64 research outputs found

    Modelling and Analysis of All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) using System Identification for Yaw Stability

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    This paper presents the modelling and analysis of path-following planning motion of an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) using system identification technique in term of yaw stability. The modelling is based on the single track and established by using Newtonian equation motion. Mathematical modelling is constructed in form of state space equation with the parameters used are measured through physical measurement of prototype ATV. Based on this model selection, the open loop system is simulated and the result will be validated by using system identification. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor is used to collect and measure the data for the path-following planning. The analysis results for yaw stability of prototype ATV are validated by system identification method with step response approach. Both of the simulated and measured data is compared and the data is estimated to get the best fit for yaw estimation by using complimentary filter technique. From the result, the best fit for yaw estimation is 91.96% and considered as stabilized at steering angle 450

    Modelling and analysis of all terrain vehicle (ATV) using system identification for yaw stability

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    This paper presents the modelling and analysis of path-following planning motion of an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) using system identification technique in term of yaw stability. The modelling is based on the single track and established by using Newtonian equation motion. Mathematical modelling is constructed in form of state space equation with the parameters used are measured through physical measurement of prototype ATV. Based on this model selection, the open loop system is simulated and the result will be validated by using system identification. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor is used to collect and measure the data for the path following planning. The analysis results for yaw stability of prototype ATV are validated by system identification method with step response approach. Both of the simulated and measured data is compared and the data is estimated to get the best fit for yaw estimation by using complimentary filter technique. From the result, the best fit for yaw estimation is 91.96% and considered as stabilized at steering angle of 45°

    Development of carp fish culture practice under different stocking densities in mid hills of Uttarakhand, India

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    The present study was undertaken in order to standardise the stocking density values of carps fishes for sustainable fisheries development in mid hills and enhancing the fish production. The paper deals with growth performance of 3 exotic fish species in low stocking density i.e. 3 fish/m3 over high stocking density of 5 fish/m3 and 10 fish/m3 in the control pond. The net production was 12.6% higher with stocking density of 3 fish/m3. Among the both tested density, the combination of 30: 40: 30 was superior (45.6%) in terms of growth and production in comparison to the other combinations and control. In present study, the highest production as 57.13kg/100m2 (5713 kg/ha.) was achieved in the stocking ratio of 30:40:30 with stocking density of 3 fish/m3. It is 4.7% higher of the combination of 40:30:30 and 4% higher than the combination of 30: 30: 40. It is 12.6% higher than the stocking density of 5 fish/m3 and 48.5% higher than the stocking density of 10 fish /m3. The growth pattern reflected the slow growth during the winter months, reflected the direct negative effect of water temperature on the growth. The production level of existing practice of the farmers may be enhanced up to 1.5 times with proper stocking density i.e. 3 fish/m3 and perfect species combination i.e. 30: 40: 30 for silver carp, grass carp and common carp respectively

    Modelling of patient-specific femur with osteogenesis imperfecta to determine the fracture risk under various loads

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a fragile bone disease characterized by easy fractures. The femur consists of cortical and cancellous bone, each with different mechanical properties. Bone fractures often occur throughout patients’ lifetime. However, doctors still have no quantitative method to predict fractures. Therefore, this project’s purpose is to investigate the OI femoral fracture risk to help prevent fractures. The project consists of three sections; cortical and cancellous segmentation, reconstruction of 3D OI femoral model and finite element analysis (FEA) of the OI femur to obtain fracture risk. The fracture risk in daily activities and the fracture load were examined. All the stress values were judged by the fracture criteria, assumed as 115 MPa. The exercises that exerted force more than 6 times of body weight can cause fractures. In addition, the optimal compressive force and tensile force were 919.7 N and 912.1 N, respectively, while medial and lateral impact were 230.8 N. Cancellous bone was not affected even a fracture happen. Based on these findings, we can conclude that when the OI femur is subjected to lateral or medial forces, the femur breaks easily. The bone can be reconstructed into a solid body without having to separate bone into cortical and cancellous

    Development And Psychometric Evaluation Of Flood Disaster Management Questionnaire- (Flooddmq-Bm): Exploratory Factor Analysis And Item Response Theory Analysis

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    Background: Flood catastrophe has a major impact on healthcare service in Malaysia. However, there is no validated tool to measure the knowledge, attitude and practice of flood disaster management among healthcare providers involved in the response phase of a flood disaster in Malaysia.We aim to develop and validate a questionnaire in Bahasa Malaysia (FloodDMQ-BM) to measure the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of flood disaster management among healthcare providers. Materials and Methods: The questionnaire was developed based on four domains: standard operating procedure, transportation, alert system and communication. Psychometric analyses were tested on healthcare providers involved in patient management during flood disaster in Kelantan. The hypothetical concept of the items in attitude and practice sections was assessed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and internal consistency reliability. The knowledge section were analysed using 2-parameter logistic model of Item Response Theory. Result: 36 items were generated for FloodDMQ-BM.For both the attitude and practice items, the EFA have good factor loading (>0.5) and satisfactory internal consistency of 0.925 and 0.935 respectively. The remaining items in the knowledge section have good marginal fit and adequate Root Mean Square Error of Approximation of 0.08. All the remaining items have good standardized loading (>0.3) and marginal reliability of 0.623. Conclusion: The results suggested that the FloodDMQ-BM has valid and reliable psychometric properties

    High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis for flavonoids profiling of Napier grass herbal tea

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    Natural plant products are becoming more and more essential in helping to promote safe well-being worldwide. This leads to a substantial rise in the consumption of various herbal teas. The presence of beneficial bioactive ingredients such as flavonoids may be correlated with Napier grass herbal tea having health benefits associated with their intake. Studies have shown that herbal teas have preferentially high antioxidant activity due to the presence of flavonoids in them. The purpose of this study was to identify the Napier grass herbal teas flavonoids prepared under different conditions. Napier grass herbal teas have been formulated using green tea and black tea processes, respectively. The tea samples were extracted in water (95°C, 30 mins) and 60% (v/v) aqueous methanol (30 mins), respectively. Approximately, 1% (v/v) aqueous acetic acid solution (solvent A) and acetonitrile (solvent B) were used as the mobile phase. The flow rate was adjusted to 0.7 mL/min, the column was thermostatically controlled at 28°C, and the injection column was kept at 20 μL. HPLC chromatograms were detected using a photodiode array UV detector at 272 nm. Gallic acid, P-coumaric acid, catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, quercetin, rutin, myricetin and kaempferol were found in both Napier grass water and methanolic extracts, respectively. The findings suggested that the HPLC techniques are ideal for the detection and identification of flavonoids in Napier grass teas

    Bilateral Torsion of Intra-abdominal Seminoma Presenting with Acute Abdomen and Intra-peritoneal Bleeding: A Case Report

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    Seminoma is the most frequently reported tumor in patients with intra-abdominal testicles. In very rare cases, it might present with torsion or rupture. We report a 41-year-old man who presented with acute abdominal pain due to torsion of large bilateral intra-abdominal testicular tumors with rupture of the right-sided mass. Bilateral orchiectomy was performed and histopathological examination revealed bilateral seminoma. Postoperative staging imaging displayed no lymphadenopathy or metastatic lesions. No adjuvant treatment was required and the patient is clinically well and under regular follow-up. This case represents an extremely rare presentation of bilateral testicular cancer with a pleasant outcome

    Microwave Reflection Based Dielectric Spectroscopy for Moisture Content in Melele Mango Fruit (Mangifera Indica L.)

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    The Melele mango is one of the special local fruit Malaysia and it has high commercial value. However, the current methods are not efficient in determining optimum period to harvest. The optimum harvest time has close relationship with moisture content in fruit. The reflection based dielectric spectroscopic technique is conducted to measure moisture in Melele mango fruits. Dielectric and reflection measurements were conducted over a frequency range from 200 MHz to 8 GHz on clone Melele mango. Dielectric constant, loss factor and complex reflection coefficient of Melele mango with different moisture content were measured using an Agilent E8362B PNA Network Analyzer in conjunction with an Agilent 85070E High Temperature Probe over a frequency range from 200 MHz to 8 GHz. The measured reflection coefficient is presented in magnitude and phase. Dielectric constant and loss factor decreases when the moisture content in mango fruit decreases. The magnitude of the reflection coefficient descends due to increment of the dielectric constant. The results show that the measured dielectric properties and complex reflection coefficient provides the ability to predict fruit moisture content

    Genetic Structure and Population Demographic History of a Widespread Mangrove Plant Xylocarpus granatum J. Koenig across the Indo-West Pacific Region

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    Xylocarpus granatum J. Koenig is one of the most widespread core component species of mangrove forests in the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) region, and as such is suitable for examining how genetic structure is generated across spatiotemporal scales. We evaluated the genetic structure of this species using maternally inherited chloroplast (cp) and bi-parentally inherited nuclear DNA markers, with samples collected across the species range. Both cp and nuclear DNA showed generally similar patterns, revealing three genetic groups in the Indian Ocean, South China Sea (with Palau), and Oceania, respectively. The genetic diversity of the Oceania group was significantly lower, and the level of population differentiation within the Oceania group was significantly higher, than in the South China Sea group. These results revealed that in addition to the Malay Peninsula—a common land barrier for mangroves—there is a genetic barrier in an oceanic region of the West Pacific that prevents gene flow among populations. Moreover, demographic inference suggested that these patterns were generated in relation to sea level changes during the last glacial period and the emergence of Sahul Shelf which lied northwest of Australia. We propose that the three genetic groups should be considered independent conservation units, and that the Oceania group has a higher conservation priority

    Evaluation of the Effect of Step Size on Delta Modulation for Photoplethysmogram Compression

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    AbstractIn this paper, delta modulation (DM) is employed as a compression technique for a high-resolution photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal. To accommodate both clean PPG and signals affected by motion artifacts, the effect of step size is evaluated on the performance of DM in order to optimize this technique before it can be deployed in a wireless data acquisition system. To this end, the PPG was recorded using 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) at a 1000Hz sampling rate. In order to take into consideration the effect of the DC and AC of the PPG during the performance evaluation, both the PRMSAC+DC (with DC component) and PRMSAC (without DC component) were estimated. As expected, results show that the PRMSAC+DC was lowerthan PRMSAC at all step sizes. Simulation results show that for clean PPG free of motion artifact the optimum step size required to decompress the PPG is V/(2-15-1) with a PRMSAC = 4.7%; PRMSAC+DC = 0.1%, where V is the dynamic range of the ADC. For PPG affected by motion artifact, the optimum step size required to decompress the PPG is V/(2-14-1) with a PRMSAC = 4.9% and PRMSAC+DC = 0.12%. The closeness of these values to the finest possible step size V/(2-16-1) can be explained by the relatively high sampling rate compared to the Nyquist frequency of the PPG