235 research outputs found

    Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes Toward the Implementation of the Politeness Principle in Classroom Interaction

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    Politeness is considered to promote effective interaction between people. In the process of language teaching and learning, it is believed to enhance learning by providing a lively and friendly atmosphere in the classroom (Jiang, 2010). During classroom periods, including class policy, activities, and techniques, a teacher’s language plays a critical role; it also plays an important role while giving academic instructions, motivating the class, and during the evaluation of a student’s performance and participation. This paper approaches classroom interaction from a pragmatic perspective by adopting Leech’s politeness principle and maxims. It aims to answer the following 2 questions: first, “what are the teachers’ attitudes toward the implementation of the politeness principle during classroom interactions?” and second, “what are the students’ attitudes toward the implementation of the politeness principle during classroom interactions?” To achieve the aims of this study by finding answers to the questions, the researcher prepared 2 sets of questionnaires: 1 for the teachers in the English Department and 1 for the fourth year students in the same department at the College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Erbil, Iraq, for the academic year of 2018 to 2019. By analyzing the data collected, it was found that both the teachers and students have positive attitudes toward the politeness maxims and the implementation thereof during classroom interactions; furthermore, there was agreement between the teachers’ and students’ responses to the questionnaires for most of the politeness maxims except in 3 cases, which were for the maxims of sympathy, obligation (S to O), and feeling reticence

    Molecular Localization of Epstein Barr Virus and Rb Tumor Suppressor Gene Expression in Tissues from Prostatic Adenocarcinoma and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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    Background Epstein- Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous in that infecting more than 90% of adult population worldwide. Recently, EBV has been linked to the development of variety of human malignancies including prostate tissues that range from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) to prostatic adenocarcinoma (PAC). Somatic point mutations in Rb gene have been detected in prostate cancer and are involved in progression steps of prostate carcinogenesis. Objective: To analyze the distribution and impact of concordant Rb expression and latent EBV infection on a group of prostate adenocarcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Patients and methods: Seventy- two (72) formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded  prostatic tissues were obtained in this study; (40) biopsies from prostatic carcinoma and  (20) from benign prostate hyperplasia as well as (12) apparently normal prostatic  autopsies control group. Detection of EBV-EBERs was done by ultra sensitive version of in situ hybridization method where as immunohistochemistry detection system was used to demonstrate the expression of Rb gene. Results: Detection of EBV-EBERs -ISH reactions in tissues with PAC was observed in 19 out of 40 (47.5%), while in the tissues from BPH was detected in 10% (2 out of 20). No EBV-EBERs positive – ISH reaction was detected in healthy prostate tissues in the control group.   The differences between the percentages of EBERs detection in tissues PAC and each of BPH & control groups were statistically highly significant (P value = < 0.0001). Positive Rb immunohistochemical (IHC) reactions were observed in 19 PAC cases (47.5%) and in 2 BPH cases (10%). Conclusions: Our results indicate that the EBV might contribute to the development of subset of prostate tumors. In addition, the significant percentage of expression of possible Rb gene as well as EBV in prostate adenocarcinoma could indicate for an important role of these molecular and viral factors in prostatic carcinogenesis. Key word: EBV; prostate adenocarcinoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia, in situ hybridization

    Quality of Life and its Determinants in People with Epilepsy in Basrah, Iraq

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the quality of life (QOL) in people with epilepsy and to evaluate various factors affecting their QOL. Methods: A total of 116 patients with epilepsy and a control group of 116 apparently healthy persons were included in this case-control study which was conducted at the neurology outpatient clinic of Basrah General Hospital, Iraq. An interview was performed with the use of a special questionnaire, which included data pertaining to socio-demographic characteristics, and clinical characteristics (for patients with epilepsy only). The QOL was assessed with the use of a Short Form (SF-36) health survey. Results: Epileptic patients showed lower overall QOL scores as compared to controls. In the univariate analysis, patients who were older, from rural areas, and with low education and income levels had low er overall QOL scores. Frequent seizures as well as increased duration of epilepsy were also significant factors associated with reduction in QOL scores. In the multivariate regression analysis, age, educational level, income and frequency of seizures were significant determinants of QOL. Conclusion: Certain socio-demographic factors as well as clinical factors were crucial in determining QOL in epilepsy patients. Recognition of these factors will lead health professionals to develop different strategies to improve the QOL of those patients

    Molecular Targeting of John Cunningham Virus ‎‎(JCV) Among Colorectal Tumors Patients in ‎Central Iraq

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    صممت هذه الدراسة كبحث ذو أثر رجعي  (Retrospective study) اذ اشتملت على ثمانية و ستون (68 ) خزعة نسجية من منطقة القولون ( (colorectal  المحفوظة بالفورمالين والمطمورة بشمع البارافين . اذ تضمنت اثنان و اربعون (42) عينة اخذت من مرضى مصابين بسرطان القولون وستة عشرة (16) عينة اخذت من مرضى مصابين بورم القولون الحميد. كما ادخلت عشرة (10) قطع نسيجية من عينات القولون غير المصابة ظاهريا كمجموعة سيطرة لهذه الدراسة . كان عمر الاشخاص في مجموعتي المرضى والسيطرة يتراوح بين 7 - 85 سنة.       جمعت هذه النماذج من أرشيفات الأنسجة المرضية لمختبرات مستشفى الحلة التعليمي/بابل , مستشفى الصدر التعليمي/ النجف الاشرف ,مستشفى الحسين التعليمي/كربلاء المقدسة و مستشفى الديوانية التعليمي/الديوانية , بالإضافة الى العديد من مختبرات الأنسجة المرضية الخاصة الموجودة في بابل, النجف, كربلاء, و أرشيف معهد الطب العدلي في بابل . تم جمع هذه العينات للفترة من آب 2010 الى شباط 2014 . وتمت مطابقة العمر والجنس لكل عينة من هذه العينات.       شكلت مجموعةِ العينات المحفوظة لسرطان القولون والتي أظهرت نتائج موجبة لفايروس الجون كنينكهام (JCV) نسبة18)  % 42.8 من اصل 42 عينة( من مجموع هذه العينات, ووجدت بنسبة 1) % 6.25 من اصل 16 عينة( في مجموعة اورام القولون الحميدة .لا توجد حالات موجبه لفايروس الجون كنينكهام (JCV) في مجموعة انسجة قولون الاصحاء الضابطة. تم تحديد اعلى نسبة للإصابة بفايروس الجون كنينكهام (JCV)-في مجموعة العينات السرطانية اعتمادا على مراحل تمايز الخلايا في مرحلة الخلايا غير المتمايزة حيث بلغت  11 )61.1 % من اصل 18 عينه),يليها 33.3%(6 من اصل 18 عينه) في مرحلة متوسطة التمايز ,واخيرا 6.55%(1 من اصل 18 عينه)  في عينات السرطان للخلايا عالية التمايزIn order to prove the implication of John Cunningham virus in colorectal cancer of Iraqi patients. Sixty eight (68) formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded colorectal tissues were obtained in this study ;42 biopsies from colorectal carcinoma (CRC) and (16) from benign colorectal tumors as well as (10) apparently normal colorectal autopsies control group. The age of these individuals (patients and control groups) were ranged between 7 and 85 years. The patients samples were collected from the archives of histopathology laboratories of AL-Shaheed Gazi Al-Hariery Hospital for Specialized Surgery /Baghdad Teaching Hospital in Baghdad Medical City ;Al-Hilla ;AL-Saddar(Al-Najef); Al-Hussein (Kerblla) as well as many private histopathology laboratories that generously helped as and are kindly thanked in the present dedication. This study found the percent of JCVs -ISH in tissues with CRC observed in42.8% ( 18 out of 42 cases), and in the benign was detected in 6.25%  (1 out of 16 cases) while, in the healthy control group was detected in10% (1 out of 10 cases). The highest rates of JCV detected in relation with tumor grade depending on the differentiated of cells were 61.1 % (11 out of 18 cases) in grade I(well differentiated carcinoma), followed by 33.3% (6 out of 18cases) in grade II(moderately differentiated carcinoma), and 6.55% (1 out of 42 cases) in grade III (poorly differentiated carcinoma). Conclusion of This Study Significant association of John Cunningham virus infection with colorectal cancers indicate for an important possible role for this viral agent in the development of this subset of colorectal tumor


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    Because of the great development that took place in information transfer and communication technologies, the issue of information transfer security has become a very sensitive and resonant issue, great importance must be given to protecting this confidential information. Steganography is one of the important and effective ways to protect the security of this information while it is being transmitted through the Internet, steganography is a technology to hide information inside an unnoticeable envelope object that can be an image, video, text or sound. The Arabic language has some special features that make it excellent covers to hide information from Through the diversity of the Arabic letters from dotted letters in several forms or vowels or special letters, the Holy Qur’an is considered a cover rich in movements and Arabic grammar, which makes it a wide cover for the purpose of concealing information. The Holy Qur’an is a sacred book where it is not permissible to modify, add or move any of the letters or any diacritical mark to it. The algorithm hides the two bits by uses six special letters of Arabic language. Moreover, it checks for the presence of specific Arabic linguistic features referred Arabic diacritics. The proposed system achieved a high ability to hide as in Surat Al-Baqarah (4524 bits) and also (2576 bits) in Surat Al-Imran and in Surat Al-An’am (2318 bits)

    Milk Replacer Studies with Dairy Calves

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    Dairy Productio

    Factors affecting appetite in dairy calves

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    Top soil layer equi-electrical conductivity and pollution with salts mapping for a region located within Baghdad city

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    This research deals with the study of top soil electrical conductive regions located within Baghdad City. The research included measuring the dissolved soil material extraction Electrical Conductivity (EC) with an aqueous solution for the top (0-30 cm) soil layer of the study area. As the electrical conductivity values increase by increasing the amount of dissolved salts in principle, we can consider that the aim of this research is to predict the amount and distribution of (soil contamination with salts) which is represented by the (Salt Index), this factor calculated for each soil representative sample taken from the region with a depth of (30 cm). Laboratory (EC) test values measured by the use of solutions (EC) digital meter for the extract of the dissolved soils with a distilled de-ionized water using the ratio of (2:1) .The distributed (EC) values for the field representative soil samples used lately to plot a contour equi-electrical conductivity map and EC soil fluctuation profiles, in which reflected the top soil layer salinity distribution according to Tigris river position in the study area , also it reflects the increase and decrease of this layer salinity in a relation to the river position. This study concluded that the highest soil salinity concentrations located at the southern east part of the study area, while the lowest concentrations are located on the intersection areas with Tigris river stream, other areas in which are few kilometers far from the river stream showed moderate salinity concentrations. These results could be helpful for Environmental and agricultural benefits, through identifying the salty soil pollution region and look for ways of treatment

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Self Compacting Reinforced Concrete Dapped End Beams Strengthened with CFRP Sheets

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    الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو التحري عمليا عن سلوك الاعتاب الخرسانية الذاتية الرص ذات النهايات المستدقة المقواة بشرائح الياف الكاربون البوليمرية، ثم نظريا بواسطة برنامج ANSYS. يتكون البرنامج من اختبار 14 عينة ذات أبعاد (200 × 400 × 1500 ملم) مع قيمتين من (a/d) وهي (1.5 و1.0). وكانت اثنتين من الاعتاب مرجعية (بتسليح كامل) كما تم تقوية الاعتاب الأخرى في مناطق ((hanger & nib بعدة تشكيلات بشرائح الكاربون البوليمرية لنفس القيم من (a/d)، وشملت المقارنة بين النتائج منحنيات التحمل والهطول. وقد وجد أن طريقة STM متحفظة جدا بطريقة ما، وان تقليل حديد nib بنحو (60٪)، قلل من حمل الفشل بحوالي (35٪ و15٪) للقيمتين (a /d). فيما يتعلق بالعينات المقواة، لوحظ أن التقوية بشرائح الياف الكاربون البوليمرية المائلة بزاوية (450) أسفرت عن نتائج أفضل بالمقارنة مع االتشكيلات الأخرى. كان التحسن في سعة التحميل حوالي (23٪) لـ (a/d=1.5 , 1.0). كذلك وجد أن التحليل اللاخطي المعتمد في هذا العمل مقارنة مع فحوصات العملي أسفر عن توافق جيد مع فرق يبلغ حوالي (12٪).This study aims to investigate experimentally the behavior of self-compacting reinforced concrete dapped end beams strengthened with CFRP sheets and, then theoretically by ANSYS 15.0 software. The experimental program consists of testing 14-specimens each of dimensions (200x400x1500 mm) with two values of Shear span to depth effective (a/d), namely (1.5 and 1.0). Two of the beams are a control beams (with full reinforcement), and four beams with reduced reinforcement in hanger and nib regions. The other beams have been strengthened with several configurations by CFRP sheets for the same values of (a/d), the comparison between results included load-deflection curves and cracked specimens. It was found that the strut and tie model (STM) is very conservative somehow, reduction the nib reinforcements by about (60%), in reduction in failure load by about (35% and 15%) for the two values of (a/d). With respect to the strengthened specimens, it observed that the strengthening with inclined CFRP strips (450) yielded better results in comparison with other configurations. The improvement in load capacity was about (23%) for (a/d=1.5 and 1.0). Also, it is found that the nonlinear model adopted in the present work compered the experimental tests yielded a good agreement with difference of about (12%)