1,122 research outputs found

    The pathways to health care a comparison between psychotic illness and epilepsy

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    INTRODUCTION: Identifying the pathways which patients take to reach health care is in1portant, as patients' experience of the first pathway to care n1ay determine their future compliance and progression of the illness. Understanding the type of pathways, hhich patients take and the associated factors that influence the selection are crucial infonnation for future intervention to irnprove the quality of health care. Studies on patlnvays to C'.!rc were sparse and patlnvays to care an1ong local psychiatric patients had not been explored. A Irv1: The airn of the study \Vas to describe the patlnvays to health care of psychotic patients (schizophrenia and schizophreniforn1 disorder) to the tertiary health center (psychiatry and n1edical specialized clinics in HUSM); and to cxatnine the dctnographic, social, clinical and other fl1ctors influencing the patln\'ay to care. Sin1ilar assessrnents \vere done in epilepsy patients for con1parison. f\1ETHOD: The nun1ber and type of previous healers (n1odern and traditional) visited by patients since onset of illness were assessed using nntltiplc sources of infonnation in 60 psychotic (schizophrenia and schizophrenifonn disorder) and 60 epileptic patients attending the respecti\·e specialist clinics for the first tin1e during the study period. The pathways taken by the patients before reaching the clinics were explored by using scnlistructured interview questionnaires and char1ed on a con1n1on diagram. Patients' sociodernographic data, details of the illness, and infonnation regarding the decision tnakers were also gathered during the interview from patients, and family members CONCLUSION: Epileptic and psychotic illness such as schizophrenia and schizophrcnifonn disorder have a slight different pathway in help seeking behavior. Asignificant higher nurnber of psychotic than epileptic patients consulted traditional/alternative healers. As a con1plen1entary treatrnent in Malay society, bon1oh is n1ore popular than the well-established alternative n1edicine in treating such illness. The author concluded that the study of path\vay to health care could provide a framework for better understanding of health services utilization and the associated factors that affect the services utilization. The effects of socio-cultural belief on the studied population were not - much different as con1pared to the findings fron1 the earlier studies. f Icnce there is a need for further understanding about traditional, con1plernentary and alternative medicine and collaboration between traditional/alternative and modern health services

    Haemolytic Disease Of Foetus And Newborn And Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction Due To Kidd Antibody In Hospital Umum Sarawak

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    Penyakit Hemolisis Janin dan Bayi baru lahir (HDFN) dan penyakit Hemolitik Transfusi Darah (HTR) boleh disebabkan oleh antibodi terhadap antigen Kidd. Di Malaysia, kelaziman antibodi Kidd menyebabkan HDFN dan HTR telah dilaporkan; bagaimanapun masih kekurangan data dari Hospital Umum Sarawak (HUS) Haemolytic Disease of Foetus and Newborn (HDFN) and Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction (HTR) may occur due to antibodies against Kidd antigen. In Malaysia, the prevalence of RBC alloimmunization due to Kidd antibody for cases of HDFN and HTR have been reported however there is insufficient data in Hospital Umum Sarawak (HUS

    Study ou Strength of Friction Stir Welded Plate in Corner Joint Configuration

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    This report is a representation of the project background regarding on Fiction Stir Welding (FSW) in Corner Joint Configuration. Nowadays, there are many process involving the FSW butt joint but very rare involve in corner joint configuration. FSW process has a lot of advantages to the materials especially for aluminum alloy 6061 Series. The objective of the project is to study the strength of the corner joint friction stir welded plate. Furthermore, there is no one did the research about the strength of the corner joint FS welded plate. Thus, to study the strength, there are several tests can be done such as ballistic shock test, basic destructive test, fillet-welded test, peel-off test and microhardness test. This research is focusing on corner joint configuration that has 90 degree in position. Furthermore, FSW in corner joint has been conducted and the result was discussed in the result section about the surface roughness and the parameter of the FSW. In addition, strength value and hardness value has been analyzed and discussed briefly to meet the objective of this project

    Communicative Approach: An Innovative Tactic in English Language Teaching

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    In 1970 a completely new approach in language teaching and learning with innovative attributes was introduced, which came to be well known as Communicative English. The same approach was launched in Bangladesh in the 90s with much enthusiasm.  The new approach with all the innovative and useful blessings met criticisms both from the academicians as well as the non-academicians for the lack of grammar and translation. Everyone happens to highlight the limitations of the new approach and held it responsible as a prime hindrance to language learning. The article attempts to address problems whether Communicative English is the prime solution of the problem the country is facing or the problem lies elsewhere. The study believes that the problem is not solely with the approach but with the other related auxiliaries as well.    The pedagogy, language learning and teaching strategies, teachers’ role in teaching a FL/SL and necessity of teacher training, feeble infrastructures, imperfect evaluation system etc. related to and responsible for the problem apart from the methodology of English language teaching and learning are held responsible for the failure of the approach.   In the light of the above-mentioned problems, the study proposes how the innovative and unfamiliar contents and technique can be made operative as an instructional method.  The paper also addresses a host of solutions like developing the teaching methodology, the outlook of the teachers as well as the students and their guardians towards the new approach with its innovative contents, suggestion for an eclectic method, innovative curriculum and evaluation system, etc. which are the various suggestions proposed by the author.Keywords: Communicative, Bangladesh, ELT, CLT, Eclectic

    Relationship of performance with services promotion through internet : an empirical study of Malaysia Service Companies

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    This paper reviews the research on the relationship of performance with services promotion through internet : an empirical study of Malaysia service companies. A survey was sent to CEOs/marketing managers all over Malaysia. The result gives impression that some services organizations in Malaysia reap some tangible benefits through Internet promotion while others do not gather much. The study shows that over 93% in average agree that their organization's general performance has significantly improved through Internet marketing activities. This result supports, in the first instance, the postulate made in chapter one that increase in internet marketing activities would lead to increase in corporate performance indicators. Implication of the results are discussed. (Author's abstract


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    Malaysia has always aspired to be the hub for Islamic banking and finance. Various measures have been, and are being, carried out to promote Malaysia as an international Islamic banking and financial centre. As the backbone for this, the national Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) has been established under the auspices of the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 (CBMA). Under the CBMA, the SAC has been conferred a statutory function as the authority for the ascertainment of Islamic law for the purposes of Islamic banking, as well as business and other types of Islamic financial businesses. In 2009, the CBMA 1958 was replaced and repealed. With the coming into force of the CBMA 2009, the role and functions of the SAC was reinforced and upgraded in terms of appointments of members and, most importantly, that the Shariah rulings pursuant to any reference made to the SAC by the Civil court or arbitrator concerning Shariah matters shall be binding on the Islamic financial institutions as well as on the court and any arbitrator. The issue of whether or not the SAC is the final arbiter on Islamic banking and finance disputes or, in other words, there is no longer a process of judicial review where it involves Shariah matters, will be the highlight of this paper. To what extent does the post CBMA 2009 solve the binding nature of the SAC upon the Civil courts of Malaysia as its rulings and directives are only relevant to ‘Shariah’ issues? What would be the situations if the issues of the Islamic banking and finance cases are deemed not to amount to a ‘Shariah’ issue, but are purely on banking, land matters or contractual interpretations? Has there any actual legal reform been brought about by this amendment or is it merely a cosmetic changes? If the court were to be bound by the SAC rulings, does this not usurp the independence of the judiciary which is the corner stone of the principle of separation of powers between the executive, the legislature and the judiciary? The above legal issues will be critically explored with the help of cases decided by the Malaysian Civil courts, pre and post CBMA 2009

    Trainee Teachers Level of Willingness for Inclusive Education

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    Every student at the Teacher Education Institute (IPG) has now been given an inclusive education course so they know about its implementation at school. Therefore, this research looks at how far the willingness of new teachers to be placed in schools with inclusive education. It was conducted in IPG in Sabah which involved 50 trainees from 5 different courses and took the Inclusive Education subject. It is a survey of quantitative reviews and uses questionnaires for data collection. The data were analyzed using Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS) to see the frequencies, percentage and mean descriptive analysis. Besides, five trainee teachers from five different courses were interviewed to identify barriers that may interfere with the trainee teachers’ willingness for inclusive education. The results showed that 86 % of the trainee teachers are ready to accept special need students without prejudice and 84 % are willing to approach and recognize special needs students in their classroom. The findings also showed that there was no significant difference in the readiness of the IPG trainee in the implementation of inclusive education based on gender namely t = -0.270 with P = 0.811 greater than 0.05 (P <0.05). The trainee teachers should be able to meet the needs of students with disabilities in school. The success of inclusive education rests on teacher preparation gearing towards inclusive education. However, continuous guidance is essential to help produce qualified teachers, especially in understanding the underlying philosophy of inclusive education

    Parental Support in the Learning of Students with Deaf and Hard of Hearing at Home

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    Education policy encourages parental support as a mechanism for improving learning outcomes. This survey was conducted to determine how well parents can contribute to academic achievement in the special education needs (SEN) among deaf and hard of hearing students. This study uses the Epstein Parent involvement Model and Bronfenbrenner Ecological Theory.  A set of 20 questionnaire items with a five-point Likert scale adapted from this study by the Ministry of Education Malaysia was used. A total of 22 students from a secondary school in Seremban were selected for the purpose of this study. The data were analyzed descriptively and in inference using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 to obtain scores. The Pearson correlation test shows that the relationship between deaf and hard of hearing students' academic achievement and parental support is a strong and significant positive relationship (p <0.05). The findings show low parental support with deaf and hard of hearing students' academic achievement, which is also a low level. Overall, the study found that parents need to pay close attention to providing a home-based learning environment, social interaction, communication, and academic support to help children develop their potential self and achieve better student academic achievement