30 research outputs found

    A Model Driven Approach based on Interaction Flow Modeling Language to Generate Rich Internet Applications

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    A Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) combine the simplicity of the hypertext paradigm with the flexibility of desktop interfaces. These appliations were proposed as a solution to follow the rapid growth and evolution of the Graphical User Interfaces. However, RIAs are complex applications and their development requires designing and implementation which are time-consuming and the available tools are specialized in manual design. In this paper, we present a model driven approach to generat GUI for Rich Internet Application. The approach exploits the new language IFML recently adopted by the Object Management Group. We used frameworks and technologies known to Model-Driven Engineering, such as Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) for Meta-modeling, Query View Transformation (QVT) for model transformations and Acceleo for code generation. The approach allows to quickly and efficiently generating a RIA focusing on the graphical aspect of the application

    Establishing the Phenolic Composition of Olea europaea L. Leaves from Cultivars Grown in Morocco as a Crucial Step Towards Their Subsequent Exploitation

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    In Morocco, the recovery of olive agro-industrial by-products as potential sources of high-added value substances has been underestimated so far. A comprehensive quantitative characterization of olive leaves’ bioactive compounds is crucial for any attempt to change this situation and to implement the valorization concept in emerging countries. Thus, the phenolic fraction of olive leaves of 11 varieties (‘Arbequina’, ‘Hojiblanca’, ‘Frantoio’, ‘Koroneiki’, ‘Lechín’, ‘Lucque’, ‘Manzanilla’, ‘Picholine de Languedoc’, ‘Picholine Marocaine’, ‘Picual’ and ‘Verdal’), cultivated in the Moroccan Meknùs region, was investigated. Thirty eight phenolic or related compounds (including 16 secoiridoids, nine flavonoids in their aglycone form, seven flavonoids in glycosylated form, four simple phenols, one phenolic acid and one lignan) were determined in a total of 55 samples by using ultrasonic-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-IT MS). Very remarkable quantitative differences were observed among the profiles of the studied cultivars. ‘Picholine Marocaine’ variety exhibited the highest total phenolic content (around 44 g/kg dry weight (DW)), and logically showed the highest concentration in terms of various individual compounds. In addition, chemometrics (principal components analysis (PCA) and stepwise-linear discriminant analysis (s-LDA)) were applied to the quantitative phenolic compound data, allowing good discrimination of the selected samples according to their varietal origin.This research was funded by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte) with a FPU fellowship (FPU13/06438), the Vice-Rector’s Office for International Relations and Development Cooperation of the University of Granada, and the contract 30C0366700 (OTRI, University of Granada, Spain

    Déclaration d'Errachidia et lignes directrices pour le développement durable des écosystèmes oasiens.

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    Synthese und Charakterisierung von neuartigen metallreichen Boriden mit Borfragmenten

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    The present dissertation deals with the synthesis and characterization of new metal-rich borides of the Ce7Ni5±xGe3±xIn6-, Nb2OsB2- and NbRuB-type.The samples are synthesized by a solid state reaction route from elements using an electric arc furnace. The structural characterization of the compounds was carried out by using X-ray diffraction methods on powder samples and single crystals. The chemical composition of single-crystals was verified by EDX analyses. Moreover, the magnetic properties of suitable samples were investigated by SQUID magnetometry.The crystal structure of compounds with the nominal composition NbFe1−xIr6+xB8 is successfully solved from single crystal X-ray data. The most prominent feature in this structure are one-dimensional chains along the c-axis formed by the magnetically active element iron on a site of mixed occupation with Iridium (Fe: Ir = 0.77 (2) 0.23 (2)). Thermomagnetic investigations reveal, that ferromagnetic ordering is observed below the Curie temperature (TC) of 350 K. Theoretical investigations suggest that the iron-chains are mainly responsible for the ferromagnetic ordering. In addition, the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) is calculated using isothermal magnetization measurements at several temperatures. The maximal magnetic entropy change ∆S = 0.032 J kg−1 K−1 is observed in the vicinity of TC.For the phases Nb6Mn0,75(2)Ir6,25(2)B8 and Nb6Co1,09(2)Ir5,91(2)B8 a relationship between the measured ferrimagnetic ordering and the crystal structure is found. Tiny superstructure reflections measured by Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SEAD) indicate a different crystal system for those compounds, which allows a ferrimagnetic spin arrangement within this crystal structure.In the second part of the thesis new results about the Nb2OsB2- and NbRuB-type borides are presented, which both contain B2-dumbbells in their structures.With Ta2OsB2 and M2RuB2 (M = Nb, Ta) three ternary representatives of the new Nb2OsB2-type structure are synthesized, which is a twofold superstructure of the U3Si2-type structure. DFT calculations confirm that the formation of Os-Os- and Ru-Ru-dumbbells in Ta2OsB2 and in M2RuB2 (M = Nb, Ta) is a result of a Peierls distortion and therefore the origin of the superstructure formation.Attempts to synthesize M2RuB2 lead to the discovery of the ternary phases MRuB (M = Nb, Ta). They crystallize isotypically with a new orthorhombic structure (Pmma). Single crystal X-ray investigation suggest that these compounds may be described as being built up by two types of boron-centered trigonal prisms, which are found in two different layers; on the one hand the typical uncapped boron-centered trigonal prism (Re3B-type) and on the other hand the B2-centered face-sharing double trigonal prisms (AlB2-type). Eventually, theoretical calculations of the electronic structure and a bonding analysis were also performed

    Applying CIM-to-PIM Model Transformation for Development of Emotional Intelligence Tests Platform

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    Model driven approach has been introduced to deal with challenges of business and technology. This approach provides tools and elements that permit defining high abstraction level models and metamodels with their transformation to automate code generation. Besides, emotional tests have been introduced to help managing behaviors and relationships between individuals through Emotional Quotient (EQ). In this paper, we propose a model driven approach to generate an emotional intelligence test platform by proposing new CIM metamodel and transformations to generate the PIM as a Class Diagram. We present also a case study that shows how our proposed approach helps generating a class diagram automatically starting from a single input model. This generated model can be easily used to generate the application code

    Symposium zur Eröffnung

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    Die AWMF will ihre Mitgliedsgesellschaften darin bestĂ€rken, im Interesse des Patienten und mit der Kompetenz der Wissenschaftlichen Medizin Gesundheitsversorgung in Deutschland zu gestalten. Dazu muss das Leitliniensystem der AWMF optimiert und entsprechend den Anforderungen einer modernen Informationsgesellschaft weiterentwickelt werden. Zur Förderung und Weiterentwicklung der LeitlinienaktivitĂ€ten hat das PrĂ€sidium der AWMF am 24. 03. 2009 die Einrichtung des AWMF-Institut fĂŒr Medizinisches Wissensmanagement beschlossen