890 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Implications of Capital Inflows in India

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    The study attempts to analyse the behaviour of some macroeconomic variables in response to total capital inflows in India using quarterly data for the period 1994Q1-2007Q4. Time trend of all variables except nominal effective exchange rate-both export and trade based and current account balance shows instability over the period of study. Current account balance is the only variable which is stationary in level form all other variables are stationary in first difference form. Cointegration test confirms the long run equilibrium relation between total capital inflows (TCI) and real effective exchange rate-both trade based and export based and between TCI and nominal effective exchange rate-export based. Granger causality test confirms the bidirectional causality between real effective exchange rate-export based and TCI and between foreign exchange reserve & TCI and unidirectional causality from TCI to real effective exchange rate-trade based.International Capital Inflows, Time Series Econometrics

    Problems and Prospects of Islamic Banking: a case Study of Takaful

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    The paper is an attempt to analyse the working of Takaul in the world and its popularity in the insurance sector in the world. Keeping in view of Sharia we have also tried all possible aspects of insurance system popular in the world and tried to look at its possibility to familiarize more amongst Muslims of the world. It is observed that customer awareness remain low, however this is often attributed to a limited understanding of Islamic finance in the banking and insurance world. We wish to have a proper salesmanship and advertisement of Islamic banking system in India and all around the world.Islamic Banking, Takaful

    Malocclusion and Oral Health Related Quality of Life

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    Aim was to determine the association between malocclusion and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and to test and modify the conceptual model of perceived oral health for malocclusion patients. Two different datasets were used. Malaysian data consisted of a sample of 323 young adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment. Finnish data was obtained from 4085 adult participants of the national Health 2000 Survey. In Malaysian patients, malocclusion was measured using Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need. In the Finnish data, malocclusion was registered using malocclusion traits (increased overjet and overbite, and cross-bite, scissor-bite and open bite). OHRQoL was measured using OHIP-14. The association of malocclusion and OHRQoL was evaluated using multivariable linear and zero inflated Poisson regressions. Modified model of oral health for malocclusion patients was tested using structural equation. Malocclusion was significantly associated with OHRQoL and of its seven domains, the impact was highest in the psychological discomfort domain. Among adult Finns OHRQoL was significantly poorer in people with overjet. Overjet was associated only with the physical disability domain. Cross-bite and scissor-bite were associated with the social disability domain. Psychological disability was associated with increased overbite and open bite. Fit indexes for previous conceptual model indicated that it did not fit the data well. Therefore, a modified model was developed to incorporate additional paths between levels to better fit the data. Malocclusion has a negative impact on OHRQoL and its domains. Previous conceptual model of perceived oral health was not found appropriate for people with malocclusion. Thus, an alternative model is proposed.Purentavirheet ja suunterveyteen liittyvÀ elÀmÀnlaatu Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ purentavirheiden ja suunterveyteen liittyvÀn elÀmÀnlaadun vÀlistÀ yhteyttÀ sekÀ kehittÀÀ teoreettinen malli, joka kuvaa koettua suunterveyttÀ niillÀ, joilla on purentavirhe. Tutkimuksessa kÀytettiin kahta eri aineistoa. Toisen muodostivat 323 malesialaista nuorta aikuista, jotka olivat hakeutuneet oikomishoitoon. Toinen aineisto koostui 4085:stÀ kansalliseen Terveys 2000 -tutkimukseen osallistuneesta suomalaisesta aikuisesta. Malesialaisten potilaiden purentavirheet mitattiin kÀyttÀen Index of Orthodotic Treatment Need mittaria. Suomalaisilta aikuisilta rekisteröitiin suurentuneet ylipurennat sekÀ avo-, saksi- ja ristipurennat. Suunterveyteen liittyvÀÀ elÀmÀnlaatua mitattiin OHIP-14-mittarilla. Purentavirheiden ja suunterveyteen liittyvÀn elÀmÀnlaadun vÀlistÀ yhteyttÀ arvioitiin lineaarisella ja nolla-inflatoidulla Poisson regressiomalleilla. Uuden teoreettisen mallin sopivuutta arvioitiin rakenneyhtÀlömallilla. Suunterveyteen liittyvÀÀn elÀmÀnlaatu oli huonompi niillÀ, joilla oli jokin purentavirhe. ElÀmÀnlaadun seitsemÀstÀ osa-alueesta yhteys oli vahvin psyykkisen epÀmukavuuden alueella. Suomalaisten aikuisten purentavirheistÀ suurentunut horisontaalinen ylipurenta huononsi suunterveyteen liittyvÀÀ elÀmÀnlaatua erityisesti fyysisen haitan osa-alueella. Ne, joilla oli risti- tai saksipurenta, kokivat useammin sosiaalista haittaa. Ne, joilla oli avo- tai syvÀpurenta, kokivat useammin psykologista haittaa. Tilastollisessa analyysissÀ kÀytetyn rakenneyhtÀlömallin perusteella aiempi teoreettinen malli ei ollut tÀssÀ aineistossa sopiva. TÀmÀn vuoksi teoreettista mallia muokattiin lisÀÀmÀllÀ uusia osa-alueiden vÀlisiÀ yhteyksiÀ, jotta malli sopi paremmin kuvaamaan purentavirheiden vaikutusta. Purentavirheet nÀyttÀisivÀt huonontavat suunterveyteen liittyvÀÀ elÀmÀnlaatua ja sen osaalueita. Uusi teoreettinen malli kuvaa paremmin purentavirheiden vaikutusta koettuun suunterveyteen

    Supporting Focus and Context Awareness in 3D Modelling Tasks Using Multi-Layered Displays

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    Most 3D modelling software have been developed for conventional 2D displays, and as such, lack support for true depth perception. This contributes to making polygonal 3D modelling tasks challenging, particularly when models are complex and consist of a large number of overlapping components (e.g. vertices, edges) and objects (i.e. parts). Research has shown that users of 3D modelling software often encounter a range of difficulties, which collectively can be defined as focus and context awareness problems. These include maintaining position and orientation awarenesses, as well as recognizing distance between individual components and objects in 3D spaces. In this paper, we present five visualization and interaction techniques we have developed for multi-layered displays, to better support focus and context awareness in 3D modelling tasks. The results of a user study we conducted shows that three of these five techniques improve users' 3D modelling task performance

    Comparison of four analytic strategies for complex survey data: a case-study of Spanish data

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    Purpose: The aim of this secondary data analysis was to investigate the effect of four different analytical strategies: Model Based Analysis (MBA), Design Based Analysis (DBA), Multilevel Model Based Analysis (MMBA), and Multilevel Design Based Analysis (MDBA), on the model estimates for complex survey data. Methods: Using data from the World Health Survey-Spain explanatory models for the outcome Metabolic Equivalent of Task (METs) were calculated using MBA, DBA, MMBA, and MDBA. Regression coefficients, standard errors (SE) and the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) from all the models were compared. Results: DBA showed highest estimates for most of the variables, including consistently higher SE than all other model - 20% to 48% higher than estimates for MBA, 10% to 37% for MMBA and 23% to 35% for MDBA. The SE for MDBA were 2.5% to 13% higher than estimates derived from MMBA in level 1 predictors, but SE in MMBA was higher by 18% for level 2 predictors. Values of AIC suggested the model derived by MDBA was the best fit and DBA the poorest fit of the four models. Conclusion: With minimum AIC, MDBA appeared to be the most appropriate approach to analyze complex survey data. To confirm the finding of present study a future work on a simulation data would be required

    Design Methodology of Modular-Ann Pattern Recognizer for Bivariate Quality Control

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    In quality control, monitoring unnatural variation (UV) in manufacturing process has become more challenging when dealing with two correlated variables (bivariate). The traditional multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) charts are only effective for triggering UV but unable to provide information towards diagnosis. In recent years, a branch of research has been focused on control chart pattern recognition (CCPR) technique. However, findings on the source of UV are still limited to sudden shifts patterns. In this study, a methodology to develop a CCPR scheme was proposed to identify various sources of UV based on shifts, trends, and cyclic patterns. The success factor for the scheme was outlined as a guideline for realizing accurate monitoring-diagnosis in bivariate quality control

    Identifying Problems Associated with Focus and Context Awareness in 3D Modelling Tasks

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    Creating complex 3D models is a challenging process. One of the main reasons for this is that 3D models are usually created using software developed for conventional 2D displays which lack true depth perspective, and therefore do not support correct perception of spatial placement and depth-ordering of displayed content. As a result, modellers often have to deal with many overlapping components of 3D models (e.g. vertices, edges, faces, etc.) on a 2D display surface. This in turn causes them to have difficulties in distinguishing distances, maintaining position and orientation awareness, etc. To better understand the nature of these problems, which can collectively be defined as ‘focus and context awareness’ problems, we have conducted a pilot study with a group of novice 3D modellers, and a series of interviews with a group of professional 3D modellers. This article presents these two studies, and their findings, which have resulted in identifying a set of focus and context awareness problems that modellers face in creating 3D models using conventional modelling software. The article also provides a review of potential solutions to these problems in the related literature

    Ergonomic risk factors associated with muscuslokeletal disorders in computer workstation

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    Ergonomics Risk Factors (ERFs) at computer works are commonly related to Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) such as repetitive movements, doing work in awkward postures and static postures while prolonged seating at works. The main objective of this study was to investigate the ergonomic risk factors associated with MSDs among employees in computer workstation. In this study, the data were obtained by structured interview using self-reported questionnaire and direct observation. The results show that there is significant association between neck and stress score with musculoskeletal symptoms and among office workers. As a conclusion, by assessing ERFs at workplace, the effectiveness of workplace interventions can be evaluated without waiting for changes in the prevalence of MSDs

    Prevalence of reactive tuberculin skin test in dental healthcare workers and students

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    Introduction. The risk for active tuberculosis (TB) infection among dental healthcare workers (DHCWs) is controversial. Specifically, TB incidence is generally low among general dental practitioners, but it is higher than in the general population among hospital/prison dentists, DHCWs who work in endemic areas, students during clinical training with direct patient contact. Aim. To investigate prevalence of reactive tuberculin skin test (TST) among dental students and DHCWs in an Italian dental university hospital. Material and methods. DHCWs (n=76), dental (n=92) and dental hygienist (n=13) students, administrative staff (n=15, reference group), who were not previously vaccinated against TB, provided their consent to undergo the Mantoux test, the standard recommended TST. Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) of reactive TST for working categories and for years of practice in the dental hospital were assessed through logistic regression analysis. Results. Prevalence of reactive TST estimates were 0.0%, 17% (95% confidence interval, 95CI, 11-26%), 20% (95CI, 12-30%) and 7% (95CI, 1-30%) among dental hygienist students, dental students, dental healthcare workers and administrative staff, respectively. The adjusted ORs for working categories were non-significant, but they were significant at 95% level for the years of exposure (OR, 1.09 for each year of practice at the hospital; 95CI, 1.01-1.19). Conclusion. High prevalence values could be due to cross immunization from non-tubercular mycobacteria, frequently found in dental unit waterlines, or boosting from repeated TST occasions. However, these data suggest that the risk for TST conversion is associated with the years of practice in dental hospitals

    Moderating Role of Competitive Environment between Knowledge Management, Human Capital and SMEs’ performance: Emerging Countries’ Perspective

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    The importance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and their economic contribution is acknowledged globally. Although SMEs in developed economies have become fairly competitive, their counterparts in the emerging economies have struggled in the rapidly evolving external environment. The objective of this study is to present a conceptual framework for SMEs in emerging economies targeted to raise their performance. Literature indicates that the low skill level of human resource and the lack of emphasis on knowledge management are the major factors behind the struggle of SMEs to establish themselves in emerging economies. Earlier studies have discovered a positive impact of knowledge management and human capital in raising SMEs’ performance. Literature also indicates that the influence of knowledge and human capital within SMEs’ performance varies due to the prevailing competitive conditions. Therefore, this study proposes a conceptual framework to leverage the performance of SMEs in emerging economies and examines how this relationship may vary when it interacts with the competitive environment
