312 research outputs found


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    Potensi anak dalam pembelajaran, idealnya di dorong sampai pada tingkat yang optimal. Dalam hal ini, guru memiliki peranan penting antara lain: 1) mengenal konsep diri yang baik, 2) guru memiliki keahlian yang maksimal, 3) guru mampu menampilkan sosok diri yang menarik, 4) guru mampu memberikan kemampuan anak. Pendekatan pembelajaran yang perlu dilakukan guru antara lain: 1) pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada anak, 2) pembelajaran yang kreatif dan inovatif, 3) pembelajaran yang mempertimbangkan lingkungan yang kondusif, 4) pembelajaran terpadu, 5) pembelajaran yang mampu mengembangkan keterampilan hidup

    Piagam Madinah dalam Pembentukan Peradaban Multietnik Pasca Malaysia

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    Islam adalah agama kebaikan, keamanan, ketenangan dan kesejahteraan kepada seluruh alam semesta. Dalam teks ucapan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sebaik memulakan tugas sebagai Perdana Menteri kelapan di Perdana Putra dan setelah mengangkat sumpah di hadapan YDPA, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah di Istana Negara, beliau ada menyatakan ‘baik saudara orang Melayu, saudara orang Cina, saudara orang India, Sikh, Iban, Kadazan, Dusun, Murut, orang asal, atau apa jua kaum dan etnik, saya adalah Perdana Menteri saudara’,’kerajaan pimpinan saya akan memberi tumpuan kepada pelaksanaan Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama 2030 yang akan melonjakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara dan merapatkan jurang ekonomi dalam komuniti’ dan ‘saya adalah Perdana Menteri untuk semua rakyat Malaysia dari Perlis hingga ke Sabah. Kata-kata ini sesuai dalam era pentadbiran Pasca Malaysia serta usaha membentuk peradaban multietnik yang sejahtera. Islam melarang manusia berlaku zalim sesama manusia termasuk haiwan. Hadis riwayat al-Imam al-Hakim, Rasulullah SAW bersabda;“Sesiapa yang dengan sewenang-wenang membunuh burung, atau haiwan lain yang lebih kecil daripadanya, maka Allah SWT akan meminta pertanggungjawaban kepadanya”. Malaysia adalah negara berbilang etnik dan peradaban. Agenda penyatuan dan perpaduan kaum berbilang bangsa, agama, keturunan dan hak sama rata dijaga Perlembagaan dan Perundangan Negara, tanpa mengganggu hak-hak kaum bumiputera. Ia telah dipersetujui dalam kontrak sosial oleh kaum Melayu, Cina dan India semasa pembentukan Perlembagaan Malaysia (1957). Aspek kesepaduan etnik adalah idea kreatif dan inovatif penyatuan etnik dan kehidupan yang baik lagi makmur. Perbincangan isu ini menjadi kontemporari khususnya di era Pasca Malaysia yang mempunyai penduduk berbilang bangsa dan budaya. Komuniti Malaysia daripada golongan profesional, sokongan, bumiputera dan bukan bumiputera, bersedia menerima agenda penyatuan ini sebagai formula yang menyamaratakan semua etnik tanpa menggadaikan kontrak sosial seperti hak-hak istimewa orang Melayu, kemasukan pelajar bumiputera ke IPT, hak kerakyatan, bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan Islam sebagai agama persekutuan. Piagam Madinah pula adalah perlembagaan bertulis dan dipersetujui bersama oleh semua golongan komuniti Islam Madinah dan komuniti Yahudi yang menjadi warganegara Madinah yang ditadbir urus oleh Rasulullah SAW. Disebut ’Sahifah al Madinah’ kerana ia merupakan perlembagaan bertulis pertama di dunia serta menjadi asas pembentukan negara Islam. Terdapat 10 Bahagian dan 47 fasal. 23 fasal berkaitan peraturan antara komuniti Islam dan 24 fasal lagi berkaitan komuniti Yahudi. Menurut kajian sejarawan, terbentuknya Piagam Madinah melalui perjanjian Aqabah pertama yang dihadiri 12 penduduk Madinah. Antara intipati perjanjian seperti menjauhi syirik, membunuh anak, tidak menipu dan mentaati perintah Rasulullah SAW. Mus’ab ibn Umar diutus ke Madinah mengajar al Quran oleh Rasulullah SAW dan sambutan yang diterima amat menggalakkan oleh etnik Aus dan Khazraj. Ikatan perjanjian Aqabah Kedua juga diadakan, melibatkan 73 lelaki dan 2 wanita Madinah, dibawa oleh Mus’ab bertemu Rasulullah SAW dan berbai’ah menjaga dan mempertahankan perjuangan dakwah Rasulullah SAW. Mereka berikrar untuk tidak berpecah belah, bercakap sombong dan taat setia ketika senang atau susah. Penulisan ini melihat peranan Piagam Madinah dalam melestarikan kehidupan, peradaban dan kesepaduan rakyat Malaysia sesuai dengan agenda pentadbiran PascaMalaysia


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    Technology advancement has taken a new shape in leading the world into digital civilization, remarkably in e-commerce, communication, and financial sectors.  Taking advantage of the technology, criminals have also digitalized their modus operandi targeting the digital society with fraud and cybercrimes, hence contributing illicit funds. To disguise the money trail to the illegal activities, illicit funds sourced from unlawful and fraudulent activities transformed into legal funds via a money-laundering scheme. Money laundering is perceived as a global threat where funds reverted to the criminal and enter a legitimate economy. To enable the criminals, maintain anonymity, and non-visible to the detection of law enforcement, money mules are positioned in the money laundering chain between actual criminal and illicit funds. Money mules are characters recruited by criminal networks to perform fund transfers by utilizing their accounts. Recruitment is done by offering a job with simple recruitment criteria and attractive income and rewards. This study will examine money mule recruitment and development of a model with related variables to establish the relationship between the aspect of job criteria awareness and the ability of the victims to detect the hidden criminal elements and exposure to law enforcement and derive into the decision to accept the job offer. In this research, both quantitative and qualitative approaches will be employed with surveys and interviews


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    In the title compound, C22H19ClN2OS, the thiono and carbonyl groups are trans positioned with respect to a partially double C—N bond. The amide group is twisted relative to the thio­urea fragment, forming a dihedral angle of 46.75 (11)°. In the crystal, inter­molecular N—H⋯S and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into a one-dimensional polymeric structure parallel to the c axis


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    In the title compound, C22H19FN2OS, the 2-fluoro­benzoyl group adopts a trans conformation with respect to the thiono S atom across the N—C bond. In the crystal, inter­molecular N—H⋯S, C—H⋯S and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules, forming a two-dimensional network parallel to (101)


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    The thiono and carbonyl groups in the title compound, C21H18N2O2S, adopt an anti disposition with respect to the central C—N bond. The diphenyl­amine rings are twisted relative to each other by a dihedral angle of 82.55 (10)°. The 3-meth­oxy­benzoyl fragment is twisted relative to one of the diphenyl­amine rings, forming a dihedral angle of 74.04 (9)°. In the crystal, pairs of inter­molecular N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into centrosymmetric dimers, forming columns parallel to the a axis

    Identification of β-cycloidal-derived mono-carbonyl curcumin analogs as potential interleukin-6 inhibitor to treat wound healing through QSAR, molecular docking, MD simulation, MM-GBSA calculation

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    Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a cytokine that involved in the different phases of wound healing. It is responsible for promoting inflammation, regulating tissue repair scar formation, stimulating the production of extracellular matrix components and recruiting immune cells to the wound site. Therefore, suppressing IL-6 is beneficial for wound healing. However, no small molecules are currently available in the market against the IL-6. As a result, this research gap motivates us to find a potential inhibitor. This study aimed to investigate the wound healing potential of novel β-cycloidal-derived mono-carbonyl curcumin analogs reported in the literature through screening a series of computational studies. The calculated pIC50 value of 18 compounds (below 10) showed that all compounds may have potential therapeutic efficacy. Molecular docking studies revealed that compound C12 (−45.6044 kcal/mol) bound most strongly in the active site of IL-6 compared to the FDA-approved drug clindamycin (−42.3223). The Molecular Dynamic (MD) simulation displayed that lead compound C12 had the highest stability in the active site of IL-6 compared to the reference drug clindamycin. Furthermore, MMGBSA results indicated that C12 (−20.28 kcal/mol) had the highest binding energy compared to clindamycin (−8.36 kcal/mol). The ADMET analysis predicted that C12 are favourable for drug candidates. This study recommended compound C12 as a lead IL-6 inhibitor for future testing and development as therapeutics for wound healing

    Seroprevalence of leptospiral antibodies among market workers and food handlers in the central state of Malaysia

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    Objective:The high prevalence of leptospirosis in humans is of great public health concern, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of leptospiral antibodies and distribution of serovars, and to assess the usefulness of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as a screening method for leptospiral antibodies in a high-risk healthy community. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 231 market workers and food handlers in wet markets and food premises from two localities in central Malaysia. Respondents' background information was obtained using a questionnaire. Serum samples were tested for leptospiral antibodies using ELISA and microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Results: Seroprevalence of leptospirosis among healthy workers was 46.3%. Detection of seropositivity was higher by MAT (46%) than ELISA (15%). We observed high seropositivity among local workers (49%), food handlers (49.5%), females (60.8%) and those aged 34 years and older (46.3%). Local strain LEP175 was the predominant serovar, followed by WHO strain Patoc. Conclusion: Overall seroprevalence among healthy food handlers and market workers was high in this study. The workplace places susceptible individuals at risk of leptospirosis


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    The 2-bromo­benzoyl group in the title compound, C22H19BrN2OS, adopts an E conformation with respect to the thiono S atom across the N—C bond. In the crystal structure, the mol­ecule is stablized by N—H⋯O inter­molecular hydrogen bonds, forming a one-dimensional chain along the b axis

    Test suite generation based on hybrid flower pollination algorithm and hill climbing

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    One of the common application of search-based software testing (SBST) is generating test cases for all objectives characterized by a scope model (e.g. articulations, mutants, branches). The application of meta-heuristic algorithms in t-way tests generation, as an example of SBST, has as of late gotten to be predominant. Thus, numerous valuable meta-heuristic algorithms have been created on the premise of the usage of t-way techniques (where t shows the interaction quality). T-way testing technique is a sampling technique to produce an optimum test suite in a systematic manner. In other words, is to generate a smaller test suite size that can be used for testing the software in less time and coast. Here, all t-way techniques generate the test suite with the aim to cover every possible combination produced by the interacting inputs or parameters. All possible t-combinations of the system's components must be covered at least once. Besides, the purpose of the t-way testing technique is to overcome exhaustive testing. Studies reported that there is no single strategy that appears to be superior in all configurations considered. In this research paper, we propose a new software t-way testing tool based on hybrid Flower Pollination Algorithm and Hill Climbing for generating test suite generation, called FPA-HC strategy can be used for generating smaller test suite size. The FPA-HC evaluated against the existing t-way strategies including the original FPA. Experimental results have shown promising results as FPA-HC can produce very competitive results comparing with existing t-way strategies