1,134 research outputs found

    In Vitro Re Generation and Marker Assisted Evaluation of Genetic Fidelity In Endangered Tree Species Moringa Peregrina (Forsk) Fiori

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    Moringa peregrina is a native plant in the United Arab Emirates; it is called “Shua”.It is an endangered species with important nutritive and medicinal properties. It shows high adaptability to the arid condition with short germination time after irrigation. Unmanaged grazing and slow regeneration rate after browsing leads to the endangerment of the species causing erosion in biodiversity. One way to protect these rare species is by multiplying the planting material through tissue culture system and re-introducing at the habitat. Micro propagation is an in vitro method used for plant clonal multiplication under controlled condition. This technique allows conserving the genetic characteristics of the plants, which are usually affected by environmental restrictions. In the present study different parts of M. Peregrine, explants will be used for standardizing the mass propagation. Direct organogenesis of nodal explants collected from the in vitro germinated Seedlings were inoculated in MS media supplemented with different hormone treatment (TDZ, BA and NAA) with several concentrations. Thidiazuron treatment in the media observed to be better than BA and NAA combinations. It has been observed that media supplemented with TDZ 1 µM induced an average of 2.4 axillary shoots per explant. For callusing the results show that MS media supplemented with 2, 4-D 2 μM/l and TDZ 0.5 μM/l found to have the highest callusing percentage and size. The rooting of in vitro developed plantlets obtained from nodal ex plants were induced through media supplemented with BA in combination with NAA and IBA. The number of roots was high in BA and NAA medium compare to BA and IBA. The genetic fidelity of the clones produced from the in vitro protocol was assessed using molecular markers. The similarity index between the progenies and parent was above 94.9%.This shows that in vitro developed plantlets are identical with its mother plant. This will facilitate standardizing future conservation programs to limit the erosion of the genetic biodiversity in Moringa peregrina and similar species

    Formulating layered adjustable autonomy for unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Purpose - In this paper, we propose a Layered Adjustable Autonomy (LAA) as a dynamically adjustable autonomy model for a multi-agent system. It is mainly used to efficiently manage humans and agents share control of autonomous systems and maintain humans’ global control over the agents. Design/Methodology/Approach - We apply the LAA model in an agent-based autonomous Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) system. The UAV system implementation consists of two parts, software, and hardware. The software part represents the controller and the cognitive and the hardware represents the computing machinery and the actuator of the UAV system. The UAV system performs three experimental scenarios of dance, surveillance and search missions. The selected scenarios demonstrate different behaviors in order to create a suitable test plan and ensure significant results. Findings - The results of the UAV system tests prove that segregating the autonomy of a system as multidimensional and adjustable layers enables humans and/or agents to perform actions in a convenient autonomy levels. Hence, reducing the adjustable autonomy drawbacks of constraining the autonomy of the agents, increasing humans’ workload and exposing the system to disturbances. Originality/value - The application of the LAA model in a UAV manifests the significance of implementing dynamic adjustable autonomy. Assessing the autonomy within three phases of agents run cycle (task-selection, actions-selection, actions-execution) is an original idea that aims to direct agents’ autonomy towards performance competency. The agents’ abilities are well exploited when an incompetent agent switches with a more competent on

    Treatment of domestic wastewater by anaerobic denitrification: Influence of the type of support media on the production of extracellular polymer substances

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    Eighteen Erlenmeyer flask containing six different support media [pozzolan, polyvinyl chloride1 (PVC1), polyvinyl chloride2 (PVC2), foam, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polystyrene (PS)] were subject to identical volumetric organic loadings and hydraulic retention time in treating synthetic protein ± carbohydrate waste. The objective was to examine the influence of support media on performance of anaerobic denitrification and retention and their resulting impact on system performance and failure. According to the results relative to every control support media, it was noticed that the best support media were the ones in PVC1 and PVC2, with successive reduction rates of 68.33 and 61.93% for chemical oxygen demand (COD), and 55 and 49% for nitrate. On the other hand, in two submerged anaerobic biofilter reactor packed with the support media of PVC1 and PVC2, the reactor with PVC1 media exhibited 89.93% COD and 78.75% nitrate removal efficiency attributable to its higher production of EPSp and EPSc.Key words: Wastewater, anaerobic biofilm, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), extraction, support media

    Government Expenditure and Performance of Public Secondary Schools in Zanzibar

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    The Vector Autoregressive and Vector Error Correction Modelling were used to examine the impact of government expenditure on the performance of public ordinary (Form II and Form IV) and advanced (Form VI) secondary level respectively from the year 1990 to 2019. The results show that increase one value in government expenditure for education (GE) lead to increase the education performance (EDP) of Form II and Form IV by 2.46 and 5.11 values respectively. A satisfactory evidence to the Form VI model shows GE have positive effect with EDP in long and short run. A one value increase in GE promotes the EDP by 4.21 and 3.16 in long and short run correspondingly. The pupil teacher ratio is negative significant with EDP of Form II and Form IV while positive in Form VI. On other hand, the pupil classroom ratio shown to have negative significant effect with EDP in Form IV while it is insignificant for Form II and Form VI. Thus, the study concluded that the more government spending in education sector could promotes the performance of education in all secondary levels. Based on the findings, the study suggests that the allocation of fund should be focused on investing in education materials like books and computers; and employing more teachers in all secondary levels as it was seen to be more efficient in education performance

    Calibration and validation of the HydroColor and Citclops smartphone applications for water quality monitoring

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    Water quality monitoring, essential for safeguarding ecosystems and human health, has gained increasing significance as societies worldwide prioritize environmental awareness and sustainable practices. Therefore, this study evaluates the performance of two smartphone applications (APPs), HydroColor and Citclops (now EyeOnWater), in estimating water quality parameters such as turbidity, the concentration of suspended particulate matter ([SPM]), and colour. By comparing laboratory and hyperspectral sensors measurements with water quality parameters estimated from smartphone images, the study assessed the accuracy and efficiency of the transfer functions employed by these APPs. The study findings revealed varying degrees of accuracy, with HydroColor R2 values of 0.36 and 0.83 for turbidity and [SPM], respectively, while Citclops achieved an R2 value of 0.7 for colour estimation. The study identified limitations in both APPs, particularly in their applicability to different water systems. These insights underscore the importance of proper calibration and validation procedures for smartphone-based water quality monitoring APPs. Also, the findings underscore the growing significance of smartphone APPs in enabling accessible and real-time monitoring of water quality, highlighting their potential to revolutionize the democratization of environmental monitoring practices through citizen science. Ultimately, this research contributes to the advancement of smartphone-based monitoring initiatives to inform decision-making processes in environmental management, and enhancing our understanding of water quality dynamics in diverse environments.</p

    Regulation of p53 by Fam83F “family with sequence similarity 83F”

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    p53 ist eines der wichtigsten Tumorsuppressor-Proteine. Die häufigsten biologischen Konsequenzen der p53-Aktivierung sind Zellzyklus-Arrest, Induktion von Apoptose und zelluläre Seneszenz. In der Zelle wird p53 hauptsächlich durch das Mdm2 Protein, eine Ubiquitin Ligase die p53 dem Abbau in zellulären Proteasomen zuführt, kontrolliert. Obwohl p53 in etwa der Hälfte der menschlichen Tumore durch Mutation inaktiviert ist, ist es wegen seiner hohen anti-proliferativen Aktivität für die übrigen Fälle als mögliches Therapeutikum interessant. Um p53 für eine therapeutische Anwendung benutzen zu können, ist es notwendig zu wissen, wie p53 reguliert wird. In unserem Labor wurde Fam83F als neuer Regulator von p53 identifiziert. Für meine Doktorarbeit untersuchte ich den molekularen Mechanismus, mit dem Fam83F p53 reguliert. Ich konnte zeigen, dass Fam83F p53 in einer proteasom-abhängigen Weise durch Verringerung der p53-Ubiquitinierung stabilisiert. Fam83F interagiert mit dem C- Terminus von p53, der die Haupt-Ubiquitinierungsstellen enthält. Die durch Fam83F verursachte Zunahme der p53 Menge spiegelte sich auch in einer Zunahme der p53-Aktivität wider. Als Reaktion auf DNA-Schäden wurde Fam83F induziert, was bereits darauf hindeutete, dass Fam83F zur Aktivierung von p53 nach DNA- Schäden beitragen könnte. Entsprechend war die Expression von p21 nach einer Schädigung der DNA in Zellen verringert, die mit Lentiviren infiziert worden waren welch für eine gegen Fam83F gerichtete shRNA kodierten. Die gleichen Lentiviren erhöhten auch die Zellproliferation. Fam83F ko-präzipitierte zwar auch mit mutiertem p53, führte aber nicht zu einer Mengenzunahme von mutiertem p53 Protein

    Preoperative unrestricted clear fluid and association with postoperative nausea and vomiting: Review article

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    Background: One of the most distressing side effects of general anaesthesia is postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Recovery room and hospital stay and overall health care costs can be increased by PONV. Reduced frequency of PONV is still significant even after the introduction of shorter surgical procedures, shorter acting anesthesias and newer anti-emetic medicines; many anti-emetic treatments are expensive and do not totally eliminate PONV with some adverse effects; yet. As a precaution against regurgitation and aspiration of stomach contents, pre-operative fasting reduces stomach volume and acidity. The current standards in Europe, on the other hand, advocate the consumption of oral clear fluids up to two hours prior to the onset of general anaesthetic induction. In order to limit the danger of regurgitation and aspiration, patients are advised to fast prior to general anaesthesia.Objective: Review of free oral consumption of clear fluids before the anaesthesia and their effects on nausea and vomiting beyond surgery.Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 4 data bases [PubMed – Medline - Google scholar- science direct] and Boolean operators (and, or, not) had been used such as [Preoperative Clear Fluid, Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting] and in peer-reviewed articles between 2001 and 2021.Conclusion: The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting was lowered when patients drank freely clear fluids prior to the scheduled induction of day case anaesthesia

    Utilization of waste as a constituent ingredient for enhancing thermal performance of bricks – a review paper

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    In view of the environmental regulations, practitioners have been inclined to use bricks with higher insulation capability, however with minimal attention to sustainable material composition, let alone waste material. From a research perspective, in the wake of the growing concerns for the environment, the use of waste material to develop bricks which can exhibit suitable characteristics attributed to the material composition has been on the rise. However, the extant literature on utilization of waste materials for brick mix design has neglected to provide detailed literature review on the influence of waste materials on the thermal performance of bricks. Methods: This paper provides detailed review of research conducted on thermal properties of bricks produced from various types of waste. Influence of the method of manufacturing and type of waste on thermal performance of bricks is discussed. A sustainability selection criteria format is provided to assist optimal decision making in considering alternative sustainable waste material. Findings: A sustainability selection criteria format is provided to assist optimal decision making in considering alternative sustainable waste material. Applications: The outcome of this paper can serve as a common reference for practitioners and researchers attempting to seek out solutions for further improving overall quality of thermally insulated waste-incorporated bricks, paving the way for more focused research on waste utilization in the development of more sustainable wall material based on the current brick production process

    Assessment of performance wastewater treatment by infiltration-percolation: a case study

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    The recycling of wastewater is felt like a need, on the one hand to protect the receiving mediums and on the other hand, to be re-used for various uses (refill of the groundwater, irrigation….). To allow the development of the treatment of wastewater, the infiltration percolation can in this context, to represent an interesting alternative. This technique of purification combined with the Anaerobic Engine with Submerged Bacterial Bed (RALBI) developed at the point by laboratory BIOMARE of the Faculty of Science of El Jadida has for increasing the performances of treatment of the known as engine. The results of the complementary treatment by the infiltration-percolation made it possible to remove the effluent from engine RALBI from its suspended matter and to decrease its organic, nitrogen, and phosphor load and of its microbial flora. The averages of results of specific analyses are all in lower part of the thresholds of reference. Keywords: wastewater, treatment, infiltration-percolation, RALBI, bioreactor, El Jadida, Morocc

    Enhanced bone tendon healing using anatomic single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with remnant augmentation

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    Background: When dealing with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears, anatomic single-bundle reconstruction with remnant-preserving method offers numerous advantages, including enhanced revascularization and graft ligamentization, prevention of synovial fluid bath to the tunnels, and enhanced bone tendon healing.Objective: assess the efficacy and outcome of anatomic single-bundle reconstruction with remnant-augmenting technique in patients with an ACL tear.Patients and Methods: At the Orthopedic Departments of Zagazig University hospital, 18 patients with complete ACL damage were studied in prospective cohort research. The study was carried out from 2-11/2021. All patients received an anatomic single-bundle reconstruction using a remnant-preserving approach, and all patients were periodically monitored clinically and radiographically for a week, then every 2, 4, 6, and 12 weeks after the index procedure. Results: 33.3% of studied patients were complicated; superficial Infection was in 27.8%, Failure was just in one case and stiffness 2 cases only there were no other complications. VAS was significantly higher among complicated cases at the post but Lysholm knee score was significantly lower at pre and post and regard IKDS was significantly lower at post only. Conclusion: Patients with ACL tears benefit more from anatomic single-bundle restoration using the remnant-augmenting method, which improves proprioceptive functions, stability, and healing of the graft