perubatan, sosio-ekonomi dan sebagainya. Meski pun wakaf Tunai merupakan satu bentuk atau instrumen wakaf yang telah lama diperkenalkan namun ianya merupakan model wakaf yang baru tersebar di kebanyakan negara Islam. Di Negara Brunei Darussalam, semua urusan mengenai wakaf dikendalikan dan ditadbir oleh Majlis Ugama Islam Brunei (MUIB) berdasarkan undang-undang yang termaktub dalam undang-undang Negara Brunei Darussalam iaitu Akta Majlis Ugama Islam dan Mahkamah-Mahkamah Kadi Penggal 77 dalam bab 98 dan 100. Metodologi pengamatan dan temu bual digunakan bagi penulisan kertas kerja ini. Justeru, kertas kerja ini akan melihat bagaimana status Wakaf Tunai ini diamalkan masyarakat Islam di Brunei Darussalam. Seterusnya, menilai sejauh mana wakaf dalam bentuk ini dapat memenuhi wawasan kemajuan dan pembangunan Negara Brunei Darussalam yang dapat menyumbang ke arah pembangunan ummah.  Kertas kerja ini diakhiri dengan mengemukakan beberapa cadangan bagi menambahbaikkan pelaksanaan Wakaf Tunai agar dapat berfungsi lebih baik sekaligus meningkatkan motivasi di kalangan masyarakat untuk terus menyumbang ke arah kebajikan sejajar dengan peranan wakaf iaitu berusaha untuk membantu dan meringankan bebanan kerajaan dalam menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan bagi kesejahteraan ummah Islam khususnya

    Synthesis, Optimization, and Kinetic Studies of Sulfonated Palm Biomass Magnetic Biochar Catalyst for Biodiesel Production Using Used Cooking Oil

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    Magnetic biochar catalyst (MBC) utilization in biodiesel production can enhance the catalyst separation process and reusability. As MBC utilization is still on the laboratory scale and studies on the utilization of MBC are still limited, many aspects are still unknown. This research addressed the abovementioned research gaps. MBC was synthesized and characterized from oil palm biomass. The optimum MBC synthesis parameters were acquired. Optimized biodiesel production parameters using the synthesized MBC, the biodiesel characteristics, and the reaction kinetics were studied

    An economic perspective on Malawi's medical "brain drain"

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    BACKGROUND: The medical "brain drain" has been described as rich countries "looting" doctors and nurses from developing countries undermining their health systems and public health. However this "brain-drain" might also be seen as a success in the training and "export" of health professionals and the benefits this provides. This paper illustrates the arguments and possible policy options by focusing on the situation in one of the poorest countries in the world, Malawi. DISCUSSION: Many see this "brain drain" of medical staff as wrong with developed countries exploiting poorer ones. The effects are considerable with Malawi facing high vacancy rates in its public health system, and with migration threatening to outstrip training despite efforts to improve pay and conditions. This shortage of staff has made it more challenging for Malawi to deliver on its Essential Health Package and to absorb new international health funding. Yet, without any policy effort Malawi has been able to demonstrate its global competitiveness in the training ("production") of skilled health professionals. Remittances from migration are a large and growing source of foreign exchange for poor countries and tend to go directly to households. Whilst the data for Malawi is limited, studies from other poor countries demonstrate the power of remittances in significantly reducing poverty. Malawi can benefit from the export of health professionals provided there is a resolution of the situation whereby the state pays for training and the benefits are gained by the individual professional working abroad. Solutions include migrating staff paying back training costs, or rich host governments remitting part of a tax (e.g. income or national insurance) to the Malawi government. These schemes would allow Malawi to scale up training of health professionals for local needs and to work abroad. SUMMARY: There is concern about the negative impacts of the medical "brain-drain". However a closer look at the evidence for and against the medical "brain-drain" in Malawi suggests that there are potential gains in managing medical migration to produce outcomes that are beneficial to individuals, households and the country. Finally we present several policy options


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    Waqf or endowment as an institution begins with a pious intention to do good deeds for the benefit of one and others. In other words, waqf is a dedication made by one person for the benefit of others, with the intention that the dedicator be entitled to a continuous reward from Allah the Creator throughout the period of the endowment. Once the waqf is declared by the person it will effect a transfer of the property which is the subject matter of the dedication to Allah Almighty. However the benefit derived from the use of property will be given in accordance with the founder’s intention. Historically, waqf played a key role in the development of Muslim societies. Waqf served the Muslim community (ummah) in almost all fields, such as religion, education, medicine and other socio-economic activities. However, nowadays waqf has become dormant and less popular in Muslim countries. Waqf no longer serves the needs of the ummah due to problems, such as mismanagement, waqf laws and awareness of it in Muslim society. The status of waqf has deteriorated to such an extent that in some countries waqf assets have been neglected and abandoned. As a result of colonialism, Malaysia and Singapore adopted western laws, which precede Islamic laws including those dealing with waqf. Despite this, Johor and Singapore still provide the best models of the successful development of waqf. Therefore, it is interesting to compare the different environments and situations of the two states in order to identify the challenges faced by waqf institutions in both states. Based on a comprehensive literature review of issues affecting waqf in the two states, the following major themes were identified; legal issues, perceptions, management and operation. The importance of the legal system is basically to support and protect waqf in areas such as registration or amending the deeds. Any change in contemporary law does not necessarily mean it is against Shariah principles, as long as the state regulation upholds Shariah principles, in order to protect the waqf while catering for the current situation. Generally, both quantitative and qualitative data support the theory that many people still believe that waqf is only for religious purposes. The data obtained from both states also show that national differences play an important role in the variation of knowledge and awareness of waqf. In managing waqf, there are problems or challenges that have to be faced. The problems that can be detected are from three kinds, namely; development, management and public awareness. However, lack of awareness amongst the public becomes problematic when there is a need to increase and improve waqf assets. Based on the empirical analysis presented in this thesis, the last chapter’s purpose is to highlight policy recommendations with respect to improving waqf development and increasing public awareness. This small contribution not only fulfils the research requirement but hopefully also helps to make my beloved small country Brunei Darussalam more aware of and concerned with this important institution

    Cesarean section: More than a maternal health issue

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    A cesarean section (CS) can be a lifesaving intervention when medically indicated, but it may also lead to adverse short- and long-term health effects for women and childre

    Myocardial bridging in adult and pediatric patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is not associated with poor outcome

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