1,077 research outputs found

    Kajian Kesesuaian Poli(2-Hidroksietil Metakrilat-Ko-Metil Hetakrilat) Sebagai Penyokong Penyekatgerakan Lipase

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    Lipase (Triasilgli serolester hidrolas e,E.C. dari Candida cylindracea di sekat gerak secara penjerapan pada penyokong polimer. Polimer ini di sintesis secara pempolimeran ampaian dua monomer, 2-hidroksietil metakrilat (HEMA) dan metil meta krilat (MMA)pada komposisi yang berbeza l:2, 1:1, 2:1, mol/mol). Etilena glikol dimetakrilat (EGDMA)dan divinil benzena (DVD) pada peratusan yang berbeza (w/w)digunakan sebagai agen rangkai silang. Kesan kandungan awal air dan saiz zarah-zarah polimer (180, 180-350, 350-500pm)terhadap keberkesanan proses sekatgerak dikaji berdasarkan kepada tindak balas hidrolisis dan pengesteran. Poli (HEMA-ko-MMA)pada saiz 180-350pm menunjukkan aktiviti paling tinggi bagi kedua-dua aktiviti hidrolisis dan pengesteran

    Bit error rate for private mobile radio (PMR) due to lightning electromagnetic field radiation (LEMR)

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    The conceptual implementation to access the extend influence of lightning electromagnetic radiation (LEMR) on mobile radio communication. Binary data has been transmitted through a pair of Motorola Talkabout T5420 walkie-talkie with 14 channels and 38 eliminator codes and operates on 14 UHF Family Radio Service (FRS) Frequencies. Two types of induced interferences which are high voltage and high current experiment has been conducted in High Voltage Laboratory, Institute of High Voltage and High Current, UTM. In order to achieve the implementation mention above, a research has been conducted with the title of the project is “Bit Error Rate for Private Mobile Radio (PMR) Due to Lightning Electromagnetic Field Radiation (LEMP)�. The objective of the first part of the research is to determine whether the lightning could produce the error of the bit in term of bit error rate in digital communication. If there any errors, the research will continue to ascertain how much it damage or influence the data. In optical communication, in practice, a low bit error rate in the region 10-7 to 10-10 may be tolerated with pulse code modulation (PCM) transmission. Although, in wireless communication, the receiver will face much higher bit error rate due to the environment and nature phenomena such as rain drops, fogs, thunderstorm and lightning

    The Roles of Contractors in Implementing Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC) in Construction Projects

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    In recent decades, the construction industry has been widely criticized for its lack of efficiency and productivity, and it has been shown that the Malaysian construction industry records poor quality on its projects. To overcome this issue, the Technical Committee on Quality Assessment in Construction with the support of the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) has introduced Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC). QLASSIC is a scoring system that is used to assess and evaluate the performance of construction buildings. It is based on the Construction Industry Standard (CIS 7:2006). Unfortunately, this assessment system had poor implementation since its introduction in November 2006. QLASSIC was not extensively implemented and was taken lightly by the contractors and developers in Malaysia. There are still a huge number of contractors that are not aware of QLASSIC even the big construction companies. Thus, this research is aimed at investigating the contractor’s perspective towards the implementation of QLASSIC in the construction industry in Malaysia. Three objectives are developed to achieve the aim: (1) identification of the needs to implement QLASSIC; (2) investigation of issues and challenges to implement QLASSIC and (3) recommendation of strategies to implement QLASSIC. Structured questionnaire surveys were distributed to the G7 and G6 contractors in the Klang Valley area; which may have or may not have experience in implementing QLASSIC in their projects. The result revealed that majority of the respondents were aware and understand the needs of QLASSIC implementation, but there were still few who were unfamiliar with the QLASSIC. The current level of implementation of QLASSIC in Malaysia is still not satisfactory due to several issues and challenges acting as barriers to its implementation. Therefore, the initiatives from the government are important to promote QLASSIC implementation in the construction industry. By doing this, the contractors would be aware of the implementation of QLASSIC in the construction industry. The significance of this research is that it will assist contractors and other construction players in comprehending the implications and importance of QLASSIC implementation

    The Roles of Contractors in Implementing Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC) in Construction Projects

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    In recent decades, the construction industry has been widely criticized for its lack of efficiency and productivity, and it has been shown that the Malaysian construction industry records poor quality on its projects. To overcome this issue, the Technical Committee on Quality Assessment in Construction with the support of the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) has introduced Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC). QLASSIC is a scoring system that is used to assess and evaluate the performance of construction buildings. It is based on the Construction Industry Standard (CIS 7:2006). Unfortunately, this assessment system had poor implementation since its introduction in November 2006. QLASSIC was not extensively implemented and was taken lightly by the contractors and developers in Malaysia. There are still a huge number of contractors that are not aware of QLASSIC even the big construction companies. Thus, this research is aimed at investigating the contractor’s perspective towards the implementation of QLASSIC in the construction industry in Malaysia. Three objectives are developed to achieve the aim: (1) identification of the needs to implement QLASSIC; (2) investigation of issues and challenges to implement QLASSIC and (3) recommendation of strategies to implement QLASSIC. Structured questionnaire surveys were distributed to the G7 and G6 contractors in the Klang Valley area; which may have or may not have experience in implementing QLASSIC in their projects. The result revealed that majority of the respondents were aware and understand the needs of QLASSIC implementation, but there were still few who were unfamiliar with the QLASSIC. The current level of implementation of QLASSIC in Malaysia is still not satisfactory due to several issues and challenges acting as barriers to its implementation. Therefore, the initiatives from the government are important to promote QLASSIC implementation in the construction industry. By doing this, the contractors would be aware of the implementation of QLASSIC in the construction industry. The significance of this research is that it will assist contractors and other construction players in comprehending the implications and importance of QLASSIC implementation

    Emotional intelligence based training in IPGM of trainee teacher

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    This paper discusses the concept of emotional intelligence indicators that constitute crucial elements for a teacher trainer at the Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia (RRIM). Emotional intelligence is the ability of individuals to understand your feelings, emphathize with the feelings of others and regulate emotions themselves. Emotional intelligence as a set of skills that are involved with the ability to monitor feeling themselves, the feeling of others, todistinguish them and use this information to help a person think and act. Teachers can useemotional intelligence in their daily lives in the IPG. Teachers need to socialize with other peers, attend lectures, assignments either individually or collectively. Some researchs found that emotional intelligence affects academic achievement. In addition, high emotional intelligence can affect appearance of teachers as more healthy, succeed academically, have a strong personal relationship with those around him, is more sensitive in assessingothers, have emphathy towards and excelin interpersonal skills. Thus, emotional intelligence needed by teachers in IPGM to enjoy a better life. In addition, the trainees also get practical training such as School Based Experience (PBS), practicum and internship. This trainingprovides trainees to actual experience as a teacher at the school. Students will be exposed to practical preparation of daily lesson plans, preparation of questions, marking students’ work performing administrative duties and clearical, control classes, various student and become asubtitute teacher. If teachers lack emotional intelligence, some symptoms such as stress, emotional disturbances, rebellion and anger will occur. Therefor, only teacher with high emotional intelligence Can Through These Challenges well. Keyword: Trainee Teacher, Emotional Intelligence and Training in IPG

    Hubungan Kaum dalam Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) di Pantai Barat Sabah

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    Matlamat penubuhan Rukun tetangga pada awalnya adalah untuk memastikan keselamatan penduduk terjamin tetapi sedikit demi sedikit sehingga kini telah melalui perubahan kepada pelaksanaan atau penganjuran pelbagai program yang lebih bersifat menuntut kerjasama dan interaksi dalam kalangan penduduk. Kewujudan rukun tetangga ini memainkan peranan yang besar dalam mengekalkan hubungan yang baik antara penduduk pelbagai kaum dan agama di sesuatu kawasan petempatan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif yang melibatkan seramai 357 orang responden untuk menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan masyarakat pelbagai etnik dan agama di kawasan rukun tetangga yang terlibat. Hasil kajian mendapati, hubungan kaum dan agama di kawasan rukun tetangga di Pantai Barat Sabah adalah baik dan rukun tetangga telah menyebabkan interaksi masyarakat pelbagai etnik dan agama semakin baik

    Reaksi Penduduk Sabah Terhadap Pembentukan Malaysia: Suatu Perbandingan Dulu dan Kini

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    Sejarah pembentukan Malaysia merupakan episod penting dalam konteks sejarah negara ini. Sekalipun Persekutuan Malaysia yang dibentuk pada asalnya adalah melibatkan Tanah Melayu, Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura, tetapi artikel ini hanya akan memberi tumpuan ke-atas Sabah sahaja, khususnya dalam aspek reaksi penduduk di negeri ini terhadap pembentukan persekutuan tersebut dalam dua era yang berbeza iaitu sebelum dan selepas pembentukannya. Penelitian reaksi penduduk Sabah terhadap pembentukan Malaysia sebelum persekutuan adalah berasaskan penelitian terhadap data sekunder yang diperoleh dari akhbar tempatan yang diterbitkan pada ketika itu. Sebaliknya, bagi menilai reaksi penduduk Sabah selepas pembentukan Malaysia adalah berdasarkan penggunaan survei. Berdasarkan penggunaan kedua-dua kaedah tersebut maka adalah ditegaskan bahawa reaksi penduduk Sabah terhadap pembentukan Malaysia adalah pelbagai. Secara keseluruhannya dapatan tersebut memberi gambaran bahawa isu pembentukan Malaysia merupakan isu yang kekal hebat diperkatakan di negeri ini

    Majlis Gerakan Negara (MAGERAN): Usaha Memulihkan Semula Keamanan Negara Malaysia

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    Susulan peristiwa 13 Mei 1969, sehari kemudian kerajaan telah mengisytiharkan Darurat di seluruh negara. Sehubungan itu, bagi memulihkan keamanan, kerajaan telah menubuhkan Majlis Gerakan Negara (MAGERAN) pada 16 Mei 1969. Pada umumnya, keanggotaan jawatankuasa dan matlamat MAGERAN telah banyak dibincangkan dalam mana-mana penulisan. Namun begitu, persoalan bagaimanakah pemimpin utama dalam MAGERAN dipilih masih belum begitu jelas dibincangkan lagi. Justeru itu, dengan berasaskan kaedah disiplin sejarah perkara ini akan dirungkaikan dalam artikel ini. Artikel ini juga akan membincangkan langkah-langkah yang telah diambil oleh MAGERAN untuk memulihkan semula keamanan dan sistem demokrasi yang telah lama diamalkan di negara ini. Dalam pada itu, kertas kerja ini menegaskan bahawa dengan adanya kepimpinan yang berwibawa dalam MAGERAN maka keamanan negara telah berjaya dipulihkan dalam masa yang singkat

    Menyingkap Peristiwa Penyingkiran Singapura dari Malaysia (1963-1965)

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    Sebaik sahaja penubuhan Malaysia, pemimpin Persekutuan yang diterajui oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman-Tun Razak bukan sahaja terpaksa berhadapan dengan konfrontasi Malaysia-Indonesia, tetapi juga masalah Singapura yang dicetuskan oleh Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew terus menerus mencetuskan provokasi dan tekanan kepada kerajaan pusat sehingga membawa kepada penyingkiran Singapura dari Malaysia. Justeru itu, tidak hairanlah sekiranya salah seorang pemimpin utama Persekutuan, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tun Abdul Razak menganggap Singapura seumpama, ‘duri dalam daging’ selama berada dalam Malaysia. Persoalannya, mengapakah beliau mengungkapkan perumpamaan tersebut? Kertas kerja ini akan menyingkap peristiwa penyingkiran Singapura dari Malaysia (1963-1965), terutamanya dalam aspek peranan yang dimainkan oleh Tun Razak dalam usaha meleraikan isu berkaitan Singapura semasa dalam Persekutuan Malaysia

    Integrating vocational training in culinary arts and Islamic studies at juvenile rehabilitation centres: Malaysian experience

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    The Juvenile Rehabilitation Centres (JRC) in Malaysia aims to provide shelter, counselling and skills training to juveniles specifically for those who wish to transform themselves from the regrettable misdeeds they have committed. At JRCs, an integrated Culinary Vocational Training and Islamic education forms part of their training curriculum. The skills acquired should enable trainees to secure jobs upon completion of training. However, there are some training institutions that lack systematic training structures resulting in trainees becoming less skilful in both vocational and Islamic education. The objective of this research is to identify the effectiveness of an integrated Culinary and Islamic Education curriculum implemented at JRCs in Malaysia. This is a descriptive survey and data was obtained using questionnaire and interview. Respondents comprised 92 trainees, four managers, four culinary trainers and four Islamic education teachers, all from four different JRCs. The findings show that the trainees are happy with their trainings that brought about positive effects for them. Some suggestions have been made to provide improvements in the implementation of the course among them the inclusion of prayers in the Islamic education syllabus