26 research outputs found

    Treatment Of Partially Stabilized Andfill Leachate Using Composite Coagulant Derived From Prehydrolyzed Iron And Tapioca Starch

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    Olahan larut lesapan sebelum pelepasan adalah penting bagi kesejahteraan alam sekitar. Terdapat pelbagai kaedah olahan dan pemilihan yang sesuai adalah bergantung kepada ciri-ciri larut lesapan tersebut. Antara kaedah yang selalu digunakan dan mudah adalah proses penggumpalan. Aplikasi penggumpalan-pengelompokan dalam pengurangan bahan pencemar daripada larut lesapan telah terbukti keberkesannanya. Walaubagaimana pun penggunaan bahan penggumpal kimia secara tidak langsung memberi kesan kepada kesihatan kehidupan organisma. Dalam mengurangkan kesan tersebut, penggantian bahan penggumpal kimia dengan bahan semulajadi (tepung ubi kayu (TF)) boleh diadaptasikan. Gabungan bahan penggumpal kimia dan semulajadi sebagai penggumpal komposit boleh memudahkan proses kerja dan menawarkan pelbagai kelebihan. Berbanding penggunaan besi klorida (IC), prahidrolisis besi (PHI) telah dipilih kerana ianya menawarkan lebih banyak kelebihan berbanding penggunaan besi klorida sahaja. Matlamat kajian ini adalah untuk menyiasat kebolehan bahan penggumpal komposit yang diperbuat daripada gabungan prahidrolisis besi dan tepung ubi kayu (PHITF) terhadap larut lesapan separa stabil melalui proses penggumpalan-pengelompokan. Kebolehannya dalam menyingkirkan pepejal terampai (SS), warna, Keperluan Oksigen Kimia (COD) dan ammonia dikaji. Larut lesapan separa stabil dari tapak pelupusan Matang (MLS) dan tapak pelupusan Kuala Sembeling (KSLS) telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. PHITF, PHI, PHI+TF, TF dan IC telah diuji secara berasingan bagi perbandingan kebolehannnya. Proses optimum adalah berdasarkan cara konvensional dan menerusi Kaedah Sambutan Permukaan (RSM). Melalui ujian jar, basicity terbaik adalah bagi PHI adalah 0.1 dan nisbah berat ke berat (w/w) PHITF yang terbaik adalah 0.7. Pada keadaan optimum (dos: 0.2 g/L Fe dan pH=4.71) PHITF, penyingkiran adalah 94.7%, 91.3%, 48.7% dan 6.6% bagi SS, warna, COD dan ammonia. Masing-masing pengoptimuman secara RSM, menunjukkan kebolehan PHITF adalah selari dengan PHI, PHI+TF (dua penggumpal) dan IC (besi klorida) terutama bagi penyingkiran SS, warna dan COD. PHITF mengurangkan 64% pengunaan dos daripada dos IC. Pembentukkan flok dan enap cemar adalah melalui perhubungan partikel dan penuteralan cas. Oleh itu, menghasilkan flok dan enap cemar yang lebih baik berbanding penggunaan PHI, PHI+TF dan IC. Applikasi PHITF keatas larut lesapan dari tapak pelupusan (KSLS) yang berbeza menghasilkan 96%, 91%, 69% dan 4% penyingkiran bagi SS, warna, COD dan ammonia. Ini menunjukkan PHITF boleh diaplikasikan untuk olahan larut resapan dari tapak pelupusan yang berbeza. Berdasarkan kajian, bolehlah disimpulkan bahawa PHITF boleh menjadi bahan penggumpal yang berpotensi dalam olahan larut lesapan separa stabil ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Treatment of leachate before discharge is crucial to ensure the safety of the environment. Various treatment methods are available and choosing the most suitable means depends on the characteristics of the leachate. One of the most commonly adopted method is by using a coagulation process. Application of coagulation-flocculation in reducing pollutant from leachate was proven to be effective. However the use of chemical coagulant will indirectly affect the health of living organisms, thus to reduce the effect, substituting the chemical coagulant with natural material (tapioca flour (TF)) can be adapted. A combination of chemical and natural coagulant as a composite coagulant is able to simplify the process and offer many benefits. Instead of using iron chloride (IC), prehydrolyzed of iron chloride (PHI) was chosen as it offers more advantages than those offered by iron chloride alone. The aim of this study is to investigate the capability of composite coagulant made from prehydrolyzed iron and tapioca flour (PHITF) on partially stabilized leachate in a coagulation/flocculation process. The performance of this combination in removing suspended solids (SS), colour, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and ammonia were investigated. Partially stabilized leachate from Matang landfill (MLS) and Kuala Sembeling landfill (KSLS) were used in this study. PHITF, PHI, PHI+TF, TF and IC were tested separately for to compare their performances. The optimization process of PHITF for pH and dose has been carried out based on conventional and response surface methodology (RSM) methods. Through a jar test, the best basicity of PHI was 0.1 and the best PHITF weight to weight (w/w) ratio was 0.7. PHITF (0.7) is characterized as acidic (pH 1.34), low conductivity (0.291 μS/m), high molecular weight (11600 KDa) and low charge density (0.245 mV). At optimum condition (dose=0.2 g/L Fe and pH=4.71) of PHITF, the removals were 94.7% for SS, 91.3% for colour, 48.7% for COD, and 6.6% for ammonia. An optimization by using RSM revealed that the performance of PHITF was at par with that of PHI, PHI+TF and IC especially on SS, colour, and COD removals. PHITF reduced 64% usage of dose from IC dose. The formation of floc and sludge of PHITF is through particle bridging and charge neutralization.. Thus, resulted in better floc and sludge formation of PHITF compared to those resulted from PHI, PHI+TF (dual coagulant) and IC (iron chloride). Application of PHITF on leachate for different landfills (KSLS) has resulted in 96%, 91%, 69% and 4% removals for SS, colour, COD, and ammonia respectively. This indicate the applicability of PHITF for the treatment of leachate from different sites of landfill. Based on the study, it can be concluded that PHITF can be a potential coagulant for the treatment of partially stabilized leachate

    Leachate treatment by conventional coagulation, electrocoagulation and two-stage coagulation (conventional coagulation and electrocoagulation)

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    Leachate is widely explored and investigated due to highly polluted and difficult to treat. Leachate treatment commonly involves advanced, complicated and high cost activities. Conventional coagulation is widely used in the treatment of wastewater but the sludge production becomes the biggest constraint in this treatment. Electrocoagulation is an alternative to conventional method because it has the same application but produce less sludge and requires simple equipment. Thus, combination of conventional coagulation and electrocoagulation can improve the efficiency of coagulation process in leachate treatment. This article is focusing on the efficiency of single and combined treatment as well as the improvement made by combined treatment. Based on review, the percentage reduction of current density and dose of coagulant was perceptible. As much 50% reduction of current density, duration of treatment, and dose of coagulant able to be obtained by using combined treatment. This combined treatment is able to reduce the cost and at the same time reduce the duration of treatment. Hence, the combined treatment offers an alternative technique for landfill leachate treatment on the removal of pollutants

    A Chemical and Morphological Study of Cassava Peel: A Potential Waste as Coagulant Aid

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    This study investigates the chemical and morphological characteristics of cassava peel (CP) biomass as a potential coagulant aid for turbidity, heavy metals and microbial removal. FE-SEM micrograph shown the surface of the CP samples was covered with smooth and globular in shaped of bound starch granules. FTIR spectra demonstrated that carboxyl and hydroxyl groups were present in abundance. Whereas analysis by XRF spectrometry indicated the CP samples contain Fe2O3 and Al2O3 which might contribute to its coagulation ability. The features of CP obtained from this study promotes the feasibility of CP to be further developed and studied to produce effective coagulant aid as sustainable alternative to reduce the usage of chemical coagulants

    Performance assessment of cassava peel starch and alum as dual coagulant for turbidity removal in dam water

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    The agricultural and food processing industries generate a significant portion of residues, refuse and waste. Conversion of these wastes into useful end product would be beneficial not only to the economy but also the environment as it reducing the solid waste disposal problem. The present study was aimed to investigate the performance of cassava peel starch (CPS) extracted from cassava peel waste in combination with alum to act as dual coagulant for turbidity removal in raw water from Sembrong dam. Comparative studies by employing both alum and CPS as primary coagulant using several series of Jar test were also conducted. Results showed that the usage of alum-CPS as dual coagulant not only enhanced the turbidity removal with maximum achievement up to 91.47%, but also significantly improve the coagulation process by reducing both alum dosage and settling time up to 50% which indicates broad prospects to be further developed as emerging green coagulant

    Removal of Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Colour and Suspended Solids from Leachate using Aerated Electrochemical Coagulation (AEC) Under the Influence Factors of Electrolyte Concentration and Aeration Rate

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    In this study, aerated electrochemical coagulation (AEC) was used to treat leachate. This study was conducted to determine the best conditions for the AEC method to remove ammoniacal nitrogen, colour and suspended solids from leachate. Electrolyte concentration and aeration rate were the variable operating parameters of this study. Al and Fe electrodes were aerated with an air pump, and polyaluminium chloride (PAC) was added simultaneously to the leachate sample. The optimum value obtained from the AEC was 60ml of electrolyte concentration and an aeration rate of 1.0 L/min. Based on the optimum conditions, the experimental results removed 38%, 93%, and 95% of ammoniacal nitrogen, colour, and suspended solids, respectively. This indicates that the AEC method enhanced the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen, colour and suspended solids from leachate. However, only suspended solids comply with the effluent standard

    Stabilized Leachate Treatment Using Aerated Electrocoagulation to Reduce Ammonia Nitrogen and Colour Removal: -

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    Landfill leachate is considered dangerous as it contains countless pollutants. Untreated landfill leachate will damage groundwater resources, the environment and human health. An appropriate treatment is necessary to treat leachate to prevent harm to the environment and humans. The objective in this research is to determine the optimum aerated electrocoagulation under the influence of current density, pH of leachate and aeration rate for ammonia nitrogen and colour removal. The efficiency of removal ammonia nitrogen and colour were compared with Environmental Quality (Control of pollution from solid wastewater transfer station and landfill) Regulation 2009. This research used leachate from Simpang Renggam Sanitary Landfill. In this experiment two electrodes of aluminium and ferum at anode and cathode respectively were used. The highest removal percentage were obtained at 84.93% and 58.82% for the colour and ammonia nitrogen at 200 A/m2 of current density, 1.0 L/min of aeration rate and pH 5. The removal value was still insufficient to fit the environment quality standard. However, to meet the environmental quality standard, integration with other treatments method is suggested

    A review of wastewater treatment using natural material and its potential as aid and composite coagulant

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    The introduction of natural materials into the coagulation-flocculation process need to be practiced as common as possible. The previous literature indicated that utilization of natural material is actually worth to be developed and if possible, into the commercial one. However, the application of natural coagulants itself as the primary treatment is not sufficient, due to the rise in constraints which limited its performance. Emerging technologies and depth studies are actually helping these limited conditions to grow them as good as the performance of chemical coagulants. Alternatively, the natural-based coagulants are commonly used as coagulant aids alongside chemical coagulants, which have created a highlight in water research. This review covers the type of coagulants used in the coagulation-flocculation of wastewater treatment especially in the usage of natural-based coagulants. This review paper also outlines the future prospects of natural materials as aids and its potential as sustainable composite coagulants

    Coagulation-Flocculation of Leachate by Using Single Coagulant Made from Chemical Coagulant (Polyaluminium Chloride) and Natural Coagulant (Tapioca Flour)

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    Application of coagulation and flocculation in leachate treatment is common nowadays. Chemical coagulant is commonly applied compared to natural coagulant. Thus, this study compared the effectiveness of landfill leachate treatment by single coagulant which are chemical and natural coagulant through the removal of suspended solid (SS), sludge settling rate and sludge volume index. The experiment was carried out using standard jar test method and raw leachate sample was collected from Landfill Simpang Renggam. The chemical coagulant used was polyaluminium chloride and natural coagulant was Tapioca flour. Tapioca flour has characteristic as coagulant where it has sticky characteristic that can remove pollutant in leachate without leaving any side effects latter and it is available in abundance, cheaper, and environmentally friendly. Result of this study shown that, the optimum dosage and pH of PAC was 3g/L at pH 8 and for tapioca flour was 1g/L at pH 4. The percentage removal by PAC as in term of removal of suspended solid, sludge volume index and sludge settling rate were 94%, 5273 mL/gm and 1.58 cm/min, respectively. While, for tapioca flour there was minimal sludge formation and the removal of SS was 13.3%. The particles size for sludge leachate after treatment for optimum dose was in range of 20µm and the floc were arranged compacted, and shaped elongated. Hence, this study shows that PAC is more effective than Tapioca flour as single coagulant in terms of sludge volume index, sludge settling rate, removal of suspended solid and particle size of sludge

    Application of Composite Coagulant In Removing Heavy Metals from Leachate via Coagulation-Flocculation Process

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    Leachate contains various particles which could contaminate ground water. Proper leachate control method must be selected for good water quality. One of them is by using coagulation-flocculation with improved material as composite coagulant (CC). This chapter aims to evaluate optimum CCs’ ratio and dosage, and leachates’ pH by CC made from tapioca peel powder (TPP) and polyaluminium chloride (PAC) through the heavy metals reduction in copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and chromium (Cr) from Simpang Renggam landfill. Tapioca peel from industry was cleaned and mixed with distilled water, filtered, and left under the sun to dry up. By doing jar test of ten ratios of CC and eight dosages, optimum ratio and dosage of CC by heavy metals reduction was determined. The initial and final heavy metal concentrations were measured by ICP-MS. The highest percentage removal (2:9, 3500 mg/L) in terms of Cu, Zn, and Cr was 51.14, 79.63, and 79.23, respectively. Compared to the ratio 1:10, at optimum conditions (4000 mg/L), was 40.51, 83.43, and 91.16 removals, respectively. Ratio 2:9 was chosen because contained more TPP that could save cost and reduce the use of chemical coagulant. It could be determined that the optimum ratio and dosage of CC was 2:9, 3500mg/L, and the optimum sample pH 6 with removals of Cu, Zn, Cr was 55.30, 29.80, 74.98, respectively

    Composite Coagulant (PACSPP) Ability to Remove Ammonia and Colour from Stabilised Leachate Under Ratio, pH and Dosage Influence

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    Along with chemical coagulants, coagulation-flocculation is one of the applications that works well for stable leachate treatment. Polyaluminium chloride (PAC) and sweet potato peels (SPP) were operated as a composite coagulant (PACSPP) to investigate the efficiency of removing colour and ammonia from Simpang Renggam landfill’s leachate. From the analysis of the results, the optimum ratio of composite coagulant was PACSPP(b) with a 4:6 ratio. The optimum dose and pH for composite coagulant of PACSPP(b) was 5,000 mg/L at pH 6, with removal percentages of colour and ammonia being 92% and 66%, respectively. The removal percentage of colour and ammonia of composite coagulant is at par but with less chemical coagulant. These results show that a composite coagulant made up of chemical coagulant (PAC) and natural coagulant (SPP) combined the best qualities of both coagulants and improved the coagulation effectivenes